HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-05-23, Page 194..!
etas held in Holyrood
Delbert and Laura'
ra'Stanley were
Dhre was .;best man.
Wily,, relative ,and neighbours
elatiyes.. came from ,,WiattOn,
wor i, Go o.,aieh:, Ripley and Kinlough.
tie in Owen Sound.
+ ► Ive Yeartand 1Vhe.
rilliingham;Ah►anoe-Times Photot
Mr and Mrs. Fir MacKenzie 'have
/returned-•fro�rn theiir` �ihfee a week holiday:.
They- were. in Vie orja for five days visiting
wit 4relative rhte ,,they rJw to': their
daughter's home in Itoseb4rg, Oregon. They
s yei with Dr Leask, IH" ether; Alia. and
Nadia:Aan Kuraishi. Nadia Anfl.was. born on -
• Mr &tailt' uMacKeuzie..:and, family
Tro Coburgwer...w,eekend visitorsl-with Mr:?r
and Mrs. Frank .MacKenzie and Mr., and
Mrs. David Eadie Matthew; and Erin:. • .
"he -community; wishes it speedy,recoveryJ
to Dick McQuillin,., ;who is in: Wingham
Hou spital..a.g Y« i t i,V w t. F b•.• y
;M`r.'and Mrs: `t anter MacKifinon and
and Mrs. Jim raaaaaaaYne of,Gadertch Spent the
weekend v siti`n iii (Hamilton wit i Mrs. Jack
Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Don Fulton.
Relatives from vEdmonton visited last week ,
with Mr. andlidrieRaklItichineier and Mr.
ano Mrs Bruce IacIn. t e•,,:W itghartt.
' •t•�L:o.. � d.:, 4.a..V+rm. a: ,.ra_.::• w,.. k... ... .
• "The Canadian- Caner Society canvass fora
funds has beetil completed in' • Ash'ffeld
Township, with 'a total'. of $1771 75 being
Canvassers were Betty Lou Dalton, 'Elaine'•
Collins, Linda Bowler, CyrilAustin, Rita
Howard;' `Marie ' "Miltenbutg ' Jackie Van
Osch, IsabelHunter, Eileen Wilson, Peter
Van Dyke, ,Emily Drennan, Joaline. Menary,
Rita: Tigert, Yvonne Dougherty, Lloyd and
Aileen Tigert, Ron Bodges, Denise Dalton,
Bessie . Bellinger, • Darlene Bauer,Kathy
Olson,, Margaret ,' Jervis, Helen Nicholson,
Judy Kerr, Helen Stothers, Karen Roberts,
Michelle Brindley.
Team captain;' were Rita , Tigert, Eileen
Wilson, KCe'n Scott .and.. Rita Howard:
Mel' Farnsworth' of the God'erich Unit has.
extended; his: thanks to contributors; 'canvas-
sers. and. captains for theirfine response in
Ashfield. Township.
AshieldWS meet
The May meeting of the Ashfield- W.M.S.
was held at the home .. of ,Mrs. Gordon
Finlayson on May 17 at •8 p.m. • -
Mrs. Stuart MacLennan opened the
meeting with a Poem entitled, Spring.'
Devotions mere given by Mrs. Lloyd -Collins
telling of What Makes A Mother's Day, and.
sheclosed with afoem, A Mother's Crown.
Mrs. Gordon Finlayson. gave the review of
the May.Glad Tidings. -She noted=the -article;
Woman Hold Up Half the. :Sky . was very
interesting. . • ,; •
The, studybook .chapter, The;Church and
Refugees was capably; presented by Mrs..
Stuart MacLennan._.. .. .. •
The roll call was answered with a verse. on
Spring. ,,The offering was received with
offerto y, prayer ;by I Mrs. Lloyd Collins.
Mrs.! Henry; MacKenzie gave a report of
the.4,Synocical held in W.inghan and
conducted she. business.
r.a tall.. .. .. ..:
CAMPBELL STREET, Lueklow - store with walkin cooler, 2 bedroom apartment
'above. Asking. only S27,500.00. .
KINLOSS - 100 acres, farrow to finish set up, 8nne1ng available. Priced to sell.
following barn, 3 bedroom house with attached garage on paved . road.
KINLOSS TWP. m 200 acre dadry farm, approx. 170 workable with hardwood bush, 3
bedroom brick home, pipe line milker with 40 de ups. Can be purchased with or
without rows and quota. FCC mortgage at 73/4 To,
ASHFIELD TWP. - 200 acres excellent, level sand loam soil. Farrow to finish
operation, also can handle 125 -i- steers. Land and buildings in excellent condition.
