The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-06-13, Page 7• • and at an ions, the 13T of The uggle_ been. ed, to ower force burst days. es, to .giOal e ' to glish Free net \\\\\ \\ , 434 to a Field Day chanpl. ,its�:t uclmt4w cis* Public 1404In file senior divitiiian ire from the'left Vickie Owen, giris�chimplon.; Dennis *nen, boys chatipion and Tracy Meer; gids,nu kterup. Abasent was Rod Husk, boys rOneenip, [Photkil:y Sharon Dietz] 1:.x.105 Hied ings oviet ernn- s for d to tory the Can- orld the and ian- vhen ago poke nies ove lore f all ion. 40th aten ous was nted des. sad. oing your litely hout the we the ore deal appy ring giddy a he too the big ftm. ight and ,in's they PPY >old Field Day champfotna ttLuelulromGentral.Piubue School in theSintermediate division are from the left Sharon Aike4,000 ratnnezup; Jackie Wilson, girls champion; Brad Murray, boys champion and MattRb y, boys runlnerup. . [Photo by Sharon Dietz] ;41. .:ti: 1984 Mens and Ladies Slow. Pitch Tournament June 15th -16th -17th Friday, Jae 15th 9:00 P.M. e 1:00 P.M. MONTE CARLO NIGHT • kftWOOY, ifire 16th 1:00 P M. 6:30 P.M ,SUMMERFEST GARDENS OPEN Large screen Videos, Free Movies For The Bids GARAGE SALE AT ARENA Siff BARBEOVE 5:30 p.a. FREE DANCE . 9:30 :1 CM. " BY SPECIAL REQUEST" Monte Carlo Licence #452229 Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 13, 198 ---Page 7 ttend95th birthday party. Marg Thompson and Florence Kirkpatrick of Purple Grove visited with Mrs. MaGee of Fleshertonon Sunday. Clayton and Brenda Farrell, Sharon, Shawn and Ben visited with Joyce and John Farrell and girls on Sunday. Mr,. and Mrs. Sam Green of .Arthur spent.. the weekend with Roy and Maureen Collins. Fran :and Jim Farrell attended the wed- ding of Fran's brother Simon in Kitchener on Saturday. Christina and Carman spent Saturday afternoon with Dorothy Needham and then spent the night with Gramma and Grampa Farrell. Susan and Courtney MacDonald spent the weekend with Janet and Jack Farrell. Jack and Janet Farrell and Janet's brother Donnie Hutton attended a Birthday Party • at the flarriston Senior Citizen's Home, on Sunday. The party was for Janet's aunt Sara Gordon who is 95 -years of age. Wilda and Harvey Thompson visited in Lucknow .Thursday evening with Olive and Alvin Irwin: Saturday Wilda and Harvey were dinner guests of Dolma and Fred Young: of Dungannon. COpnie and . Paul Black and family of Lucknow visited Sunday at Harvey and Wilda'shome. Weekend visitors- of ' Alma .and. Donald Gills : were Valerie and Dave Gibson and 'Dan and Jrtlfe of London. Gladys Mason: and Madilyn. Ferguson were hostesses at Huron Villa Tuesday mor- n t;g -for the Purple Grove Bible Study group. • PURPLE GROVE Anne Reid and David and Allison Cuanm- ings visited Wednesday with Don and Anne McCosh. Two Church Anniversary services in the area were well attended on Sunday. St. An- drew's 'United in Ripley was packed to the doors to hear Rev. Joe MacDonald of Detroit forme] minister of Knox Church Ripley on Sunday morning and the evening service was also well attended. Rev. Alex Simpson of Morpeth also at- tracted many persons to anniversary ser- vices in Kinlough. Morley and Deanna Scott attended the Peteplace Reunion in Clinton on Sunday. Francis Watkie and Janet and Ken Banks and Christopher of Hanover visited Catherine Scott, Sunday afternoon and evening. Congratulations to Francis Van Rooyen on winning the Senior Boys Championship at the trackandfield meet in Ripley Friday. Happy birthday to Ruth Van Rooyen who has a. birthday on Thursday. Francis is off to Ottawa for a three-day field trip with the Grade 8 class on Wednes- day. Merle and Gerald Rhody had supper Saturday with John and Brenda MacDonald and girls. thursday, july 19 friday, july 20 saturday, july 21 ATTENTION EXHIBITORS: THE PORT OF GODERICH FESTIVAL OF ARTS AND CRAFTS will be held this year on July 19, 30, .21 on the COURTHOUSE SQUARE. If you are planning to be an exhibitor, you should register as soon as possible. To ensure space for your exhibit or craft display, fill out the registration form below and mail to: FESTIVAL OF ARTS AND CRAFTS Goderich Recreation Department 166 McDonald St., Goderich N7A 3N5 524-2125 REGISTRATION FORM NAME TELEPHONE ADDRESS POSTAL CODE 1 WISH TO PARTICIPATE IN THE FOLLOWING PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPETITION ENTRY FORM CATEGORY DIVISION N.B. Max.. prints/Category Colour No o1 Pnnts B b W ' No of Prints Pictorial Human Interest Study of Nature Existing Light Open I will/will not be Selling Registration Fee — $5.00 �_DLAMEIJ.LY 2 CREATIVE ARTS AND CRAFTS ENTRY FORM Require Space(s) Table(s) Easel(s) Electrical outlet Description of Display Registration fee '20.00 Tables '5.00 ea. Easels '5.00 ea.