HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-02-15, Page 7PAYING 1 S IGH AS N 5 YEAR COMPOUNDING , . • t...4•.• ••. : • - 1;14:714'erikil% ,T,140;44, ; • T• • Lucknow Sentinelt Wednesday, 11"ebruary 15, 1984—Pagei . • „• fekg.te4;6.': ' • T�r 10 4400 heing a meniber ot Area Ceuuoit and Women's SectiOn Branch President,' -4, used teInk as idt. older there'd be, less ,„ v., • ' od.4s5St." .0 40 .butou can see, it thanks to you as always and many non • wrote i'Vallf°i! Gre 'At "0 the firt t many ngrm of Dungan- y good wishes - - Mr. and Mrs. K. lc,,,Pit*so0,i:. r. and Mrs, n; .) MOlile Whiteside. John ;Spivak and ALLl':OFrYQI4:, 'r 00. Some Soe,' daylwhen ,. 4 ' • ii, ; husband IS • ' ' : • • • really 'ijiyJ, ,, backtosee you. ' 4/107orl'- ' 4,,, • ''.•.'a.o.....-. ;:i .41... '_ . ' • ' excitientthat 7.1.4 FIiilatifiniel ',.::To:4111 lq.;Eldi.tor,,,..,,,::•.,i,,,,,:", • , ' . . . u thOughii:1*031, look f917= .#r to ..welcoming. = Perhaps your roa erS,w0d be interested .•. „.,. - many •more'vfiiitqrstfroma0UrphUto,Utour to kpow that rhe 10'arindian Farm Survival home. - ,!it., .15.04.b.:1? ,•• ••,, ;,:r:-WFX n-::,, ". • 4$4.00oltivid,:ile*-confeence in London on Mabel Nefilt,Antleiraoi!rOy0440.4sf*N0440 0,44,T4uOu3r,.. February '6 and 7 great hit with everyone during their trip last The purpose of 'theirmeeting was year, especially with ; DuitigarincinMpy;- threefeldi=lorevieW the accomplishments of Branch Royal British Legion Wilenthey went: the- past; to view the - present- situation and with us on our ',Pensie#erS' Outing j,...tp. .answer the question,. *hire' de we go from .., Enniakill,enii,TheirMam.,fxiends keep'' ' ' ' ,ir 'ToJump* on,A0 knowledge and ex - when organizer and speak - As you , know, though.',Ja fu11. me, et, ,Walter Miller of Tara. Although not now ; newspapershouSeiiif,,:04te.gizie 'kTa-j., leading partin e. organization, lot etWork lkir the , SY*1 . British ' still serves and neighbouring address Meetings arniind.tlliNoillitii and communities in what, *ell, speaking' ...'i. helpwith our - Music : ,. , .-. Dramafor A ', ague,...;iw,,,,,. : Festivatwilt4:=,g Z. iabout16 "0 g, '; • Under present C .F4A ,..; • structure very Next month, wehavOUr ThiOnAreaaiid. lit(te*in .1nOkian'itieti144:Vn1vie,nn the farm Women's Section .-:nferences whicb , .. tiv,, fotionit4itips.toid tlie, association that . is F • • • • • ""'" ' ' tt. t' .Vit -t '0,414A4A•44..'"'U .• .1i •• To bridgv that apiteisintended to provide local associauons M convenient locations to provide. Save to express your opinions, perha!"4-: g4:010e,J0awens to Our . -questions, and.''cOnvement office • where 'competent andreliable help or advice may be„art in -d • It is. planned .that A local Aisoeigion :be • estatilts104104WitortkiWeattart of :Huron County, an. area PfciAirtop.!,,,pty good cress • section of 'agriculture' 1 eitirrePresentation of beef, dairy, hog, poor; andsome of the 41.11Pr cash crops • " • To ihnt, end a meeting will be held :it the Brookside Public S.c.hpol, ½ mile west of Huron county. Road 1 on. concession 9 .of Ashfield Township on February 20 at 8 P.M. • An elite Awfiator,And,gapAble speaker, TomShoebottom of Denfield, istgapeak and several association members Will be hand tc...:•AnOver,,,cpiestions. • Come And hear first hand of some of the experiences ,tbe association: has had. • Per- haps. -sift: 2 y94r. questions answered and express. your A Canadian Farm: Survival AasOcia#00 Member, Jantet,Peak ' .R.1k1;:.,Dnnlasinont , "7,, .. '.i:,,,,,,. ,• ",:•4 "", ...;,,,• .'