HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-02-22, Page 181 • :‘• 4;1.- • • i - ... • '',.• .„., • • • l'ili.114."44..^Iir?•7..' ••• s". • - s: • '• • 4t • lovair„.4044000,000,Lawo, 1 t fo' , 7 nIt 41, , ;to . .AN1 *,000#401umf4m, • IfiroilkOMIturm. I.I. r Ie. wiajuolow.. . itoimehliwo • *0 A r t 10.10$ ,e14: trg , .,r s ' or t f*eiCV., 12 1.b*; oven 12 varieties of 0R0WN BABY CHICKS; : , orders t. -d ; , IF specialty ., ready *tn.,: E... -.,..Andrew; 82977877. Can heavy meat, capons, r guaranteed armies fi deliver to. LaelinoW;;' -;.-.-7' 8x ' -',. ' ' 'our • • ii, .• ,:•., i4....:, ' i,i, .' ehick Hatchey, Box ,154 E1nira, •Ontario . . ' NATIONALAPPLE MONTH• N ' 51. , ' ' ' 08 - . -Northern. ....1.,-, Apples For Sale . • • . - 0-..,... ....-,. ,i,... , , . „.„ ., . - , -Excellent ,Eating tkin -SuRrCine 8 ' -sli ----- .- • T"..2 • • ' •.* STEEL, ••• ,e4 $5/Bur,f„, constructed tietoty tde, save to Featutin gz•Spys e 1tesetVes...CiiirtfreASteei quantt i*tpf;t, lies Act and save. • •• . Atex.Andiew, 5284019' • , • argus.. 122 • de • - „ • • • , MR cRmAN :vinpjoitAm` FRESiILMAPLi. a#, 87anoWmobiles and mat& cycles for sale, RobinsMit frOnt;$40000 to $2700.00. Phone -3S7-1441. 111940129,- . 0000luir4O"'Oorm'orir • USED STEEL ajtittable shelving, pallet , FLOOR SANDERS for rint.•13-8t M Rentals racking, ..storage cabinets, lockers, bins. Lovers New and Used, 254 Adelaide. and Sales, Wingham, 357-1666. 'Street South, London; •:,:(519) Monday- Friday, 9-5, SaitirdaY.9;•12.-07 , *ticks .0,...o.impuiremanowasimulossimilamistramomo . .••• -11191.1 PERFORMANCE PARTS, ante, van,.( 'OARNigai wait; . „ . , piekup anc14040. acceasories. Open 6 da0al. ' - AM V441i*Iker'i -Agepct diittonit,. $8:7 •• !ONO 11,0W available':.at.' St Augustine 'Augustinep • 7614,, 'Overton; 4etes and: amPer tOPittOtetent stock' incltrdes 77Triumph $30O *Pinto 42800; 77 Sunbird, $3000; 77 NeWforket, 4,990;'78: MAGNETIC SIGNS, rubber stamps, bug- -Cordoba, 53000; 774enauff gart$1900, ness cards, stag tick*, decals, complete 76 Pacer, $2000,,' 734direedes -Ben .200f line office supplies andimprinted advertis- $6000; 78 BMW 536,413900).i 79 Ford -VD, ing promotional ideas 'buy 150. pens $2900.;-.7PD'atsitit,Einqo::%1900.;-'8?'Le Car, imprinted pit get another 150. tree. Larry 54500; 71 VOlvor•-$15004tid many moie tolikati,-Litekniiiii, 5284730; •7- vehicles".. •Phone 357-1441: ' • --3tf ' CARLOW,' ,WINGHAM , TRY C & E FURNITU' RE, new and Used. 12 four c3dinder, 2 dr:. 3,dr., 4 dr.; A/T' and Dial Goderich, 524-7231! 1440 •,;5, standard cars for sale, from $1,000 to $4;000. Phone 357-1441. . , • '; .- , DRY Allt-' . • ' • • MRV,RARMAN - WINGHAM Try an Electrohome Humidifier from Greer 8 Staten wagons, vans, 4x4g- and•picklips for TS. and Electric, phone 528-3112 LucknoW. sale from $1,000roS5A0.•Rhone 357-1441. We also have filters and Sanitaire for your _43.6 .,• - ' Electr, °home humidifier. --5bIteawar L,- . ,.......... 4- 1977, MONTE CAIILO: • new tires, good - SICK ROOM' SUPPLIES, • patient aids, condition, very little to safety, bill to tforove .. . \ support, garments, convalescent Products,- it; Picone 398-2706- -78x . obilinejoums-. , ' . .iwasolitleimmer0 . aikel.00- etc. Week Pharmacy; 14 Shoppers Square, • Goderich, 524-7241..