HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-02-29, Page 161 lismomnommamaimaaanialaisaal . .4.,,,,..,,u4r,;(4.20,02,..jvryi.r,404w,4441,%.=.4.": 1405,,,,-11--,4if, I 5.04-vr744a*:*444Z::a:4'2474:4443 1"'-' -..".‘"4-- Kt*" ' ' ' lal"`"..°'4.4.4-74;r•-"S'W?:-.*t.71.,,.,:011:1:E;4,14,1,141.,11._:: ,40 . 4 44% r*r..c 4, .4 4.4. 4,4,4sruresf. x -rove 44;4 so*. .44121,4,*44 9 S•• Jo PT 11,644- : !4 •,,,, ,..-.,- . ,. tea - . A 4N "1'.. a -g, .‘24,44 3 , ,,,,,-,..4„. •.l04 1510.-- .....i.......,, Palibi4, -.4 '412.iviv,4, $A-551 11.024r, 14 .1,4 FE F414.4F4 .P', 41, ...,r,- 'Ive ilu.i;7:,,t tr4Lanefv151 _=414. Mko•:Wikn SP, 4 , 4.4 ,, X-112,,,....1,,,At por ft,***01.00:-, P3i r.,',.. .43*. 3- , ' i•gf Z ': -.'0 ' * - :444- •444,' ' ..A. 044'...i• A•43444401:44 4. 44ta• 4.* 4,4 _ ..., 'X'''' . ''-'27 •44.4.;F# 11"4.2.4*V44"151/, LeF1 • ..44 :•Tie...!• 4,11,04' ^ .„4.4g, .t.,4 igif r 44A,St4z,lif A. - .. — iisas 1 t Vt. 441.**JP $4,-*. ').**, 4 4 44A4k4 f•F5A foora .nk- to .1.1: ..„.41.,,,"' .....1".;.i.e- st Is ors ...4 ...t& 0.,, j'fri: i, •: • lip' ilio ,:s WO ,..444.. rtFr • 'F. ... „.... wv.....,:•44,.41.!, 4 Aka..v. *Ws. :=*. be* SO Z.racouRtits*Cat - --- *e.*:atts4i,•:...t.ersri q•-.4 05;44.i*LIVizel*,4*** **...... '"Itifitilti*/".4ft p.k..... T1/4,5 0 at.. . r.l. *,....44. /W4 j :***, motto, ....40, wOraw.4140,AA! 444i4 lw,„1(q. 44, - $1.F.1.4 -34:1% 4rt ??,,,,14144,4 14" Y"' 1'1',4 -1 9k1g:C. .. . . 4.... .... , 24/1:044.1 1.!trO:VireLlt4444ip ss 441040,444,47,osit. I m-,41.11., A 1., , yo...4, 444,4: - Act44 40177 7..,:.;;;13.41:7:!,, ...,, Sr. , • • 41:111111411g.,g,4, -94 - r‘r •-• •••nr -07 711;•' 1.4434444.444414,444 Lutignow selObielp Ivegbiesdays, Follatuali 29, 1984—Ps k4117,101;Vle,.1 1V.V....›O.AANJ4*' • , ' 4.^ Artkiel:ter.sale: MIKOMIMM.*MaMOIMMIMMaliaiaiMaiMaaMaaaMaaliaalla FOOD TREES for Northern climates; old fashioned apples, nut trees. Many unusual shrubs, evergreens and shade trees, reason- abe *ices. Catalogue Si Golden Bough -.Tree Farm, Marlbank, Ontario KOK 2L0 (613) • • 3. • USED• RAILWAY TIES. Pressure treated, uniform quality bundles guaranteed. Deliv- ered semi -load lots only. (450 minimum) Reasonably priced. Phone (204) 725-2627, office hours. —09 MOST SELL.. Disttibutor of all steel buildings has 2 straight wall buildings and 2 quonset buildings greatly reduced for quick sale. Call. First Choice at (416) 663-5323. --09 •• STEEL BUILDINGS, 3 only, order cancelled. hitmediate delivery on a. first come Tint served basis. Sizes 32 x 50, 46 x 110, 55,x 600. All buildings complete with sliding door. Call toll free 1-800-268-4942. —09 20 -FOOT STEEL. BALE. RACKS, $1100; 16-20 foot flat racks; bale forks for large round bales, $175; cattle heated water, bowls, $185-$500. Dealers wanted. Owen Martin Mfg., R. # 3; Wallenstein, Ontario, NOB 2S0. /519) 699-4144. --09 CEDAR FENCE POSTS; one push lawn mower, $10. Phone 529-7606 after 6 p.m. --9. 