The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-05-23, Page 9Junior Farmers gran barbecue By Mary Mole The West Huron Junior .-Farmers held their monthly meeting "'on May 14 at Brookside School .'% I Colin Snider called: the meeting to order and everyone sang,the•Sunior Farmer Song. The Barbecue,fld Wilke, May 26 is all set to go. , The Tractor Pull onunittee organizing the foodbooth gave lei report. Club members Game to raise are expected tc. he/1)g with. this project as much as possible. I, Community Betterment Projects from past years are in need of maintenance work. This will be. done= 'May 18. . The formal was idiseussed at length. As it seems to be losing popularity, the club is seeking alternatives to this .yearly, event. The Rose Bowl went to .Diane Gibson for her work on the formal and the catering job for Bill . aid►..Marion Armstrong's wedding and reception. ends for nursery school A benefit base4all gable •May • 2Y at Riverside Ball Park, Wingham between ,the Wingham Zehrs team and ...CHYM radio personalities teamwill see all proceeds going to the Silver Circle Nursery School in Wingham. The Silver •Circle Nursery School, which has been in operation for 15 years, 'operates a program for children with special needs aged 2 - 10 years... Bach "child 'has ,an individual program in speech and language, 'self help skills, cognitive, gross andfine motor skills. These activities are designed to be funk experiences andare presented .in a variety of ways such as music circle, water play, crafts, snack and outdoor activities. There is no charge to the parents for their children. to; attend the nursery school or for transportatign each day. ' P.'oceeds froth' the ball game will be used for the operation of the nursery school program, materials and equipment. Auxiliary ho]dsrnaratl on bridge party Nineteen tables of bridgeplayers gather- . ed 'at the Masonic 'Hall In +Wingham; ' on Monday May 14, 'for dessert and an evening of bridge, to wind up 'the year of 'Hospital Auxiliary Marathon Bridge. • The winners Were: high total for the year, Ann. Fisher, Teeswater. This prize is donated, by Miss Greer Dunlop and Mary Lou Thompson in memory of their late mother, Mildred. Dunlop. High single for the year, Ruth .Currie, Wingham; high for the evening, Mary Rome, Teeswater; door prizes, Kay Collyer1-� Imclmow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 23, 1984 ---Page 9 � T'IIATU Phone 357-1630 for 24 hour movie information Thenew police recruits. Call them slobs. Call them jerks. Call them gross. Just don't call thein when you're in trouble. 2nd Big Week SUNDAY TO TIIURSDAY at i:00 p.m. ONLY Si10•TIMESS1DAT AND SATURDAY • .t7.0®and 9:00pa. IICE ACADEffir What an institution! • • • Lucknow; Jean Aitchison, Wingham; • Ruth • Duffy, Wingham (floral arrangement donat- ed .by Marlene 'Leedham). • Any lady wishing to play hospital bridge next year should call Mrs.. Donald Stuart, Teeswater. New participants will be warmly welcomed. . The auxiliary welcomes any women' from the hospital area who wish to join in any of their activities. Theauxiliary works to assist the hospital to provide patient care and comfort. Discuss gardening club reguirements. *from page 5 and discussed plans for achievement night. Mayme Wilkins, the assistant leader, demonstrated how to plant seeds, . using cabbage seeds • to show the, detailed steps, 'involved in planting. Each member must bring a weed and/or bug, a plan. of her garden, and a jar of soil from her garden to the next meeting. The second .meeting of the Clover Valley. 