HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-07-18, Page 23Luclmow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 18; 1984---PagO 19 • • lberta from page 11-,\ ie McCreath Funeral Home and. Mrs. tacey Bell who lives on Jessie Stieetjust ast of St, Paul's Anglican Church 041 -their -ster-in-law• and husband; Mr.- and Mrs. • ornett from Alix, Alberta c411. on Monday ast week and stay until the neXVInOrning,,. uly19. " , . Mr: and Mrs. Harnett were on4hefrmay to Newfoundland travelling with their s;Wiii7 • ebago Mobile Home. Alix is about halt Way • tween Edmonton in thenortii and Calgary n the south and a short Way ast of the main orth south road between these two e above three ladies are aliSiSters4ri.law. With Mrs. Carol Johnson of Highway 9 on. acation last week and this week:talcirigher lace as nurse at the Ripley Medical linic n Tain Street is.,1VIrS. Marilyn Johnston Ripley Street in Ripley. Ws; FrancesFlliott ofRipley is spending a few weeks at the cottage of her grandson Elliott -Courtney at Lurgan'Seaeh,,(VietOria Street in the north end of-POintclailt),. She • • has been there for the past three,Weeks,and expects to be there for two more: Mrs. Evelyn . Johnson of Ripley visited her 10t ThurSdaY. Yearly visitothere • , • Charlie .Baker of BelmOnt is.on his yearly visit to Ripley to. renew ‘accfnaiiitance with friends here. On these visits he 'stays with J h C and Mary MacDonald. :AlSo he spent o . a couple of days with Wilfred and Virginia Huron Township John Alexander MaeMur- Hackett in the Lucknow area: • - chy passed away last Wednesday-, July .1 t.„ Th'e Sunoco Garage in Ripley is closed ' 1984 in Kincardine and District HoSpitai in while owner operator Brian Pollock is away bis`98th year. His,parents vvere.Sarnuel Mac - fora few days from his Sr.. and Nfargaret.0 .aMeron. The locust bloSsomSare.tivet:fdithi4 year. jOhri*MaclVlitrchy Was born OrtiWednes- The tall trees around the Niels Frederiksen .day, December 22, 1886,in Huron Township house •back of,the Chopping- Mill Were, presumably at the hOnie place, Lot 28, Con- , Con - covered' with th' fragrant White blossoms, *cession 5 just a short distance east of S.S. I this Year. , " OisehOol which he attended as a'boy, He Ab Wylds received news beekeepingt.1Sre survived by his three, -.daughters,* • friends in Eastern Kentuclky.,,tbat 50 - 60 Margaret, Mrs. Wm.. Ferguson of Lucknow;.' pounds . of honey, per hive ,b0i*On Norma, Mrs. Cecil klumphreyrof Point Clark: there from the black locust blossoms. The and Audrey, Mrs. Lester Ferguson of the 6th next tree here for produ4ing,,nectailsAbe.• Con. west in Huron Township. and 14 grand - basswood.., 'present hanging, full :.(if :c,:ktild0,4•AHe was predeceased by his wife blossom buds, it should be flowering by this Helen' Farrell, his two sisters, Margaret, weekend. Now if the weather is right for the• Mrs. Jackson and Elizabeth.( Aunt Liz - bees to fly. _zie) Mrs. Peter MacDonald,-and,.his'two Craft show a week away voitkol-7-4;31Tis ter and Sam Jr.„ The Ripley Craft Show is just aboa'here. The funeral service was held at 3 p.m. last for this summer: .The last Fridayand,Satur- .Friday, July 13 at the MacKenzie McCreath day July 27 and 28 are the dates. All that Funeral Home in Lucknow with Rev. War- wonderfnl display of nicoAliings4o,,tge,Wili , ten, .McDougall of Lucknow Ahlited Church be in the Ripley. „Complex for a low officiating. Interment followed in the family. sion charge and great freeLparking near at Piet in the Cemetery,. Donations were hand. ° received at the funeral home in'aid of the Speaking of next week, Gwen Harrison, Kincardine and District, for the Mentally , writes as follows "There • an open Handicapped. meeting regarding the,.."FaMi4eg..