26" COLOURED ADMIRAL TV console. Phone 395-5828 or 395-2614. 1977 HONDA, CB550K, crash bar and back rest with rear carrier, new tires; wanted a 175 to 400 cc 2 stroke engine. Phone 395-5283 after 6 weekdays. —9 APPALOOSA COLT one year old. Dark chestnut with white blanket. Asking $200. Phone 529-7846. —9x RECONDITIONED 26" COLOUR T.V., S300.N, Greer T.V. & Electric, Luelmow, 528-1112. —9ar CAPONS, fresh or frozen, 9 - 12 lbs., oven ready. Wm. E. Andrew, 529-7577. Can deliver to Lucknow. —7,8x NATIONAL APPLE MONTH !-Northern Spy Apples For Sale -Excellent For Eating - -Supreme For Cooking Featuring Cooking Spys S5/Bushel Ales Andrew, 528-3019 —7-13 OSTOMY SUPPLIES and appliances. IDA Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, erich, 524-7241. —7tfeow Rieck God - IN HOME Mastecotomy services now avail- able. Contact Mrs. Adams or Mrs. Stringer • at Rieck I.D.A. Pharmacy, Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-724.1. :--7tfeow HIGH PERFORMANCE PARTS, auto, van. pickup and.4 w.d. accessories. Open 6 days a . week.Walker's Speed and Custom, 368- 7614, Tiverton. —7tf MAGNETIC SIGNS, rubber stamps. busi- ness cards, stag tickets, decals, complete line office supplies and imprinted advertis- ing promotional ideas - buy 150 pens imprinted you get another 150 free. Larry Cowan, Lucknow, 528-2730. —3tf TRY C & E FURNITURE, new and used. Dial Goderich, 524-7231. —40tf HUMANE LIVE TRAPS, ETC. snowshoes, wooden clothes hampers and pack -baskets. Phone Clinton 482-3842. —3eow 941/134,,m, 4asteaSit...".. , 111 •Mi,,R11,141, ' 4.14rettp 4te,04 4 , ^.• se •*:"Is • o ammansarougmasitypaigeJsmassomasomprnown**' mom.* ..... 41:1•SeStaiG6,1161110 601. mm mm - , 1. Articles 10e -sale OM M.. 2,1101114.13.1411140a111M11.10.9a1MBIIIMMINID1111111.115.191 12' _varieties of BROWN 'BABY CHICKS; heavy meat; 3 week old capons; small orders our specialty. Delivery guaranteed. Bonnies Chick. Hatchery, Box 154 Elmira; Ontario N3B 2Z6 (519) 669-2561. —08 • STEEL BUILDINGS straight wall, f -beam constructed factory clearance, save up to 40%. Limited quantities.. Act and save. 'No. reserves. Call toll free Argus Steel -1-800- 268-0822. —08 „ . • . . • #11.4144.#,,t1141.141i.1141•10.411,allii".044114rmirmorkoornimirommoo44.444,4 „ -.140004101# 12. Help wanted mmmmm EDITOR REQUIRED for 14** efstt171 Ontario Weekly newspaper. -Location is heart of recreational area offering'. wide variety of activities inekuditille `1101.0g, hunting, fishing. Good compensation plan. Successful person will be a leader with strong writing, reporting, and layoutskills and Will want to participate ar news coverage. Apply immediatelyPin 'writing to the Publishing Manager c/o •The, ReCord • News,.P.O. Box 158, Smiths Falls; OntatiO K7A 4T1. —09 • FRESH, MAPLE SYRUP now available at • Robinson Maple Products; St. Augustine. Phone 529-7857. ,VVe will deliver. ---13 held at the Ripley Huron Comm -unity -Clitt*. • SECURTTY 'OFFICER 'for' licenced •eVen . 