HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-05-02, Page 15tipl
Pge 9
(Fuller, and Dan Mac
was a grass fire ae ,
on the Lakeslick
and 12th conte
10. Annie (HaFatqg
'011 Villa in/Ripley:C._
land District hnsth
WU. '
' ton who spetits
he hospital duririgT
erred to PinecteSt.
ia in Lucknow IS nOrabip.
ied. Last Frida tIIr
"fly upstreet in RiPle
e. Friends were gW
this good weatii,I0
!,•14t,, • • , •
'a. `,
Imelmow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 2, 1984—Page 11
eon: Lakeshore Road...
young sons Nicholas. and, Matthew visited
e for the last week with her parents Walter and
,some Isabelle Forster on iiiplcyStreet in Ripley
Ira to take and also with her brothers...and -sisters m
nventiort.in . 'Apron township and PRint gni*.
i Ily was well rewarded', 4;
by ,havmg the honorof
AnciTh,ts. 'frintig wife Mickey
-rade. - ,
Qt Agincottirt visited
S.utday: were
kl•ind of Langsic*;4
Joan Barr
rnicroft sof Clarks.
• ,, • .
" • .4#.4. ,
,Brantfiird and
' •
• " • ' • '
Oth the warm
iek, farmers in
Oarewell party
*unity Centre AO
ip and Doug
en gathered,
on of gamey,
kend visitors-
pson were W'
,,,4 7 ' •
ing het
. ,
, Fergustor, ,,
• r..-4- , Sun
Tarim* is s6ying wi b Wray:i
while acting as a Parliamentary pa
weeks. •
PAY Birthday to Stphnie'McD�n
" celebrated on Smi 4it,c„..She,;•sPe
end in •Ripley ,1110:11Prarifirna '-and- day
dpa MacDonald. - ; -Don an
, drew and Sheena MacDonaldyyye,/stic- perguests
ful participants in'e1etitba1onheld Mirjorie
the Kincardine . 14indot with41=110 and lylary' Ball, and at-
iuday by the
i4enderson, KinC
ver01 frorMN
eensgien Ma
A sign of suirnheristhe bench seat. out for
the first at the front of the McLean store on
Friday afternoon. Bobby Robertson of the
10th helped George McLean place it there
for the suminer.
s • 144mow•Central Publid,School. students- who."*.on medals # the Bruce. County -Regional
Science Filgingonalfand, Aptitip• aye from the left; Jay Clark, Brace ScienceFair Energy
Award,Jurded(VISOVIant Campbell, first Iliac hdennediate-elementary Enyirontnental
Selen'e-411044,Mitt Bri*Cininty Regional Selena Fair Nature Award for the best
nature.stuOrojecti4•Arny 'Gingrich, third in the intermediate -elementary themistray
division; Neagh= Chid(U; seCond In the intermediate -elementary biology division and
itorai ,ori. and
• Marlene Martin, first la the intermediate -elementary biology division- and the Bruce
Rigional Science Fair Health kfiliti for the intermediate -elementary division.
':,.arthre-- attended 'the
Choir held - the,
jey District School on Sun-
tfertson were Sunday sup-
tlierine Collin.%
ortipson/Spent the weekend in
Wiled the i5th anniverbary party for Jug
'.tetrathalon is Ma 4,0 on iAWt Pat Bali
and svvinuni'nge#e , .
ch. and Janet forret* liick.frain
to Alberta whereth0;ittenit64 '6' ed. -
of Janet's niece at,,..11fin
d Gary and Lanka and Thirdly m Ed
-,,.. •
day supper guests With Roy ,and. • COMPU•
een Collins and family were Mai 4ret- -
Kincardine, Margaret:, Robinson f‘cross
. 1. What this puzzle is
Dorothy Collins ofiLuOknoW, it. ,, "‘.: .. ; , . - about
t well wishes are;e2.4ended,itd)Aughie" '' 4- 1"teramneOrs .41 •
olson who was involved in an .accident .. Yrcomputees seikage
turday. i
.„ area
an and LouiseAtithi,TOront04„ spent ' 1: .""rer " for
eekend with 000460,SandraVOrStet• 9. „Atype at wheel
familY• On Sunda$;"*Iii6PniSter'S''and °Inter that's like a
- •„,,, '...„, .,.. ••,. •• • - • - 11., The flashing square
on the screen
• , 12. What users do with
.t14. Another word for• Programs
16. What- to give to a
computett to make it do
18, This type of copy
comes from a computer ,
, 20. Short binary digit
.Apr. 27, the.ptitillS iri.Mrs; Ellis' and • 21. 0111xlsite of down
Johnson's claaseShad aialieCial. treat - z„zaint°11=nr received
ast at school. *00- meriu,cOnsinted[of 24. Sounds -like "hulk" ,
bled eggs, orange •jiii0e;',10ait' and : °APP°.:site z°1 hard• ..irt
Everyone ate weltairdMostlame back toirn jle ched Ixffille!'s
• tre
ter PUzzIe
joy bre. ;10::,
OrldS, • "" • • . •, 27. They'll soon be In tlie
ortunately atirohleit''developed in Or sch°°'s•
hatching, experiment' ant1 we were
'pointed that no Chicks hatclkett
ver, we are try* again and hoping
cess this time. •
S. Ellis' class enjoied,rnaldhg Easter'
ast week. They taStedeitellent. Mrs.
Y came to help Mrs. Ellis" class, The '
were chocolatedipped and decorated.
retty coloured icing. The oggshadlit-
llow yolks and whiteS.IffeyTo6ked like
thing. The dans tnad6'‘ eggs for Mrs. •
n and mr, Stanley for a special
• treat. It was really
• Johnson'S 61aas Madeglitter- eggs',
eek. They looked and 'tasted great, -
were decorated with prettjr candies
ing. The class had lets of,fun making
The chocolate coating �n ,the outside ,
eggs was so yuiiiinst. • -
ergarten Orientation tvening was
Ripley-Ifurontentral on Wednesday
g Apr. 18. Patents who will have
enrblied ih. Itindergarten • in
ober 1984 were IrOited to attend. leased with lbe large turnout of
d parents. RegiStration *as held the
g Wednesday with 42 *children being
Pre -School Ilealth Assessment was
out at the sathe tithe by Sharon
ton, Public Health Nurse and her
e crew.
1. What pitssing key
• creates on the,screen
2 A large compiler
3. Sketchy Read'lnly
4. To load program is
to ?t it,
-5'Present ' tense of
"said" '
• -6. A location in a com-
• puter' memory
1.0. A collection of inter-
related machines
13. A series' of charac•
15,.. A way of communi-
cating with a computer .
16. A single drcuit
1.7. 4 propeity of disks
19. Often called floppies
20. A biinporary storage
23. What a person does
on a keyboard
MI rU Frmilel cmi
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k. •
VZ `6431. sip VI `01)artigul '11 /*la .9r `02eaget
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