—t3tfeow. , Real estate fer,‘ sale •• classified rotes. DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS 4:30 P.M. MONDAYS* *WITH THE EXCEPTION OF LONG WEEKENDS, WHEN THE DEADLINE WILL. BE 4:30 P.M. FRIDAYS Charges are based on the number o words. 22 words - 53.00, 14e per word thereafter. ENGAGEMENTS. Flat rate of 56.00, 510.00 with picture. IN MEMORIAMS - S3.00 plus 35c per line of verse. CARD OF THANKS 25 words $3.00, each additional word 6c. 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR PAYMENT BEFORE 10 A.M. WEDNESDAY OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION. BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE $3.00 for first week, $1.00 each week thereafter., 5284822 oraudom ..... - • • .REAt ESTATE TAX SA.LES. One years subscription to hat f preperties. -for back taxes. Cottages. waterfront, acreage; farms, etc. Send $14 to Real'Estate Tax •1 Sales, Box $4, . Perth; Ontario K711 3K4; —08 • PLICATIONS lle Ived by th undersigned nada 50.0,14.,;:ion • MONIMYl.R( '4,0* Iti1044; . "11 St? A.740110, 7: • ra,-..,•!••••• Olga ad Wingham) .57. Tnot4§6.N-- • Sales and And •tower and i,',ante installation; Sat 114P Set$0114*.t.1!Ilcha Ma.,atqfrefti Seri.0; ees;./Atatt c ges,.ftst:,4 I,py 39544.60,, - -.742 t••• • •••a1iMW4 . ' •••,.., , i„,11.1g pggp400, • '•", • Grant,.MeD. ,.:*.,..:4..i.;,...i...fitiakiiiih,,eesw • ' tie , oneer*:41-1-4.: ....... .., .. ...• . -. SaIesofA11 .. • 4'.‘.:it,,,,, rho • Ripley l',0.0..1, 4392.; • :::.-4 . t '.• • .• .' ; i, ..- ,.'.....' :•,, '.. • 1,,, ...:.• ., . .... : '•e: '....'.."taiii!iiotti.Toi4*.aitit"..4.iivOiiO4fou.4.00.iiir+:., 1t9...140tteelliiiit - ' '.'...`4;-,0.':,, • .. , . �un : ' ' • 143 , T - , . ket$10: ,0,4 Wayne...„:N:, y. „ f. ., America1..:010 , Michigan.i.or '...ef4 1 ,..,, . Detroianci State of t,.- 4 .t, :,.. ,..,t ,:,. irtit, 112, NO 0 , ,, :en • -./II. ;I' .!':•• ,.... 'f:1,4e ,.. -7 ''. -OP, 'e:i' , 1983, must be filed with i''''' : undersigned personal4representative --ii......6a.H.iso.o.tittotio-iti..*•!,r.o..00-,!.----oi-OoitO4-40.,w.'. beforee March 28th, 4984 . thereafter . . . . . ., ',_' 1' ..... 'Auction,Aalet'.. li;"' ::' • '' ,'`:4i 1.:11A''1: '.'.1 :::: ''. distribute.uncto4,*rect:wijillT.ne assets of -oo,le,r.00tr,.77. said estate hailing:A-egad only to the clai. 90*.lsw*ARpEO.i*AIIM 'tvlie40ieiy, ', then ,tlied„;,:.:' :,.,...:2: -4.....71,1*:.,44,•,::*, -' • itatftnntint, sale.cir*-144,7,0644,01,4042,Yi,:. , . ,,.„.1.5,,,.„../ r.,...;-, , ..,. ,....,,,i,•„•.,:.::::.,,..,.. Mate • ' 1984'':.:;!:w:,4::::'sirife..-..:00.-..44:teii DATED this di!). r.,lif,!:17. ,,.iot,!, . --' ri 4.e ' ir an:" '.. 4-iii)4004-4 ::,.,zr.,.. ...,,4 tractors plus all ;types Of Tann' equipinent. STEVENMARSHALL BAKER,Admhils Consignments welcome Forftnot* informa- tor of th*vty In the County. tion caII (49).--794:;9998or (519) ,,134;191 ....044k.04.00,41tanstaotrorptiT'Sidte:r20 -Prontietors Hanitificki.. Saga8 Willett*, Avenue, Whids4 Ontaslo. N —8:9 • • .• • . ONO:OSTER • Dome & Dodie-McLelland, Auctioneers :3954233- ., • ,FARM HO* / Consignment Sides • ' Next consignment auction Friday evening. cMARominCulltiity16 .icte.0440:htlIf Mir„. i ny-tO1 iynee, rodmi ne&Ceased e- .. ''" • • Married Woman, and friwince of.Onta thing to sell in this sale give** dealt:via up available.