HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-07-04, Page 2S 8 0 • ".`," • ... 4 • • .W:ednead*1 '4.aly.4,191 The grade eight graduation banquet was helot at the school an Monday evening,June B 25. Brenda Gibson said the Grace and Koreeif BROADCAST Juergens proposed a toast to Flag and • Country. The ladies • of Trinity U.C.W. catered for the meal- and were thanked by •, • Leisa Rau.• • Donna Baynard, Karam Elliott and. fenny ,Moss each played a piano solo, : , • , • Don Cameron and. Don Tremeer conduct- ed the, introduction of tgraduates • and - • presentation of diplomas, 'Bars, Were fres- Anted to several- students, for. their special ' effort by.Mr. Cameron. . Sports awards were • presented by D. D. Graham and. Ross; Errington. ' • • . • Guest speaker, 'Audrey' Tiffin of Wing - ham, was introduced by -Barbara Smith • and • thaiited;pyStephanie.purtiin.,"The Valedic- torianDonna nard , • • 'The foII�wg awards Averel"' P.4e.ntecir • MemOrJal Paut Caetar, Award: for. most .„ improved; student**Englisk,presented .by Joyce Caesar to Bonnie Henderson and Kirk. Livingston; Proficiency Award frein Dungan« non Woineig*.: Institute • , presented by mai cr,0*Ier;40,x0F,4,-0400; Sainte Award."... from•Ashfield Federation of Agriculture and Farmer's Unionpresentedby Teresa Court • • ney to Kevin 'Stack; Science . Award from West Wiwanosli Federation Of Agriculture presented by Cecil Cranston to Karen Elliott; Mathematics Award.froni St. , Helens , • Women's InstiMte .presented by • Elaine Errington to. Karen "'Ellett. 'Penmanship Award presented, by Lois Famish. to Cathy. Selent; MuSical Award frorn 'the &Went's' • .. .COuncil, presented by the secretary, Penny reclplents_,at the graduatiOn:eoreMmil'Ile10 at Brookslde,Publlc Sell* June 25 were Mass to Donna Raynardi History Award lionfite, Henderson« Memorial Paid Caesar Award for moat Improved student presented by Marian Zinn to Donnalaynard )n _Pah; 'Brenda Gibson; citizenship Award; Karen"Elliott,: Proficiency Award; West and Kevin Black; .Citizenship Award from 4. Wnwanollik,. Seieliee-Award, *thematic* Award; Cathy Selent, Penmanship •Award; _Kirk . Benmiller Foresters presente;),7by tedy • LIvingatonilifinorini 1Palitatetiar Award for most In1Proved'fituant In Win*: Mkbael t�. Brenda Gibson- , 'Georgraphy • •Award 4 Pentland,SP‘OPinngliki Award; Kevin Black, AA** Selence Award, History Aw,ard; .Presented by Madeline Anderson to Brian • *Ian Grnendlers•GeorgraPbY.Alvatt and.Male Athlet4 of the , and Donna Ra Ginencuer;. French Award presentedr by, Munk,. Award, -History. • Award, . French Award, 'FAinide Atidete of the Tear, "and • Joantie Drennan to 'Donna Sports -4 valtiktOokni.••. " , ElPhitO .bY:Sharon nets] manshrp Award - from'• Elaine and • Ross: ..• . .•• • , • Errington 'presented by • rrington to '...juitie• 26 was the last day of Kindergar,ten. graduation for .class 1 was • Michael Pentland. ...sehoot for the students put tefiehers bad to 'held on Monday afternoon and elaii 2 on. The 'eVening closed .%vith •social heir iitte!iffinntilFrid#t,Ame 29 They were buy- Tuesdliy. morning This was Mits.,: Jolly's dancefor WhiclimuSid.v41; proVided *time ' with meetings, .,,worksh_9S;- Planning ••,ses.l. last day at Brookside as Dr. and Mrs. ,Jolly and Bonnie Hodges. Flowers were provided sions for next year and classroom organizaz • and Timothy are moving to 'Ottaik.foia year QuinnFlorists, licknoWi • • •• • . . ' - •. • . while Dr. Jolly tikes a course: - I ic and Valetta Ezerson 0010 ByVaIettaEmeren lOsshis.twin brother, Matthewantan •der brotheii2John; his grandpirents-insisev!, On Sunday Mr. and Mrs Eldon Emerson, : end aunts and ',uncles in this ,-aren, Hugh • • . Sbaron,-Brenda 'and Darlene of St. Cathar- Sinnamon, Mrs. PhillipMcblillan, Lucknow, ines. Mr.. and Mrs. Fred *Tiffin. Mr. andMrs: Murray Ripley; Mrs. Archie Mrs./Bill Urddrilts,; Mr..inicl" Mrs. Wallace-. *Hertel, Kitchener attended the funeral on • Milligan, and.: Mabel Frank and ,Bessie .Monday at Digby, Nova Scotia. MacGreger', of Acton helped Mr.. and Mit:. On Sunday Mr. and, -Mrs. Wolfgang of Victor Emerson quietly 'celebrate their. 60th,-. Dungannon visited with:Mr. and Mrs.E. W. • • wedding anniversary at home. , Beecroft.. • : •• • • - ' Callers on Monday with Mr. and•Mist..Nrie Mr. and Mrs.: Lorne Durnin on Sunday ••-• • Emerson on the occasion of their 60th Visited with Mr. Sad' Mrs., Reg Schelti anct • anniversary were Mr. ;And Mrs: , Alton, ';• tandlY;-'. • - • - • - • •••• Ciederielt:: :Jennie ‘Parteons„LiicknOw;; ;..Olive Gillespie of Sarnia is spending *:few • • :and 'Mrs.. Tony Straker,, winghany Olive days with Agnes.Earrier. Gillespie, Sarnia and Agnes Farrier. . ; Danny Joe Thomson spent few days last • - .