HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-07-04, Page 14.; $r.:�t,,..,...:un:^'a r.....44..r...04.,^:.*,44+oe..-44404 Luckaow Sentinel •w•=411N10.004saiiww•Mww•!a w.••rnwwwomwm},40rPraM Ma00!00•0021.r.0w lmmow"‘w0,00Nw•UUU.0 Prnom , !.!I!f.son*....1n Twn!*T.nH,! Ml '!M.r.:..111— !.M$V,",. 4444 19. Notk:e to creditors ' • • 24., Busine$s oppOrtullitifs . f , 31. Cards; of thanks° ; , *�*ase•N.*R.!N. p..•. rNio Jlwww�w•*,q 4444 w . . 4444 �. 4444 . ,. 4444+.+ - ,.._._.. ., � N�,... 4444 .000010..... �.NN�wwww ���., M�IIt •ww N••I� 111 1 i N..T t�w•T! *44Iwf�^!!. $10,000 SECOND INCOME. Be .a part-time representative selling; and renting our line .of i , home,Ap high quality distillers for u ing drinking water n the • 4444 office and. factory,. Become independent and ix your own bOss 01n a growing industry. Excellent:possibility rof , becoming full. tithe 'area distributor;. Contact us today for moireinformation, ,Water Purity . • Systems; 531 Brant °St. Burlington,. Ontario I,7R 2G6, .41.6) - 639- 0503. ---024 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND ,O R$ • 1N MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Edgar William -Watson late of the villa$e Of Lucknow,; hi the.' County of Bruce, find: .Proving of Ontario, ,deceased;.' the `Tristee"Act that all creditors: and others : having claims against the Estate of the late Edgar William Watson are required to send ' particulars of their, claims, 'duly verified to Mr John T. Goodall, Barrister and Solicitor, P.�. Box. '730, 261 Josephine Street, Wingham, Ontario, NOG 2WO, on or before the 9th day of July, 1984, and that after such' date the Executors will proceed, to distribute the ,assets of the said. Estate, having regard only to the claims: pf' which they shall then have .hid notice. , DATED atrWinghain, Ontario, this 13th day of June, 1984.. • • MR. JOHN T. GOODALL . Solicitor . for .the Estate of Edgar .William Watson • NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS • • IN' TBE ,MATTER: OF THE ESTATE OF GEORGE CLARENGE GREER, late of the • • Village .of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce. and Province of Ontario, : Deceased. • 4444. NOTICE IS :HEREBY GIVEN Pursuant to' I . , n; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Pursuant to the Trustee Act, 010 all creditors and others having claims a ainit the Estate' of the. late George Cl arena Greer are required to send particulars of theirclaims, duly verified to Mr. John T. Goodall;' Barrister and Solicitor, P.O. Box 730,, 26.1 Josephine Street, Wing - ham, Ontario, :NOG . WO, .on or 'before the 16th day of July, 1984, , and. that . after : such date'the Executors will proceed to •stribute the assets of the said Estate, Navin regard on4.ly to 'the claims pf which they sh 1..then have. had notice. • Dated at:Wingham,..Ontario, this 22nd day of June, 1984. MR.`; JOHN T. GOODALL Solicitor. for. the Estate Of George Clarence Greer =26,27,28 • •www•irN••N .N•iwii 44 44 a 20. 'Public, ,notfaes' DR. RICHAflD' `MANN, M.D., C.C.F.P, is pleased , to littinounce,', the 'opening of his practice at the Ripley Medical Centre starting July. 1,• 1984 in association with.Drs. Knox, Boron andGergovich.For an appoint: . menf call 395 2601.