HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-04-18, Page 15• •• 4. fluelmow Sentinel, Wednesday; AprIl. 18, 1984 ---Rage 11 . • . ••••.. • .k.t.., '. .,,M ..i, ' - , . ..„. .-•:;.7 'L. .1,. • • .. :'. !•r,i, ' ' - •• 1., , • r '' ;•,' - - . , .., ..-. tnan9ial4t404.4ePtowx04,411010:4,40.44.4#1.4$00, ..,• • 14,01 .0004•,:,, .,,....*v4,,..I.*,*'#4*4.t.148i4„,.40.1.t Vti000•*49.*4!4#0 , *)*4Atet409;44titryiVhf`418eP3and 1*0:lee and operations - 4 s ''Of #40040r*,W40044•Ca0olidated.- • • Except to tOe-extent of dieclotaire 0r-t*eini*':T000,1*. receivable required telliyil••••teq44t4-903, ,0,e oPetetle* Pficr#0_419,01,4''',•", '.: ' ' ,ATt:***, 4r! .0-4fIriftltted 0444kleiiii44 . • _ , • , . •- ,., =• -$.".r:';:'-'•:. lf.:•", '. 4..• • ',• i .., , . -. - •• • . . SkilFerOr 001 : .' .14!",:ir::,•,....,, t'And*.0.114013;Si90 *#P.440 on the • 44n101'*14-• of. ..,- 04unttng witkther,#0,::". tie :.4 •i,t14.4044 f,FiCP,FVA 'ctikE$44.0111AP4- • 141.1401r . t'L-. t40 • POnelageing principaland 'interOft charges Ore not • accrued " 4 , obared r. operations in the 'PIS erindS • • • ,.4 for tlIerieAtittOtsiok tUe'otittes of Fttie. latest isStallment • payments ..to the . . • ', • ellWakiits.O4410 eik'oOr,. , ;,.. ''. ',— • : • •• . • i ' „ „ , ' .• : .. .: ' ‘ . . ' , , .„" .e„..p. ,,,,, , ,.,,,, • ' - • . the accrual bass of XceetintiOg recognizes revenues as they 'become await... ab -re and measurable; expenditures are recognized as they are incurred and ' -I;MesSorablertas!latatolowaf receipt of 'geode and services and the creation of i'leaal 013404* to: ptiy • . . . • . ., • - • ' '.• .. ' - . ' y . . . . . " 140." hf.oto440.1. • twit' .4#1;aceumulate&depreciStion of lived' assets are not 14Wf4cilfiq000.**1!‘Mlivee4 Instead 41F#44600.4r*,04pensakin, • '.'Accordanee'w with the :Method of finineling. "Capital , outlay, t� ,be recovered in. future years", reported on the balance sheet IS equal to the principal portion • Af,Myttured.loaCternyliabilities to expensed in inters •yearoidien , . • 'itoo.0;,,t,, .,' Ic't;•1. . : . . . . ., . .. ...3 ..,. ., • . . • • • P:! --Se' '• ' • 's, , •., • • , ..., •• . - •, , . , - 2. 009;400,4ACkehebk,:beezdae,aadreountY• % - .• -'7 . • 4 • 7:1001**6444140W*406000,440114AonS.41i610tia revenue levied by the . . , •'• -' ' - - ' ,,.. • Be ,tonntrjloard'snf gdiicatioa• *•'Brtsce,Grey • County- A '• *Aitilte•Veti..4**.to. peylaCii0a140ard and ckueity7A;eguisitIaSt. sai, fo-.114•4:: ' • - . it, • -;1!..7.'' ,,.... ..',ii•0.......!• ; •:.,. ..; .y. • :.,, v.bleientary • - .SeCefidary-• :,, . 11..t..,9.1.: Beard' ,Spice I . :••-i-','Ii100,. •%'7'7'.'' :•;,". .139,S39 I' . ',:':,'I'Ple7408.2'. . "" t l,604' - ' $ '39496' '* 3. ‘ a...'.•''.i'•.'rf,A4,,.r;!,ttsicitiidgab.en0f_tt, XuAttaouniOpaihya's kleave b,,,, e;n,:.e..:f, i',.t: l.4..,2,,.,.1,f..ea•:.,,Lia?,1y'.?ees'. may 'b''•e '. g, tl.ea to paymear,for nansied sick leave credits upon termination of employment. Vested • , • • ' sick ;leaVe•eStitlemests at December 31, 1i983 were 8796.. In accordance with ' reporting requirements no provision has been made for this liability in the• ifbettelek statements. . , . sa.--,, f ' ' :r.r7 ...a.., ,. ‘t .r...t.• i V.t3 t %. . . .a. • . . • . ' . • , :.- '. ' - , .,, r , ., . , , ., . , t ' 4 .1'14 IPPR..ce*.44711,14414e4; •' . '''; ' '-- ' -it e el• tont term tiabgtt os out tendingat the nd o the year were $ 43,422: .... ::::::::::::::: i7:77.,reCoverible7rom ether'MUSIO.Oilitieai_lhe: 401ed-frOONateriark04ates and $ /1,7697 will,be raised r41:gen:ral pbgable:, :id ,the.•femsiMieg. net liability 'of $ '25069:4 't. /44000i w u . ,. ''' • '' '''',110O/P*1..440Yricate. are; dun •as follows: - ' - ' .."1984 ' ' $ .6;647 1985; . 4 ( ' ; 1 ; i4, 6916 : VI '''F. • . •, ' • . - ...'• '..".,' ..;tkI --;'•-.1 -v'.., . -1. • .