HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-07-04, Page 9A 1• nm Pagel4' ' ' • • • ", The problem:is were all too greedy," Willert commented. They don't tell you how to get a price for your „proc1.40, or what the 'chemicals are doing to the land or hOW, furrows of soil are being washed away along with $Billion of fertilizer into Lake Huron, he said . "We are -devastating our cash er9ti. -communities," - • :•• Young .peapie %.in.farming today haveo grown :into the system and they know, no ,other way. Fara', nitrates and nitrites are polluting wells at the 300 foot level. Stabilization without upper /Wits is a •disaster because the big farmer will over produce. The income tax system encourages be farmer to spend money to avoid paying, tax which encourages him to 'spend money: he le hasn't got -The National Farmers' :Union supports price for product, said Willert- The'. issue . of private ownership is. important and must be addressed or young farmers are going to be renters not land- owners.; There is no difference between oreign ownership and 'corporate ownership', oy Labatts; the land still, does not.belong to the farmer, Willert observed. - Rev. Paul Mooney of Zurich stressed that - a policy, of self reliance is the only policy,. People are producing luxury crops the •Third World countries where they could 'be -- growing their own food. Rev. Mooney of the Catholic Rural Life Conference said he has worked in Latin Americari countries where rosi • • . (1, they are using 90 per cent of their water to grow sitgar catieto ship to the Vnited states to refine it and sell it back at an exhorbitant price to the people • wholiteduced it. . • The United States will ,soQii. want. &lc water„ to .Igo* gratn,Jor. Third W9$4 countries where. they could ?e growing their -Own food if they weren't growing luxury crops for export, Said Mooney. Bill Jongejan of the Christian Farmers Fe4eration said his organization had met with Ontario agricultural minister Dennis Timbrell • earlier in the day to outline their position. in their brief to the minister Jongejan said they pointed out that stabiliza- tiOn payments will • benefit established Producers and.struggling farmers will not be able to compete. Targeted assistance is necessary to keep. the struggling farmer on the land and' tax lledtictions should alio be' targeted, iliegroup told Timbrell. The Christian Farmers Federation encour- ages debt set aside with application to ' a tribunal'or courta to have debts restructured, said Jongejan. - Brian Ireland, Teeswater,. of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture '(4:)FA) said he doesn't believe a tripartite stabilization.plan will ever, be, implemented. -When it " is implemented; there Will be a 2 7 S year phase in 'period sofarmers shouldn't hold 'their breath waiting for the tripartite plan to bail them out. The OFA lobbies for expansion .of the Ontario Farm AssistanceAdjustment • WINGHAM. OPTIMIST . frItiONSTERBINO. Sunday, July tsth • WINGTIAM ARENA • DeorS. open at ji00, 20. ()Weide ,BbigOs 'at 1:30, j• 10 legidar:One Jj S100 bingos 3 Special -$200 bbigosl . $SOO "SpeCial,gaMe , • Jackpot of S1000 , • 2 Shake -die -Wealth .1. Bonaiiia Binge All Must Oo • • All proceeds too youth work . • • 1 •• • I TILL THURS LutitiowonnucT. • COMMUNITY CENTRE OPEN DATESAVAILABLE Friday, July 8, 13,20; 27 . Saturday, July 14 • Friday, August 17, 24' , friday, SepteMber 7, 01, 28 . • MOO 111=m ••••• MEM MINN ON.= NM* 11019 OEM • . • SATURDAY,IVLYI • Nancy Haldenby and Ken Craig SATURDAY, JIILY 21 Welter Osten* . SATURDAY, JULY 28 . Doug-Cori:1n and Susan Drew .