HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-03-14, Page 12-r A • • . . ,..."---; 7 ::::,,i;i, ,74i7.,..tr..,.:,•".•-.4.- -... ,.. • -.,:ii,..tt'), ',..-.-., ..ily,,,-,,,,'..:,-1' • '•-_i•:141,ii',./01,‘ ' •—. .744" • 1'44 -;Att.s• • , • ; r. • L , ^At4t • 1, •4,A,A.• .,• • ; • • , tt. • Pt .4) • '40 Fell ••rf,,,,X44.,-...4s;•ktc, v.,. • • • • 41,44C4:4'',* -117f.*. 4'4 ,.,.,_•. , *or ""*"Pitirm,,14*40104'.• ' „. , ,041,,t.p......,.3::•,,,,x. ,...„,...11,..z,,,.• i RL.::;:''' ., ,„',4', q. , , Ict..i."*•-"-.' . 4.1'4' ••'.. 'k ' ,7',1 . 'IP , ' ^ .' '0:.;$1:. • ,‘ ' tocknow Siothwto. *01.10$40Y, 1*4111"14, - . 411; • .'11'NgOtt''. • WinEgiti4lt,T'.31A 4 ales Speckled concessions •fltrRoa4 Iftt AL • fres . Ro Plict Teesviater, and so**. -NOM 1#0; r -,Page 12 ego.:t'; • •••••• A ..... ••••4 45.• As 2' a tF•410100, tt• " ro :r4kiipor•aamtiosaitii- ' • t07 747.1771:;417:77:::4311"4": ''''..H .":. • ','''..; ". 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MOMitkl-O440u, Ontario. • •Lbo''Vfor' the lieditiitting, —011 • • ROT0410E; rear and 7.fiati -tine tillers shreddrs, garden sprayers. Priced :Well .beltok: .competition. opportunities,DealeP' fa ci, iiett, 'Saki,. 80 at afttOttP ace, ( 1 • • • • con4et • ToWidine Roi . • 25771661, • 2204-%-2ti 12 VARIETIES:OF B t• Ain' CHICKS. heairmeat; 3 Weekilif capena,- small orders' ourieialtY, Delivery guaranteed Fannies Chielt Hatchery; Box 154, lmira, Ontario N3# 2Z6 (519) 669-2561. ----616-i5 USED RAILWAY TIES. Pressure treated,... uniform quality bundles guaranteed. Deliv- ered sentilead lots. only. (450 minimum). Reaonable' priced. Phone (204) 725-227, office hours. —010-12 .• STEEL BUILDINGS, straight wall. 1 -Beam conStructed factory clearance, save up- to 40% limited quantities: Act now and- save. No reserves. Call teil free Argus Steel 1-800-268-0822. —010 DAY OLD CHICKS, agent for Parrish and Heinbecker, phone Gorrie 335-3649, or write Don Pell, R. 1, Wroxeter, NOG 2X0. —10tf OSTOMY SUPPLIES and aPpliances, Meek IDA Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers, Square, God- . erich, 524-7241. —7tfeow IN HOME Mastecotomy services now avail- able. Contact Mrs. Adams or Mrs. Stringer at Rieck I.D.A. Pharmacy, Shoppers Square; Goderich, 524-7241. —7tfeow DAY OLD CHICKS and starter pullets, heavey meat type - and brown egg layers. Roe Chick Inc., Box 118, Atwood, Ontarici. 356-2222. —10-13 HIGH PERFORMANCE PARTS: auto, van, pickupand 4 w.d. accessories. Open 6 days a week.Walker's Speed and Custom, , 368 7614, Tiverton. —7tf MAGNETIC SIGNS, rubber stamps, busi- ness cards, stag tickets, decals, complete • ling office supplies and imprinted advertis- ing promotional ideas - buy 150 pens imprinted you get another 150 free. Larry owan, Luelorew, 528-2730., itirolielatot t, . .rroltrttrtrottlifietteltotottemalpi _ • „,..r.sraH . 'MTOBA .KENNELS - Cocker : blacks.; Good breeding lines. Readk10-7go • :March196::0,537. 0"41611FOR '110it , Of' • • • • .41k 44taty, - SiW 100 acres prime land, Hur�n • :Township, 1Otated • on: hard to Lake mon; south: Of. mcardi)e. Folk bedroom . ,• Le* tato ttieW.K.46.116124 t.'4•1 . • i! 4 121 479-9' 124 Automatic (In barfly*: lin barn) Slat leendo*440,• 48' Williiottlitini • „: •. • I • • •, • , • • • 374841, . i•44r Otp:oloslin.re tolioaie#intinnfOctllfkis 0000sit of a on Individual ao - .0 • •••,) 400.00.11. with the ;04,:filkoPurchaisitek*40,0qipmentis being ejs1) n IittrOrtiseireiespOitil 1118,1/408180*60 iteni000 hilii)iteigOensakilintilisrs oro to be received,:sttler TO Ark#14141k *WS* teirilea•3211994583,.:1. Foi•-044,liformottion,,*40W.OpliOtnimient to *IOW the.cOliip*orit Otteafi'cion?a0 farm Credittot*Oratioiti; AititiliffetetAtrauter 1315 tfOttgte Stitt**, Walkerton. Ontario. • • VOn't$V,111,41:,•!'` pis5 (519)8S1-1490. • brick home :ace ed 32x64.,,,barit5.44., Sett,44.1- I ale mmOda tenth *0. • hcig0;,.inivilteOf stable e rt an '‘11F0., *CO nt .;:•11 , • ".• 77:14,,,00 myyLy RENOVATEROOodera, 241tedt'orun The V149iharrit.4.. y. 04 ABSOCiAtion ..or up lor. *'•. - • - se.,•••°101.,...""q"1"t7iirrpr •••w•ii • -• • ard,rtiled.r4Phne evenings 41::643S-22724=.0'.. 4.1 t • • Super springde , the Meittallitltetar a fit time TREED 34 ACRE LOT at 01440 town with 3 apartment Teeswater more details, • al 4t . S 11 ..