HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-05-30, Page 20lei • • Imeknow Sentinel, Wednesday, 1Vlay 30, 1984—Page 1 , ' • 'rrin!!#!"" .,!#0#04F"Pgq,001.#*#$APTi*R445;r0....1.TO.yAm,#.5, ';',,i0=0*.ii,www•kplorfiregliipsperciiismos.iirmowollitOemm0wmmog. 1 • mPuomwo...mpigrvm10.,*mr.pmwm,e.o0m4m**011210100.09454!..W.Pam*,010. • • ' • • • • • < 1 17,#, -..:40:11011 ...,,I4 , .. , i,. .77.7.,;,rit,„,,; .. )ri. tiitta,......7004.1.4,---iNeklicokoTc;Toito.,,f4,--. z• ',. , . : . rt110A0tiatili),-:•; t' I Church, 44440,,United i 0 411.0 June ''2. at ...I” 'Ailifii**dtiliiig. ' rent Abe Lneknow Legion '140., , Hall, please Calf elereS 'Cross 5284914counter ...., , ,:. , Auctioneer vt;:01?. :dnring day,*39$48.24-everlitio. ;,--722,1aar J .; ,,,,,,." *:!... :.„ :: ) i ' . , .er.,... i ,. , , , . : , ., •••• ' . -,,,, ' , '• 11.4.4, 4., : ', . ?..., .'. '-''''' HALIHURTON SCHOOL' Of Fine Arts offers , *Ord er -: one week summer courses for families with : ITN'S:, ,some 'of ,Canada's top .ArtiStS/Craftsmen. 44 Silt:4,' 1 .. et& brochure: 13.4. 39, Haliburten, Ontario, 284, :EngagelTiOntli, • ' • • pRocirmingw*RT %.414 Marie SteWart; are pleased In aflnoune tbfOrthcoMing Marriage of their daughter :Lila to Ken Preetin, sen.pfAlvin 41'0 Ida Proctor Of Blyth An: Satiltd0,June 16; 1984 4 2,;30., p.m. in the Dungannon United Olitirc#,-;• -- ' • L0141‘1,,,W$ON,,.' • Mrs. Blake Alton, 11:.# 241.4nano* is pleased ,to anoonsite the forthcoming- reartiege .of her daughter; MarAnne of • Vancouver to Gordon, Alesiodet-(Sandy) Leinni of Van- cmiver, The wedding Willtake place in St Davids' United Church, yancouVer, B.C. on June 2, ),984i • entre FJU. it ,,..,,... ,.. lia ' - ' MOS. , • ,, t4M1SP,. :(70),45.716.80;:.4-622: .....-,1 ' LLAND _ Ite (Meet* 395-2233. nw • ^ • : , ; - • ,- ,..limirmilOmmumwoopi,#*PP.,000 411,U McDOflaid RIpIey"' • . Oil* • Sales 0,141-. •Phone Ripley 395-5353 ' . Teeswater 392-6170.; •• EXCAVATING, trucking, and pashig, sand, avel, fill and screened top soil. Robert Sires. Phone 528-3047. —t70:! DON THOMPSON1N AND APPLIANCES- - es and Service; tower and antenna installation; Satellite Systems by Channel Master; refrigeration service; Atari cartrid- ges for rent Ripley 395-3466. —42tf • .. PIANO TUNING and repairs; Used Pianos bought and sold. Call Michael Lipnicki MeDenaghy insUranee: Breliers Ltd. Is , pleased to annotinee**0'issppeintment of Wayne MeDonagh .to their staff, Wayne has -passed the Insurance Brokers Assec- laden of . °Marie examination, and' Is qnallfied to •assist you - in ail your ' 'insurance requirements. tiltDonogh Insurance Brokers Ltd. 73t Carekt of thanks a. • -TAYLOR With deepest gratitude we extend this w(rd of thanks for the many kind 'acts of sympathy, expressed by, thoughtful friends during our recent loss of a dear mother, sister and aunt, Eva Wall • • Robert Taylor and family, Wiarton Nephew Bill and Dee Dee Taylor, Hamilton Sister, Marion Taylor, Toronto Brother, Jim and FlorenceTaylor, POrt Hope —23 32,,comtrig events • TROP( MCOURCRIASILF IELD Will be held en4°.$11PrESayl", XuAltbelr3rd, at 11 a. Rev. James130.Chterof WeSley-Willis Unite •Church, Clinton will be the guest speake •.Special: music. Everyone: welcome. —21,21 GARDIEMPARTY Trinity United' chareb Women (Ashfield will hold their annual garden party o Money, jittie :4 at BROOKSIDE PUBLI SCHOOL from 5. to 7:30 pm. Adults - $5.00 children 12 and under - $2.00 arid pre -shoo • free.; PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF PLACE —22x KINSMEN GARAGE SALE Lucknow Arena, Saturday, June 16. •T reserve a spot 010.00 per spot) please ca Tom Andrew, 528-3725 after 6 p.m. -22.2 PYETTE'S 2 FAMILY GARAGE SALE 10 a.m. -2 p.m. Saturday, June 2, turn sou on first road west of Brookside School. —2 • RECYCIANG COLLECTION •The