-::afid :MacMUrchy'was .a well-known Farms of Huron township-•and-itS''''Hub, - farnieron, the Sixth Concession west. For Ripley', on Mon.,, July 23:41:30 p.niotthe lnany.i!'eats hewas one of three trustees in ht tnRipley with relatives... • 11U41[7. • , by Ab Wylds s1/4 „ Huron 'Township Hall. This of coiirse, ig about the history "book to be published for the ripiey Huron, Reunion, Aug. 1,1985. A grant hag been approved' by Health and 'Welfare Canada:. 7-- New Worizons. So perhawa Price 011 be set for, the 409 -page. 800 -picture volurne. There are some family storieginissing.*Maybe-yOu'll be able to sug- gest a source of information. - Those -who were checking the material, please return to Gwen Harrison. before July 20;Thank you, and Come if you can. Jean MacDonald, of PinecreSt Manor Nur- sing Home staff at Lucknow Visited with her sister Noreen MacDonald at their. home on Malcolm Street in Ripley the.paSt weekend: tient' iii cardi e and District Hospital. At. P ent Davrrray of. Ripley is a pa - Earlier in th nth he had been .there Tor 'ten days. Then he was back.home•for the weekend% of , July 8. Early last.: Wednesday morning. his wife Grace took him back- for JOIN 414EXANDER MacMURCHY NatiVe 0 the. ,Sixth Concession west in charge of S.S. No,' 5 school on the Sixth Con, cession. Also he was the teacher of a class of teenage boyOlti St. Andrew's 'United Church Sunda SchOol in RipleY. Hp was 4.1 coun- cillor in Huron Township for several years. Sympathy goes to the family at this time of ,. ,The cqt's A Girl”. signs mentioned in this column last 'week (we have learned) • nourided the ,birth of Candice Cornelia' daughter of Gail and Keith van der Hoek,of. the - Si4h Concession east in Huron township. She. was born in Kincardine and District Hospital on Monday July 2, 1084. bereavement. ° R A GH REAL Pc;TATE 1^,,,S1,..1"CE LTD 528-2031 Lucknow . , KINLOSS TWO., '30 acreg,,20 warkable, libush; $16,000. iiINLOSSTWO4 131 acre beet firm, upright andirench silo, large barn, 3 bedroom home, dried well, 4th 'concession. • .KINLOSS TWO., 100 ackes, 55 workable; ecliyhrein, $43,500,, • KINLOSS TWP. -100 acre: chdry,rurna, appirox. 1+0 workable with -hardwood bush, 3 bedroom brick hOme, pipe, line ririlker- with -40 orie ups Can be parchused with or ' jvithout cows and quOta.:FCC.,mortgage at 73/45. ASHFIELD TWP., 2 hedroo mibungaloW in good Condition on a lot 1s! x 200'. Prked to sell. JUST LISTED, 3 bedroom home,,.LoCknow; $19,900. 11 ACRES, paved. road near LucknOw; $12,000. CAMPBELL STREET, Lucknow store with walldri..Cobler, 2. bedroom apartment above. Asidpg only S27,500.00. ' • LUCKNOW - '6,year old bungalow with paved drive, nice location with large back yard. Full. basement with rec room. • HURON TWP. - 200 acres, approx. 150' acres systematically drained level clay and sand loam laid with excellent set Of buildings, on paved road. Farrow to finish set up with 2 silos. .HURON TWP: - approx. 2 acres with 3. hediroomiwine with full basement, drilled well and 2 workshops. Priced tO RIPLEY, 5 bedroom, brick home, 2 full baths, attached garage, swimming pool, and many extras: • ' Per further information on these. and other properties please call FRASER McKINNON •BARRY DAVID McKINNON 395-2880 • • 528-3821 395-2483 • • • HUTTON • .411M.NOMMX.