HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-02-22, Page 1916 ■ .4 F F w:: Ws .00 nos. icki r►7 - nna mel rid- a.ss ne of e In e or e 19. In the BAIN, if i1 deceased, ow,. k d, All ersoi iia ih ; � 4*leiove P e vtmsa estate are, ° required to ;file full particulars with the .undersigned. on,or`before. March e. Estate's g regard, only eeived•. � u:a 15th, 1984, after win* assets will be distrihattt to claims;- that have be' L KENT ,!I hx 5;: Barrlster & Becher, 361 Rielu pondStreet r. Landon, Ontario' N6A 3C2 Solicitor for the Executors of the Estate of Duncan Hessack Bain.. -7,8,9 NOTICE TO=CRE'MOP AND OT E. RS Ing t TowflSbi'p o All above Pat. signet March, 1984, after which tit estate's assets will be distributed, ;;laving regard:: only to claims that have then been received. CARMAN ISAAC NIXO*; 33 'Cannon Crescent, London,. Ontario,, N5X 284.. - NOTICE TO CREDITORS IiN THE ESTATE OF • JAN TOP ALL PERSONS having claims against .,the estate" -of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Listowel, in. the..,County of Perth, Retired 'Partner, who died ' en November ., 19th,1983; are requwed to rite proof of same• with{ they `undersigned On 61Z beffire the'3i4 day of March 1984. :, After that.'date the Executors will proceed to distribute the Estates tavii g regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at. Wingham, Ontario, this 13th day of February A.D. 1984. CRAWFORD MILL, DAVIES & ELSTON Barristers & Solicitors 217 Josephine Street Wingham,.Ostario NOG 2W0 Solicitors for the Executors -7,8,,9 20. Public notices LOREE'S LADIES WEAR. Feb. STORE HOURS Monday, b 27 Wednesday, Mar. 14 CLOSED MONDAYS AND TUESDAYS; OPEN WED. - SAT., 10 - 5:30 p M. 3,9ar FUND RAISING GROUPS. Our product will make' money for your organization. For immediate '• information write NATURE- SNA•K INC. Community Support Program, 68 Broadview Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M4M 2E6. (416) 465-9193. --08 DREAM HOUSE DRAW $60,000 cash: 1,000 tickets - x100• each. 'Drawn by August 4, 1984. Permit #430919 Madawaska • Valley Lions Club. Send cheque: Box. 612, Barry's Bay, Ontario IC03 180. -08 • SKI HOLIDAYS - BIG WHITE, KELOWNA, B.C., 5 nights from $95 per person quad. Pool, hot tubs, kitchens, fireplaces, dining. Ski from your door. Summit Leisure 604-736-0411. -06 THIS AND THAT STORE Is Open Monday to Saturday, for the month of February. Closed, thereafter, till further notice, 528-3723. A AI RA s L A�AND E ENTS The Royal Canadian glen Service Bureau Officer, Mit. Harvey fi Sfifi Percy, Provincial Seryrce, Off"icer, London, .Ontario,will be visiting in the area Anyone 'wishing infor- ation,, advice• or ` assistance, `regarding: (a) Wan Disability :Peniona (b) Treatment for entitled veterans (c) Application for 'Benevolent Funds (d) Appeals against adverse original applica- tions for War Veterans and Widows Allowance is requested to cotitat* the Service 'Officer or Secretary *rale Branch, Whose name appears below,. not later. than February -4, 1984 to arrange' an 'interview.' Irvine Eedy,, Service Officer. • rrpl.ii mes t rwrrmrrwrrrrMrrrrrrrrrrurwwrrrrs.. 21. Perro*sl . r.,�!rw�wMrrwryYFYi���wi�rw�wr�w.���rwrrrrr�w��a J%S ALCOHIO.L A PRQ.BLBM.. in your family. , it Anon can help families and friends .sof :alcoholics, Phone .Walkerton 881-3113, God, erich 524.6001, Ask for an Al; Anon panther. 5th= r .. • , . HAVING A. DRINKINGPROBLEM? AA can help Phone Godernch 524-6001.or Walkerton 881-365$ •40tfar F". PREGNANT and need help? 'Free positive confidential " auppert. Birthright. Call 357- 1066;;157-2392; ;357.1769; or Tondo 432:. 9197„ collect.' tf. Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, February 22, 1984 -Page 17 .. !MIF!ilrrrrr.l�a}�.m itiOnt SWEDES In loving, 0, y of dear sister, Tammy Lee Maryf.1Vfcogld),Sloeties, who passed ' away- Fehrpar'y 195,3: You're not -forgotten ester,; .dear. Nor shall 'you ever be As long as life and :memory, list„ You willalways be.. You had a nature we could not help loving And a heart purer than gold, And to those who. knew you and loved you, ',Your • memory will never grow cold. Always remembered by Helly, Jack and Tom. -8 SLOETJES jn loving memory of a dear daughter, Tammy Lee Mary (McDonald) Sloetjes, who Passed away February 23, 1983. We had a daughter with so , soft a voice, so sweet a smite, Who was more `to usthan wealth untold. Without a .farewell she fell asleep, With only memories for usto keep. • Her memory is our keepsake, •.