`:--25-28 e_,,• wwww_w•wwmN.wNwwwwwwN•N•wwwNwaiwNNw•Nw 21. Pbrsonal. ; .' NNw•wN wNwwwwtw •. MEET YOUR MATCH. For ' all age s .and unattached Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances Call toll. free .1.800-263-9103. Hours: Noen to '8 , pan.—023 IS ALCOHOL A PROBLEM in your family? A1=Anon . can, help families and fries of alcoholics. 'Phone .Walkerton 881-3113, God- erich; 524-6001. • NEIGHBOURHOOD SALES! ` Earn extra . money parttime as a Regal. Representative. .It's easy, . Write ' FREE REGAL "' GIFT CATALOGUE, 939 Eglinton. Ave; E., Dept. 632, Toronto, M4G 2L6. -027 $20,000 S30,000 GROUND: FLOOR OPPORTUNITY, .International... Chemical manufacturer,. expanding into. the Ontario . . 4444 4444 service. market.; is prepared to -appoint and train Dealersfor the profitable, exciting and unique restoration and fire' retardants. We; are successful` in:, every phase of .this .fast growing . industry and offer: Immediate earnings; Management and employee. train- ing; rain- g,mpe- uy , •, Unlimited •growth; Virtually no co titiion. For those appointed, minimum investment of $3,:600 is required, backed by extensive training' ' and inventory :For complete info and 'vnterview arrangements , contact Bob Jennings,.. THE ,,,SURFACE DOCTOINC., Box 62, .Station, A, Missis- sauga, Ontario ISA 2Z4-2. -027 4444 28.. Engagements . , • KING` 4RIVET1' Mr. and: Mrs.• Irian Rivett of R. R..2, Goderich wish to: announce thee, ngagement.. of their daughter, Shelley Kathleen, j to _Geoffrey Stephen Dennis King, son of Mr. and, Mrs. Patrick King of , ;Goderich. ,The • wedding will take place July ,7., 1984 at North Street.: United Church, Goderich at 4:00 pan., Reception in Holmesville Friends :and�,xela-, Lives' welcome.• • 30.' In memoriam . : I3ACIt n wN_ ''•fir.:....: Iri loving .memory of Mr.' Tom Hackett, dear husband, father and grandfather,' who passed away 'July 4,, 1982, C'' • No . farewells were. spoken You. never . said . goodbye, You , were, gone before we knew it, And ' only Godknows why.: `• We often. think ' of bygone days When we were all together. ,' ANNUAL HACKS T REUNION The family chain is broken now, Will be held on Sunday, July 8, 1984�at the. But your memories, will live forever Ashfield Township Park.. The day will begin Lovingly remembered by his wife, Tillie; ..with a barbeque dinner at 12 'o'clock. and family and grandchildren. =26,27 A . • . .. . . We would like to: thank: all; our neighbours and friends for the lovely' cards,,. flowers and gifts ;sent to, us on our 60th wedding: antuversary. Special„ thanks to the Village of Lucknow 'for the beautiful flower arrange,' ment, to the, UCW .of ' our church, the Institute ladies and to our family for tbeu gifts. Thanks •to all,, - 4444 ", , Isabel and Wesley:iRttchie }�.. www. -.,.��i•�ww�pl�f�w!lhlt•p.��w•�•..: 32. Con. ning events. i. WALTER OSTANEK DANCE Plan to attend the Walter Ostangk Datce at The Community Centre,' Saturday, July (9 T 1). Tickets available,* Lucknow Variety, '. any director or. phone 528.-2184. Tickets • 512:00_ Ixer couple:lunch served. 27,28,25 • • BLTTH FESTIVA!, Garrison's Garage: July' 7 (mat.- and. eve.), 9, 10, 12, 13. A Spider inthe House: July -6, 11, 12 '(inat.).• Performance tinge: 8:30 p.m.. unless otherwise, ,indicated. Tickets ' $8 adults', $3 children.. Call. Box.. Office:, 523-9300 or 523-9225. —27 OMMUNITY SHOWER C I ,4417 at 8:00 o Jul For Debra,, Arnald..•is:.being held n, y 8:00 ,p.m., at the. Lucknow United Church. • Everyone welcome.