HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-03-28, Page 5aseasomaninsassiannimassaXar
Lackmow Sentinel, 'Wednesday, March 28, 1984 --Page 5
:•frena p
,Banlon n ur , askiing. if ,it >would not be
possible to tow a week to review . the
material before; ,ming a .decision.;
others :, questioned whether two days
`. would give the architect tune to, properly the bid's arid, prepare recommenda
: "Every would be taken so that no one
1 in the public could interpret this to be a .ram
rodding through," Dr. Widter Mong'dm-,
Mrs. Voir told the beard it would be ideal
if a deictsion' old be made;::at' e``Thursday
meeting, "saying there is ,nouug , be
gained `by;'putting it off,.Cbut,°agreeti t `'if
- there is too much information to absorb,
that's a 'decision for the board to make."
She urged board members to leave open
the possibillity of making a decision that
night if they find they are satisfied with the
infortlnation provided.
Asked, by t,oard member.Robert Pike what.
the status h of the. press would be at that
meeting, Mrs. 'V 'told him the press :is
"not Invited" to the special 'meeting.
The board was old that fg . general
contractors had obtained copies of'the plans
for the new wing, indicating a brisk interest
in bidding and that ,a number o 'electrical
and aechameal,. sub contractors have ,also
expressed; `interest ria R those details of the - •'
Helen°iiiegling and her mother; °•Mrs„ Lea r
Courtney had a weeks ••visit in Penticton,
British Columbia,-wherae they 'visited:.
ward and Lee Ann' Courtney. -
Ripley:: Horticultural Society had ' its
regular .meeting -at the Ripley • Legion .Hall,
The ladies from the area who attended, were
June Wylds and Biretta MacLennan,
Cecil Webster son of Wellington and Kae
Webster came home on Monday from Ohio,
The conmttnity, would like . to send its "
congratulations to Laurie Gibson, daughter
• of Ernie and Mary:Gibson, -on the Comple-
tion. and graduation on receiving her R.N.
from Conestoga College of Nursing in.
Stratford: She is . cnrrentlyy,Amployed at
Owen Sound General espial:. ,
Dinner guests. on Wednesday with Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Robb were Sandra Darling,
her 'daughter -Heather of Hanover, Shirley
Irvin and her two daughters.
Cletus Dalton of Kintail has just returned
home from a fifteen day farm tour in Europe..
•:- c
by Kae Webster
His 'first stop was at Amsterdam in Holland
andhe was privileged, to attend the world's
largest Bower .auction This included, bulbs,.
potted plants and . cut :Bowers. He saw, farms _
on the Z , 7. dera and: took: as boat ride on
the. ; ' , e` aver in Germany. n He toured the
Bloc orest area and found that travelling
in Switzerland was fantastic, and beautiful,
and, the mountains were very majestic. He
visited • farms .and attended the 'Internation
Livestock and Machinery, Show. He also saw
a 3850 pound Chianina bull. He travelled to »:
places : in England. Clete visited. Holland,
Germany, Switzerland, France and England,
and. did some auctioneering and yodelling.
He said the enjoyed bis tour very much.
West .Wasiranosh- icarun .,..
.from 'Page 2 •
That the road accounts in tlare : amount of
$10,646.23 are hereby' ordered, paid.
Motion by Councillors Todd and. Hickey.,
That the road program budget . for 1984 as
subnitfed by the road superintendent is
hereby ::adopted by West Wawanosh• Town-
ship Council.
Motion by Councillors . Brindley and Ray-
nard, That West Wawanosh Township
Council hereby approves the application for
loan submitted . by R. Matthews.
The four applications received for the job
of countingdogs in. thetownship were
opened at thisl time. !Motion by Councillors
Todd and Raynard, 'That the Township of
WestWaiwanosh hereby accepts the applica-
tion of Stephen Hickeyto count dogs in West
Wawanosh- in 1984' for the sum of $1.75
per dog counted, this acceptance based on
the applicant's experience last year.
Two severance applications from Huron.
County were reviewed by council. Some
discussion took . place regarding . discrep-
ancies in the sketch of the surrqunding
properties on one Application - however,
there were no objections to the severance of
the lots . which are the subject . of the
applications. Each lot is an actual farm lot
and not aM portion to be severed from the
whore. Councillors Todd and Raynard
moved, Thatthe severance applications from
Leo Foray Estate and Frank . Foran are
hereby approved by, West Wawanosh Town-
ship. -
Motion by Councillors Todd and Hickey,
That the Township of West Wawanosh.
hereby gives ' third and final reading to
By -Law #4 -1984, -which authorizes the reeve
and clerk to enter an agreement with the
Blyth Fire Area Board for fire protection
from the Blyth Fire Department.