„ And -we have her inour hearts. Sadly missed by Mom and Dad. --8 McDONAGH ' • In loving memory of Norma M. McDonagh;. who passed ` away February 24 1979: Just a thought -of, sweet lremembrance, Just a memory sad and true, ' Just.the love and sweet :devotion, ' Of one who thinks of . you, Lovingly remembered by Murray, Chuck, Ross, Barry and Rod , and families. . .. rir.Nrrrrr*rrfrrrrrrrrrrsprrmirrmrurrrrrwMrrrrrr DATES GALORE. We are a, professional introduction service` designed ..to introduce compatible peopleto each :other.. For ' all. ages.. Prestige Acquaintances call toll free .1-800-263-9103. Noon .-' > p.m.: --05 ORIENTAL WOMEN seek literature- court- eous -correspondenee-with.-Canadians. -for language practice. Cherry Blossoms, Box 1021AD Honokaa, Hawaii, 96727. ' -08 . • . Nrrarrrrwm•NrrrrmrmrrWrrrrramemNrrprr*rr 2. 'Lo"st `"anis • rarrmrrrrrrrrwroiwrrmrrnrarrrr LOST ON WEDNESDAY, February 15 in Post Office .area, a ladies change purse. Please contact Sentinel office. -8 • rrrrrrrrrrrrnnflrarsefld wrrsr 23. Miscellaneous rrrrrrrrrrrrrrirrrrrrrrrrrrrrr •IUrrrr'• FREE 128. page Career Guide shows !how to train at home for 205 top paying full and, part time jobs. ' Granton Institute, • 267 A. Adelaide Street West, Toronto. Call 416-977- 3929 today. - -05 24. Business opportunities TURN $196 INVESTMENT into $40,000 annual income. Exciting businessopportun- ity marketing new Revolutionary Foods and related products. Full or part time. ' Phone Huron Leaf (519) 291-4445. --08 ATTENTION FLEA MARKET VENDORS. Fast selling, good profit, do-it-yourself . waterbed kit and accessories for sale. Free delivery, Master or Visa. Waterbeds are very popular. x(416) 825-1972. -08 LIFETIME KITCHENS. High quality unique concept in Kitchen Cabinet Refacing. Selected territories still available. WE SUPPLY: Complete training -'existing retail accounts to service - market tested and proven methods. YOU SUPPLY a desire to succeed. High • volume, little or no inventory. No previous experience required. Contact Steve Eisen, 960 Alness Street, Units 11 & 12, Downsview, Ontario M3J 2S1. Call collect (416) 665-3955. -08 DEALERS WANTED for ' quality line of Cedar Lawn . Furniture. Approximately- $1,500 investment required for initial stock. Must have good location and display area. (613) 279.2206. -08 L • FINANCIAL OPPORTUNITY ... Agents, full or part ' time, rnaie/female, no selling required, new patented Canadian product. High profit, exclusive .territory. $500 stock investment. unconditional money back guarantee. Call Mr. Andre (416) 636-9422. Global Internationl,.. 3932 Chesswood Dr., Downsview, Ontario M3J 2W6. -08 • AV 31. Cards of thainks .rr.irrMrrririrrrrrrrrriN �r�rr�lrr IIACKWIT I would like to express my sincere thanks to my family, friends and relatives' for. cards, letters, flowbrs, treats and*phone• calls while a patient in St., Joseph's. Hospital,. London, and also since 1 •'came. home.. All is greatly appreciated:. ' • _. _ Ella Hackett ---8x BOYD We would like to express ur tha for the cards, flowers and visits du 'ng, stay in. Wingham Hospital: Also to our neighbours whose assistance and support was greatly appreciated.Special thanks as well to the terrific nursing staff on the second floor and to Doctors..Jolly, McKim and Corrin. Susan and Jarret -8x . GRANT The family of the. late Margaret E. Grant would like to thank all friends, neighbours and relatives for all the love -and acts of kindness during their recent bereavement, Your cards, flowers, donations and thought- fulness will warm our hearts in the coming days and never be forgotten: May God bless" each one. Audrey, Ross, Roy and Larry -8 EVANS The