• •. . - CALLTHIS NUMBER BETWEEN •9C00 it.m.and,6:00 p.m. ONLY 528;3532 • • - • • • 40/kW SCOOPell, Wednlid•Y: July4, 1984—Pge 9 ion contr program and a guaranteed interest rate. He '5aid the OFA tries to agree with the positions of the other farm organizations. Ireland 'said he is not sure that the threat of losing land is a local problem, He said he. fears in a• *iv yeari-we May b5•ffightling 40. take back the land from foreign interests and corporate ° ownership. . Ireland urged the farmers and the farm organilations represented at the meeting to get together and build on their strengths and forget their weaknesses. • "Subsidy will not solve ' the problem, We hav to; get a price for •our product," Ireland concluded,. • • Allan Wilford of the Farm Survival Association told the summit that Canada as,a whole •will prosper •when 'governnient decides to restore parity to. farmers, The 'recent depression was caused because credit has been substituted for earned money and secondary industry and the Overnment has to 'borrow when the prima* industry, farming; must borrow. If the farmers path- ising ;power is restored by givingfarmers parity, the • whole economic 'system will recover, said Wilford. ' On the subject of over production he ,observed that people cannot buy our‘excess because they don't have the •purchasing power..Government's view of the agricultur-• -al problem' is that there are too many •farmers: Government thinks if they reduce the number of farmers (by forcing then -tint° • • • GODIIRC11 • S24-71111 (*WI 'ONO/ in •STARTS FRIDAY JULY 6t • • - Cute. Clever. Mischievous. Dangerous. :O( •P. 1 • • • •• • • • • • • • • • ;•a • • • • • • : • • STT;VENSpy,LHERG GREMLINS STARRING ZACH GALLIGAN PHOEBE CATES HOYT AXTON.POLLY IHIOLLIDAY FIANCES LEE McCAIN•MUSIC BY MIRY GOLDSMITH • LY • • Stglititi I • • !`""!** • L. • bankruptcy) it will remove- the -problem. A• There is no help _coming from government, • warned, Wilford. • ‘tl'hesoluition is direct action to stop fore- • '10sUres because we cannot afford to lose oiie faimer said "Wilford.' "We need every fighting mall we can go." He mentioned the • destruction of the family fain because farmer are no longer self,reliant, because soil erosion is carrying away the top Soil and because farmers are being exploited because they do not stand...together. • Justice is standing up, for the rights of others, said Wilford and ..1the Tann gate defence staged by the Survival Association. has stopped the strong armed tactics of the banks. A judge's ruling on -a court case, which resulted from 'one of the -farm gate defence actions taken by the Survivalists, has effectively ' stopped the sheriffs of •• Ontario ffom moving against a farmer, • Wilford said. The judge ruled that if you are • in •peaceful -Posses -Sion of your property you have the right to protect that property. • Wilford stated that, corporate ownership of - farm land will ,destroy the fabric' of. a • community and. 'reminded the meeting that • the revolution in Nicaragua occurred when the people took their land back from' •eotporate. ownership., • When of the land gets into the • hands of a few, proverty and starvation follow, 'concluded Wilford. • - „ Phone 357-1630. for' 24' hour movie infoinitition • FLAYING FROAllflUDAY - • JOLT 60: to 1211: 3110111711813:18110ATANOSATURDAT AT : • 7:00 and 9:00a.M.• • • SUNDAY TO THURSDAY AT 1:00p.m.' ONLY ' BOX OFFICE OPENS• , • • •al . TILL THURSDAY ' . ' FRI.-SAT. 8:00 SUN.-THURS. 8:30 • • • • . • sYLVESTEit • immix • — _.., • - Mil . • : • STALLONE '• PAR1rON , 2ND FEATURE. • " MICHAELDOUGLAS • \ NE FR1.4AT. 7 lik•9 . ' ' •_ ! ITO • SUN.-THURS. 8:00 P.M. • " • ..'.- • ' .! ' , • • 41, I' , 3 EVERY TUESDAlf ,• • NIGHT' 'ADULTS $2.00 REG.4.00 YOUTHS 1.60REG.13.50 EVERY NIGHT • CHILDREN '1.50 SENIORS9.50 • • ' • ••'• . •• • .0 :„. •• • • • • , ‘„ • • • 4.• • (.4.• • • • • • - • The Knockout COMeiily.of the'Sumnier! 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