HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-07-18, Page 211
from page 11
ie McCreath. Funeral Herne and. Mrs.
tacey Bell who lives on Jessie Street just
ast. of St. Paul's Anglican Church; lead their
ister-in-law and husband;. Mrs • and Mrs.
ornett from Alix,• Alberta Call on•,Monday
ast week and stay until the °next nornin ,
ly 10.
Lucknow Sentinel,, Wednesday, July • 18, 1984 -,Page 49
stop over
t:.1':4kYztith reiuuctives ,.
by Ab Wyids
Mr. and Mrs. Harnett were onheiir.. y to
Huron Township . Hall. This of course is
• abo th history b k s b
ewfoundland travelling with. their Win- u.t
e book o . ;e publishedfor
nebago Mobile Horne. Alias is•about half;way he ripley Huron Reunion, Aug. 1,1985. .
A gr t'haS been approved .by,Health and:
tween Edmonton in the north and; Calgary Canada Welfare, Canada — New Horizons, So
•n the south and a short way east of" the main .. perha 11 beset f 00-
s .rl
a c
ewe �
or te4 ae
h P g
Orth south road .between these tWQ cities. 8Q0 -picture•• volume. There are .some family
e above three ladies are aU isters-in-law. y.
stories, missing. Maybe you'll be able to. rug
With Mrs. Carol Johnson of Highway 9 on gest a,source-of information.' •
acation.:last week and this week •taking,her . moose --wife were checking the material,
p Gal Clinic please return to Gwen Harrison: before July
ace as nurse at the Ripley
.n Tain Street is. Mrs. Marilyn Johnston of 20. Thank you, and come if you can.
Ripley Street in Ripley.. .. Jean. MacDonald of Pinecrest Manor Nur.
Mrs. Frances Elliott of Ripley, is spending singHome staff at Lucknow visited with her
a few weeks at the cottage of .her grandson sister Noreen MacDonald at their home on
Elliott Courtney at Lurgan .Beach:(•Vietoria.
Malcolin Street in Ripley the .pa
has been there for the .pas three weeks an tient in Kincardine and District Hos ' ital
Street in the north end of -Point Clark)
charge of S,S. No..5 school on the Sixth Con-
cession. Also he was the teacher of a class, of
teenage boys4in St. Andrew's United Church
Sunday School in. Ripley, He was a• coun-
cillor in .Huron Township for several, years,
- Sympathy goes tothe family at t time of.
The `It's A Girl*' signs mentioned in this
column last week (we have learned.)- an-
nounced the birth of Candice Cornelia,
daughter of Gail and Keith van der li•Ioek of
the Sixth Concession east in Huron
township. She was born in Kincardine and
bereavement; District Hospital on Monday July 2,1984.
FOUR BEDROOM newly pannelleil well insulated roof, new large lot, small down
payment and =owner will finance balance.
COUNTRY ACREAGE near Lucknow, trees, garden area; 3 bedroom brick, 2 store
home. Double . attached garage. .
;l4OBILE HOME with 2 year old addition, family room with fireplace, 3 bedrooms.
efectric heat,• low asking price.
st weekend. THREE ACRES, Kinloss, 3 bedroom home; home updated, new wiring, new. drywall,
She At present Dave Murray of Ripley is a pa
expects to be there for, two „More.,Mrs. 'Earlier in the month he had been there for
t d Th
Evelyn. Johnson of Ripley visited her last
en ays. en he was back home for the
Yearly here •" y y last Wednesday 50 ACRES Wawanosh,. over 40 workable. Good !muse; barn for hogs.
Thursday. • weekend of Jul 8, Earl
early morning his wife ,Grace took him back • for
Charlie Baker of Belmont is pn his yearly ,
new insulation. Asking, 525,000. All offers considered.
40 ACRES Wawanosh, 34 workable, buildings under 6 years old, large FCCniortgage.
re -admission, 100 ACRES Wawanosh, excellent brick with all conveniences. Barn60
visit to Ripley to renew .acquaintance •with � � �
friends here. On these visits. he 'stays with JOHN ALEXANDER MacMURCI•IY •level workable acres.