family of the late George William Evans wishes to thank their relatives, friends and neighbours for theirfloral tributes, mentor- ial donations and expressions of sympathy in their recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. Paul Mills, . MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Home and to the ladies of Chalmers Presbyterian Church, Whitechurch, for providing lunch ' after the- funeral service. Mrs. William Evans and family =-8 WYLDS I would like to thank my family and friends for their cards, flowers and help during my stay in the hospital. Also special thanks to Dr. Silcox and the staff of University Hospital, London for the friendly care given me. It is all sincerely appreciated. Brenda Wylds -8 CAMPBELL We wish to extend a sincere thank you to everyone for expressions of sympathy and kindness shown to our families at the tirne of our recent bereavement. Your thoughtful- ness in sending cards, flowers and gifts of food to our homes was deeply appreciated. Joyce and Bob Courtney Joan and Ellwood Irwin Janet and Bill Kempton and families 31. Cards of thanks. BURT The family of the late James Burt wish to express • .their •sincere thanks to friends, neighbours and relatives for thoughtfulness and kind -expressions of sympathy shown to us: during our bereavement of a dear father, husband and grandfather. For beautiful floral triutes, charitable donations, gifts of food, cards of sympathy. Special thanks to Dr. Mel Corrin and nurses for their careand comforting words, and to Rev. Allison Ramsay . for his kindness and comforting words at home. To the Ladies of South Kinloss church for the excellent lunch following . the service and to Pinecrest Nursing Home. We say thank you and God. Bless You All. Eva Burt and Family -8a IRWIN I would like to say thanks to all who called to see me whilein the hospital and also thanks to the nurses on second floor ' and Dr. Jolly. Spence Irwin :--8x FERGUSON I would like to thank the Doctors and nurses on 2nd floor of Wingham Hospital for their care. .Also thanks for visits and treats. Sincerely, Wm. H. Ferguson LUCKNOW SKATING CLUB The Lucknow Skating Club would like to thank everyone who attended, participated and helped in any way to make our carnival a success. Special thanks to Mrs. David Swan for the beautiful quilt and Mrs. Sharon Dawson and Mrs. Dick Park- for the lovely afghan, which they donated for our , thaws. -8ar FINI AYSON The family ' of the late Roy , Finlayson greatfully : acknowledges the many acts -of kindness shown to Roy - cards, flowers and. visits and carr rides offered for visits to be with him inthe hospital. The many generous donations of food t� our home, •memorial donations, flowers and many ' messages of sympathy by cards in our bereavement. We would ' like to thank our Doctors, . Nurses and Staff of Wingham Hospital, Rev. Allison Ramsay, Gary Carruthers and Doug Steven- son at the MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Home, and the Ladies of the 'Presbyterian Church for serving lunch after' the funeral service. Your kindness will long be remem- bered. Betty Finlayson Mary Nelson Elizabeth Graham -$x DURNIN The family of the late John Sterling Durnin would like to express their sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for the beautiful floral arrangements, charitable donations, sympathy cards, kind words and also for the bountiful gifts of food brought to our homes. Special thanks to Gary Shuttle- worth for his thoughtful words, the Lucknow Funeral Home, Auburn U.C.W. for the lovely lunch and to all those rho helped in any way. It was all deeply appreciated. Violet Durnin and Family -8 HUSTON It is with heartfelt gratitude that we express our thanks to everyone who showed kindness to Martha during her lengthy illness, and to us, her family, while she was in hospital and now, at this time of bereavement. Special thanks to Drs. Corrin, McKim and Jolly, and the first floor nursing staff of Wingham and District Hospital. 4,1 The Robertson and Huston Families 528-282 puts you in the Classifieds