• rpai.;Contact Cart Bale ''528-4104 t07:201 #4,,,:ROCVta,,I3T4ektetZgRaKeitle com. if ypirqualj6;moie init4 and get 0; bajf',-cour*gor911,,,...4 Ye :i4014100baEla• at the bedroom white sided heuie;Sitsplied with town Water; also utility Shedrall14gred months free rePrCanllOrior /4•*' .i-ackReaviiVocationit Centre,. Education .4 .. - - - • ' ' '4 • mence early April.. Pleaseapp inzwatmg by FRESH MAPLE SYRUP now available at Robinson Maple Products, St. Augustine. Phone 52-7857, We will delver. --13 TRY C & E FURNITUR, new and used. Dial Goderich, 52442M. —40tf • • t THREE BEDROOM HOE, with wood, stove, 31/2 blocks from downtown. Complete- ly remodelled- Apply -14 writing to Drawer 12, c/o The Lucknow Sentinel, Box 400, LUKNOW, NOG 21.1. • - FARMS FOR SALE BY PUBLIC TENDER Located in Kincardine Township. Bruce County on paved Highway No. 9, approximately $ miles east of • Kincardine, Ontario. PARCEL 1 Lots 42 and 43, Concession 1, N.D.R. 100 acres with approximately 97 acres workable, sandy loam soil. Building's • include 3 bedroom brick house, frame barn for sheep and hogs, horse barn and metal clad shed suitable for livestock or implement storage. PARCEL 2 Lot 44, Concession 1, N.D.R. . 50 acres with approximately 47 acres workable. Buildings include 2 frame houses, large barn for sheep or feeder hos, workshop and !miscellaneous service buildings. PARCEL 3 Lot 41. Concession 1, N.D.R. 47 acres of sandy loam soliall workable. Bareland parcel, no buildings. PARCEL 4 Cot 35, Concession 1, S.D.R. 50 acres with approximately 44 acres workable. Bareland parcel. no building. Tenders are to be submitted individually on i ib. properties or in various combinations, please specify. Tenders ars to be received prior to April 13th, 1984 with a minimum deposit of $5000: refer to File No. 321199-593. For more information please contact Farm Credit Corporation. Attention: P. Kreuter, 1315 Yong. St., 'Walkerton. Ontario. (519) 881-1490. ` ONE :it.ND.TY&BEDROOM a arttnents in ivlareh 1 •064.,' the Voca. Lucknov, with fridgeTand Aional Centre, 153 Joh vn Street: Wigham, immediatelv. GI haven Apartntents, 629. i;.01t.tatio‘NOG 7030, after. 6 pn. —39tf •i : 4 TELEPHONE SOLICITOR with pleasing _.• THREE BEDROOM apartment for rent, voice, tolerant attittide. it'd aesire t� earn fully carpeted, air conditioned4ridge, Stove, money. EXeelletit renAeratibit. Call Kathy dishwasher. Heat included in rent. Phone . at AcqUaie 'Wter Retinas 0-5808. —11 58-332 or. 5284940. •-•8tfar • .. 4................, RESTAURANT HELP WANTED . waitress/ 12. Help' wanted waitetandtitchen help. $0114 restime to Box Ipmesmorippito 325, 'Wingham, • Nod 2W0 by March 17 EDITOR REQUIRED for large Eastern 1,94'-11 Ontario Weekly newspaper. tLocatton is 'MOM' 010"feit".0 .heart of recreational area offering wide • 14 Employment wanted variety of activities including, -skiing, ...iii.,#.....v........-i.........m.......w.,...0-.7,-,e,.--.--..- hunting, fishing. Good compensation plan. WILL DO WALL PAPERING AND HOUS Successful .personwill be a leader with WorkPhone 528-3837. —11.12 strong writing, reporting; and layout skills •. and will want to participate in • newsin my coverage. Apply iately in writing to . • WILL DO BABYSITTING News, PO. Box 158, Smiths Falls, Ontario home, callinimed the Publishing Manager c/o The Record Janet' 528-3927. —11,12 K7A 4T1. —09 . TRUCKING CAREER. Become a profession al transport driver. Contact Mery Orr's Kingston (613) 549-3914; Toronto (416) 251- 9073; Ottawa (613) 523-348; London (519) • 432-1726; North Bay (705) 472-210; Thund er Bay (801 623-8686; Sault Ste. Marie (705) 759-0177; Cambridge (519) '623-2430; Sud bury •((705) 560-3351'. Member B.B.B. —010-13 EXTRA INCOME. selling from your lime., Canadian made Water Distiller for Manu facturer retailing 5239.50. Profit 5100 plus. Noinvestment necessary LBH Industries, 116 Viceroy ,Rd. C-9. Concord (Toronto) Ontario 1,4K 2M3 (416) 661.1142. 494-980. —011 PHARMACIST. Ontario Licensed, no Sun- days or Holidays. Salary negotiable. Send resume to Drawer 59, c/o Goderich Signal - Star, Post Office Box 220. Goderich, Ontario N7A 4B6. —011 it classified rates DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS 4:30 P.PA. MONDAYS* *WITH THE EXCEPTION OF LONG WEEKENDS, WHEN •THE DEADLINE WILL BE 4:30 P.M. FRIDAYS • 80c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR PAYMENT BEFORE 10 A.M. WEDNESDAY OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION. 528812822