11.1.460110•1111MIIIlitIMMINDMIMAIMM.14•112/11M ZIIIIIIMMIHIM.1111111111.•111110.11011011114111.11101 • , . • 2. Mobile Homes maraMaaimmerraimmma mars m magma atmassmom mantarma arm mmalannammi PRICED FOR QUICK SALE - Eldon Mobile Home (1976) 12"x 65' with 123x.24' addi- tion, includes all commodities plu's airtight stove, $8,000.00. Can be moved. Call 529- 7352 before 8, a.m. or after 9 p.m, —9x simaa amammlammammammaammmammaimmaim 3. Articles for rent FLOOR. SANDERS for rent. 8 & M Rentals, and Salesi'Wingham, 357-1666. ---45tf • MINININM•011110•01MPOWUOMMIMINIIIMIMMIIINIIIMIIMIUMMIIMISIBMINIMMAINIMI 5. Cars, trucks -for sale • \ PARTS FOR A TOYOTA COROLLA with a 1600 motor.. Four speed, new brakes, new exhaust, or whole car. Best offer. Call 524-4766 anytime. —9tfrix 1977 FORD LTD, 2 dr., 302, automatic, some extras, $2400.00 certified. Phone 529-7590. —9x FOR SALE OR LEASE 1979 Ford Louisville 8000, 3208 Cat Engine, 13 speed trans- mission, 1200 front tires, 10001 rear, 14 ft. aluminum gravel box with tarp, 79,000 km. Asking S24,000. National Leasing (204 786-6415. —09 miamommamommovalmmoumminsommesareomommsem'ongsmommenuuMmmmouna 6._ Pets mwamaMmaimammommaimmaaaaaMameaa mmmmmm emismammimaminfnimMel ONITOBA KENNELS - Purebred Cocker Spaniels, C.K.C. registered, blondes and blacks. Good breeding lines. Ready to go March 15, 1984. Phone 396-2537. —9,10 REGISTERED DASHUND, miniature long haired, tan colour, has all papers and shots. Seven months old male. Phone 395-5039. —9 ma=.,,aaaamamMaaaaaaaMOMMataaameaMmaameammemmo 9. Accommodation to rent aftelaaaaaMa NEWLY RENOVATED, modern, 2 bedroom apartment in Teeswater. Super spring deal, if you qualify, move in now and get a half months free rent. Call now for more details, 367-2391 or 364-4327. —7tf HEATED ONE BEDROOM apartment, stove and fridge. Phone 528-2113 after 6 p.m. —9tf ' ONE AND TWO BEDROOM apartments in Lucknow, with fridge and stove, available immediately. Glennhaven Apartments. 529- 7030. after 6 p.m. —39tf THREE BEDROOM apartmetft for rent, fully carpeted, air conditioned, fridge, stove, dishwasher. Heat included in rent. Phone 528-3532 or 528-3940. —8tfar Send resume tOSecretary, Ripley, NOG L2R0 —9 • ' TOWNSHIP • WEST WA N 15. Tondo: •• untill *9652,11)42'.4111e, Chaintelt tractor nwIt1 Side'441116044' • 824. 0n1fAver,.- in: ,st rag :Any tinder not-iiecessailly acceited. . • ,HENRY ,,,L; 'CLARK - , Road Stperintendet tH P240* • TOWniitip - . 1 114 ENDER Y-fieefred bY theun h 5, 1984 for h'e' ,• APPLICATIONS will be reci4vid undersigned until 5:09 p.m on MONDAY, MARCH 5,1984.' • for a person to count dogs in the. Township of West Wawanosh. Application shall be in s age and yrIee per clearly tna*ed 6!Application". • • • - • . Successful applicant will be expected to sell dog tags, and have the count completed by. April 15,4984. No application necessarily accepted. JOAN ARMSTRONG, CLERK Township of West Wawanosh R. R. #2, Lucknow NOG 2110 aMMaa......MaaMaaaMMMMMUMMWOMMIMPOMMMIMMMI.MMaIMMMUMIIMMIr 14. Employment wanted ma mmmmmm MaftaMaaMMUMMOMMIMMaaaaaaataaaaMaaaa.Mamma EXPERIENCED RADIOLOGICAL TECH- NICHIAN requires position. Willing to relocate. Resume and references available upon request. Kathy Emerson, R. # 1, Vienna, Ontario. NOJ 1ZO. (519) 866-5581. mmasommaasosaminossMeaatammomaa•MMIMMNIMMOIMMIMMOMMONIIIIIMIIIIIIIMMI. 