HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-02-29, Page 8. •.• , . , „oo . , • t,q1 --'-'•-•,,•*;*•;*•••(•4*.;',‘,•••;•11.•*,•••"•,,,k Luelinow $entinel, IffedneadSaa Folotoura' 49/ 1984— •ten • IpmeofBe . • J.,..„k. evening , ed a f 4,14A,44: .,...,...„ ..,, .,. . ... n a*„ e;:, '. ... - - • 4. , ---. 4 , - ' 4 ' . 4 4' '''' SO' k FiCiiolckAnd MO MagLepo4414,4,7Mari's bibtlfer41-40 sister, for :a couple •Or• days in Wyoming. 04aTsi. iarj'a.‘ IA r..., .i., .404Betopii4oficriet onthe weekend -were Dr. Russell iind 'Lesley' 6 '',.:- ,.; ..• • e ; i•,) . re ' . and. PrestlY; , • Vita „ Old at the maid OURaadayk .? . .. • nlay• „ MacDonald tapped some of his •••Mti*trejea `the hegninia • :eat So .now. the Matile.Saanitiatte'aS •-tirodif''nt;' . once- more we Ahall...hopeafor-the right weather, • . -• a -a. • . . , • . • W41100 talking:19 010 $0.9114*006400040fit. • .40Uth,10-1.4004,10 4t: Orii • Vies" she said she hadnot 440tf, too. in Deeeinter but aaow well ifkatiatOr- her anttOliaetia go to ville on the reekend to visit • • ,araatit.• •• •, f.••• atte0, r, . • • •.'••• "•!:,* ' a..';;4.c• ;.• ,5-5• . ., 4•41.1.:,,r,;1:.,! •.;- 4•*qi".1-'''''.4.0'....:'-*..• ; ; 0,1, *,. •',*.''.:. . -.. '! ' ."" •' • • ..", ,!',4,;• '..1.',„.,f. ..4.. • . .,. :"..... .„ „. ...,, :Ac't '''';;;-,,;',;.''. 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", ' • - • • Mrs. Allan,N Mictikniald had a,. reading, • Souls Spring Cleaningl Items from the -Glad Tidings were reviewed by Mrs. _Richard" West. Roll was answered by a verse on Love. Mrs. Donald, . Simpson introduced the .a;and; re ,, , • and sflllontiiiu . , infaienee. Th'rite ,‘ '•• • 405 •••':tudyBg. . . , g *It equipment,facilthes and better sa they have great enthusiasm and good lay leadership. Mrs;,,a' an MacDoniild .brought up for discussion the questions of what contributions we are making and What more we can do to go -operate with Ike churches in Africa. Mrs. Henry MacKenzie read a few verses of scripture in memory of a former member of our, W.M.S., Mrs. Grace. fattiahi„ • Business was .conducted and the meeting closed with prayer and lunch was served. lan n faniily reunion • • er fitro hundred- letters have been sent derma Canaria • antLz. the United *States hiforriring, Altditle0eitairits of the reunion • *at APrOtivWfVei. OUP041,,IskiO Vitik•Aailft 1160 on July 7 and 8. It is hoped that imany descendants of Danielmd Agnes Atten'S five sons and two daughters will he 'able to attend; • A. theetirta was Wait the. homeof Frank. • Off Loreen Alton on February Zito organize forthe gather** of the clan. • After a genera! discussion i'tentitiVe. schedule was drawn titrfar the weekend. Included in the plani af- ter registratiota:iiiit be a display ttf. photos., scrapbooks and olderafts, a time tar visiting, concertos program on Saturday evening, a. • Church service, tours aid aedication of the mentorial. . • • • A.nteniorial dedicatidn' • committee Of Frnest Eaton of Winghatti, -Phyllis Morrison and Clayton Alton of LuclutoW area was' foriacCao Investigate the PossibilitY of • erecting a memorial and finding a 'Suitable location. • , „. • - Those attending the organizational meet- ing Were Art Smeltzer and John W. *Scott. of the Ripley area; Mr. and -Gorden Mornson, Mr. and Mks Clayton Alton, Mr. and Mia. Russet Irvin,'Leonard 'Ritchie, and. -Mrs. Glen Walden from thei,tirckmv area • and Mr., and, Mrs: „ErriesVEitort of Whig- . ham. Another meeting is planned for March. Anyone who is interested in 1hetniiii2please let any of the above knew:: yfe 'need your • support and ideas, ‘: „ • Ripley school hold olympics • The week of February 6 - 10 was Olympic. Week at Ripley District School. Each student wore the flag of the country they represented during the