4-H club was held in the kitchen of Mayme Wilkins on May 15. . The girls discussed their garden plans as part of the roll call. The secretary, Christine Simpson, read the minutes • of the -last meeting. A cover picture was agreed upon for their books. Donna Arnold and Susan Colling will collaborate to have them ready by the next meeting. It was unanimous the,. club name is to be ' "Clover Valley Dirt Diggers". , The next meeting will be held June 5 at the home of Christine Farrish. Before the meeting, the club plans to tour 'the Numan's Greenhouse in Ripley on May 22. This outing was arranged' by Susan Colling. Donna Arnold conducted 'a quiz on last months information. , • Fran Elphick 'discussed the Soil Particle and Size Activity, which involved discover- ing the difference between clay; silt, fine sand and course sand in "the soil. It was also discussed how a professional soil test helps to discover what fertilizer to use. •. • • • •. • •• • • STARTS 'FRIDAY • •, • • • • • •' • • _ • • •• • • •. • • • Mayme Wilkins demonstrated thinning and transplanting and each girl transplanted a celery , plant from a. single clump into separate pots. The ' members were reminded to bring their plans for a home/farm beautification for the next meeting. Perth federation president resigns... *from page 7 Christie said he would stay on as a member. After Verkley announced his resignation, several federation members asked him to stay on as a township director. "We need men like you to defend it (the federation)," said Henry Klooster of R. R. 2, Stratford. Following a coffee break, severadera- tion members discussed Verkley's resigna- tion with him, he annotra-ed he would hold off for one week before firmly announcing whether or not he will resign. Perth Federation's two other directors who voted at the April OFA meeting, Brenda Ward of R. R. 2, Monkton and Wayne Hartung of R. R. 1, Gowanstown, defended the fact they voted in favour of the Bruce County resolution, Ward said she objects to being told she was overwhelmed by Bruce County's delegation at the April meeting. Christie said there was intimidation at the meeting to vote in favour of the resolution. She said the ruce Federation had done a good job of obbying and they presented a credible case. An executive director on the OFA, Ward aid she voted, in favour of the resolution ecause of its intent 'to get action from the rovincial government. She said the OFA as, in the past, presented briefs to government and has received a "pat on the head". Hartung said he too went along with the resolution' because of its intent. The Wallace Township farmer said no one spoke against the resolution in Toronto. Some federation members acknowledged that because the OFA asks for the resigna- tions of Dennis Timbrell and others, doesn't mean it will happen. Bill Denham of R. R. 1, St. Marys said he had been on the phone tosix farmers and asked if they agreed with the resolution. He said four agreed with the resolution, one said it wasn't strong enough and the other felt the resolution was too militant. He said the federation is looking for the opinions on the resolution and these opinions should be directed to the federa- tion's secretary, Agnes Denham of R. R. 1, St. Marys. The Perth directors voted in support of the intent of the resolution which calls for action from the government. Dave Smith of R. R. 1, Sebringville, first vice-president of the Perth federation, chaired the meeting after Christie walked out. At its next executive .meeting, the federation will decide whether or not Christie's vacancy will be filled by an election or at the annual meeting in September. • • 0000•,••••• WED.-TH1JRS at 8s0 FOR THE BREAK OF YOUR .LIFE! &two ■ PARENTAL ■ GUIDANCE FRIDAY -SATURDAY 7 A 9 SUNDAY - THURSDAY 8:00 P.M. MICHIEI DOU6S IURNER C. ..n. ctN, 0.,.O. •• Iia•••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • TUESDAY ONLY ADULT & YOUTH • 2:8200 :00 • SORRY HO PASSES • TUESDAY NIGHT • I • •1. •I 11 OCCASIONAL VIOLENCE 24 HOUR MOVIE LINE 524-7811 i•••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••• STARTING FRIDAY FOR 7 DAYS • C JAMES GARNER • • r • • • • • • .: • •': •PARENTAL GWDANCE ,. • BOX OFFICE 4 OPEN 8:00 P.M. 1 • hoe the powsr...sgi 4 is vIOUNCE' • • • • •• • •• • • •• • 1,4 7"') :'t , +URE` • DKE'+- r.utJ g:R:•. rE «EDLti1E ,O\t.5 'i Tit:. ,mow E ;HEFw GEUPGE C 41%4 s J SF : ET z • • • • •• • ADDED BONUS 11C. CAB' is 'ANIMAL onheels!"Ho er .411-4"1"'"" COAD • • FRIDAY -SATURDAY ONLY LANGUAGE • • •D • • 4 Rst EM ER Tri EATR E 5 Jr L (`� u i +... e 9 Z4 HOUR MOVIE LINE e • • 524-7811 They wont stop WI they get to the top. 0 • • • 000.0004110000•0000400000000000•111•06.00•4100e9