—21,28x • ` • IMMUNIZATION CLINIC' Bruce , County Health Unit, infants, pre schoolers,. adults,, 2nd "Wednesday "'Of each Month. Next clinic Wednesday., .July 11, 1984. Bruce • County Health Unit Ofiire,: �3 - 4•30 p,m.--27e 4444_ . v • FIDDLE & STEP'DANCE CONTEST` July, 13 to 14 at ' Fergus District Community Centre, Fergus, Ontario. Camping available. For information call Mery Woods 519-843- 1630. —026 19-843-1630.-026 , COME AND HELP in CELEBRATE The : Lucknow . and District `Horticultural Society' invites you to a Bicentennial`.Garden • Tour' (starting point •municipal parking lot 2 pm.) and Garden Party, (5 p.m,), JULY 18, 1984: Picnic' supper '$3.00 per person. Tickets must beourchased by, July 11 Call. 528=3813" or >528-2702. —26.27 CAN -AM: TRUCK AND TRACTOR PULL In Lucknoisir, July 7 and. 8. ,Admission $6:00. No ` rain dates.. No . 'refunds.. Bring , lawn chairs..; Sponsored by Lucknow Tractor Pull Association. See display ad in June 27 issue for full. details.—26,27ar Wedpesday , ;1yi : -4, 19PaBe 14 �wweo��.1�w•ww}, . , _44_44. ,4444'. mw•111•••Mmwww.40. A. For sale', . For 4444..: 4444- !rWor1'eme.04w�"}w.wlw1T A. , .. 44 nu.ru•j•w , STANDING HAS ' PTO)" a -Alfalfa. Phone 529.7622, ,-:26#?2 • NEW IDEA .29004 HAYBINE ,for sale,, M.F. hayrake;. McKee corn cultivator 4 x ' 36" - rows. Phone 35173a18., -*27 ` _4444 19 ACRES OF STANDING :HAY. Phone S28=2333: —27 PUREBRED AND FULL FRENCH Charolais bulls for sale. Avignon breeding. Contact Fergus Kelly, 345-2197 (Dublin).. --25=28 ATTENTION ;FARMERS! : Not one niekelin taxes more than .oui fair'share is a slogan, at During44th 'summer Months you will Y. be receiving your Notice of Assessment. from Revenue Canada: if yours: aims. not say, ":As Declared'°'. you need Farin .Business Consul-: tants,. assistance nowi Serving' farmers' needs 52 weeks' of the year. Call toll free 1.800-265»1002. -026, 021 BEHLEN DRYER; 850 model, continuous flow -with extensions; in, good condition. Can be seen and inspected ,at. Amberley Grain Elevator,: junction of 21 and 86 highwa. s;: Phone (519) 395-3300.' —25-27. . :.Nwrw B. ' CustOiri work CUSTOM BALING of large round bales. all Bill: Robinson, 529-7857. 25,26,27,28 E. Farm, servic es . wrww BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT • :Barn Cleaners,• manure pumps, vertical, Ahorizontal,`8". to 15 P:V.C. or 53 4:1'., ductile. • Cow and calf tie stalls. Loose housing. Bunk :Feeders, Ventilation. Equipment. 'Hog, Con- finement, Ritchie• ' . heated water bowls. Farrowing Crates:- Wegner I3e ks °, Plastic' Slates arid .also Farm Gates. • Contact Lloyd= Johnston R. R. 3, Holyrood, Ontario. , Phone 395.4390 MAIZE In ,loving memory of a dear grandmother, .Ida, ,who passed away July 8, 1981. If I could h ve one -lifetime wish, , One dream j that could come true; I'd pray to,•God with all my 'heart; • For yesterday,and you. Forever missed, and always remembered. Randy and Patti , PREGNANT and need` help? Free positive -27na confidential support Birthright: Call 357- 1066. 357-2392, 357-1769 'or London ' 432- 31. Cards- of t anks . 