collection'�f' dans,jars and papers to recycling will be held, at the Agriculture Society shed, soutb Of the Lucknow arena Thursday, June 7, 6 - 8 p.m. —22 • ••••••,..77 DORSCHT Thanks.to those vvho sent cards and visited. Special thanks to those who supplied trans- portation for Irene and, myself, also to the Lucknow Doctors and hospital staff for their Ingham) 357-1049. —34tf ' LUCKNOW 5284423 •• , • lyFREE ESTIMATES: We repair cameras, •projectors, flashes,- calculators. For free :estimates send your equipment to Nortown- Pheto. Service, 1945 Dundas Street, • Mississauga,..- Ontario L14 2T8. (416) 4240163. • ' • , ROLLERktIAMME*Milita, &dela Service.. R. L. Thompson; L #3n Teonwatini:Phone 392409. —19-22- '21. • : •. • : ; • „ 21. Personal MEET YOUR MATCH. For all ages and unattached. 'Thousands of Members anxious to meet you.. Prestige Acquaintances. Call toll free 1-800-263,9103.. Hours noon te 8 p.m. —022, - — ; Et It. • • .ftfor-rodseiatihoo.„ concrote;ivoid&... • Structural Steel Beek Now For Dill/wrap, And Patios In COritillifkOr ' • Interlocking Pavbv Stones • FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL ChishOlm 529-7008 evenings ••• THE WEDDING IS NEAR... and you need a good photographer. For fifteen years ifiCNI Care has photographed for newspapers and gallery exhibits Including 1984 Blyth Festival. For a private viewing of quality photographs and free esti- mates Coll 528-6945 Dauphin Roofing *ASPHALT *CEDAR *STEEL FREE ESTIMATES WORK GUARANTEED R. R. # 3 GODERICH • 529-7083 Goderich Energy • Seal Inc. •AIR SEALING SPECIALISTS UFFI CONTRACTOR • PHONE COLLECT ' 524-2311 Evader 524-4694 • Vier deassitar its tts54 fies1.$ IS ALCOHOL A- PROBI.EM in your fanill Al -Anon can helri families and. friends -of • alcoholies..-PhoneWalkerton 881-3113;. God- - erich‹.$24-6001. PREGNANT and need help? Free -.positive •confidential inpport., Bitth.right; Call 357- 1066. 357-2392, 357-1769 or London' 432- 9197 collect. --tf • HAVING A DRINIUNG PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3655. —40tfar 23, Miscellaneous . MWM0.10 excellent care.. . , . BLYTH FESTIVAL SINGERS Present a light concert of show tunes BlythMemorial Hall, Sunday, June 10, p.m. and 8 p.m. Tickets available at th Festival Box Office (523-9300) and the Blyt Saga (523-4331). —22,23 Gerry Dorsch t 22 , June 4 7:30 p.m. in Lucknow Library Fe • PROJECTIONIST COURSE LIDDLE We wish to thank all, our J'ainily,, telatives and friends for the lovely gifts and best wishes and to allrwhklielped us celebrate our ,wedding: and 'reeeptool....,.• , . • Jarniemid.DebOralitAddle- • • • • NEWBOLD 1 wish to thank the many people who • remembered me with their concern -through' • cards, letters, telephone calls and flowers . while in hospital, and at home, in Florida. A special thank you to those who continue- to -, • help ease my recuperation sincemy return to Lucknow. Mary R. Newbold FREE 128 page career guide shows how to train at home for 205 top paying full and part time jobs. Granton Institute, 265 A. Adelaide Street West, Toronto. Call (416) 977-3929 today. --4:020tf ET noun's • 24. Business opportunities '$10,000 SECOND INCOME. Be a part time representative selling and renting our line of high quality distillers for purifying drinking water in the home, office and factory. Contact us today for more information. Water Purity Systems, 537 Brant Street, Burlington, •Ontario L711 2G6. (416) 639- 0503. —019-022 EXTRA INCOME: Distributors needed for a proven health NA product new in Canada, no experience and no investment necessary, no door to door selling. Write for informa- tion. NUTRIHEALTH PRODUCTS INC., 515-470 Granville Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6C 1V5. —022 ••••••••••=.•••••••••11..