••••1•616 FOUR BEDROOM newly pannelled well insulated roof, new large lot, small down payment and owner will finance balance. - •" COUNTRY ACREAGE near Lucknow, trees, garden area; 3 bedroom brick, 2 storey home. Double attached garage. . MOBILE HOME with 2 year old addition, family room with fireplace, 3 bedrooms, electric heat, low asking price. THREE ACRES, Kinloss, 3 bedroom home; home updated, new wiring, new, drywall, new insulation. Asking $25,000, All offers considered: • 40 ACRES Wawanosh, 34 workable, buildings under. 6 Years old, large FFCmortgage. 50. ACRES Wawanosh, over 40 workable. Good house; barn for hogs. 100 ACRES Wawanosh, excellent brick with all conveniences. Barn 60 x 80 for hogs, 83 -level workable acres. 90 ACRES, 8 year old steel barn, good 2 storey brick house with double attached garage. Reduced price. ONE. STOREY 2 bedroom (could be new fireplace, new paved drive, beautiful treed lot. TWO STOREY brick, home ' in fine condition. 4 lots. Large garage. THREE BEDROOM home, electric heat, full basement. Garage and breezeway, large lot. •• THREE-BEDROOM home, living room has patio doors to large tot, good attached -.garage. • MEL MATHERS, WINGHAM, 357-3208 representing • LLOYDW..BUTiON REAL ESTATE LTD., BROKER, KINCARDINE • The Alai' lisINTEE 12!(:)0 To See Is • • NEW LISTING, 150 acres West Wawanosh Twp., 120 workable Plarriston loam soil, nicely kept 3. - 4 bedrciem horns•, iMplament shed, conventional barn; hard Wad and obit wood'• • DUNGANNON 60 ft., mobile home with addition on" Iandsc.d lot. Immediate possession, 813906.Must be sold, give us, your offer. A citoicg building, lot on Rose Street. Look this lot Over fOr your present or future 150 ACRES, Ashfield Township, excellent hems, well tiled, cash crop land. .i00 ACRES, 'Ashfield Township, good drainage.," Oath crop. 200 ACRES, Ashfield, renovated home, gOod livestock buildings', tiled land. 100 ACRES Kinloss Twp., barn 50 x 100; 4 bedroom home, priced• to self. Possinision can be arranged. - • Jo ° LICESNED RESIDENTIAL' REST HOME, an opportunity for a couple to own an ImmaCulately kept home with good income, financial statement available. • 130 ACRES West Wawanosh Twp., 90 workable, 4 bedroombrick home; barn 50 x 100, .110 14 X 48 ft. 100 ACRES West Wawanosh, approx. 70 Workable; 15 acres hardwood bush. $62;000. 100 ACRES Ashfield Twp:, 4 bedroom home,, barn 75 x 80 equipped to finish approx. 1500 hogs, liquid manure tank and silo 16 x 68; implement iihed 40 x 80. All buildings coloured steel. Financing available to approved purchaser. 98 ACRES West Wawanosh, excellent grass farm. Asking $55,000. 30 ACRESWesi VVawanoah, approx. 22 acres workable, balance bush, priced to sill at 827,500. 295 ACRES Kinloss Twp., two IMmaculate homes, beet feedlot for 500-700 head, barn #2 hogs with feed storage, grinding and mixing facilities. Ideal as a father/son enterprise. • 50' ACRES West Wawanosh, 40 acres workable, trout, stream. MODERN RESTAURANT seating 40, frilly equipped with separate 4 bedroom home. Highway location 4.5 acres. InqUire fOr furtheriipartkulars. DUPLEX located on Stauffer St. Lot 92 x 165, reduced to 825,000 for IMmerilate sale. COUNTRY HOME, Kinkiss Twp., 9, 3 bedroomi, 4 Piece bath; lot size 131 x 420. All offers will be considered. - • • , ROYAL BANK building, Lucknow, well located, paVed parking. LUCKNOW, retirement one loyal, 2 bedroom bungatr, full basement with extra bedroom and family room. LUCKNOW, 3 bedroom bungalow with spacious living and dining aria; 4 -pc. brith•and garage. Outram Streit. • - For further particulars on these properties, plisse call WARREN ZINN, 529-7350 ALVIN' ROBB, 306-8471 TERRY ZINN, 52043i0 • 0' •A