HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-05-02, Page 10• Lucknow Sentinel •Irlo&Ol&v MV 'e / " ---77-07 —1 4984.4 • ,, • *V 6 A! Thomas Thompson - Advertising Manager Sharon Dietz - Editor Pat Livingston - Office Manager Joan Helm -Compositor Merle Elliott ;Typesetter 4 Second.C, - ... ' kf Advertising is accepted on the condition that inibe evenf _ portion of the advertising space occupied by 01 err reasonable allowance for signature, will not be chated1fOj advertisement will be paid at the applicable ratee. 1.um.Awwwnr,m.dtAlitALIMAZAILMtti • ' • • • . • . • • ,; *. tate t rSairrg1.4 oldie, of tk • , aVe ;and. • 30 he Le al ret rea 1 Ma Mr! the dist Llo3 '; me and ,• ,poir It ont year repo Brai, disai pard only *m( , .01 • ,••••••••,•'.•••„:„ Minerej • s If eteirentic ' '''. ;:46:tterey e .s , , must • ' educated • 0 t. fighting procedures and . i and effort to ' equipment,.to , , _ _e„, .• elieWeittiohniques and • to takeat, leaders' tor e department providing support to the other firemen as well as to the people affected by the tragedy of fireiii,accident and death. 't. As a ftinti:01*AktaticaT0r1/11tattutIl wrote in his letter -Of . • congrattdatteiatteAkorged Stu which was readAtt.tligir • retiranentdinner"Saturday evening: "There is no Value on ' the comMitalentsof•voluittieringwetir •Service to Commun.. - -,, 4.- „;t3r a -; A. -..'. : ' ...-, ., .' • . -: . .'• , ..„''', • ;.. :A • • • "•7; ' ' • . • l••••• , . . 141 • •• . . une to t e res_ ponsib t 4 panel Osculsi9,p,,9nako.,1191 yod, .druK 'abuse at the Lucknow:Cientral,Fublie School last Week clearly indicated that alcohol abuse it a major -concern •in this area. While drittebtlse is alio a ,pmbleM, it is mostly, limited to use of marijuana, and ha'sL his& ' • - . The • most disconcerting thing raised during the, panel , discussion was the tolerant attitude- of parents towards the abuse of alcohol the Wall of denial most parents raise ' when cOn6onted with a drug problem • As`Dr‘ DonaldJ011y OfLucknow \points out there should be. rules in every•hausehold. No thinking tinder age just as you are not permitted to drive Ander.age:WItheut a. licence. No • use of drugs wiltibe tolerated: l'heSe;itiles: are .difficult to enforce if the parents sittoki,eigarettei Which are a legal toxin of dope,anclatbuse 0001 either by drinking too much to cope with stress or When'Partying on weekends or by •drinking and driving. •:" ' .;`• -Members of the. panel •40&-a teacher •from the 16cal elementary school both identified the •problem of alcohol • abuse in our community es the,nuist serious concern and all commented that the sbuse alcohol and drtigt by children \ and teenagers is a result, Of the children copying their \ parents and adult role models. • . Alcohol is a legal drug and •therefore lit is important to teach the hintelligentaseastalcohol. Smpluag causes disease • and teaching our children that smoking is`clangerous to their • health is :alsikimPortailt. • Siiitheitost hapotta step we cantake as parents and as cifieens- of thitettetarinnitiliY. teettetque;,eatiiiiplerefor-our Children. To tate resprinaibility for our ()Wit defiens, to use alcohol intelligently,trstop smoking,. to;break down the wafl Of'denial which idlOtva us to ignore the abuse of alcohol and drugs *oar acomimmity,and to demand that the courts . . issue fair sentences which . • M was as true as his word. driver and the drug- pusher litfCVISYS'-to deal with the Walt; three days he rode his horse at probleiii-thit destroying746n0POf riungrePle.. 4a slow pace -On to the Irish camp . The statistics bee* ,uptheargUetnient. pia estimated that, ground to the west of Toronto, for both 93 per cent of children betweetfgade014.13 tiise-alicotol; • moviud mount were weary after their 70 per cOtit,asfouni0014011•*,regtif#;:0010thee or twice a lOrig .*jciiirney from Redtrees. The Week; 300,000alcoholics are Under,* age of ft In 1982a newly arrived immigrants gathered dallop foltroundl6.42. per cent Of teens drink alcohol around him, anxious to hear what regular* to • above thei,le al .,I :•nows he brought, and Father O'Hare Bruce and H have the: t rates in the and Dougherty were at the fore. . r•,41,7 h,,r4ofrOVV,PU 0.