HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-07-18, Page 11their and 1. not • a the Ken , Mro Mrs, Mr. Iden, Mrs,•. Art .'• then • ecia, r,who efore e the Upon efore *mallow Sentinel, Wednesday, AdY 18, 1984—Page 11 Former hurch minister des in hospital This community extends sympathy tro Mrs. John Ben and family in the 'passing of John Bell at Thayersity, Hospital, London on Thursday last. Rev. John Dell was pastotat Whitechurch Presbyterian Church, for tfiree years wherehe was a friend to all in -village. He wiltlbe Missed by all as he d his wife frequently visited from their home at Inverhuron. Thefuneral service was held On Monday at Tiverton Church with burial at Elindale Church Cemetery - Heather Currie of. Toronto and. Michael Burke of Parry Soun,4 spent::,the. weekend with Mr. and Mrs, John A. Currie, A relatives shower. was held for" Heather, Currie at the. hOM4;.of -Mrs. .Alex Strong of Winghain . on the wbekend, . • On Saturday night Mrand'iMis,"John de Boer visited ,Wi.th Mr, and 'Mrs? JOhn Jamieson and -firnilY• of Listowel. • Visitors at the manse last. Weekend were Mrs Lamb's Mother, Mrs. AllistairCorniack of Nepean, Ontario and her friend,. Mrs, Bruce McGuire of qttawa,,, . • , Greg Fisher of Wingharn spent Thursday with his friend, _Brian Lubbers. Dean Tiffin arrived home on Thursday after a Week'S visit with his chums, Jarret and .Ryan Craig of Listowel, • Sephen Tiffin arrived home on Wednes- day after a week's. visit with his grand- parents, Mr: nnil Mrs, RaymondLeddy,' Lucknow. , 4 . 1 Mr. and Mrs.. Bevin Tiffin and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Thomson arrived home •on Wednesday after a week's tour.of the west including the, Calgary, Stampede. • Mrs. Fraser MacKinnon of Lucknow was a Monday caller on Mr. and. Mrs. Victor Emerson.;- • • . • Mr. and Mrs. 'pm,'IJ.uldriks visited Tuesday with relatiVes in Kitchener. ' This community extends sympathy to the ' 'husband and relatives and friends of the former Bertha Stokes, .theformer Bertha Richardson, -who .gr eW up in- the Langside worrtellu RcH by Valetta Emerson:- • .1. • district where she attended the. Langsicle Achill -eh and, school. lire often returned to the social functions heIM the community, to meet her many friends of the area While Mr and Mrs. Paul Elliott of Brussels we 0 away on holidays at Cornwall and Ottawa, their family,Lleffrey, Leslie, and Matthew spent the week with their grand- • parents, Mr, and Mrs. Walter 'Elliott and -Karen.. • ' — Mr. and Mrs. David, Elliott spent 'the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrst, Walter Elliott. He has now been moved to London. _with his occupatiOn. This co.nununity extends congratulations to Cindy Dawson, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Turn to page 12. Receives Terry Fox httnia nitaricin award The • 19-year,.olddaughterqf a foriner . Ripley gel.,•Miss Susan Twrible of Kingston -and Edmonten has been chosen to receive a Terry FOX Iliunanitarian AAvarcl Worth $3,000 annually towards highecedtkation, Her parents ' are Dr, and Mrsg.G..Torri- ble of Kingston and. Mrs. ,Torrible is the former Betty Kempton of Riciley,' the .twin ister of 13111 Kempton of !Point Clark and AmberleY., . • , •! • • Susan is one of 33 young Canadians to get this award this year for, best:showing the Terry Fox spirit There Were.. more than 1;000 applications -for an award. The com- mittee in charge look for excellenee: ib academic :work along- with sports; fitness, health, and voluntary commUnity services. In June 1981 the Canadian. Government set' aside, $5 million. in a fluid, to make these 'awards. - •'" • ' 7' • • : The 'award _to Susan is the first for Kingston. In 1983 she graduated from.ithe Kingston Collegiate and yeeatiOnal Institute as an Ontarin.' Scholar...She '-receivedAhe- . shoot