HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-05-09, Page 20"5 $I • w. Vete' • i1? .r+s,,vni�17C:. +x a 4w Low. Sentinel W•; $IYL�T. n � �• f. � � '49' 1984-•'p, • F 00.p1. , rticjs". fur 'ale' il;txf Wrap pennies, nick- uarters...quickly and easily. s free bank 'wrappers. A, to Penny -Roller ox 405; Fort Erie, Ontario nidus: ;i. 456.1200. -Q19 INGS, . r%%, commercial,. 0 ft.to 200 ft. wide, any Pre-engineered 1 beans .construction e�Iowest price possible. Phone collect eek •. 7614, Ave «til MA Ci NE< SIGNS iii . bb , s ness`ty ,cards,; ':ata tickets decals com 1e � �,� , R ,..r T., p tee, line owe' supplies and iimprinted'"advertis- ing promotional ideas. buy 150:pens imprinted' you get „ anottler� 150 free. Larry Cowan, Euckno*, `528-2730. THIRTEEN: TEAR COLD.. QUARTER. Horse Mare,, excellent brood mare. Throws . quiet disposition in her babies. plus size,: breeding • is show tip. Already has .a • point producing baby.; Asking S1800 firm. Phone 4829960, 1Stfnx.: TWELVE YEAR old retorter! horse mare. Excellent brood mare, and riding `gorse. Throws size and ,dispos t on• Asking 52,500.00. 'Phone 482.9%0.=-:16tfna. - CANADA sec.. 1 lawn' seed. Call Huron Landscaping at Lucknow, 529-7247. —16-25 ORNAMENTAL TREES and shrubs, com- plete landscaping. Call Huron Landscaping, 529-7247. --16-25 'TRY C & E FURNITURE, new and used. Dial Goderich, 524-7231. -=40tf COME FISHING! All year round. Speckled and Rainbow trout ponds. Three concessions north of Lucknow off Bruce County Road # 1. Follow sign.—18-21x STEEL BUILDINGS, farm, commercial, industrial, from 20 ft. to 200 ft. wide, any length. Pre-engineered I beam construction for the Iowest price possible, phone collect (416) 456-1200.--018tf PROWLER, Golden Falcon, Boler Travel Trailers. Lionel Hardtops. Truck;Campers and Caps. New and Used.' Sales, .Repairs, Rentals. Campout Rental and Sales, R. # 5, Stratford, 393-593.8. —18-30x FOUR CHROME CHAIRS, refrigerators, stoves, older trucks, betas,: dishes, diming suite, camping equipment, antiques, 'fence posts, motors,, etc. Follow• signs, R. # 3, Auburn,. 529-7684. LAWN ANO GARDEN ` 1ACTORS - John Deere 12 hp.: model 212 with mower, great condition; John Deere .model 68 rider, 8 hp. 34" mower; Roper 8 hp. lawn tractor with mower, only two years old. Kevin Buchanan, Huron Tractor Ltd., Blyth 523-4244. , ---19. PIANO SERVICE from Village Piano Shop, Elmira. We' buy , and sell pianos. Pianos refinished, reconditioned in .your home. Special rate. Uprights, refinished starting at 5995. Apt. size starting at 51400, delivered. We accept itrade ins. 519-669-2280` or 519669.2198. 9.020 LOG , HO ° Aff able log homes custom Suit to your` specifications. For free �.infor atiaf, Write: House of L( g, Boit 1539',. Uxbridge, Ontario LOC 1O Phone. (416) 985-7040, (416) 852-7900. -=-019 • I ANUFAC Ii. F of ,all steel quonset buildings n .cl„ ,. g.our surplus inventory .featuringsystems .only; buildiiirgs � ,itli� roof' , y no. end wails: For example ..46x' 106 for $8,600:: Oth'er's eciais: 26 x 28, 35' x.36, and. '52: , Call',(416) 663-5323., .?=.019 • VIC 20/C 64' Educational Programs/Games- for` under 52.00, Free 'catalogue. ,Send: self addressed stamped .envelope; Educational Software, #109, 339 10 ' Avenue, S.E. Calgary, Alberta. T2G OW2. —019 STEEL BUILDINGS., , Buy, factory direct prices at Iowest ever due to inventory Clearance. Act nt w and save many dollars. Call our toll free line 1-800-461-7689. --019-022., UNIVAL TILLER,' 5 horse, Briggs and Strat- ton motor, 1-1" tinees,.26" cut, F.N.R. Like new.,Geor8e -Heaton.,-18x GIRL'S CLOTHING several good used articles,. 