ASHFIELD 'TVP." -100 acres clay loam fairly level, with beef bd white brick 4
bedroom home recently refinished.
WEST WAWANOSH - 50 acres approx. 35 workable with good barn, 2 bedroom home
HURON TWP. - 200 acres, approx. 150 acres systematically drained level clay and
said loam land with excellent set of buildings, on paved road. Farrow to finish set up
with 2 silos.
HURON TWP.-•approx. 2 acres with 3 bedroom home with full basement, drilled well
and 2 workshops. Priced to sell.
LUCICNtW. - 3 bedroom home on corner lot on Wheeler Street. This home is In good
e onditlon with Iota- oto mature ,trees.
LUCKNOW - 6 year Old bungalow with paved drive, nice location with large back yard.
Full basemen* with rec room
RIPLEY 6 year old brick fount bungalow on William Street with side drive in, quiet
- 2 bedroom bungalow. This home is completely refinished with new
cupboards, siafitsg, ,doubles. windows and. completely insulated.
For further on these and outer properties pleaseexit
39 -2880 5284821 395-2483
location. Mortgage can be assumed; 'by qualified purchaser.
*y 23, 1W -Page 1E8
✓Automatic ColorControls fora
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Up tab Hours Continuous Play
Combine this, great pair and enjoy 105channell remote cable timing
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VCR hand unit controls TV volume and'povier too!
Conte, in,tr r a demonstration today-
• New Dimensions in Home Entertainment •
reer T Y.� �IeCtri
The Man
To See Is G C sINTEE
130 ACRES Wsst Wawanosh Twp., 90 workabi ,i41f droont brielthome; barn 50 x 100,
silo 14 x' 48 ft. 5 �:
100 ACRES West Wawancsh, approx. 70 workable, 15 Urea hardwood bush.
100 ACRES Ashfield Twp., 4 bedroom home,,barn 75 x 80 equipped to finish approx.
500 hogs, liquid manure tank and silo 18 x 88p 1m jfl roan! aid 40 x All buildings
coloured steel. Financing available to approved purchaser.
98 ACRES Wsst Wawanosh, excellent grass farm. Asking $55,000.
125 ACRES Kincardine area, 120 workable; 1144 sq. ft. brick home; large beef barn 80
x 110, silo 24 x 100; financing available- to approved 'purchaser at 12%.
30 ACRES West Wawanosh, approx. 22 acres workable, balance bush, prised to sell at
295 ACRES Kinloss Twp:, two immaculate homes, beet feedlot for 500-700 head, barn
02 hogs withfeed storage, grinding and mixing facilities. ideal as a father/son
48 ACRES, Kinloss Twp., recreation, spring well and stream.
100 ACRES Huron Twp., recently renovated home, all workabii, random tiled.
50 ACRES Wsst Wawanosh, 40 acres workable; trout,streatn..
MODERN RESTAURANT seating 40, fully equipped with separate 4 bedroom home.
Highway location 4.5 acres. Inquire for further particulars.
DUPLEX located on Stauffer St. Lot 92 x 165, reduced to $25,000,for immediate sale.
BELORAVE, 5 year old split level 3 bedroom home [2200 sq. ft.j. This home hu 8"
studding, 4 and 3 piece baths; 11 car garage. Immediate posses ion.
COUNTRY HOME, Kinloss Twp., con. 9, 3 bedrooms, 4 piece bath; lot Size 131 x 420.
All offers will be consladeraid.
THREE BEDROOM, 11h storey frame home, Wheeler St. Lot 88 x, 82.5 ft. Asking
priced reduced to 317,000. .
15.5 ACRES with 1114 frontage on Maitland River, close to Goderkh. Cabin and house
trailer on property.•Inqulre, for further particulars.
ROYAL BANK building, Lucknow, will located, paved parking.
DUNGANNON, garage, cement block building, opportunity for mechanic or body
LUCKNOW, 3 bedroom bungalow with speclous,living.and dining area; 4 pc. bath and
LISTINGS WANTED - Good cash crop,
e. Outrun, street.
p, dairy and mixed farms in Ashfield Township,
South Huron Township. , •
For further Particulars on there properties, &late Call
WARREN ZINN, 529.7350 ALVIN RO138,+3984471 TERRY ZINN, 5294350