HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-07-04, Page 15• • s. 2t a 11 • Sr • 141410W Seritlrie4 Werkesdimi. .11.4r 40. 19114,,_ • • • • I • . • .The Lucknow Legionaires en's inter-- was the op batarnan going. three for three. mediate -fastbaii team started i. the 1984;.. • ' 'Lucknow 16 Wroxeter 10 ieason in fine form. Playing in the WOAA,- The T.Oyals visited on June 10 for a high' IStenaediate fast ban league, they won the iceriatt0atest which saw the Legionaires first six of seven games played. - come out on to Tom" Pegg led the attack. Teains inelude4,intthe league are Blue, .with threehits indluding, a three! run homer. 41e,41rtisSeis inttOrtnediate,' Brussels Jun- Hugh Todd added, with, three. hits. * Pete fors, RVey ,and Wroxeter. There is also an Chisholm and Keith Raymond had two hits interlocking schedule with Arthur, Alma and each., • Moorefield. • • : Lucknow 7 Alms 0, Lucknow 13 Wroxeter .-. 41.-.0,0 the Legionaires JaarneYed. to On May 25 the Legionaires Artivell6d* Alma fer. another. .victory. Cranston and Wroxeter and came out.with in easy win. Bogie held.. the opposing : team to • two hits Ray Cranston ,,,,,contained • the. Royals to Inst,...t ProughAnc first Si* X.PP-ingS• Todd AUTO out , three hits in the first innirigs', Don Bogie out of cthenext nine batters giving came in for the last three innings and held. , Lucknow / ;their first shutout or the Wae, .! the opponents at hay.. with 'six strike:ynTOdct had an, in the park 'horse Alton ledwas- three for. five- the game. Hugh run JohnDear , ilYti ,110.443t..; the offenio, with .three . bits: Todd alsittad three: hits, John DeBruri and Keith Raymond had ,tv-ifo each. ' • '• Brusse11110t- . °.: May 27 saw :Brussels j-rine2ffisrw tethairdWireieetiteng't ‘,41of these two. town for a 'hundliadnw defeat. Tom Pegg 3smsiiiitLucknowpicked up their sixth v.rii sparked die offenieWith' run for a. in a r�w. Ray Cranston had another total of five hitST°Oif the night:, Wayne and start onthe inound allowingr only two hits... Hugh Todd added to the scoreboard with Hugh TIOdd:came in for diefinide in the sixth.' four'hitgeach,Bity'Craris ton afidllugh Todd and retired 12.battetain a row. The .offence iharedthe Piehinii4ntieS!andheldBirisaele;A.;,:wits: stat#4:by Wayne Todd with four hits to six hits. `:-•ineindint# 'hen* rlln. FIngh Todd bad three) bilej4oHie6 Petleplice.t4o•and TOM Pegg ° added • Ross Bairdwent the distance on the two .hitSAO lead the team to their second mound in tike".fune 7 • romp over onrvictory. ; Ross -had a 16 strike outs and ailoWecftbei, Lucknow Illite4a1e c— IPP9nentninnfr three hits. tor • first time this ; year, the , . • The 'LU heir regiiiik June ni resent/4%0de* . . . Aural, Society % held WrislieeidedtO:Okilei4,000-POStets for the ing'with 16 members • Fall Fair are also going to be ordered. ••Ciarke presided.1,e. 1?itiaganon Twirlettes were invited ...to eive e Bruce participatein the LuclinOw Fall Fair parade. :ounty, Board of Education for. the letterthey Walter; Gstanek -dance tickets for Satur= edeivediire the Farm Safety Program, „' 4ny; July .21 were distributed to the D. A. Hackett reported *at Leona id ' te Approval was given to purchase n inew atterS9nlad judged 18 fields ettlaY in the banquet:- tables for the ci;immunity Centre. eld .zcrOptconipetition. Don Cameront*Ii:S appointed auditor. to Fall Fair books were:distributed to tlin-r.r -repiac:e Iiite Austirn Martin • • • luth Be had4Oaldoeted this past spring,- directora,' • > _ • Legionaires failed to. Score a Ray Cranston and Hugh Todd held Bluevale ,to four hits, hilt over throws resulted in both. of the opposition runs. Luc now had a total oi nine hits but couldn't seem to put them together to send a man across home plate. Luelmow 6° *Plods hi- , On June 25 the Legionaires got back on the 'winning/track in a close game. Lucknow • jumped intothe lead in the first inning on solo‘home run from. Wayne Todd„ Brussels replied with four -runs in the bottom of the ' * first. Lucknow slowly crept back by scoring a i. run in the third, fifth and sixth to tie IV the game. in the eighth, 'Higgins hit an in the park 'mine rim mid Brussels was out in front by oneLucknow scored two more runs in the • ninth and held' *ern off for the win. Cranston SO Todd did the job in the mouhd. Hugh' Todd and 'Randy Alton had three hits'. each and Steve Berry added two. rhO Were -.present at the ineedng. • ‘. :Next Meefing Will be held Tuetday, July, Frites' for the :Craft Featly* were 17, • • °11114e4: firgt 'COY* /3 Ware, value Of 375; econ4;two f9064991st Value of 350;, 00°,4, • 4-H ' members taking the farm .rsafety I • 25 voucher fronaneknow-Variety and -Dry course°sponsored bY the Lucknow $)94. ..° „' tunil SOCiety „are Stephen Dow, Wayne ShelIaClatked1sp1aycd/ a siniifrof iace Forster. Brenda Hackett, Paul Hackett ; Scott flat advettiii4 the Craft Festival August „Hackew.„-,....114bie,Raynart, Gerry 'Selent and nct4 andlliefall'Fair September i4 and 1$. . John yandervelde. , • .. • October 1941 She continued to live on the.. farm, concetsion,5 West VVawanosli Town- -* — , ship with her youngest sons, Arthur :IMO .1979 'when she went to live with her daughter, Amy Wiggins in Dungannon, Jeule Unnaligallgoin to Pinecrest Nursing Home in 1981. _ Jessie MtInty_rO passed away. in Pinecresr' donor on'Jime 23; 1984 in her 90th year. She is survved by three daughters, Betty, drs. George Morocrieg, Amberley; Marjorie, drs. !"rank Young, Goderich and Jean, Mrs. ' vlac 1101, s'Oc.derich; five grandchildren, leggy Roweliffe, Seafortin' Jane'. Ullrich, .ondon; Margaret Brunette, Windsor ; Dr. • ussell Moncrief; Aylmer and David Bell, °. racebridge, • Also surviving are nine, great grandchild- , a brotheri, William Johnston, Ashfield ad. a sister4n-law, Jessie Johnston, Luck - ow. ° • Funeral service was held at MacKenzie ad McCreath Funeral Home in Lucknow on ' uesdily,, June 26. , Pallbearers, were grandsons, Doug Row- liffe„ Frank Brunette, Russell Monciief,' . )avid Bell and nephews, Allanlohnston and Bob Farrish. • rums's= [South] Young • • • for Emma Jane (Souch) Young of Lucknow, a resident at Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home, passed away in Winglutin, and District Hospital on June 22, 1984 at the age of 94. Born in Morris Township on July 18, 1889, she was a- daiighter of the 'late Wihlam lames Souch and C'harlett Jewitt, She Married John 11.'Irtiung of Dungannon at the home of her patents in Morris !township on March 6,1912. Husband John Young passed away Of a quiet nature, her, home, family and garden Were het -Chief interests as long as 'health Permitted. • She was also Sadly bereaved/ by her youngest daughter, Viola Brodie hi 1976. She suffered a severe stroke on Mity 7th from which she never recovered, passing •Sway 'on June 22nd: She is snrvivet by three daughters, Grace Gibson, of iucknOw, Amy Wiggins of • SeafOrth and Agnes' Henderson of London and three,sons*, ram Young of West Wawa= nosh Township, Fredjoung-uf Dungannon and ' Arthur Young of West .Wawanosh 'TownshiP.' Two sisters, Florence Sellers, •'MoOse< Jaw,, Saskatchewan and and Mildred Stewa&okWingham and two sisters-in-law;. • Olive Souch of Port McNeill, B.C. and Laura Souch of Winghani, also survive. • She was "predideased by her husband, a . daughter, Viola Brodie in 1976 and a grand: daughter, Margaret Henderson. The funeral service was conducted from the .° MacKenzie and McCreith' ,Fulneral Home in Lucknow on June 25, 1984 at 2 p.m. by Rev. Crocker of St. • George's Anglican Church, Goderich. Pallbearers were six • grandsons, -Ross Young, Ashfield Township; John Young, Goderich; Bill Gibson, Whitechurch; Allan Bibson, Ashfield Township; Toni (Elmer) -Henderson; London and Phillip Young, Dungannon.. Flower bearers were four great :grand- daughters, Anne Ribey, Catharine' Ribey, Pegg Y Gibson and Michelle Gibsim., • Burial followed in Dungannon Cemetery. • •I• 15 • • ATTENTit)ii y Trust CertlficOtio HOldtarii 0.1..0aly 1904. you will . rocolving. :o cheque ter the° Orinelpall and Intarost on *our 0.1.C. InVloftillifontp -. • • ” Contact Vi . Nill I 11,:. . INFORMATION St OIJOTto. ' .33 WEST ST.; GODERICH Phone 324.2773 (Collect) ' 4% ' 1 vflEAR, 1,C1141A)SS TWP,i ,1,00 acres,: 53. workable, ebiy looms, $43,309. . • CAMPBELL SilitERri locknoti -0. :stern with :walide Cooler; 2 :badge* opaline* Above, Aoldng .