s Centehnial Cup for:being the most valuable player on the senior girls' basket- ball team .and the B'nai B'rith award for outstanding, sportsnianship,- volleyball, track and field; •soccer, badminton and ten- nis are . some of her sports:. This past year 1983-84, she completed the first year of the Bachelor of Nursing Science program at the • University of Alberta with an "A" standing. • She will return ; there for her Second year this fall. , • . ; All these things she does despite the han- • dicap of Curvature of her spine Which makes . her wear a back brace. Susan .told .the , reporter for the •Kingston' Whig Standard newspaper '41 try not to let it bother rne. I try to be conscious of how I use rny 13ack-and • 1 do special back exercises''. • , Right now' she wili be back at Ongwanda'. Hospital doing volunteer work with hah-.• • dicapped children'. She hopes to work pro- fessionally with, disabled • children. She doesn't waste any time feeling sorry for herself — says hers is a very small han- dicap and thinks that having it herself she • will be better able to understandand get along With these children. Our thanks goes to her. cousin Don MacTavish for the news • clipping used in making up this report. • Pleasantly:surprised Walter and Mary Black were, pleasantly surprised on Sunday afternOen a week ago when a large number of their former neighbors from the 4th Concession visited them at their apartment in Lucknow. ' • Mary and Walter were presented with a toaster oven, ',then everyone enjoyed a delicious picnic supper; Their daughter; ,JOyce 131ack is home on holidays from. St. Paul, -Alberta, s� she enjoyed meeting old friends too. - Speaking • of. Alberta, ' Mrs. ..Raylene • Rebryna who liVes in the former Ana Lizzie MacDonald house,just east of the MacKen-' •. • 'Turn to page 19e • MakeAn I • 11 The Futuri See Us For The Best Rates! SHORT SHORT TERM CERTIFICATES Minimum s50,000." 87% 5:yEAR GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES Minimum 1.5,000.0° Checking-Sayinis • Ck 2 % • Daily Interest checking & Savings • L • CHECKING & SAVINGS ACCOU NT 8? RATES SUBJECT TO CONFIRMATION A •Federaily Chartered Trust Company/Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation • 4 rok STANDARD TRUST t 237josephine Street - Wingham Telephone1-157-202 • Open 9 am. -=5 part. Monday to Thursday, Friday till p.m. • ;138 The Square, Goderith, Ontario, Telephone (519) 524-7385 Open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Thursday; Friday till 6 p.m:; Saturday 9 a.irn=10 12 noOtt A MACLYPI CAR OILING • . Phone • • • 3954352 I1/4 Milos north of AMbeillly. Well off Highway No,: 21 kO:il(st,cFOaRrSs6 SIGNS pit . •Pickups or Voos-$18. • Tag Jrchiderd ' open9.4Pm weather permitting 0111 our .6, , r„, 20%40%., f• Les Petter Shoes LUCKNOW 528-2011 •• • 22 cu. ft. Chest Freezer. ' Solid foam ihsulation. teitop finish and double cell vinyl gasket are just 3 reasidets why youshould invest in a $ high quality freezer nowt!, 501-151 . • • ,114,14s 401, set ul 4:ilokftto of 0,1 illtilt K.:1041114 •1-.1 ,11,1.1111,,1 • 1' l))(1 Citt t)Iatiel RIM IIIII 10. Pa',V...-•-• • A1110111iitil. \\ Iii) itn P1t Want, Mid 144)1. s7•3 -tog • • • Special 0117, Agri • 5 H.P. Rear • 00 R MoTier • Whe you reloiNctrig ha power Pecked macho() with beg tractor teatures at an affordable pbceloOk no hatter than thiS Convect, easy•to•operate 5.41p rear ergine riding mower Ws maneuverable deperkleble akt .Wrdcktabfe Powered by a peppy 4.cycle Boggs 6 StrattOneegone B•scieed transmah4 drive with reverse arid integral risC brake It s easy to Steel 4attra prvoling trent axle and adjustable be ..ods 26 butter 'lade ,s adjustable to 6 posreons Rear eery* offers greater Visbkty andtracbon '$prraci rbOurtted contour seat tor super Corntort 545010 4 2.2 "--"'&71•1111111111 r4. 1 •