HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-07-04, Page 8Lucknow . Sentinel, Wednesday, July 4 .1984-7Page "' Barbara- Jean Scott, daughter of i1I and. Bertha Scott, concession 4, Huron `Town- ..ship, has been selected by. the Ripley and District. Lions Club for an .International Youth Exchange: Barbara will spend from July 14 to August 11 in Lubbock, Texas. Barbra , attehded. 'pley . Huron . Central School and is a gradof Kincardine and District Secondary Sc ool • The June meeting of the; Ashfield W.M.S. • was held at the: home of Mrs.,Ewan MacLean onJune 28.° ; Ws, MacLeanopened the Meeting . with twopoems about the month of June and gave the devotions. telling how the African people believe in sharing their lives in every way -- .from sickness to hunting together. She closed with .prayer.•. • , • Mrs • Neil ,MacKenzie and: Mrs. MacLean. presented the Study'800k, .chapter, on the Church at Worship..,The African.' people are bringing their own native custoins'and'music into their worship.' There aremany churches, and large cri wilds. ttend. The youth play an iniportant pact ' in ,their community_ and churches by helping the sick• and old people, teaching Sunda! School and singing in the Omit to name a few, It was very interesting • to get some insight into the religious life of • the Africans anda record of their music was • played, ° Roll call was answered by. a Missionary we have in Africa.. Mrs. MacKenzie reviewed the. June -July Glad. Tidings. The offering wastaken with offertory prayer ly Mrs Emile MacLennan, The president, . Mrs, Henry" MacKenzie, conducted the business and in memory of Jessie, McIntyre, ,a former membei of the group, read Psalm 121. The meeting closed with an African Creed. • read by the members. Farm safety club meets By Debbie Raynard The second meeting' of the .4-H Farm Safety Club was held June 27 at Reavie Farm Equipment. Nine members were present and one new member •attended. The election of officers was conducted and the; executive is as follows: president, Paul ' Hackett; vice-president, Scott Hackett; secretary, Brenda Hackett and press report- er, Debbie Raynard. The meeting 'topics were Tractor Safety and Common Machine Hazaards. Speaking to the •Club on these subjects were Stu Reavie, ; Pat Brenzil and Keith Hodgkinson. Hodgkinson shouted. the . club a .forage harvester.and all the dangerous areas . on it., Pinch points, :wrap points; shear points, • crush points . and pull in • points • were, discussed as the Ave most common hazards.' Reavie then showed the. Flub . two, new tractors and, all the' dangerous parts on it., The point stressed most on both of these topics was common 'sense. If you use Your head 'and a little extra care when around dangerous machinery and tractors 'you will lead a safer and likely longer life. The meeting closed with :the, distribution of .a free safety kit which can be used on the. members' tractors. I Attends amnesty meetin Three .local :�mepsty International action groups, Kincardine,.Lucknow and Pine River held . their first' . joint meeting in the ^.•Kincardine :United' Church .oq June 19.. Amnesty International is the :highly resp- ected world wide human rights organization which works 'for the release of 'men . and women who are in ;prison for their. beliefs, colour, •ethnic origin,or religion, provided .they have not used nor advocated violence. Rev."' Warren McDougall attended.. the annual general meeting of Amnesty Interna - Lois Pennington, daughter of Roy and. Betty tional,held at Mount St: Vincent Univers'ity,- ennmgton of Culross, graduated from the Halifax; May 25 - 27, as a delegate. In' his rly Childhood Education diploma prargr�m ; " report to the local group.' he said there is no at Conestoga College, Doo: Campus, at` the typical Amnesty International member. He graduation ceremonies held Saturday, June , was impressed by the number • of . profes- 16. A dinner was held in her honour' at the ' signal •people, men and women, young. and . Crock and Block Restaurant with her family` . old, who were delegates to the AGM in • and . friends Lois 'is presently employed in' Hallfax: Rev. McDougall was encouraged to her field with the ';Region of Waterloo. learn that althoughthe combined. local group favourably .in .memuership with' groups in larger cities. . He found that although .. Amnesty International is independent of any government, po1'itical '.:faction or religious• creed, about fifty per_ cent of the groups • meet in churches and were started by church groups. Rev. McDougall's report :renewed. the conviction that the 'work of Amnesty . International ir'very worthwhile... Geoffrey , Richardson, chairperson of Group 13 in London- also addressed the meeting, in Kincardine. He attended . as a • r source person to:help solve any problems that might arise from the amalgamation: of the three groups The first inclination has been to keep the •three local groups as identifiable units, but the more they meet together,' the stronger is the tendency to merge into one '. strong. • group They are looking forward to receiving. tire dossier on the particular prisoner of consciencefor whom they will beg respon- :; seems small • in numbers, it compares sible. �L&ASOUTHWEST SATELLITE Sales & Servr•ice Fibreglass 3 & 10 Year ® Stainless Steel Warranty. Wire Mesh • 1In home demonstration ♦. ,now available. Complete system i o �r installed . ,s2695;' LARRY FISHER . 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M.; GODERICH TOWNSHIP HALL Holmesviile Presented by the Study Team for the 'Huron County • Pioneer Museumn ,Members of the puhlic are invited to attend to present .their views and opinions to the study team: BevIOdqins a• � , 'EV/ERY ORIDY, BEGINNING Au om -2( TEESWATER ESWATfR EXTOGGERY. Rummage Sale Thursdsry July 5-, 10:00A.M.15:00P.M,' 1~or further information 1 39 4988 01;3924173 IACLYN 'CAR. OILING Phone . • • 395--3352 1.'f. mils north of AmbiFlay; ' w st off ;Highway No 21. LOOK FOR SIGNS' • PRICES: ar 16.:.r Pickups or Vans 61.8. Tax includ.d .• . 94 PM Weather permitting PAS NG AS HIGH AS 1 3 3/4 ON 3 YEAR AND S YEAR ANNUAL Guar6�eed Investme� Certificate ALSO PAYING AS HIGH AS 131/2% ON 3' & 4 YEAR ANNUAL Through such Trust Companys as VICTORIA & GREY -CITY TRUST STA NDA RD - STERLING' - INTERNATIONAL 0 MUNICIPAL- CREDIT FONC R All companies members:,' of the Canada "Deposit insurance 'Corp. oration. ' Rates quoted as of:• - JUNE 29,1984 INVEST THROUGH Rod McDonagh BOX 250 LUCKNOW 528-3423 VI 'el w cc 0 P SI Tir 'fa a T1 G w • • • • • • • • • i • • •• 1 • • • • • • 1 0 • • • • i • • • • •