• ••.NOTICE IS, HEREBY GIVEN Pursuant to t —8tf' Trustee Act, that all 'ce41.tors and othe . .... naviii 'claims against the Estate &the la 9. Accommodation to rent — 0.4essilmommeme ONE AND TWO BEDROOM apartments in Lucknow. with /fridge and .stove. available immediately. Glennhaven Apartments. 520,- 7030, after 6 p.m. —39tf .• /THREE BEDROOM apartment for rent fully carpeted, air conditioned. fiidge, stove..• dishwasher. Heat intruded in rent. Phone 528-3532 or 528-3940. —8tfar WOWMOMft.b411014111MOI 12. Help wanted ....... .. .. ..... mmmmm mmm m loweemammcom.coom PART TIME REGISTERED NURSE for health care visits. Flexible hours, interesting opportunity, own car required. For informa- tion please call collect. 1-5191657,209 after I p.m. GROUND FLOOR OPPORTUNITY. New York based perfume company (now in Canada) needs perfumers. Career opportun- ity. Move to management. Full tinie/part time. We train. Phyllis Page 1 (506)375-8881 or write Box 478, Hartland, New Brunswick, EOJ 1NO. —08 •1 Nothing Frightening • About The PtiCeS In The 140TiGETO cRE— nitro 0 IN, THE MATTER OF THE, ESTATE MARGARET .EMMA -GRANT late of t Village sSf Lucknow, itithe Connty fBru fl - 18. Services available • MARGARET _EMMA' •GRAPIT 'Are Tequir to Sind particulars et clairils, du • 'KEITH METZGER verifte4.0 Mr iolny INCOME TAX SERVICE and' Solicitor, P Boa 730, 261 insephi , , Farm, bnitriesOmd personal; 'reasonable Street, Wirigham,',Chtialfo-, N0G-2W, on rates.,Call Windy :Gerster, R. R 8. Luck‘. 'before the 24th day, of .FEBRUARY„ 198 now i 392-8119.: —5-17 • and that after •Atictil date the Executors wi proceed to distribute the;'aisets, of the sai • Estate; tiairing regal,* only to1he Claims which' they shali.,tkef have had: notice• . DATED at Wingham. Ontario, thistst day 0 „ February, 1984. Ilimomorimoiour LANGSIDE.AUCTION SERVICE • Bill Ilildenby-395-8I42 • Allan R.: Miller, 5284299 Joe Metzger, 395-5482 • Licensed Auctioneers • ' • LET US CONDUCT YOUR SALE —2,4,6,8ar Goderich Energy Seal Inc. AIR SEALING S1PECIALISTS UFFI OONTRAQTQA: PHONE COLLECT • 54244311 Evenings Cal 524-4894 " ftkE ELECTR • Electrical Contractors'T Appliance Sales &. Servide • to all makes •w.4 FiefrigeratIon Service 37 years built by quality & service • Open 6 Days A Week 357-2450 • MR. JOHN T. GOott • &Achim for die Mstate o MARGARET EMMA GRAN • NOTICE TO CREDITORS ANDOTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF -t• JAMES HERBERT HUSTON Late of the VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW , In the County of Bruce All Persons having claims against -the Estate of the aboye named deceased who died on,or about JANUARY 22, 1984 ate • hereby notified 'to send, to the undersigned on or before Mardh,1 1. 1984Aheir 1113MeS and full particulars. of their claims. •IMmediately after the said date the estate •will be.distribined having regard only to the claims of wiiith notice has been received. • . , t)ated at Riley. Ontario thit 2nd day of . February, 1984. CRAWFORD, MILL, DAVIES & ELSTON Barristers ..,. . ' Ripley, Ontario Solicitors for the ExectittiX