By -Law #5.1984 was given third reading
and finally passed on motion of Councilors
Hickey and Brindley. This by-law authorizes
council to hold a meeting under the Planning
Act with less than a full council present.
Motion by Councillors Brindley and Ray-
nard, That ' West Wawanosh Township
hereby cancels the 1984 ' taxes on Roll No.
7-17 in the name of Cecil Cranston, due to
the fact that • the assessment of $3196 has
also been included in Roll No. 7-15.
The general accounts, in the amount of
$78,703.81 were passed for payment on
motion of 'Councillors Raynard and Todd.
loss council. -call tenders
The regular meeting of Kinloss Council
as held on March . 5 with Reeve Barry
Johnston and all council members present.
Motions were passed to 'call tenders for .
appropriately 30,000 cu. yds; of {`A" gravel
or. Township roads and tor spreading gravel
nratepayers private roads and for
pproxiinateiy 130 'flake. tonnes of 'calcium
hMoride to be dbliverred' at the road super-
ntendent''s discretion. Tenders are tb be in
he read superintendent's office by 5:00
.ni..o*i April' 2, 1984. ,
Advertisements are to be .placed for
uotations, on ' heavy machinery and trick
ntal for ,1984 constriction; for supplying
ravel for Township road purposes and for
ie supply'.` of diesel, -gasoline and furnace
lel delivered to Township tanks. Quotations
e to be ht tothe Townshipby.5:00 p.in. on
pril 2, 1984.
Brad Pryde of Paragon Engineering and
rillex Ki'rng ' front -Kincardine Township
ended Council with regard to the prepara-
tion of a final engineering eeport for the
extension of the Kincardine -Kinloss munic-
ipal drain and . to vary the maintenance
schedule in the Township of Kinloss as
outlined in section 76 and 78 of the Drainage
Act if deemed appropriate by the engineer.
Council subsequently passed a motion in
agreement - with the preparation of the
report. .
The tender of C: A. Becker Ltd. was
accepted 'to supply -a Duetz-Fahr Model
KM -25 turbo drive mower for $4,700.00 less
$2,200.00 for the trade in of the D-12 Allis
tractor and mower. Net price 52,500.00 plus
applicable taxes.
Council passed a. motion that the
Township' of Kinloss is in favour and agrees
to an utr brella Carroty of. Bruce Contingency
Flan to deal with a .disaster or overwhelming
• emergency should such circumstances arise.
General accounts for. 518,959.39 and
hi`g hwa s - accounts fol'- $11,623.79 were
ordered :paid.
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MARCH st . APRIL 3.a
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The continuing strength and vitality of
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why the Government of Canada has attached
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Canadian youth. °
In the last federal budget, $150 million.
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young people, including students, to learn new
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A lot of young people know what .kind
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Specialized Services
. ' Because they have no job training or -
trade, lots of young people find it difficult to get
jobs. So there are spial programs designed
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Units (SYUS) are staffed with people who
cooperate with community agencies and
Outreach projects to place these young people
in suitable and rewarding jobs where they
can increase their skills. Ther6 a SYU branch in
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can apply for Delp..
Planning nowforfutitre
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-- Moderntechndlogy keeps changing
the wayswe work and the jobs we do. Canada's
National Training Program includes a plan that
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Fund encourages public training institutions and
private non-profitorganizations:to teach
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velop the facilities#or this work. The easiest
way to find out more about training is to ask at
your local Canada Employment Centre.
Get involved inlCatir tavik .
Katirr_iavik isa popular and successful
.national youth program for single people from •
1 ':to 21. if you participate, you wili.be involved
for nine months, travelling in groups to differ-
ent regions in Canada and working on commu-
nity projects. The work is rewarding and varied,
from the restoration of cultural artifacts to
the clearing of trails and waterways in munici-
pal parks..While.you don't get paid as you
work, there is a $1,000 honorarium at the end
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Some Katimavik projects here in Ontario
have involved a companionship and home
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centre for teens.. -
Or, you could find yourself building
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This year, 5,184 participants will be
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munities across Canada. It could be a great
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people and learn a lot about yourself and your
country. Interested? Find out!
Canada Works
Canada Works is a job creation pro-
gram that provides funds to community organi-
zations, municipalities and businesses, helping
them to hire staff for special work projects
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eight weeks, you could be eligible to work on
a Canada Works project The jobs last from six
to 52 weeks and give you experience and
contacts that might help you find a long-terrn
job. Your Canada Employment Centre has
information on the Canada Works jobs available
in, your community.
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