• . . , .• 1986 -$8,206 • $ 4,000. s , . . . 5. .. RUAtteIpal,14,144t•beleace.,s• at ,,the,,end of the -pear i '4 ' • '• s ,' .!' .° , • • '''' . ' ' ' ... • . ' •','••::**41.4,britanees-losat,taate, to 4ffeet .taxation :or user rates. w , 1' be 'used ,aa. • ... ..10t1.644 it:: : i';t: l' ... ' .4 `, , • ', '''' • • . . . ) • . • . 1":•:til:Pt1:04.444419,84' itnetal ••taicati#12 -1.411.1e$ ",,, •P . • • '3,234 • • , t,...,A4u0e.a4terao. rkit" user rata 25.805 $ 121212 44;814 at .4St 7permspeMt. Deceld,er 31i983 to Vileheiturvlissua. • • • ' • - . • . 41*kt:0-404Y 4A ail • 6. iefailte‘i;.$?,:i1;f•'.':'',•,."'‘,•,.y,.4-:•:•t.. • - •-• ••• ..• • ,'.•••••••••• . • • „ • bibbed by counCil-toi::Prenide tor-nrortifing 'feeds •ta. " POtir, 14•Uta • - • . , fina 'operations. During 1983 the:resee or fundi-OaS /4000: to"t:354060:100ai' 11982 feeirVeewere *4440 ;•Xkl'4100,,,;4!,CF$P33;0004) ,414 44:A” :tt...• .0 •• 7. Charges for; losg , • , • — ;7tivaay..of .charges for long term liabilitie0 (0 .;principal aid $ 2,8634 . te.,.,tet4k044111Oisididrie current eilerarlig Aer40,149.' Accrued interest of j :t 863,7•J,bal not been reported financial stitements..($,1,06,8 Bete:their 311,1.14982).,,Ahlinraccrual of ;interest has the effect of increasing municipal ,..fanifibiflWieearby,tbe amount of interear accrued at the reePeetive year ends. • • I , • 8. 6,0ikeitont ..-: • nevp,ri4oN,AVimiA41471?; z .• 4 ic*r. • - ?". ..-ibiz.aintieliblity'ig-tontiagentlY liable for long teri fOr which .0..'4•,the oibi11ty for Pa)FaeSt of -pt.inCiPal and laterest.,hat-been assumed .by othjr selre diFelltiee The *oral104titeedle8 aa et ''bieiteibee 31.. 1983 of . • $71404:4, -4(Peeculber. 31, 1982: $ 22,447.1 is not recorded on, the consolidated ;. beleaCe • •.• • 9: Chanes 1* accountingpplity and comparative figures • ,Vit • 014a, ratios! fipront,for 1982.haie, been restated to consolidate tge,asSets And Operations of the Lucknow Waterworks and to reclassify -oierlavy dSAGA board, and county revenue as accOunts14)4ble instead of as fund 14/Art.esy,,, %" - . • - As a restilt-eftilie �1 'the ;municipal 'fund balancea increased by $ 25,823. • • for 1983. The retroactiVe effect on the restated fund balances as at • , beeetaber 31.1982 4e,alsimarited as follows: • ° •rgiirporeed defl.cit • $(1,8684 School board and county overlevies (32.) Waterearie to offset user charges 4 10 249 Fund balancea - restated $ 8.349. Village of lucknow Lucknow Waterworks DECEMBER 31,19 Current cash , Capital ouplay ,to be recovered in future Assets years Liabilities „and, Accumulated, Net Revenue Current tiabilitiea AccOunt$ payable fv/ Due ta Village of Luckitau Long-term debt, ' AcCumulated:net revenue 1 1983 1982 27.886 13,575 14 000 11,000 $ 41,886 $ 30,575 1,235 $46 2,081 1,157 2,169 3,326' 14,000 17,000 25,805 10,249 $ 41,886 $ 30.575 ==aw . , whinersfor belng the top*Iedge earners fiXibla year'i Xinsitieft ithate,aethan aie &OM Awl" 11111�11:011mPitrelrifiilid; $10, Terry Stanley; Orst,,SZS, anditobin Neabel, second, Si.S. •• ' 'Mohr by Pat Whigs -ton] raitaes *1,000 DistrictKinsmen Sitat***011blirelr. 124.4400.4 for 6omunity bettetinent s'tbreitigli the participation of .36 Skater*, ItiP;te44' .S*10 #110 raised Seida *Pledge eerier • - was 'Robin Neabel whde Jason Humphrey Was third: Deserving Ofhoneurabiemention • are Rity: Dalton, Dile Priestap,. Dennis Johnston; Kriiti Stanley and4tephen Tiffin who each had pledges Of over $50.