HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-06-06, Page 4• •• '`'* " • • nO7r: • +. •'• • 9,r '" • • : • . . - • ., • • • „. • , 1 Luciurlt doit •,;.....weewineeeer!!!' w• • Al'"/'• 4 ' 1984—Page 4 !V! ;". Three ' action groups have submitted an 'applicationtO the Canadian ejoOutive to join together as one •group ant to takeon the, status of an Al jup registered with the ' International 'Cretariat of Amnesty 'International. ineardine, Pine River an Lucknow Al gulls- began originally as tbree separate action groups. Their action status meant the work of the groups was. mainly in letter- Writingto" prisoners, of the -month in the AI 13ul1etinandin the Urgent Action Network. _ 1SePt'eniber; 1982 the International CouriCAP?palased Decision 14 which recommended that all local groups reflect the ftill AI mandate. In addition to their other WOE, all Action Groups would take at ss, least One. prisoner dossier. In this 'work, ..grozipa *rite letters on behalf of one PriSoner, and do not stop writing until the aSelaclosed Or reassigned rl'he:lOcal groups have been reorganizing towards the formation, of one Al group for the past ,Year. 1VIeMbersiiip will consist of 30 sated :persons who reside in the South ce ..areay including one member from Port Elgin Meetings will alternate among •thelliree towns. The first joint meeting will take place Tiles., -June 19; at 8 'PM hi the United Church in Kincardine, The guest speaker will be Jeff Richardson from the ianne Mole, "P4.1401c Cf: May• Diaziii0,1 Public School and F. ter Mrs,:, ungannon graduated ressing-i9tOoit 4. nate' of Brookside E., Madill' SeiOdary in Wingharzi. •`. Hoover a nanitniu • 4 ti ' —77 IL . ROLLS ON CASTERS • Big easy Tolling casters for maximum mobility. it "W: . • . • • . WASHES FAMILY -SIZE LOADS 36 diapers...12 men's shirts...2 . double sheets phis pillowcases • . , ' . • - . ' TURBOACTION AGITATION ' ' Surges detergent water though wash...geti things really clean. . . ' t ti.rieriseitr ; viola .., •the OA 1 ! , 4.11)• SPINSDAMP-DRY IN SECONDS Extracts water and detergerit... leaves .many'pieces ready to iron. , • II .* SAVES SUDS...WATER... DETERGENT Re Use Suds water. Super efficient achoititiaires water and -detergent 10$ ,• NO INSTALLATION NEEDED Ready to•use when you buy . y hook.:itp-to sio¼. r a • itr.kv.. Matehing Dryer Available 115 Volt .. . Plug-in SALE pmcgi',.:: DON'T DELAY! SEEIP Anywhere • if.• Sit Electric 5284112 12.1...167.1210111.19fAVAITIVE.ft0.96ffleMeetrazisicot. London Al group who will also be able b., answer questions on the prisoner adoption prcicess. In Julythe regular meeting will bo held in Lucknow and in August, Pine River, All intimated persons are welcorne at anY,. , regular meeting-, Members are presently working on the Campaign Against Torture, CAT 11, and are writing letters on behalf of Prison.era of Conscience who are ,knoVm to have been Or are being tortured. In May, the Kincardine Group featured a talk on Torture in the 894. The meeting was attended by about - 25 interested person's. From the speaker,* Lynda Curnoe, theY learned that one of Amnesty InternationaFs functions js,publicity. The more the subject • of torture is explained °arid •analysed the more people will understand that it is not a • myth but a gruesome fad 'Amnesty International haS studie# 98 countries who practice torture inits latest report. Torture can bi–§CoPped through . the existing international legal frazneirork: Amnesty International hopes that its continuing campaign against torture will contribute to creating the political will. sd, that this generation cart banish torture from the earth. • - 1:4 9 N RIO fj1j,NE 11 81s2t11.0 per person ONTARIO ..A,GRI,C• UL:.T.i.J. R., AL MU.SEUpeMrson • MILTON grIS '26 00 per FOR MORE INFORMATION OR RESERVATIONS' CONTACT: GODERIC,H• !.! ..524,4§40 • 5.24-4540. LIJCKNOW.. 529-7888 Pittsburg EXTERIOR HOMECARE PAINTS OIL BASE LATEX BASE PAINT CAN BE TINTED TO COLOUR REQUIRED Polyethelene Film iti nom • St. Lawrence Cement Portland and Masonry KENDERSON ofissalierenalstemstmlbosena J.W. HENDERSON LIMITED, LUCKNOW, O(T. PHONE(519)528118 Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. MIKE PARKING Sat. 8 a.m. - Noon JN.1.4510.19own, eleeffillt...190.=0.0.1"...gormecrorelasommlotax. B H p Vi e at an an di f Cc 26 ha a pt tic br tai Bt us ca at 1 Ki m di co de an 1 Ci