..",,:"•• •, ,, ... ' , N.:;,h, '''..1... .".• '."1., • " ,, - • , , . ' • • ..." .• • ' : ; • •. •-i' • :,),,,:- 4", 'lit\ f. 4,7";•'• '-', l'''' • • - . ' ' :: .11'. .:'' • . •• . . .; .,„4. '.1.,,,,,...' .7, s.:,...1 i• t:'.,44,.. i.•.",i1:44-.•, k.,,,t 4,, .._, ,,,51.,41_4.4". ''-' 44-:',"' ' ..: ..„'. --.1-., toininTty Lv" ,,. ,..; t, .,. , , , .., .. • : . Herbert 4:ain' : . es Huston ...•,,,.„. „1..c. ..,th :f :, • 4nol..!- , .',,,.`..f"4.,1,,,,, . ,... , A. !..7 On Wednesday, Febrn#y 190; ham '..NIMStOne • Lucluiow, eagsed 'awaY,. at -Wirighani and Diatriet: • •, : -, • • .• e Hospital "in his. ,701.11„ . , He is 'survived -,by. .his former Noma Shjells,. and- three_daughters, Jane,t;;IVIrS. Bill IcemPton•otR-•R;`, 1 iti0103i; Joan, Mrs. Elwood Irwin Cit.' V11017' 1"St Joyce, Mrs. Bob Courtney Or, one,brotherileg-•,0 Downsview,' children,. seven :great :grange • reit ,.PJater,.• • ' '4Vgqi,onsEiidaY. ruary 1ott:!4 Hospital in her. 72nd year..• Beloved . P:‘:44JOh!1_, We=HenryOWlend-- Dear. ofancou rjuneral service was 4147 "L, Mount Pleasant Crematorium 44Pk; Toronto, on MOndaY,. February 13; • nephew,. Allan of Red Deer,f He was predeceased by:oneb and his parents; -Albert and bell • • • • Ok! • Old 'Light -Lodge #184 held. stile •• -MacDonald • Memorial Service Thursday,, VebrinfMT Passed away in. Glace Bay, Nova Scotia, 1984 -at 9 p,M.. Funeral servleef*ai* held° Elizabeth MacDonalc1(Whyard) on•February FrtdaY;.1Febina"ty 401:498440y2e*Iii.,14,itvie. , 9,;-,1984 hospital after a lengthy' illness at MacKenzie and MeCieatfir Eudora". Home, age 44.. 'Left to. Monti' besides. her parents, Lucknow. Service was„„ conducted by Rev. Albert and Mary. Whyard, are her husband Warren .McDputiall..; -Lueknow Leslie, two sons and one daughter,. all cif Church, •,‘" • „ Elliott Lake, Ontario." One sister, Mrs. ate C bellts, three, gralid- -DOlorest Gordon (Whyard), rnie brother, daughters, Dianne Rotteau, Sandra Mathe- James, both of London, Ontario:Also nieces son, . and Linda „sing Amazing and nephews. Funeral service was held in. Grace, .accompanied by Gail Lowry. Glace Bay. In the distant past the Whyard Cominittal service-fellowed,with family were highly respected in the buSiness. Bill Bolt, Elmer Hooey, Wes Young, Perry ; world in Dungannon! Besides operating a . • Glenn -.afid • Ronald, Forster, acting as tinsmithing ,business, • th'ey were the first pallbearers. • operators the first telephone system . Final resting place Ripley Cemetery. located . there. 1 tathp- • sr • • Herbertlaines /luston of Lucknow passed away at Wingham 'and District Hospital on January 22, 1984 in his 67th.year. Born near • ItINNER BUYS 1981 MALIBU. pLAssic, 14 door 1981 OLDS RE9eothe, 4 -door 1981 DODGE DIPLOMAT, -4 door 1981 FORD FAIRMONT wago' 4 door 1980:PONTIAC!