•••--- • *.• Week with his cousins,' Dee' Stephen Hugh. Sinnamon receiveriword'on Thum-, ..Eiffin • day of the Pna0118 "efiAls Mnr,.1f and Mrs. -Miick;SteiVart of Kitchener Webster of Digb Neva. Seetis' bias;. Tuesday callersMrt« Victor son Of tbefOrmet DaWn Sihminien, formeriy.rso „ Emean; sini,o,c;ann.litue_gio spent -. �tWingham. HewailiOrn halidayi- with . , • • and besidei his mOther. lie leaiveS Mr.And Mrs. EMerson and Mourn When 'Mack." attended $. S. MS; , •;. • rate 60th anniversar ; • Emerson taught bini.111 Years ago. • . , Tom.Inglis was able to return home from . , Olive Boss, passed away at Winghain• and hospital last week. • • • District Hospital on Tuesday, June 30, 1984 •As a wedding gift from the Wilily -Mr, and ' in her 89th 89:year. The former, Oive Te'7i..,ff, Mrs. Wallace a1IaMilliganspent.Wedne' Wednesday - she is the beloved wife of thegate Tolie/and Thursdayat Bentniler. ., G.A Boss, sisterOfAdeline (Mrs. Sig Fore)of :irs.To:.ofundonspenNiisiss4a.TefunerservIce*aseid ' her. parent*, Mr. and Mrs: Bill .Rintoul; : Heather of -Atwitter spent the weekend with , . ment in Walkerton cemetery. ,.. and Mrs. :Elroy LaidIS.W. ' • „ Mr: and ' Mrs. Gordon Campbell and at Don Ross' farm. . ' ' • • .. Gordon Milton' was released last -Monday 'pasiing ,,- Of his father,. UlMont:Srooie .'of • -, . . • . • . '. , path to Walter Moore, wife and Family in the. Tony Falconer is assisting With farm work . This commimi.ty extends sincerest._..synt. - , - . -•. , • . . and Tnesday'with'her iirtints: Mr. ' ,, 4••, On Thursday by Rev. Rea Grant with inter- • Monday from Wingham Hospital. • • Wroxeter. . • At their nominating Meeting,, held in Clinton on June 14,, the Huron -Bruce -New • Democrats selected Valerie Bolton as their candidate for the upcoming federal election'. Bolton, a Huron County resident for the, past ten years, raises two daughters on small farm in East WitWanosh Township. She is active, in women's Issues and is a' • founding member of Women Today. "Being a woman can't do anything but. help." says Boltcr, referring to runnmg in the election. "I am .welE known' among W0121011, and there are, many women vnting, but I expect to get votes from men as well. I have never had anynegative response to • . being a woman before, and 1 don't expect it Her campaign will be partially supported by the federal.NDP's 'Agnes McPhail fund. TheFund is to support women' candidates, • and it was named after Agnes McPahil,. Canada's first woman M.P., from the South Grey "County ridung, Bolton's political background -includes holding several executive positions in the Huron -Bruce NDP in the last five years.... One of her main concerns is to get people involved in the -democratic process. . • "People should have a say ih their community," Bolton explains. "Apathy is seldom the condition of unconcern or being carefree, butis more a response to frustrit- • Sizes up to 48" In stook,' • will not rust orstain, can be cut with scistort. NO SHARP • gDGEA. • . NOW 'SINE TOE TOHAVE OLD SCREENS Wood or Aluminum repaired • r don., . hope that by 'encouraging people to _ taxe' part that the can can'becoine aware of the effect ,,they have on the issues that effect their social, and political liveS," she says. The main focus of her campaign will be to emphasise the issues rather than Image. • "We need a team of comiiiitted workers to get together and co-operate as gronp- to provide the issues of the New Democratic Party and .stiniulate people AO* at the issues," Balton says. "I'm leallr excited , • . Vgilerie. Bolton ---- about :talking about the NDP policies; turning.._ithe_ecmiomy. around and helping , rural areas." •• • Even though ,a federal election is not officially announced. Bolton does not feel that she is jumping the gun. "It is important to get started now so people she can think about the issues," she 'explains. "A campaign is more than the 50 daYs." • 'Although recent opinion polls have shown a decline In the New Deinocnitic Party - support, Bolton ieinabis optimistic. "I don't think too much about opinion polls," she says. The NDP will not, be, wiped off the map like some pe4le,Prediet. We need the NDP, rather the, just personrditieir now more than ever." ' • • °