12 14, including Iwo -summer dresses, ,one a' 4niili, •worn once. -Phone 529-7441. —19 . -TWO, 3 piece beige suits, size 16 and ;18. Phone 39572821.. --19 N.M.M..NOM/rrMIM.�NOi.memsom.NmommimM• 3.. Articles ' fOr`rent �mmmmmmmm.6rrmYmm mN.mmm..mm: FLOOR SANDERS for rent. B & M Rentals and Sales, Wingham, 357-1666.. —45tf: 5. Cars, trucks for sale mm44m.,..m:mmm 1976 MAZDA 808, with '79 engine, 35;000 miles, and new alternator. Looks and drives like new, asking 51600, as is. Phone 482-9507 before 5 p.m.—14tfnx mmm.Fmw.. mmmfmmmmmmmiimmmmimmmmmmsfwlN 6. Pets t•wmmmml.iNmm.mm FREE - 4 Norwegian Elkhound pups, 6 weeks old. Phone evenings, 395-5840. —19 msmsmmmmtNmmm4mwmmmmiswmasmwssmmmswfsmmNNmm 7. Real estate for sale ommmnmwNmmsms.en sssmfNmai,. ACREAGE/LAKESHORE - 565,000 for 208 acres. Approx. 3,000' shoreline, Foley Township. Old Farm Site; some,field, mostly bush. Contact Bill Kingshott, A. E. LePage Real Estate, (705) 746-5844. —019 4444Eva.^.+" 444=alai 44;0444414 9. Accommodation to rant moswmm==44 F®m41m41memmmomma==®=®maimmmommmme4.4444 TWO BEDROOM, mobile home,. 19 miles from Douglas Point, 10 miles east ofKiticar dine. 5175.00 per month including hydro. References preferred. Phone 395-3320: --18tf ONE AND TWO BEDROOM apartments in Lucknow, with fridge and stove, available immediately. Glennthaven Apartments, 529- 7030, after 6 p, m. --39tf ONE BEDROOM apartment, frig and stove; also a small furnished apartment. Phone 528-2174 or 528-2213.-19tf Decidlini ' �,®mm®m.;wwmim�.mmmtwmmmwm./� ' 12. Help wanted *4,4444,44444444444.4444044 . TRUCKING CAREER Iconie>:a 'profession-. al transport. driver. Co tiet Mery Ore's Kingston (613)`.549-3914, Toronto (416).251- 9073; Ottawa (613)- 523.3489; London (519) 432-1726; North "Bay (704472-2910; Thund-, or Bay (807).62$ 8686; 8ao1,Ste Marie (705) 759-0177; Cambridge (519) 623_.24;1;Sud- bury . (705) 5601,3351. ,ember ; -RAD. —010-13 • SUBJECT TO: EXPERIENCE S4 GR*.,NT T` acceptance, the,Village of Lucknaw�requirea:.:t unemployed person between t1 re ages rOf 18 and 24• for. 13 weeks from' late,°May to 'late Augest. Duties iincludee gras cutting, painting and maintenance with; .some knowledge in the.field Of recreation: pre- ams, roller skating,etc, A ply:i%' writing• 'giving qualifications. For further infor�ma- tion contact Lucknow District Recreation Department, Bill Hunter, 528-3002 or 528-2009 (home). Applications will be. receiv- ed until May 18,' 1984.'--18,19,20ar rmAm {QW�a,aq�4itq. 17. �Auailin i,Sa1.Os mmmwwrm�� .M.w..114 Sam@ • OW�P Q1= INLt' 5 REWIRES, A responsible person to cunt the dogs in the township, issue, dog- licences and tags and to . collect the'required feest. Applications on a per dog basis are.to be in the' clerk's office by 122noon on May 22, 1984. • . • Lowest or any applicant not .necessarily ' YY4Mr WY TOWNSHIP Or - 9 ' i SS F'• H, �.. ,.„ .