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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-07-04, Page 5
In page 1 os and drop inlet stinetures which,tie into unicpal drains for:effective water manage- ent proventsoil, erosion as well asfam. nning which provides.a detailed conser- tion planfor a particular farm which is site cified The Authority can'also provide informa- p on alternate tillage practices and works th the Huron Soil and"Water Conservation Istrict in assisting. farmers. to implement, ese practices on their farms. . Howa rd said the Authority is:.interested in esting the progress of gullies along the uron shoreline in Ashfield Township rough.: rural storm water , management. hich would attack ' the •cause of the,, gully blem, at :':the ,.source , Theshoreline: setits` additionarconcerns° for the , town p in- the 'conservation area as well as the roblems experienced by farmers on their - d The•Auti ority would :also do floodplain ppng ands erosion control along the. Tower "ur etches -Of 'the' Nine'.Mile River' ate.:Por•t' • bent, onsr cture pevents"ol rs 'from :page 1. idue*:away- from,;the row A tour of conservation' practices employed three . -Ashfield Township farms at the soil nservati©n demonstration included'`a stop the' farm of Francis Hogan who has a.ridge p of corn. ,Hogan formed the. ridges last no a heightaof six He did no oughing .or discing ,and finds'the, far less .;‘ lage and' ridge..planting to be''an effective ill erosion. control. A sPeciatscraper on the clears and vela the top of the ridge to free it of,residue nd permit the; planting; unit to stay on top of ' e ridge. Chopped , corn''• 'stalks - lay in• tween the rows where they are discarded y the deflectors on':the planter:'If the• stalks e not chopped, the residue; will iremaip on p of -067400i keeping :the soil. cooler Mit etter� than' desired' for early germination ' d emergence: ''. • , A clean area to•plant the seedy into top; .� f the ridge. causes"the 06i1'to wart i up .faster'' erosion on :a water course. onse ~vat on on � -arms.. inthe spring and germination occurs, with excellent emergence, according: ,to -Robert. Trautof the Hurdn. Soil and Water Conser- vation District. channels full of residue •.alongside thefridges slow the water flow, stop erosion and the residue soaks up water, holdingthe moisturefor the planted soils Traut says the farmers who are:uaing these two' methods of conservation' tillage have found better natural ;drainage` ineither no taille • orridge panting. The . natural openings are not disturbed'`and water 'can percolate down through the soil. Moisture , drains better and the soil holds moisture longer, _ .LUCKNOW CHRJS REFORMED: CHURCH • . Invites You To Worship With Them SUNDAY, JULY 8 10:00 a.m. and `f:30 p.h. , • lurseryr downsaa isi moaning and, •evening EVERYONE WEKOME`,. works' with ;sandy.' soil, says Traut, reasonably well with loam and well with clay.•soils.: It can create problems , with ,wet'clay: however. Traut'believes the small. ridge to be 'most. , effective. ;Most times a ridge obtained by scuffling once is all that's "'reiluired. Each°'farine shas.to‘euperirnent to J.L.S. ID eS me 1141 KINGEQIC'LE ho.; ° 10* 3 .E' fir` NEWMARKET L3Y 4W1' . HANOVE !'.Ni114 3H 'first .Second & Third Ma r.tga9es;` 'Loans on: Milk or Poultry _.Other FinQ tcialOroblemlr (All: Sises) BROKERS &CONSULTANTS APPRAISERS +a .-.. �.. ..