••••••••••• •••• —22x WEBSTER • My sincere thanks to the Lucknow Doctors, Dr. Passi at University Hospital and nurses on 8N; the nurses on 2nd at Wingham; the Home Helpers; to my family foi their many • kindnesses and to friends who wrote or called..All was deeply appreciated. Edith Webster —22x BEAUTIFUL VICTORIA, B.C. based lucra- tive TAXI FIRM. Well established with, large growth potential, Expo Etc., 8 sealed licences with full dispatch, excellent oppor- tunity at S89,000. Write P.O. Box 7021, Depot D, Victoria, B.C. —022 WANTED Investors needed for a new Manufacturer's agents' business. Send inquiries to Adam Saunders, 74 Constance Street, Toronto, M6R 1S6. —022 .0.i/10.Mb • WANTED: Creative career oriented partner for Innovative Manufacturer's Agents of Toronto. Send particulars to 74 Constance Street, Toronto, Ontario, M6R 156. —022 CAMPBELL With the closing of the Ripley District High School the Robert Campbell Memorial Award, previously presented yearly to the most outstanding drama student, is now in the possession of Don and Marjorie Camp- bell. The Campbell family would like to express their sincere thanks to Bob's classmates, neighbours and friends who initiated and continued to make the award possible. This is a gesture which will always be remembered. —22 HALDENBY The family of the late Mr. George Wilson Haldenby wish to convey their sincere thanks to their friends, neighbours and relatives for their considerate acts of kindnesS, floral tributes, donations to the Ontario Heart Foundation, Arthritis Society, Hospital 'Building Fund and cards of sympathy. Special thanks to the Rev. Peter Townsend -of- Walkerton, MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Home, the pallbearers and flower bearers and the ladies of the Church of Ascension, Kinlough. Each one will never be forgotten. —22 Harold and Ethel and their families GARDNER I wish to thank everyone who sent cards and visited me while I was a patient in hospital and since returning home. A special thank you to Dr. Jolly, W. D. McQuillin and the Lucknow Firemen for their assistance on the night of my accident. Eugene Gardner $3:00 Register in advance. N.B. Persons borrowing 16MM projectors from Library mist have- projectionist card. —22x ANNIVERSARY SERVICES OfSouth Kinloss Presbyterian Church, June 10, -1984, at '11 A.M. and 7 -p.m. Guest speaker Rev. Neil McCombie. Everyene welcome. —22 - NURNRYS PREREGISTRATION For the 1984-198S-scheol.term at Wingham Nursery School, Will be held June 5, 6, 7 and • 8-frorn 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Children must be 2% -yearslofold and -toilet trained.. Come 'in and • see us on Josephine Street across from Town 'Hall or ct#1' 357-2362 for information. —22 • '• DEMONSTRATION ' Of SANDAK COMFORT SHOES, at home of Marie Wilkins, 2 houses west of Brookside, School, May 31, anytime between 4 and 8:30' p.m. Everyone .welcome. —22x TOWN AND COUNTRY CLUB No meeting June 5, but June 19 will be a pot luck lunch at 12 noon. —22 GARAGE SALE Bargains galore at garage sale May 30 and 31, 336 Havelock Street South. —22 WOMEN TODAY ANNUAL MEETING 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 5, at Clinton High School. Speaker Cynthia Miller "Women's Movement in the 80s. Cheesecake and coffee. Everyone welcome, —22 CAR WASH Saturday, June 2, Lucknow Community Centre Parking lot, 9 a.m. - 3 p,m. Help support your Lucknow. and District Leo Club. —22ar LUCKNOW KIN SUMMERFST June 15-16.17 MEN'S AND LADIES SLOW PITCH TOURNAMENT Friday 9 - 1 Monte Carlo Night Saturday 1 - 6:30 Summerfest Gardens Open Large screen videos, free movies for Idds; • Garage sale at Arena. Beef Barbecue 5:30 p.m. Free Dance 9s30 - 1:00 "By Special Request" ' Monte Carlo Licence #452222„ BUT Jim ers, Sing Osw FAR Bien Grou Eley ACO WES 250,0 ACM HOU ers, B& Syste SLUR Sprea CLA ment ALSO pers, Bowls