HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-02-08, Page 10GUIDMCE 1 'h • „. ,Luelmo *OW* Wednesday!, rehruary 8, ,1984r4sige Ladies Monday league BOWLNG Kay CrawfOrd bowled the high Ogee with: ' • a 239. •Kay Crawford bowled the high triple with • a615. , ' Games of 200 and over: Gerry McCann 218, Shirley Hawthorne 200, Nancy Parrish 214, Joyce. Adamson 200; Belle Herbert 220, 2004,1vIariOn MacKinnon 203, Fern ttieDonaki, 237, Kay Cravderod 239, Betty Van Qach 204. .1.- . • • 'Team points and standings: Mexico 4, 67%; Scotland 1, 56;' China 4, 741/2; Holland 0, 72 3, 65; Canada 3, 64. ttr 4.„ . . 11 . • • Youth bowling elub Good scores: David Hallam 155), Luke' Cranston 18, 164, -Leslie LivingstOn .1.1.6„„ David ,Elliott 213, 182, Scott Mei 259,;' Shawn McEiVan 165.. Standings; Tigers 208%,.Wolverines491,' Panthers 118%k Beats 168, Cheetail.611A,.. Cougars 161%. \ • •• •• / • teehtirch UCW Prayers were • for Missionaries in Kenya, Costa Rica, Tanzia and Natal. Mrs. Thompson read from the 'Study Book, Jesus means Life; The Bra chapter • was about the poor in Africa and what it was like to be poor in Jesus' thne. • • I LuchnowijCW • • discuss prayer, Lucknow United ChurCh:Womenl:eld its: .first general meeting, of thig' yea On • Tuesday, January 24 in the church parlour, with an ittendancerd 24. • ,• • Margaret ferguson,',91.ctizenship inft! Social Action convener Vvasihreharge Of the • program. Following the call to worship and the singing of a hymn, the scripture Was • read by Mrs. • Robert Campbell, and , Ferguson gave- 'a meditation on thriStian worship, Mrs. Stuart Collyer, Mrs. Harvey Houston, Mrs. William Hunter and Jean • Conley assisted Mrs. Ferguson as they piesented the"),,,arions, parts of .prayer and compared them to the arms of the croks. • Prayer is the 'key to the morning, and the lock at night. Two, prayers of intercession • were given by Mrs. Hunter andjean Conley.: Mrs. Cdllyer gave a Bible contest, Who is Mrs..Ferguson reviewed the Contact seetien,eftheObserver which can be studied under Citizenship: Mrs. • Gordon caylei • spoke of Adoption Groups which may be formed this,.year in Amnesty International. •Mrs./ Ferguson closed the program with , prayer. • Mrs. Vernon Hunter presided for the. business and opened with a poem, Ye. are the People of God. Two dates for notation are World's Day of Prayer March 2 at the, Lucknow Presbyterian Church and -Brno Presbyterial ofthe 1.1.C.W.: in PaisleyUnited Church March 5. The Bible Study Group will study Jesus Means Life and the class started - on Thursday February '2 and new members are welcome. • IMPORTANT NOTICE TO • HURON COUNTY PORK PRODUCERS Take notice that the 1984 Annual Meeting of the HURON COUNTY PORK PRODUCER'S , ASSOCIATION I -• will he held Wednesday, February 1S,• 1984 1 p.m., Legion kali Clinton, Ontario for the purpose of the proper business of the Arnui�l Meeting: The eiectian �f one (1) County Alternate for ot two year term. This election will hold hetvailless the hater of 2:110 and MO p.m. Guest $r J*! lEoiling, Transport Menu.* With Russ lady Lloyd Stewart President • Sec-Treas. • Eight members answered the 'tell call with. a Bible verse with LOye or Heart. The minutes Were read b secretary?, Mrs. Chapman. The.collecdon and least coin were received. ' Agnes Farrier gave t. brief outline of the Presbyterial she attended at Stratford. Men's how6g league r • •High sulgJe,• , I .••• .(00 A11S4: • 0;O4014114y469k Man Stanley 260, Terri Wilson V8,k,,•.':, * Pritchard 233, Otville Standings: 'Oldsmobiles •145, Mustangs 13" ..,'A.D%°dges17, 6:,4!