HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-03-28, Page 20iY `R" ,�.. % 4 IA. ,1 vpb PAP Lucknow Semtlne!, We is ' �'s �h 2$', 1:984-„gagc A A. For ,:ate,. • t tr J1N•A"v (IP91!!!!-!9aR�!�49Ab!!►4!a9Wlw-wogw®¢omwaw®pow ' agme�loawaew�wN.eaawRiaqwa�mg? ...._ aaasa+mrapmM!R.. S�} 0404,cFDteaT AND SECIQ,ND CUT HAL 75.0 4111';.-1 4 Phone 529-7126.;- .. -11-14 res' oto' lie, are 13,14ar Saturd ay, ';.9 - ' 1 to its 'x$5,00 per Agricultural hirband and Odd' atient All . canvassers for tl e�", Caner Campaign in •I d on,.. April are invited to a "Kickoff "' Evening in. the Bruce. Room 'of the `Hartley Hetet, Walkerton, Wednesday, March 28th, .8 p.m. arb, Dan, Andrea oto 1, a s steep year old ieulieinia st, ,pealter..-13k :an., at Mayfair: cb}on of Agriculture ill be April 5, $1 Public School, 8.30, p' m Guest speaker ; 1)r. ,Gordon Surgener; ` Entomolt gist, 'University of Guelph. Topic, control methods for bugs and flies.= 13 CANCER °*11181y ace`s ho 1 eDoird would like to` e lle Wh`e extended their colitietia id t well wishes while '6# writ, Atm, i'was ar patient ` aid >r on!don's t Joseph's~ `tai. We vvdritd also like to • 'thank the peop1e`whe sent i ►rds`and` gifts. Special thanks tti Altann's',atint and 'node; Lorna and Gerry Hudson 'of London ' for allowing us to stay, at their home, so we cot be .with our son during` his stay at hos'tat. Ali of these things' were greatly 4'appreciatetL Thank`. you PEARSON We sncere y wish, . to•,thank all oar good neighbowsr friends and relatives who came to help,' us celebrate our 40th anniversary; also they cards and gifts. Special mentionto our fa01Y who arranged the evening forus. It's one we'll :remember forever: Nels and Gloria .w liE R.r We. wish: to . tltaap everyone for the cards, flowers, gifts and , visits . during our stay in victoria- Rospital and since 'coming home. It was all greatly appreciated and will neverbe ° forgotten. Thanks again. Janet and Ian -13x. POIIOUS The family of the late William Porteous wish to thank their friends for their many acts of thoughtfulness and kindness shown to them. These acts will long be remembered. —13 SMITH 1 would like to say thanks for all the cards, gifts, flowers, visits and phone calls while I was a patient in Wingham Hospital and since coming home. Also special thanks to nurses in I.C.U. and the Lucknow doctors. Harold Smith —13x McQU1LLIN Many thanks to those who remembered me with visits, treats, cards and phone calls while 1 was a patient in Wingham and District . Hospital. Special thanks to the Doctors andthe nurses on first floor. Dick McQuillin —13 32 Coming events mmeopfatmo.=to00,mmmmimmaftimpoirefmobibmemitaalibiltwoolimeftemtiftweits FASTERSEAL TELETHON iNciatow LIONS vvtii be manning the phones at 52:84031 from 7 pm. Saturday, Mardi' 31 to Sunday, April 1 M 5:00 p.m. L A:N W°B1 Wednesday; .; 13ar:. Friends, neigl`bourS`'_` acrd: relatives are invited to ,a, community shower; for Nancy Alton, m in the Lucknow United: Church, Saturday, Apra' .7, 2 p'Ili.,. -13 A film Series,' lir 'Parents for Positive Beginnings, a chapter -of Wooten Today. First filin at 8 p.m. Wednesday, April 