-• towards payment of expenses Ifteurted by • Ail•WNPSMfil jfl tek,. Pew CrimunitY TOL 'pto4 iasied.,betintdthe fireball • ready frovattiOn. Future .pitiects will include the IftstalltitiOn of :an ouifieldlenCeindpossibly lights *the park. The-comPlete list Of skaters Cody Thomas, Donnie Cuilletier, Cann Clarke, •$• Lyndon :Johasten, Angela Brett:Wes, Ray Palt01.1, ath Thai:molt, Robbie Ealdenby, Diane Broome, Julie Pentland, Kristi Stanley, Brad' Stanley,. Dale Priestap; KeIIy Stevenson, Jeff Cardiff, Steven' McBwan, Mike . MOEVIan, Shawn . -McEvan, Eric • MeDougill, Jason Iftddenby, Terry Stanley, 'Amy Blake; .Robin Neabel, Brad .lithody, Dennis Johnston, Darren Henry, Steven de Jong, •Kevin 'de Jong, Sixitt Allen, lawn • Humphrey, Theresa Stanley, Stephen Tiffin, Bill. • Cooper, . Robbie 'Cooper, Jennifer •Patter, Clvis Humphrey, Tracy Steer. Skateis are. reminded that pledges vete dile Mitch 31.• • ' . Special appreciation to' the skaters,. their . •sponsors, the Stanley and Cuillerierfamiliee for their help and Fairview Wry, donating the milk for the noon meal. Make chocolate Easter house ' By Brenda Wawa and Banda Headmen On Thursday Miss Bode held•her pample- mousse competition and out of five grades, grade 8 won. ,. Mrs-tgAbilWA.,:elnis• Annie ,a chocolate -EisteritotiteWitlitheltelirlif Mrs. Webster.. The, elaatikdoing &reading unit on rabbits. • liver boysin the class, Matthew Straw- bridge, Keith Todd, and Doug Helm made a plasne -.bunny• . Free throw shots were held and the winners were grade 6, Tanya Turner and Jamie Durnin; grade 7, Joey Curran and Lea Anne Livingston and grade 8, Jeff Gammie and Feisty- Moss. Mr. fiddle's class is getting ready for the fun fair which is on Thursday, April 19. • On Tuesday, April 10 the students enjoyed the Tramp Champs, who visited the_school. On Friday Debbie 'Perkins came to grade 8 to congratulate the Winners who picked some names for a man made lake owned by the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority. Winners were third, Barry Nivins and Kevin Black; second, Jean Mc'Whinney; first, Mark -McConnell. Each of them received a book and some pamphlets and also a pin and garbage bag. The class also received a pin and a garbage bag for participating. We would like to congratulate Ken -Strong who placed second with' his science fair project at the County Science contest in Turnbemy. Explains Easter traditions Mrs. Henry MacKenzie welcomed the ladies of Ashfield W.M.S. to her on April 12 for their meeting. The Easter .service o worship frcan the Glad Tidings, Christ is Alive, Easter was followed by -the. group. Readers were Mrs. Stuart MacLennan, Mrs. Neil MacKen- zie, Mrs. Henry MacKenzie and Mrs. Lloyd Collins. Speaker for the meeting was Mrs. Hugh Nugent, wlio spoke about the traditions of Easter and explained many of the symbols of Easter: eggs, ham, lily, hot cross buns, butterflies, pigs and new clothes. Spring is a season of'newness and renewal of faith that Jesus is alive and with us forever. Highlights from the Glad Tidings were given by Mrs. Ndll MacKenzie. The offering • was taken and the offertory prayer given by Mrs. Lloyd Collins. The roll call, An Easter verse, was answered by fifteen ladies. Two children were also present. Mrs. Henry MacKenzie conducted the business. Mrs. George Moncrief told of the work of the Scott Mission in Toronto where used clothing is sent each year. The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Stuart MacLennan. Win at final euchre tournament • The last euchre tournament of the season was enjoyed by 80 people'dn Saturday, April 14 at the Dungannon Agricultural Hall. First prize winners of $50 were Gord Martin and Elton Draper with a score of 70. Doug Brown and Jack Tigert won second price of $40 with 69 nts, Tying for third place with scores of , were Glenn Falkiner and John MacDonald with Everett Horton and Jim Mohring. The two teams played off with Horton and Mohring coming out on top to win the $30 prize. Three door prizes were drawn from the score cards with Vicki Powell winning a case of pop while Easter lilies were won by Irene Dickey and Shelly Powell.