HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-07-18, Page 1Page
•.•• 35c gingle copy
Printed in Lucknow, Ontario, Wednesday, July 18,1984
20 pages
1 Ji
getting more exercise. Herb and his wife, Myrtle, b'Otblik 64 ripeiteliittititti lfl O&M*
where they -rode three wheel bicycles to exercise. Herb bought the'bicyCles,:and'aid the work
to conneCt.thene.together 'hhnself. Friends around Lucknow can see the couple, who will
celebrate their 6,5th wedding.anniversaY next March, cruising along the newly pavediiectiOn
at the northend of Stauffer Street erich evening. • .[Photo by Sharon Oletz]
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lHlary tohodpie e
efore decision on sewage project
The Ministry of the 'Environment., has • Lucknow council is presently, waiting for
informed Lucknow Village Council it intends the ministry app/oval of, their application
,to hold a public hearing to provide the • based on the specifications of a site in West
opportunity for public input, • before a Wawanosh Township, just east of Huron,
decision is made on the approval of the Cour-ty Road 1, south of Lucknow where the
proposed sewage works. . . sewage treatment • facility and the bed
Willard Page, Owen Sound,. district officer system is to be locited. Lucknow's engineer
. of the Ministry of the Environment, said in B. M. Ross and Associates submitted a final . •
, a letter io, council he had received a numbei report on the site to the ministry last month
of inquiries from area residents regarding and the " ministry decision is expected .
' the proposed works. pertaining to the type Shortly.'
and operation of treatment •works proposed Sixteen residents of West Wawanosh and
and the impact of the proposed tile bed. s34- Ashfield Townships have 'signed petitions
. tem location on the surrounding, area. , • objecting to the location of the tile bed •
For this reason, said Page inAlie letter;; it system to service Lucknow's" sewage works
•is felt a public hearing should be held. to Pro-. project' in West . Wawanosh , near their
. vide an opportuntiy to publicly present the hoines.. . , • .
sewage works proposal and receive the input West WaWanosh Council requested a
of the public before a decision is made. , • meeting with • Lucknow ' Village Council
• Page proposes 'the public hearing be held .earlier this month to discuss. the proposal to
by the regional director of the southwest locate the 'treatment fadility and tile bed . Dh
region of the Ministry of the EnYironment system' in West Wawanbsh on property • "
whb would report on the .public bearing with owned • by ,Chester Finnigan of Lucknow.
recommendation on approval to the director. Lucknow council declined to meet with West
Page said he would -contact Lucknow. Village Wawanosh council, saying a meeting' was '
premature at this because the site had
Council to make arrangements for, a location
;yet to be approved by the Ministry. The
and time. In the meantime the review of the
technical . aspects of proposed sewage ministry has now decided to proceed with a
works .is continuing and comments will be. public hearing before the project is
. •
provided when the review is completed, said . approved
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b MeQuIfitn biditLihiar bicycle for tw0 leheittlitreitietit;000.tailaldiOfite' Shairld he'"'
4.14 • isAeptirtite. ineetiligS • •
Pinecrest receives accreditation
P nectest Manor NursingHome is,pleased there - has been a strong ,move towards
to amen/tee that the Home has received accredited= for long terth, 'care centers.
Aoceditation through the Canadian Council Accreditation is a voluntary process; The
on Hospital Accreditation. • Canadian Council on Hospital /Accreditation
Accreditation has been a leading move- encourages Canadian health Care facilities to
ment for improvement of the quality of care ' voluntarily accept certain principles of
in the !health care field for almost 60 years. organization and administration for efficient
Acute care centers' are very- &miller with' , care of the patient or resident. This
accreditation and within the last few years, encourage§ high quality of care.
. The long term care accreditation program
has the ulitmate aim of. assuring that those
who arP old, 111'ot:handicapped are provided
with everything required to permit them to
. • live and enjoy life to the best of their ability
• according to their needs and desires. '
to discuss sewage works proposal
. •
Lucknow Village Council expressed their v11n1; discussed. Both meetings would be
• desire to have two public meetings to discu_Ss ope ublic forums .bitt they would address \
the concerns of Lucknow and West Wawa- separate issues. , , 1,, • •
nosh ratppayera in regard to the proposed Murray said if only one meeting is held, .