-TOG" 2EO; 17. Aitction Sebes'. AUC ION REGISTEL • Donne: & Dodie Mctelland, Anctioneeiti ;••. • 3954233 .. FARM HOME •-• CONSIGNMENT SALES Next CoiisignreiitS t r • •-• FRIDAY, M4,X .1$.: In the Kincardine. Continuo* Centre. —17tfar , t SIMMENTAL - Herd Reduction Sale offers you opportunity to increase calves weaning weights: Offering cows, bulls, heifers. Also 8 full blood cows on consignment. Friday, May 18, 7:00 p.m, at the farm 'of Keith Hazelwood, R. R. #5, Sunderland. (416) 985-3640, -14 Con. Scugog, East of #12 Hwy. 20 mi. • north of Whitby. —019 • • AUCTION•SALE OF HOUSE & CONTENTS , Tor JOHN STEWART Village of,Kinlough, 7 M. N. Lucknow MONDAY MAY 21, 1984 ilt 11, AM 3 ; bedroom modular home, carpeted throughouti 4 pce. bath. All drapes except patio drapes. •Lot. 66 x 132. Wooden born type' shed . Chesterfield & choir; occasionotrcheirs; old desk; old walnut tea wagon; coffee table; chrome dining set & 6 chairs; dresser with mirrol:'; 2 chests of drawers; 3 beds with mattresses; .automatic washer, dryer, fridge & stove; dehunlidtfier. Skielde,. oid' single plow; rototiller snpwbl a` er; old hand pump; lawn mower; air conditioner; black & .white TV; picnic table; chainsaw; dishes; many more items too numerous & different to mention. • FOR INFORMATION . CALL •'gRINDLEY AUCTIONS 529-9625. TERMS CASH Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents, Aeuctionesr GORDON H. BRIPIDLEY hits.: lnternation • rate, Eber With rack; 10'• .chain .` harm 10•° y1 d k waj 9 dilate disc plow; International 12 wheel disc; Honda 0; New Holland ;pt.h:, forage harve, 1 rows coin707 3 head and hay head; ster2 foraghase boreiTM our ;wagon Zerfts grazer feed' wagon; grain thrower; weed sprayer; Belarus 210; bp.: spreader; New Idea 90 bu. spreader,; diamond 4 section harrow; J.D. 3 pt h, 3 furrow plow; 7' grader blade; 2 whee tiler; M.H. 2 ,furrow trail plow; chain; saw; one: horse electric motor; also '/a, a/4 motors,• wheel barrow; 2 water tanks, Viking electric .Hemmer. milli cattle odor; 16', gate; portable cattle chute; hog feecre feeders; 20 dry sow stalls; feta larrowen :pens 3w farrowing crates wa on shin bested wales bowl; 5 hydro' poi s,• efcy' fire wood; single horse shafts; lon0 tongue whipple.,trcces; neck yoke;.`, heist shoes, and: bits; manure pile; electric and abaterry .fencers; cedar posts` and rails; • approximately5 tonne mixed: •2000 -bales hay; some straw; grass seed includes 1-10 ib. - deluxe plow down; 140 ib. hay pasture ,nix; 70 lb. haylage';, .mbi; 40 lbs broome grass.f IVESTOCK; 11 cross bred beef cows due after May 1S,- bred Hereford; 20 sows in various stages some' have litters; 2 boars; approximate 75 feeder pigs. HOUSEHOLD 11E0 .4 brown' metal bed; . wash tub; wringer washer; • odd tables. and chairs; cop boiler; sealars and jugs; 'old books magazines; 'hand corn planter; cans 'OR INFORMATION PHONE 392 6758. • • :TBBMS CASH ' ° FARM SOLD • ° LUNCH.BOOTH Owner'or. auctioneer not responsibly for accidents GEORGE POWELL , BRIAN RINTOUL. Clerk 7 - Auctioneer —1.18,19 will oe': ichor 'esslbn 5t, ' ' oss Townehl ruf a', wthen 3. e east OfI lde )A ,MA 14at11A.M. , l tractor with 1532. loadert ; 3 manere fork; chains; DOd praetor, .heasy on loader and< roI nr'� ; ere A R 1941 'irac i at1 2(3 S P combine Olivers so1''38' bale elevator; wagon ��, K� a�8aex grain tdr ;. r . sera . ,t w„ ai►. pec er;. one: SA tiq nteri es h gu s; ash /1/2h g vac ts;,p tic es; pain bains; x; to Cored f oil; arse en rch; ande ape; heel ash I wn CAVA vel, fi piles. P IANO 1 ought \Vinghar ON THi ales ae stallatic aster; es for r 4 sPECi 'u` ONSIGNME'NT Ply Equipment AND Tractors 9:30 SHARP Over 150 pes. of iq ipment tutors. ►NOON 15,mfi Z. of t , 97529-�'b2S AU "ioN E a NGOON E. BRiNI nWest �utl Nifty k