-CATALINA, 4 dr. 1980 DODOE ASPEN,2 dr. , 1980 PONTIAC PARISIENNE, 4 door ' 1980CHEV IMPALA, 4 door 1980 01-igifY 'VAN: 20 series 1978 614,41ADA; 2" door; .6 1976 01-1EV SUBURBAN 1975 BUICK6ENTURY, 4 door rAucK$ 1980 &HEY P.,01<UP, V-8 auto- 17iettic • • " tt. DLIUI PHONE 5234342 • IRIAN CERE PHOTOGRAPHER WEDDINGS: PORrRA1TS Comrnaraial Custom Printing . The Manse St: laelens B. R. 2, LucknOw • Studio Ont. NO0.1110 • f.519]5281$94.5 We Are Now Custom • Cleaning& Trepting • Seed &Ohl • . Wit:or:bag "Also ' 0, le or • 1 Se ed Vilid0. WI varieties of: •Barley •Oats •Buckwheat *Mixed drains • Flax saantbla i;S:oYbeans Andertilti flax • Produots Ltd. LUCK . 528-3203 Sebbals, Alberta, Jim was the 'ion of the late Herbert Huston and .C.,4erhie Belt. The .Hustons moved to the second conces- sion of Huron Township, ,in the year 1942, later residing in LiicknewII since 1971. " • For several • years Jini worked for. Montgomery iMotors'et LUcknow, retiring only a short ,..time .age.. After selling the fainily home, be enjoyed living at the Sepoy Apartments for the past year.- • - His wit and kindness Will he iong remem- bered by his Many friends. . FLOWERSfOR TODAY • GIFTSfOREVER • .166 THE SQUARE', GODERICH •• PHONE , • 5 2 44761 Erni* nnd Sundays phone .5297253. • CUCKNOW. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH .SONDAY;FEIIRUAllY 19 Word* ServIceandfiunday School • 10:00 a.m. • REV: ALLISON Jo RAWISAT, MINISTER Nursery Downstairs For Little Ones Under Four. • EVERYONE WEWO1VIE • " LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Rev. Warren P/1cDougall Nursery and Junior congregation provided EVERYONE WELCOME , • . To mourn his:loss is his sister, Annabelle ,Lefus.of Calgary and several cousins. -.11evi, • Warren,. ,IvICRougall of Lucknow United Church conducted the-Innen1 service from the IvlacKerizie and McCreath Funeral 1' Home in Lucknow on January. 24, 1984. Interifient will be later in Ripley Cemet- ery. . Gordon McPherson • Gordon McPherson of Brucelea Haven, Walkerton died January,23, 1984 following a period of poor health. A fanner for 65 years`, in ICinitiss Township, he was born on February 25/, 1900i a son of the -late Murdock McPherson and Mary .Jane Harris. • Turn to Page 11* PRIME MONUMENTS LTD. *Monuments *Bronze Plaques *Cemetery Lettering NEW MODERN SHOWROOM Suncoast Mall - Goderich Dt Denomme - Bus. 524-2337 R. 6auley - Res. 524-4274 MEMORIAL COUNSELLORS BENEFIT DANCE • Friday, February 17th at - Dungannon Agricultural Hall -9 p.m..1 a.m. Ladies please bring lunch • for BILL (SAM) BROWN 8# FAMILY who lost their home &. contents by fire Fob. 3rd. 1984. After expenses all proceeds will go to the Benefit Fund for the Brown family. • Guaranteed Investment Certificates Top Interest Rates Through Such Trust Co. as VICTORIA & GREY -CITY TRUST STANDARD -STERLING INTERNATIONAL MUNICIPAL -CREDIT FONCIER All companies members of the Canada Deposit Insurance Corp- oration. A • Rates quoted as of February 13/84 • INVEST THROUGH Rod McDonagh BOX 250 LUCK NOW 528-3423 .9111.691911@innatiaMplannipinoms.........