Lucknow sewage works project, when they where Anybody who is interested can attend,,
discussed the idea of a publichearing at it will . only lead 40 mere confusion. The
their July 10 meeting. . meeting with the West Wawanosh resident's
Their preference for separate Meetings does not have to deal with the cost of the '
was voiced before receiving notice this week sewage works project or its operation and
that the Ministry of the Environment intend§ . maintenance. •
to hold one public hearing before' the We :are, not responsible to the people of
decision to approve the project is made. West Wawanosh only as in regard to the •
Lucknow councillor Ab Murray said at the location of • the treatment facility in ,the
July meeting of Lucknow council he wants to township, said Murray.
meet with the township ratepayers to discuss • Councillor Eldon ,Mann agreed , with
the location of the treatment facility in West councillor Murray saying there should be
Wawanosh and address their concerns. He two meetings to avoid confusion. . •
wants a separate meeting however, for 'the „ Council decided they • would persue the -
Lucknow village •ratepayers . where , the cost issue after the Ministry of Environment •
and operation of the sewage works project approves the West Wawanosh site.
argectwith theft More than 400 attend first Alton reunion
, •
A Gorrie tnan has been charged with theft
over $200 after a tactor owned .by C. A.
Becker Farm Equipment Ltd. -was stolen
froin the Lucknow tractor pull' park following
the Tractor Pull July 8.
Two passersby saw the overturned tractor'
in a ditch northwest of Blyth in East.
Wawanosh Township, , apprehended the
driver and called .police.
Ki cardine detachment of the Ontario
Provincial Police condiated the investiga;
, I tion.
Attends heifer show
Ackertof Kinloss Township had the
Grand Champion heifer and won ,the
Challenge Trophy donated by ealnati
Insur nte at the%) Eastern Ontitrio Junior
Limo sin Heifer threw held at the Norwood
4 ,fairgrounda, east of Peterborough; .Jul 15.
Jeff placed second in overall •showimanship
Gfltf 32. entries 'atthe show.
• Over 420. descendants of Daniel
Agnes Allen gathered at Brookside. Scho9d
' on July 7 and 8, 1984 for the Alton reunion.
Daniel and 'Agnes Alton made plans to
come to Canada from Ireland in .1847. Before
they left, Daniel died, however, Agnes and
her family continued with .their plans and
sailed to Canada. , •
They spent the .first winter in Goderich
and in the spring of 1848 they travelled north
and settled at Belfast. It was at Belfast that.
Agnes bought 400 acres froin the crown for
four of her sons.. The same year the other son
bought another 100 acres. It was only
appropriate that the first Alton Reunion be
held where 'our descendants first settled.
Daniel and Agnes had five boys and two
girls who survived the crossing and settled
at Belfast - Jeremiah - Mary Caesar;
Valentine Mary Ann Stroud; Samuel -
Rachel Webster; Ann - Thomas Fowler;
Joseph - Margaret Irwin; Daniel Caroline
Cranston; Frances - Joseph Smeltzer. All
seven families were represented at the
reunia,by relatives front ares Canada and
the United States,
Relatives were present from Vancouver,
Kelowna, Prince. George and • Castlegat, in
Briish Columbia; from. Calgary, Edmonton
and ycroft in the peace River district; in •
Saskatchewan from , Regina, Prince Albert,
Stroughton and the Carrot River area; from
Spokane, Seattle, Cleveland, Saginavv, Flint
and the Kinde, Michigan area; from Ontario,
Sault • Ste. Marie, Echo Bay, North Bay,
Oakville, Toronto, London, Kitchener, St.
Catharines, Ottawa, Petrcilia, • Hamilton,
.Sarnia, Brantford, Napanee, Newmarket,
Stouffville, plus many that came from
smaller towns.
There was also a family from Cyprus and a
cousin from Australia. They had come to be
a part of the first Alton Reunion and to meet
cousins they had -not seen for years and in
many cases had never met before. The
visitors stayed with relatives wherever it was
possible and only a few stayed in mote1S.
• The weekend started on the dull side with
rain showers until noon but this didn't
dampen the spirits of the guests. Registra-
• tion started at 10 a.m. with several guests
already waiting. Each visitor received a
name tag and a. ribbon the colour, of their
branch. Many purchased an Alton Reunion
• pin. They also had. an opportunity to give a
donation to the memorial stone which was
dedicated on Sunday. • • ,
Proceeding down the hall way they found
the genealogy ofeach of the "seven branches
written on bristol bard and mounted on the,
wall. •, • • '
In the first classroom there were crafts
displayed by Marion Eaton, Ruth Alton and
Ann Alton. The next CleSsrboin was a hustle
of activity all weekend as visitors viewed
dozens of photos and displays prepared by
Lois Walden and Phyllis Morrison. The
geneablogy books were on display in the
next rOottl.
'• The geneaology could be purchased,
compiled in one. large book with all seven
branches or each branch by itself. Books are
stili &enable. • .
After luiich the guests were invited into
the auditorium for the welcoming remarks.
At the sound of the bagpipes played by Allan
Eaton of Toronto, everyone stood up as
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