• ...019) 3,4.44515" •s r''.:• evolve a conservation production package to suit needs of his soil the nye thedeinonstratioii tour also' .included a :stop at the farm of Lawrence Hogan where he' has built a.berm structure to Prevent soil 'erosion on a water course.The berm ponds ' the water rerouting it to an underground ti1 .' The berm preventsthe water from running - across the land creating, a gullyoright across the farm and prevents top soil from being. swept into the drainage system where it'has •to be removed. The'basin is big enough' to store water from. 60: 70 acres. Two smaller • structures are required down stream about 1;000 feet, apart. ••' • Control of spring' runoff in this manner • ,would effectively stop • the erosion.; of gullies along the Huronshoreline if farmers inland were :employing •soil erosion practices. Such erosion control would also effectively reduce the cost to the township for cleaning municipal_drains and to the tai payers who =pa ►,: at•dredge., Goder ch harbour. COMBINED UNITED; PRESBYTER AiVSUMMER' WORSHIP SERVICES. • July '8 10 A.M. Lucimow, :United .church :;. Rev. Warren •McDougall Jul' , 15. 10 A.M. Laclmorf .JJIIted Church ; Rev. Warren McDougall Jul ,10 A.M. �Luclmow;. United Church . . Rev./ Warren McDougall JOY. 29 South Kinloss PresbyterGlin Church Rev. Warren McDougall August '5 10 A.M. - South Kinloss Presbyterian Church Rev. Allison Ramsay August 12 • 10` A.M.. South Kinloss. Presbyterian Church Rev. Allison Ramsay August 19 10 A.M. Luclmow Presbyterian Church • Rev. Al lson Ramsay, August 26 10 A.M. Lucluiow Presbyterian Church Rev. AWston• Ramsay September .2 1.0 A.M. Udine* Presbyterian Church, • • Rev. AWeon' Ramsay • SUNDAY; JIJLY•8th #2 in'a 5 -part series on "TheBeaftudee' "Blessed.Are These Who Mount ..Blessed Are The Meek'.' Rev. W. McDougall The .Wingham &" Lucknow CHIRQPRACtIC CENTRES' • .announce the return of • Dr..:Lee, Cowley; B.Sc., D.C. , • and. the partnership `of Dr. Cowley -Dr. ' Stewart . Anderson, ° D.C. Effective July 3 1984 • 'For an appointment: • . In Wingarim call: r 357:1,224 In. Lucknow call:. • 528-23.30 • • �tlnelt, wednesda , J* 4t 1940.—Paso 5 PHO) OG. RAPHY for pictures you will •treasurer • '• for a. lifetime!! *WEDDING, *GRADUATION, *PORTRAIT *ALBUMS !FAMILY , *FRAMES FQr professional photography at affordable prices, call GARY %A/ALDEN R. 3, Blyth. 523-9212 • OR.RECTION. RE: LUCKNOW SWIMMING POOL SCH Swim' Team BEST RATES No Foos- Retort Sublet To Change % ` 'No aaille • .1 YEAR 5 YEARS_ CONTACT CALL COLLECT 524-2773 ABC Annuities 53 WEST ST. GODERtCH ' ,,;'`PRIS.BRQTT-AR TISTIC DIRECTOR 2/5ths OF BEETHOYENa\0�Stratford Festival Theatre Hamil&ornPhitharmonic Orchestra, Boris Brott, conductor. Guest Artist,' Elyakim Taussig, piano. Beethoven: Symphony' 05. Beethoven: Piano Concerto *5 ` OPENING Monday, July 9, 8:30 pm, $ 15:50 and. $ 12.50 (all seats ; reserved) • Sponsored by: GM and Dofasco "DUO MAZ"RK•EVICH" 'Yuri and Dana Pomerantz:Mazurkevich, classical violinists... "brilliant representatives of the Soviet violin school :. . Wednesday July ,I'1, 1.0:•30..am, $7.50 Coffee Concert Sponsored, by: Labatt Ontario Breweries , "JOEL QUARRINGTON. & SHARON KRAUSE Double Bass &id Piano. . Thursday July 12,10:30 am, $7.50 Coffee Concert "DOMINION CHAUTAUQUA" JUSMORE THAN T DESSERTS THE"TAPESTRY SINGERS Musicalrevue tribute to Ontario's Bicentennial. Friday July 13, 8:00 pm,• Dessert and Concert S'14.5 Concert only $12:5.0. ' °Sponsored by: Nabisco Brands "SIGHT.& SOUND" Gino Lorcini (sculptor) and Marie Lorcini (harp). Saturday July 14, I0:30 am, '$7.50 Coffee Concert .Sponsored by: V&O Trust t • All performances Are held at. City'' Hall•Auditoriurii unless otherwise see d. • . *\)\, ,RESERVE NOW WRITE OR CALL. •(519)273-2117. FOR YOUR FREE BROCHURE . \7,/ I \‘ ' r 14? P.O. BOX 309 • STRATFORD, ONTARIO .M .NSA. 6T3' •