John C and Mary MacDonald: Also he spent Native of the,: Sixth Concession west in..
for bogs, 83
a.couple .of days with Wilfred and Virginia Huron Township John Alexander MacMur- 90 ACRES, 8 year old steel barn, good 2 storey brick house with double attached
Hackett in the Lucknow area. chy' passed awaylast Wednesday, July 11, garage. Reduced price.
• The Sunoco Garage . m Ripley is closed 1984 in 'Kincardine and District Hospital. in
while owner operator Brian Pollock is'away • his 98th year. HiS.parents were SamuelMa.c- ONE STOREY 2 bedroom (could. be 3) house, new fireplace, new paved drive,
for a few days from his busy work..,a Murchy Sr. and•Margaret Cameron, beautiful treed lot.
The locust blossoms are •over forthis year, John A. MacMurchy was born on;Wednes-
The tall trees aroundthe Niels .Frederiksen day, pecember 22, 1886 ' in Huron Township
TWO STOREY brick . home in fine condition. 4 lots. Large garage.
houseback of the Chopping.. Mill • were Presumably at the home place, Lot 28, Con- - '
covered with the fragrant white• blossoms cession 5 lust •.a short distance east of S.S. THREE BEDROOM home, electric heat, full basement, Garage and breezewa�r large
this year., . . No, , scheol which he attended as. a boy. He lot.
e is
Ab Wylds received'riews•from beekeeping • survived by 'histhree daughters,
friends in .Eastern Kentucky that 50; - 60, Margaret, Mrs. Wm, Ferguson of .Lucknow;
pounds of honey per hive- Were common Norma, Mrs" Cecil Humphrey of Point Clark
there from the black locust, blossoms The and•Audrey,•Mrs Lester Ferguson of the 6th
next tree here for producing nectar is;the Con west in Huron Township and 14 grand-
basswood. At present - hanging: full of. ,children .He :was .predeceased by his wife
blossom buds, it should be, flowering by this Helen Farrell, his two sisters, Margaret,
weekend. Now if the, weather is ;right for the Mrs: Bill Jackson and Elizabeth ( Aunt Liz -
bees to fly. , 1 •• zie) Ms`s. Peter :MacDonald; and , his `two
Craft show a week away arid :ATlster and Sam Jr.
The Ripley Craft.Show is just about. here
for this summer. The last Fridayand Satur-
day July 27 and 28 are the: dates. All that
wonderful display of nice .tfiings to see;w h,
be in the Ripley Complex for a low admis-
sion charge and great freeTarking near at
Speaking of next week, .`Gwen Harrison.
writes as follows "There will be an open
meeting regarding the' . "Families .' and
Farms of Huron township antf :its iHu
Ripley", ori Mon., July 23 at.1:80 p.m. at, the
The funeral service was held at 3 p.m. last
Friday, July 13 at the MacKenzie McCreath
Funeral Home. in Lucknow with Rev. War-
ren McDougall .of Lucknow United Church
officiating. Interment followed•in the family
plot in the Ripley Cemetery. Donations were
• received at the funeral home in aid of the
Kincardine and District ;for the Mentally -
Handicapped. r
John:: MacMurchy ` was a well-known
farmer on -thee Sixth Concession west, For
many 'years ' he was one, of three trustees in
kINLOSS TWP., 30 acres, 20 workable, 10 •bush,• S16,000.
KINLOSS TWP., 131 acre beef farm, upright and trench silo, large barn,.
home, drilled well, 4th concession.
KINLOSS TWP., 100 °acres, 55 workable, , clay loam, $43,500,
KINLOSS TWP. - 200 acre dairy ;farm, appfrox. 170 workable with hardwood bush,' 3
bedroom brick home, pipe line milker with. 40 tie. utrs. Can be purchased with or
'without cows and quota. FCC mortgage at 73/4%. •
ASIIFIELD TWP., 2 bedroom bungalow in good condition on a lot 150' 200'.