°,,.n„ °Etc! 119' 13u.,itits135' . , - • • - . : . . .,,,', , ,. '-.. ,. Litchelthinsdayleatue. 't ...Oeitheslia#anas0, 79Y2-; Shirley's .cr*Pe' , 4-kp.,,,,-;•••, ,,,,,m,,,i, ' , t• , .. -r - fruit 4,„ , 7314, Wilma's Pineapples 2, 73° Chris', Aliples'4, 65; Lois'. 'Oranges 3, 62; , Ba .rbsG:aPe:3 High triple, Wilma Elliott 653. High single, h siigiNdciE;;I. GameSo00Lois I°dgiIs12'Cri eegg;o8rind4,sIei21o,Dianne ill 214, Dale Sklllen 216, Barb Helm 222, 225, Wilma Elliott 212, 214, 227, Mary Steffler 236,, Nikki Exel- 244. • irj:41ws:*?iyitagleagne tsw• '' ,„.00*,'„,-,t,'....:.:4:',L4'1• ,,,, , •,, 4., ,, .1„ lii ,4,:. .• ',lit. '11:•:',r, ' i-, 144/010.gbltlits$7400.004thiSfiliglb o 200•404"4 triple of 416, ,.. -.., 4- . ,s ..,:tocliot4,..2040:4-40.fort'.filtok,s,tgoioy ,260, Doris MacKinnon. -215. ....7, ,.1.'-i):...,;,...,;, -%mgocio,.,0100404Butoiv..q With,'225„.:and ..F,A,o,:::.,,..,::,..,...,411,,,,ti...;..:.,:,,.. ,...,,,,:.,, , .„,:.„,•,•,;.,,:„ ;.... • • Aetil4PAid.40v.,Att:iy,00179*-0,..5.;r:Ani . t* .*. 213.o.• Baliit: .: **ff.: ...,,..:,04,Jr, ..,,.";•• • ., ,..•TACTI poes,ktotoing#i1,m4fi9' f!tp#1410*01re A*** Snows:513i,..:14Kales 46 4#.040...t1;'' •• .7.: 4- ; 71: -.',',.•- •:- .4. • .';:,,-, . -4,•:...:. "..'..' , ''.. ',...•''.!•,'..," •::,.',",.,""i!..'' ..' - • . " :.',' • . .. , I916,71? 147 ;eague• , • Eva Freerni4'howied single for the ladiesWitirlitit Thelliyiubfe leato 'Mina Johnstone 4yo'321. Harry POis--)lid high score for mei' with single 4497-041 double of 438., Tesin, standings: Greens 46k Violets .45, Blues 41, Oranges 39, Yellows 38, Meds 30. :14 018000010611116111111111 109111101101 6666111,000608 H&R BLOCK LIVING SERVC 848 va4iv-4"0,t• 4' FOR YOUR TAX REFUND? If you • qualify, you can get arf, expertly preparecl tax return free -of -charge plus 85%. of your refund, usually, within two working days. Ask about Cash Back, the tax refund buying service froth /14 R alo6k. Available at H &At Block offices - displaying/he CASH.BA0( ;•• 19 Victoria St. N. , PHONE: 524.8658 Opera 9AM-6PM, 9-5 Sat. NO APPOINTMENT NECESSAtly ••• 418. '88 0.197c, tiONE .1:11:Qi117 • !kik • ill T 8:00, •1102.0FFICE • %PENS:: •7:306 • • • • "'SC,kRFACE IS THE MOST • SINLISH AND PROVOM'E go; The Do s '11 stlItl‘tr, fiUi ithOtit \flit'ilt 11111.1W1411rIti uitt GixiLither iiii vot NE\A )1d\ TIME, "AL l'ACINO. . WHAT A POWERFUL PERFORMER 1I., r .....tt'11:Xitir 1,tr `dire '' YAR(' 'F\ 10801361011W 0,,1 • ?:OSCARANORRIKAh 1:"Pc.::,, 42h'''Vlri.".' 1.1?•' 6 t :, RRAN: CE -' ''',:' e 1.•/:! .filigilikehi; 14S 'biSt:'10**4 a!t8.4t ',,sr. . ''' ' ,' ':1.14S;.'i, ''• 6 .., . jlidy Stotiiii. SAN 1RAltik0,,,CHRONICLEA t r r " ' iti(A(11 \ 1.1\11', " h 1446Y 44 446 **Ike islo,iiiifigialaYi1e.!nr • - • ...• -NIARFV`E' is FXHILAR,VING . . ' • =,••• ' . - 4 • ' • •• r • • • 4.2 r. FIME1 • ikomlil "kik • • at ,&.s o. t.V.'t•i.rrtttt 41. • • • • • • r (S) • V.: Phone 357-1630 for 24 hour m. owe' formatio PLAYING ROSA FRIDAY,. 01 FEBRUARY 8th und 9fit'SlitINIIIIIE OM limit.. EACH AT 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. SUNO LAST TWO DAYS WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY. 10th to 166 SHOWTIME: FI I 01 •. 8:OOpmONLY CLINT MASTliVrOCIC3 • *rniffittnlital rair" AM& iimmit rril rirlAho DIRTY HARRY 18 AT IT AGAIN ,ttr SPECIAL CHILDREIIIMATINEE SATURDAY AND SUNDAY* FEBRIJARY 1 lfrh �id 17th SNOWTIME 2:00, itAstfACH DAY IC FAMILY !vs the Smurfs' COP4E and ONLY ,:tuit.terigth- '4% ,„ • 'Motion picture