• • ll3NLOSS1147.. 200 IMO. dal*faini, approx... *70 workable Inuvlwood bp*, bedioOntibrick **mei' pipe :°,line.,nillIcer tcritb 4011. ups. .Can be ',Oinabaied oi.. Witlionleatio and gnotit.' mortgigeai 14%. : ' . - • .. . 11130N7TwP.. -100:acrOsi *POW. 150 oeXiesitysternatically1thow level clay and sand loam land Willi excellent iet.Of billidliqpi; oil paved rood.°FarroW to Rauh est 'Up . • ' • I • _ • awes; 2 Erne villlt.3bedrOont.liome Wills falkaionlint,. drilled well trOxleithoPi..Prjeed to _ 'RIPLEY, 'hodritoin,'brielk baMe,.1 baths, iittached: garage, intinanes- • LIICICRONY.- 6 year old banitallowivith.PaTed ddisi larie back Yard- s Fut basement with ree room..- • • • • ' ' ' . For further information...on tannic and other proper**. please eall • • . • IRASER:MellERINOW' : • ilAtRRY.McDONAGH : • DAVID 395, • . 52E4821 ' .* • . • • :0' • , • • NTEE •cm1=LL, , , • • • : • NEW LISTING, :150 acres West Wowenosh Twp., 12f.kworiable Harris ' ' loans icing !nicely kept 3 . 4 bedroom hontevimplimint shed,lonventional born; hard wood end i00:IirOtbillb.', . , ...• ' . : .° . . -, -. , i ...` ' • • FIELD STONE Century dwelling Situated on .20 acres. Ten, imitable ennui .and: approXiMately40. Sarno Of• nice •buift, -very' *Deluded, serve*. Prked 'to liell. . DUNGANNON: 00 ft. Mobilo ham, with Idditlin 'On' landscaped kit.. :. immediate; . poreatiOnc- 41000." ., • . .: ' . . -- • . . .. A,CHOICE biilidlrii,lat on Rose Streit. look this let aVor'for your present or future , • , '1 1 ___A- 1 CRE.S, Ashfield Township; Vaiceilent home, W4111 tiled,' cash crop land. i RES, Ashflik1 TOwnship, good drainage, cish crop. , .. . 4. r • • 200' cogsl Ashfield,I. renovated home, good' livestock bidifings, tiled land. . .•.. . .„ ... 100 ACRES KInlosi Tvip:o barn 50 x 100; 47-0eiroont home., priced to sell. Pessession can .be arranged. _.,-._. . i.icE4NED RESIDENTIAL REST HOME, an opportunity for a couple to own en Immaculately kept home .with good Macrae, financial statement available. .„ . • . 130 ACRES West Wawanesh Twp., 60 workable, 4 bedroom brick him.: tiara iso n loop olio 14 X 40.ft. , , ' • , - • . . • 100 ACRE8 West Wawanosh, approx. 71i. Workable,' 15 eerie hardwood 'busk- ' 100 ACRES Ashfield Twp., • 4 bedroom hOnnkbarn 76 x 00 equipped to finish approx. 1506 hogs, liquid niantireionk and allele x OS; IMPiement Shed 40 x 80. All bOildings imitated. steel. Financing available to epprovsd purchaser. , ACRES West Winvanosh,: excellent grass firm. Atkin(' 836,000. r2 0 ACRES West Wpwainosh, approx. 22 acres %variable), belancebitsit, priaid tO sell at , 4 • 1,1500; . . • , . •. . 205 ACRES :Kinks' Ttvp„ two immaculate homie, beef feedlot for 500.100 hied, born 92thegs t.isith feed. storage,. grinding end • mixing facilities!. Idoll is a father/son enterprise. 50 ACRES West Wiwanash, 40 acres .workable, trout stream: ‘ ' 'MODERN RESTAURANT seating 40, fully squinted with Sepanite4 bedroom home. •Hightvay location 4.4 acres: hIqtdre for further Particulars. DUPLEX loetited on Stauffer SC Lot 62 x 145, radioed tO 05,000 for fmntediato sale. COUNTRY HOME, Kinloss Twp.t con. 0,3 bedrooms, 4 plias bath; lot else 131 x 420. All offers will ,bo oonsidered. • ' ' • ROYAL BANK bulidIng, Lucknow, well located; paved parking. Shop. . D LUCKNOW, 3 bedroom bungalow With spacious living and dining aria* 4 pc. bath end garage. Outram Strtee' . UTA, garage, cement block building, opportUnity for moolsanic or body NNON far further particular* on Ow properties, OHM, C4111 WARREN ZINN, 52911350 ALVIN ROBB, 3913.11411 TERRY ZINN, 5294350 • r • • .• • r • '%7•'•-• 1 1/2