11, 1984, "An Unremarkable Birth", hy N.F.B., Ontario, -.Street United Church, Clinton. Evetyone' welcome, suggested donation E. E.,,,,..,;,•AorFAOA SEED 532 An outstanding early maturity alfalfa' dot Offers tolerance to bacterial *At, plus rapid regrowth and high tonnage yieldrrof tretehi-rich feed. 52,4 Mine stemmed, medium maturity annum offerbig tremendous yield potenthd, excellent IiiRtei hardiness, and long stand life. Au Varieties are available hi the following ,Mixtures: • 90% alfalfa + 10% tinsothy or 80% alfalfa + *0% tinnithy , BERG STABLING EQUIPMENT 'Barn Cleaners; manure pumps, vertical, horizontal; 8" to 15 P.V.C. or Seal. ductile. CoW-aild calf tie stalls. Loose housing. Bunk Feeders, Ventilation Equipment. Hog Cow: finement. - Ritchie heated. water bowls. Farrowing Crates. Weaner Decks. Plastic Slates and also Farm Gates. Contact Lloyd Johnston Phone 395-5390 .11114101111111111 WANTED TO RENT 30 - 50 acres of cash 31.50. ' ° -crop land in Lucknow area. Phone 529-7126. 4- DAFFODIL, SALE , By Citicet Society, Pride*, March,. 30, from 9:30' a.m.YritInftery Sh4iiie, Main 'Street. Sponsored by navy andl.District Lions Club April 6, 7; 8, at Licknow Community 1:00-9:00; -Sunday, 1:00-5:00. Tickets for sale On a Ford heavy.duty push lawn mower. Adults $1.00, public school and under. free. liMP INFORMATION NIGHT Thursday, April 5, 8 p.m. Teesvvater Town Hall. Sponsored hy Grey -Bruce Shnmental Club kqeeswater Chamber of Commerce. Topics: Female selection - Will Irvine, CSA Fieldman, Calgary; Controlled Breeding using Bulls - Dr. VQ1i Wilson ICI Pharrna. Everyone welcome. Free coffee and donuts. —12,13 SHOOT PARTY Sponsored by St. Helens W.I. in St. Relens Hall, Wednesday, March 28, 8:30 p.m. Lunch provided. Everyone Welcome. —12,13 Attention Farmers A. For sale EVANS SOYBEAN SEED, cleaned, grown from registered seed. Phone 395-2447. —13 400 BALES ,s0F HAY for sale, 50c bale. Phonet 395-5306. —13 SEED BARLEY - Rodeo, cleaned and treated. Phone 395-5757. —13' RAY FOR SALE. Phone 528-6493. --13x 1370 CASE WITH AXLE DUALS 20.9 - 38 tires, 2800 hours, very good condition; Universal tractor 4 wheel drive equal, 400 hours, very good condition; international 56 corn planter, with insecticide, and monitor, 4 years old, planted 500 acres; 3 sets of seed plates; VA hp Farmatic very good condition; M.P. 880 plow 5-18's hydraulically set. Phone 395-5109. —12,13,14 1000 BAL1ES OF HAY and 700 bales of straw. Phone 529-7469 after 5 p.m. —12,13x FARMERS WANTEQ who are pa.ying too much tax or are not using all the tax breaks available. Phone us todayr Apriointment times still availahletoprocess133 Tax returns in your home. Fenn Bushiess Consultants, 2109 Oxford Street E., London, N5V 2Z9. Call toll free 1-800-265-1002. In Business year round helPing farmers • for over 32 years. —013 mismsmaimmimantialswAsomousrams D. Livestock HIGH HEALTH STATUS BOARS ROP test- ed, low BF land age:Guaranteed. Maitland Manor Farms, Bluevale. Contact our Luck - now area representative„Joe Metzger, R. # 3, Lucknow, 395-5482. —12-16 • REGISTERED POLLED HEREFORD bull, 4 years old. Phone 529-7213 or 524-2322 after