HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-04-11, Page 1• ,•
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• 4 ' ' iicittiqw acid 'Thkirlet Pet* .ClUb‘
VP ,e0,.., their, seond anntial Home a 'd
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1 .,:ri.%Plastfite4Pre'e;4wkee:C4iitlfigibitt ...
.-ti.,,atty4irs peoplei:"011d1:,.
.- d ,in4ecilrom wedding itivda,tioris
`.„, ifurniture,to: garden , tractors.
l'.. ''''''''' ' '4' orticultural Society, macrame
riaky:iiiiiff:ilietd,r,ajWenitks were
to ThP.QuiOn's'Floviters aid -Gifts, flower
'plant. Lucy Bushell, R. # 4,
cern plant, --Sharon, -Phillips.
- ..." .
,, ,.$,• 'k'; r- •
The . now Horticultural Society earn
":' 'eiseoi with the success of 'their
me and Garden Show this
. . 4.
„year. .,,,„
'Thanks to, the *,....tnany members who
.. „,
-.,. donated:their timei„ , rgy and plants, costs
.2 •
""-vvere-k,ipt to a min
, ,,, •,..
Aftendon was .,give. .,.
„2,1: •V•
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s 'son
seiies$2 oft
is nu1aoi
(5010, Like -trtUrOn
)to tru t• •
Den tclue ec *C poitab10 ;electric
heater, Susan Young, Goih.40. 0g -fon
Lumber Ltd, 1 goon paint,
; • , •
Tickets Were.Sold by,, the Lions Club on a
Ford heay duty push kaW# mower,and the
lucky winner was.BidenBradley oflUcknovv.
Odle; diiughtet ot -Mr. and Mrs. William
Dickie of R Re -*/r5; Lucknow:
'Members or -the Horticultikal Committee
for this event were. Mr. and MrS. Austin
Martin; Mr. and -Nits. ',Leonard MaeDonald
and .Mi -and Mr. Fred Emberlit. -
" St$011141 • • ' •
unusual satihods'of pial
. •
• — _• • *:
TaIk you also for .
Wettied but.,.
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the comrnwuty:1 fnenWo
•Wattle green Man was at it again in the
1ca1flera, ,,
'4,22 404'2 ..nrrr•
-a se '•
th),Bejteesilitis wits-wonby
Bljtitell of R R 4 4,'
ei a' lar e sornplan
• .4. .
rer r 2.:12
le. and . Mrs. Lloyd -.-(Ann) Ma
by Pit 1.1vIngsten1Tickets-Avere drawn by'Ptt
4,-. '
*A4tele. o 0 eu-4 by
hSeOtkab1e TV`i-haye withdrawn
64:41dit-iro. 41 tito*m,lcaottoaii: Radio
qi*OntiticatiOns,-,ctitifiiiiiidit :ICitiC)
'''„ t"*ItkOtitti.',W#11,,the'ielible,,company
i.4(1 44 tliWlitiolget4041DObleS0
C attot tolit0e114,*441,"
4,-• 'Yarteut1tne4
vja stu
&lite the'ne
us rs; e
,-,,, 42"`.•-,1.4,;,•:';',
CPUri 0
e, 0V, WUUI
• P'42-4.
in. in th. cameras •MIAVILS
stovered Monday ¥ morning.4 One picture
• was -salvageable.
. A quick tripto. the -Community Centre was
it to nee:avail as the exhibitors were *nifty on
the, split In dismanding their' exhibits.
by Some quick thWhingbythe staff enable us
med for poor
'•,':MiWitelSeafarth Cable TY has applied te.
• the ottortor ailitenee ft*Tirevitie cable TV
service$Attekitovy.' •
Vf,a,g4, ettplabled at the ifleeting and in as
1etter,citekplination't0 the subseribers; the
the -oUtraget: i.,•reeent
nienthslis been .oite4balf nIiIe stretch of
buried cable between blitehellsinft,SetifOrth.,:
Viere t4re a successien4prOblernsin this
one-half*le stretch and as it is buried three
tiallti00,0454114t.# could. not be replaced
the!-:Inicrowave channels broke.
daVn-lasitturinner and; the .equipment was
returnedilo 'Boston for r�irxpIaifle
• Warti...Despite,primierous.Viotietalls, the
eotreturned1O the'contpaity,
er: •,•‘•;
When returned, an Jove* for.
"OotripsutieLifietequiprnent and it
illd�ing the sane-thing:at whenit.had
• "`
• • rrri
-tnefon April 2 for the
. ,
ineiribers• preterit.
niers Wag accepted as teliewSt Pollad
to iiind apply liquid caleium
";40C..tdiViithip* *Ads at it0Lerist of
,OrelMinOOntletine4 *km"
Cd-Operaive t� supply diesel fuel
asoline at discount of '7.9 c litre and
fuel at a discount of 748c litre; lee
Littiitett to crush, haul and spread
'inately 30,000 cubie yurds of '"At.
tat .66 per u, yd„ stockpile et il.00
at- yd„ and to supply and, apply, to
• to- tarty the two -pictures in this. .week'i
Sentinel. Our apologies 'to the Lions -atib,
been tent for repair. Ward then located a
MicreWaVeconipank in Toronto and after two
monthsit was returned with a bill for $1,000
,. and ft still didn't 'work.
bl. ,neetv Ward's engineer in Toronto
Said he iv614 loiVk at it and the equipment
was;many, fed and ready to put up at the
tinte-thi4 tion was being circulated ,in
etec(iillt:rtthearmtha tow
entsn mcoadune by.
Wad obj
Seat° coun
meeting in February, when they sharply
criticized the cable TV service in the town of
Seaforth ind suggested they would lodge a
complaint with the CRTC, If action wasn't
taken within 90 days to coned ihe problems.
Ward said improvements were made to
• Tank, to page 49
• .1
Township ratepayer's private reatis'ap$2.30
APPlicgins were -received tor -building
permits 'Tor sberman s Cove Tent and
Trailer ' Piitk Ltdto construct a workshop
kid 'tar llob....ilergulart to ,construct a new
4 t
res n
isylwp were passed .$tertahling to the
eva1*din tothe BlicktreelftbilthWOO
nurnicipat &akimbo two by-laws
were, passe( amending the Zoning by-law,
7ind regitlating land use for eight Its in the
Wage '
General ateOtintS ter'S6S,S37135 and hgh
wayt accounts for $15,807.60 were ordered
paid. ' •
%,Yliki Young have opened DetiVee's Indies We in the west part of the
foritteiOilkti Fashions liond Valuta location. The ladies held their grand opening for
Luelitaveli neweat bushiest venture [Photo by Sharon Detz)
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