Olympic Games Quiz, Exercise Station Race, Tobbggan Race, Design a Logo, Team Relay Race, Ribbon. Day, Cross Country Ski Race, and Snow Sculptures. Exercise Station Race: West Germany: Tanya Hillier, Dale Brooks, Italy: Ainslie Martin, Kevin Lowry, Sweden'. Karin Silverstone, Billy. Johnson, Denmark: Christine Wright,,Vinny Wright. Olympic Caulz West Germany: Rob Wood, USA: Stacey, Dahmer, Eat Ger- many: Scott. eandenHogen, Czechoslovakia: John Kelly. . Logo, • for Canada's Olympic team: France: Nancy Nugent, Sweden: Karin Silverstone, West Germany:- Tanya Hawrylyshyn, East Germany: Angela Campbell, Sweden: Tammy Sutton. Cross Cowitry Ski Race: Junior Girls, East Germany: Shelley Hewitt, Austria: Becky Cudmore, USA: Julie Johnson, Den/. mark: Amy Rotteau. Junior Boys, Austria: Jerry Godfrey, West , •Germany: Dale Brooks, Italy: Kevin Lowry,- Finland: Troy Thornicroft. • Senior Girls, Dentnark: Christine Wright, SWedeni Karin Silverstone i West,Germany: Tanya Hillier, Switzerland: Tammy Flud- der, Senior Boys,. Deritnark: Vinny Wright, Austria, Tony Pollock, Denmark: Brad Stanley, Sweden: Bill Johnson.' Ccirnpeti- dons and first-place-vvinners were: Exer- cise Station Race - West Gamely, Olympic Quiz West- Germany, 1-0g9 for Canada's f • Olympic team - France. Cross Country Ski Race: Junior Girls I East Germany, Junior • Boys - Austria,' Senior Girls - Denmark, Senior Boys - Denmark. On Flag day, • West , Germany, Italy,. • Finland and Sweden won. France Woriathe tobdggan race. On ribbon day, every team member Wassupposed to make a ribbon -from the team colors and wear it. Sweden won this event. In the Tug-of-war, the Americans proved to be the strongest. France was victorious in the Snow -Pitch game. The winning snow sculpture was crafted by members of the French team. They created "Bonhornme,"• . Congratulations are extended to France who won the Olympic Week. • Midgets on a roll After defeating Teeswater three games straight to take the Western Ontario Athletic Association DD championship. The Lucknow Midgets have taken a two game lead in their best of five series with Watford in the All Ontario quarter1 final series. - They defeate'd Watford 7 - 2 in the first game of the series and won the second game 7 -,5,Monday night. The next game of the series will be in Watford on Sunday al 1: p.m. A bus will leave Lucknow at 10 a.m. Sunday. Please notify recreation director Silt Hunter in advance if you plan to .iteeornparna the team on the bus. ' • . • •. •4‘,5:45,4 , "*..• Ct. SHIONF 1 OR AND LINOLEUM DRAP1RITS Lucknow, Ontario WALLPAPER AND C-1-1. PAINTS Plume 5 2 5. 343.1 Ir rFi-.$01 •; OW, quite simply. is he* Indian River:Plantation ;„-itleattares its phenomenal success..A commitment to our guests of uncoMpromishurexcelleticeltr service and,facilities, has over the years mailetheir • ,— return vlsiti*to the Plantat!,on a tradition. We Wei* of ihe,finest Molt facffltles lfl rinrida with eleven • courtskept in 'tournament thndition. 4maspific..grit .cmcutfre . . golf course where nothing Is spared to inilistafri-iti: • . .intmacUlate appearance. Our oceanfront location Offers luxurlooaccommodations,k1 hotel apaitments.with.fully- equipped kitchens. and prliate access. to �i White sand beaches. The kids have everything from golf and tennis • elinics to'a video game robin'. The -evening brings entertain-. merit and gourmet cuisine in our resort's two fine restaurants. And then there's us, providing personal attentiOn and service to assure you'll want to come back again and again. i IVDU RIVER 11.11TATIOri SORT 385 el.r. Plantation Road • Hutchinson Island. Stuart, Merida 33494 Toll-free (800) 327-4873. la Florida collect (305) 225-700 Or can your Travel Agent. ` • ,, . • " 'a s. • • ' , .„. . r *- • V■m11111