REGISTERED POLLED HEREFORD bulls ready to work. Halter broken. Ed Powell, R. # 1, Wingham. Phone 335-3893. —13,14 REGISTERED POLLED HEREFORDS. Re- ducing herd: Two herd sires; yearling bulls; cows vvith/without calves; bred/open heif- ers, Come and make your choice. Arondaie Polled Herefords, Brinkman Arnold, Gen Huron (705) 466-5533. —013 ONTARIO BULL SALE, Markham Fair- grounds, April 7, 1984. Entry consists of 44 Hereford, 2 Maine Anjou, 4 Aberdeen Angus, 5 Charolais, 12 Limousin, 8 Sim - mental. —013 E. Farm services mageffiebafammm For AU Your Spring Crop Needs We Are CLEANING AND TREATING SEED GRAIN Taking Orders For SEED GRAIN - CORN - GRASS SEED Hog Shipments Mon. - Wed. - Thurs. ELLIOTTS SEED MILL AND TRUCKING LUCKNOW TELEPHONE 528-3500 or 528-3110. The March meeting of Ashfield WMS s hsmeuelvdeethrir gn. tMtkvvieathrpc91.1r1e9sSriaewst asthfretoempheoma,:eevr oafit4s th,e, George Moup:i#, Mrs. Moncrief opened roll call was answered by a news!** clipping abinit Rentral Africa. Mrs. Moncrief gave the meditation, Cry MacLennan reviewed the World Day accompanied by' Mrs. MacDonald on th aceorthan. Mrs. ,,,,MacDonald conducted a contest about Ireland. Mrs. Henry MacKenzie conducted” the husiness and the meeting closed wi prayer:tunch was served and a social din followed. .F0u, Fent 82 litRES wOrkable far COI crop. Phone, FOR RENT - approximately, 52 acres C:AS spring 'plowing la northein Ashfield os Division'line. Call 525-7211'niS24-2322 after e. 295 ACRE-01(1Ni! storage, cP1O01109Pand AN:L:411;119e 9s. sos4:00. hero, .here ilthPt tot lidooeid;All4Stitwher,111:!::: vitaitoow. Donnybrook sint-Parlifilif Oil, spring possession.. . 98 .• ACRES West WoWtatiolh, with 75 workabt iixdellent eras' farm. 50 ACO' TOWnahip, all work - 100 ACRES KiniOss Twp., large barn and dWelling priced to sell. Check this Oroperty as an opportunity for a first time 100 ACRES, ASHFIELD TWP., 90 - 95 40 ACRES, Kinioss Twp., recreation, spring well and stream. 150 ACRES, KIniose. Tyirp. with 145 workable, 8 room dWelling; brief born. 100 ACRES Huron TWO., recently reno- vated hem*. all worksibletrandom tiled. 50 ACRES Weil., fraWerieoh, '40 'eras workable, trout tiriant. , 90 ACRES West' Wateanialx1Wp., Hard- ston loam soil, 20 'lire* hardiniod bush. 94 ACRES West Wasiimosh, 4 bedroom dwelling, barn 38' x 100' and shed 38' x 70'. Priced te sell. Immo mem imam emAM memo mum ammo amso UPON RETURN FROM EXTENSIVE EUROPEAN FARM TOUR including England, Germany, Francs, Austria, Switzerland and Holland. Cletus Dalton has made smile excelledt broker contacts and is **Ming immigrant buyers from Europe this spring and summer. LISTINGS WANTED .- Good cash crop, dairy - and mixed farms in Ashfield Township, South Huron Township. CALL CLETE TODAY 520-7420 orchard. Must be sold. Check ttils and rive us an offer. ' DUPLEX Income property in Lucknow, priced to sell. ROYAL BANK building, Lucknow, well located, paved parking. DUNGANNON, garage, cement block building, opportunity for mechanic or body shop. For further particulars on these proper - nes, Owe. mit WARREN ZIPAI, 529-7350 CLETE DALTON, 5294420 TERRY ZINN, 529-7350