• • Clockwite, from the left, George Wititby; Jean -11h1flikrKay Collyer receives her corsage froin Elaine Steer. • To the Editor: ' On behalf of the Canadian Diabetes . .Association I would like to tae this opportunity to thank everyone who •helped :in our 1984 ,annual appeal. • Thosewhotanvass.ed did a fantastic job and, e who eOntributed helped to maker,rthis year's campaign a complete suceess. Thaniclini agiiin. With the help of • peopielikeyou,•diabetes willsomeday Sheila Bauer, National Appeal Chairperson , county. wide bereavement program. TO THE EDITOR .911 befi0.1f of the Huron Hose 5 Pilot 't'roject, funded by a feder -grant I would like to sincerely tha • • *families and the professionals wh excellent job. Keep up the good work. .generously' - gaye of .their time I hope you will continae this service answer -the surVeys and supply us wi - for Kairshea's new. P.R.0:, 'Kathy- needed:itifOrtnation. Special thanks ...Howald. I passed on your booldet to t ,the;ticts, pitals for their assistance. • her and know she will do a OA job of 1 would 4isdiike to thank Cana reporting. Thanks again. ., Works, *iiiiternent and Ithiniga Yours sincerely, • `• • 1164.4m -44e Fe4erl Government f Mrs. Clarence (Alice) Rit6hie. funding the projett and the Alexan ' Marine atid General Hospital Dear Editor, Recently we conducted a survey in Huron County and Kincardine to see if To the Editoe: there was a need for a free standing I would like to /thank the Lucknow hospice to better meet the, needs of Senfinel forprinting my reports for the terminally ill patients and familieees', past lx years. You have done an :well as to see if there was a need for a .4001stering it. The Study wittbe released csdon an Will 'Sent to 'hospitals as, well the Huron Codnty Jibrary. „ • Sincerely; • '• connie Osborn, ' *** • Prole' ct Manager. proVinee ttiliete4toulen' ti4re sieohol,-. ted. s '11 have arranged ” Ways to deal vari.thAhe: loot yft: suggested ot the everything, MaeLeCod told them. "And soon, you-- meeting.but thent take the responslbilhy Of prontoting estyle independent FaJtiitieer" b e on your way to the Albion cif the use of alcoha or tither h.stoful, drugs. • rim The sequel to *11..*'411t# disaissieti of ways to Our Society is available. The 1 t..totes 4" 'teak showing , iVsYs to &A with the alcohol and Tii6' theuileal People and a / But there was still many prepare- alcohatand drig abuse in tions tube made. MacLeod checked all clineW Dilet Mina Club is the tools and suOplies which had been dprenietitiga discuasion of purchased by Father O'Hare in his •dtug *bine in the tt*ckitow absence. He tallied these against the Area, Corioeitied sid Who think it is time to bills of sale and made careful entries take reaPatialbilitY for this community problem can contact in his account book. Gist& or any Lions Club member. "The doctor's wife, Jane Cameron, ItEPTRES by Don Campbell was our angel of mercy,' he explained to Father O'Hare. "The very least I can do is to give her a proper reckon- ing as to how I have spent her money." There was one important item which had been overlooked, and the next day MacLeod went to the gunsmiths on Front Street, and purchased twenty muskets, together with an ample supply of powder and ball. These fireatnts created a great deal of interest amongst the children and not a little concern to their mothers. "The Lord save us Father," one of them said to O'Hare. " 'Tis true then that there be wolves and bears in that countryol which we must be afte g The good Father quickly reassu thewoaeninil-oaci`!toyneg.,ilfealiarssy,otrubuneift ytthohauetydthowenirrotet g • looking fat thew The story of wolv attacking people is an old wives' tali and4iears Will leave you alone if y' 1, do not pass between them and the The muskets are for the shoothr.• of gaMe...'Yoti. will need meat, and the bush, a marksman need never ie hungry" The Irishmen had no use for fire arms in their ' native land and fe except Dougherty had any experien in the dee of thein. In this respectF army experience was invaluable, an overtheir th newe ageleaderofix instructedsteenin a:tit:111e; loading and firing the weapons. •Turn to Pr D follo• Lois Bolt( days April Sand Sand Dale, Cole! fron Aft the ii eager peer ailady parish minisi $:•'`Which theMsaTrvcoa: vx: rudim, cabins among inspirt mwainsisPt practic