Priced to sell.
JUST. LISTED,. 3 bedroom borne, Lucknow, S19,900. ,
11 ACRES, paved road neer Lucknow, $12,000.
CAMPBELL STREET; Lucknow - store with walkh cooler, 2 bedroom apartment,
above. .Asking only $27,500.00. ;
LUCKNOW - 6,year old bungalow with paved drlye, /fake location with large back yard.
Full basement with rec room.
HURON TWP. - 24 acres, approx. 1S0 acres, systematically drained level clay and
ranIm .alandd with excellent set.of buildings, on paved road. Farrow to finish set up
with 2 HURON TWP. - approx. 2 steres with 3 bedroom, home with fall basement, drilled well
and 2 workshops. Priced to s
RIPLEY, 5 bedroom, brick home, 2 full baths, attached garage, swimming pool, and
many extras.
For further and other
FRASER MclUNNON information •on theseBARRY McDO AGH' roperties please DAVM McKINNON
395.2880' 528-3821 395-2483
......... _ . .
THREE BEDROOM home, living room has patio doors to large lot, good attached
ie Mien
o See Is
L C O i M.••. 0
NEW LISTING, 150 acres Wast Wawanosh Twp., 120 workable; Harriston doom ecu ,
nicely kept:'3 - 4 bedroom home, Implement shed, conventional barn; hard wood and
soft wood bush.
• DUNGANNON 60 ft•. mobile home with addition on' landscaped lot. Immedlatt,.
possession, 813,900. Must • be sold, give us your offer..
•A CHOICE building lot on •Rose Street. Look this lot, over for your present or future
150 ACRES,Ashfield Township, excellent home, well ,tiled, cash crop land.
100 ACRES, Ashfield Township, :good, drainage, cash crop.
200 ACRES, Ashfield, renovated . home, good livestock buildings, flied land.
100 ACRES Kinloss Twp., barn 50 x 100; .4 bedroom 'home, priced to sell. Possession'
can be arranged. '
LICESNED RESIDENTIAL REST HOME, an: opportunity fora couple .to own an
immaculately kept home with good: income,. financial statement available:.
130 ACRES West Wawanosh Twp., 90 workable, 4 bedroom brick home; barn 50 x 100,'
silo 14x48 ft. '
100 ACRES West Wawanosh, approx, .10 'workabls, 15 acres hardwood bush, $e2,000.
100 ACRES Ashfield Twp., 4 bedroom home,, barn 75 x 50 equipped to finish approx.
1500 hogs, liquid manure tank and silo 16 x 68; implement shed 40 x 80. Ali butldings
coloured steel. Financing' available to approved purchaser.
98 ACRES West Wawanosh, excellent grass firm. Asking $55,000.
30'ACRES West Wawanosh, approx., 22 acres workable, balance bush, priced to sell at
295 ACRES Kinloss Twp., hod ,immaculate 'homes, beef feedlot for 500-700 head, barn.
42 hogs with .feed storage, grinding and mixing facilities. 1dea1 as a fatherlson
enterprise. •
50 ACRES West Wawanosh, 40 acres workable, "trout stream.
MODERN RESTAURANT seating 40, fully equipped with separate 4 bedroom home.
Highway location 4.5 acres. Inquire for 'further particulars:
DUPLEX located on Stauffer St. Lot 92x165, reduced to 825,000 for immediate sale.
' COUNTRY HOME; Kinloss Twp., con. 9, 3 bedrooms, 4 piece baths lot size 131 x 420.
All offers will be considered. •
ROYAL BANK building, Lucknow, well located, paved parking.
LUCKNOW, retirement one level, 2 bedroom bungalow, full basement with extra
bedroom and family room.
LUCKNOW, 3 bedroom bungalow with spacious living end .dining afsa; 4 pc. bath and •
garage. Outram Street. •
For further particulars on these properties, please call
ALVIN 8488, 39e
-8471 TERRY 2INN, 529-7350
WARREN ZINN,, 5294350