17. Auction Sales mewma*mam.immummmismata.mimmOmmaimmtelnailiMamftmessmome.111 AUCTION REGISTER Dome & Dodie McLelland, Auctioneers 395-2233 FARM - HOME Consignment Sales Next consignment auction Friday evening, MARCH 16 at 6:30 p.m. in the Kincardine Community Centre hall. If you have some- thing to sell in this sale give us a call, pick up available. POT OF GOLD Production Scde of Polled Herefords for BRIAN RINTOUL 0191 357.2349 and HARVEY & BETH MCKAY [519] 396-7682 FREE LISTED HERDS 28 bred cows; 20, 1983 heifers; 14, 1983 bulls; steers suitable for 4-H; halter breaking donkeys; some grade Hereford cows, SATURDAY, MARCH 17,1984 at 1:00p.m. CARSON'S SALES BARN (519) 291-2049 1 Mile East of Listowel CATALOGUES AVAILABLE SALE DAY —9.10.11 4 14, 'tr • 1 $0RTA. A**AN. MODEL 15 GASQLINE MIDSIZE,EC0140b1 ' PICK -VP"' Tenders 41. biklif*Pted until. i2no yMarck, eix p0.7180019 buyliolubet olepaseddo2Imer :c 5(44010fitrii64,;ftow Weartki***fivai to 1nJudet standard.Wirranty, -Tend at the Lieu District Co-op, store, Huron Reid # South of Lucktiow. Lowest- or any tender not necessarl accepted: ONTARIO.HYDRO WALKERT.ON AREA• INVITES.. TENDERS - • ONTARIO HYDRO. Walkerton Are Invites tenders for - the maintenance a rental water heaters 'on a demand bast 1984 to April 30, 198( appria4matebt 3500 in service. kiecificationt; covering' service condi tions -and the form of tender can b obtahied from the Ontario Hydro Office Bruce County Road #3, Walkerton. Offers to perform the work will b received at the Ontario Hydro Office Walkerton, up -to -E2 o'clock noon Marc 15, 1984 and must be in the form a sealed tenders presented on our form a tender. Contact C. Dwinnell, Walkerton Ari Office, 881-0770 for further information The lowest or any tender will no necessarily be 'incepted. ==== Oft011.M.MWM*SIMMAOMMIRO = ===== Mil,MOMM611.00,M=CD.C2 18. Services available Siam...MmmftomMOSOM4,20 ===== =MOM. ======= ,0160MMOM., INCOME TAX & BOOKKEEPING Far individuals, farms and buiriesses. Conic Snieder fKirdoss1395-5412 11 years experience —9-1 7eow KEITH METZGER INCOME TAX SERVICE Farm, business and personal; reasona rates.' Call Wendy Gerster, R. R. 5, la now, 392-8119. —5-17 PIANO TUNING and repairs; used pia bought and sold. Call Michael Lipn (Wingham) 357-1049. —34tf ••••••••.•••••••...... DON THOMPSON TV AND APPLIANCI °Sales and Service; tower and ante installation; Satellite Systems by Chat -Master; refrigeration service; Atari cart ges for rent. Ripley 395-3466. —42tf