9197 collect - 31. : 11AVI1'U A! DRINKING PROBLEM? AA' can. help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or,Walkerton 881-3655: '40tfar FOR. GENEALOGICAL PURPOSES, endeav- ouring' to find information on a DUNCAN McINTYRE, dose family were 'in business. (possibly hardware) in Lucknow prior to 1900. He is believed to have left Lucknow as - a young . man and settled . in the .Norland-' Coboconk area where he worked , in the lumber business. Please reply to Drawer 15, c/o . The Lucknow Sentinel, Box ' 400, LUCKNOW, NOH 2H0. -.27,28.29 ' ' , 23, Miscellaneous FREE 128 page career guide shows to • train'at home for 205 top paying full and • rt time jobs. Granton Institute, 265 A. Adelaide Street West, Toronto. `.Call (416) 977-3929 today. —0201f 141 YOUNG We wish to express our''sin�Cere appreciation to our relatives, neighbours._and friends for,: . all their kindness at' the time of the passing of our to ther.. The lovely floral tributes, _riemorial donations to "different -chimes,' food brought to our homes, visitation and. - cards of sympathy. Special thanks to the staff at, Pineerest Nursing Home for the care she received and also to Wingham Hospital and Doctors from Lucknow medical centre. . Thanks also to Rev. Robert Crocker from: St. 'George's Anglican Chuch, Goderich and the ladies from Dungannon United. Church who served lunch and the MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral. All was much apprec- ' iated. Grace Gibson, Amy Wiggins, • Agnes Henderson, Tom anti Margaret Young, Fred and Donna Young, Arthur and Isabel Young. and families Time to repair4 Brea tete ice inthe Classifieds FOR FIRST TIME BUYER ='Oedfoom Lucknow home,newly panelled and � �i, nsulated, roof. new three years ago,, large lot, reasonable' down payment, owner wilt finance. • Asking $23,900:00... • 4444 COUNTRY PROPERTY near •Lucknow, snail acreage with trees, .2 storey; 3 bedroom • brick ;,home. Large livingroom, family size kitchen, , two . baths, new attached double garage. I•, 7 YEAR OLD mobile home with 2 year old addition, family room with lace, 3 bedrooms, electric feat,large lot. 1 3 ACRES with three bedroom home, new renovations include new wiri g, new insulation, ` new drywall. Asking 525,000. Offers. ,, considered. 40 ACRES West Wawanosh, buildings under 6 years old. Barn has addition for farrowing operation. Good F.C.C. .mortgage. . ;, :4444 4444,. ` 4444 4444 .I 50 ACRES WAWANOSI ,. 47'workable; 4 ,bedroom house, living room, dining room, 4 pc. bath, 40 :x 60 barn. ONE STOREY 2 bedroom.. Lucknow home on a ch9ice, lot with paved drive: House.. in excellent condition, good living: room with fireplace;' kitchen and cupboards. The renovations include new fireplace chimney, ,new deck, new insulation and new wiring. • Immediate.. possession: WAWANOSH,• 8 acres•*i h three bedroom home, living room, dining room, kitchen. Home updated with new drywallinterior, new siding, new . Pella: windows, full basement; older ,barn. Financing. '. • • ' EIGHTEEN ACRES on Highway half mile From town. Modern brick building with attached' garage. Finished'rec room,. games room •and. bedroom in basement - 3 bedrooms, living .room arid kitchen. on -44main. floor. 20 x 40 . barn for horses. Lots of private financing. TWO STOREY family hone in Lucknow', living room,' formal dining room, spiral staircase to second floor, three bedrooms with closets. Property consists of 4 lots with garage.. 1 r ,MEL MATHERS, WINGHAM, 357.3208 ereptesenting. .LLOYD W. HUJTTON REAL. ESTATE LTD., BROKER, KINCARDINE 1 4 n fig e� yai r int Ni r at (ire of ff re; Hat sh to rill ho