HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-02-08, Page 7r 4 14'04 ' • • 1!! • •' • . "'•••••*";'' Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, February 8, 1984—Page 7 • The • Dungannon ' Agricultural Srkiety held its Amiga' Ineeting,,at.. the hall on Tuesday, janUarlf.2& Pre4identApb McNeil said Grace,before bountiful ipot luck meal was§enjoyett by 0010 30 Guest spe4erwas. Sill Thompson from '. CKNX. Sift sp�ke,ona varietytlictihigeta in a hunumkeit001but,oteiilighletiifig:inanneri, rerolneut,,,OnA4...741497 being"imade in communications in. age of computers and Modern technology. .„4„, ,f4b Secretary, ' Carol"Mellanr• read the•• Mittute,Vfrom-tlw last annnal,. meeting and from.the- November meeting. Business arising from the,*everaberMinutes,inchitied estimate* for --eraskilars"ut the, south -exit doors. Itwas *greed that panic bars should be .1trcila,500, and installed -on huth, ORM SaighARiirelPresentedthe 1983 financial report which she and Mary Ellen Boel• had prepared: Total receipts for 1983 were $31,520A2- • • while expenses. amounted -to $32,434.04, including $3000.' the bank loan. Mel*** halance-of$129.17 was, reported as of *Comber 31, 1981. A copillof the report will be placed -in the Post Office for viewing, Anyone.. who. was lute/rod in being a 41elegteflqitie convention for Agricultural Societies -in, Toronto on fefiruaryl$:and 16 WA.% a4.0404 .to leave theirnames with -the secretary.- • Reports were given on thelNew rear's dance .. and the / euchre ; tournament , of December 3. Plans were discussed far the eue_hre tournament, Saturday afternoon, January. 28. Another tournament will be held:. *Ara* 10. The fair queen, Lisa Brown, was in attendance and spoke on her term to this date. • !Bob McNeil commented on the events and accomplishments of 1983. He included a humorous poem about "Pulling Together", cultural society which showed' that success can best be Attained by co-operation, and working together. The 1Clungannon -Fair date was set for Augu-st 11 and 18. * • °. Again, a .Horse and Antique Tractor Pull and a batbeque ate planned for the- Sunday preceeding the fair weekend. This year it will be Sunday, August 12.. _TN (Waferr the,iinnual.ball tournament wOdiscussed. Formerly; it has been held'on the first !weekend in August but with so many August 'event, it was felt "that the month would be less.hectic if the ball - tournament was moved to the first weekend in July. No deciiion was reached until further discussion could be heid. Maryann Brindley resigned as caretaker of the hall after several years of dependable service. The decision for a replacement was discussed and will be dealt with in the near future. Olive Chisholm will now be responsible for booking the hall. Hall rental is: $30 with no bar; $65 with a bar, where proceeds go to the Agricultural Society;, and $195 with a bar with' proceeds. The men will meet Monday, January 30 to prepar classes for the Fair Book. " Two new dirictors were elected, Bonnie Hodges and Bernice Glenn. The board of directors is as follows: three-yeardirectors, Bob McNeil, Lynda McNee, Jack Caesar and Bonnie Hodges; two-year directors, Olive Chisholm, Carol Anne Menary, Carol Nivins , and , Jack Pentland; one-year directors, Eldon Culbert, John Fielder, Bob Wright - and Bernice Glenn. The officers were all returned for the second year of the two-year term as follows: president, Bob McNeil; first vice president, Carol tfivius; second vice president, lack. Pentland;treasurer, Lynda McNee; secret - Turn to page 8• 524-8761 Evenings anti Sundays phone 529-7253. •,,t; !?,: • WINTER BOOTS REDUCED GOOD CHOICE GOOD QUALITY •1215 WS. MEN'S-LADIES'-CHILDS' HUNDREDS OF PAIRS.. SELECTED LOTS SEIGEL'S S OE 129 DUNDAS..330 CLARENCE IN DOWNTOWN LONDON 4,14Tor ".4 MONUMENTS LTD. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 'MONUMENTS ZE PLAQUES • A , -ot RiNG NEW MODERNSHO . SUNCOAS D. iffietiorkd "'" COMMUNITY CENTRE OPEN DATES AVAILABLE Friday-, Fabruary-10, 11,24 Saturday, February 18, 25 Friday March 2 9, ie, 23,, 30 Ward* 10, 17 24 31 ER BETWEEN p.m. ONLY 2 .4. ' iF.1-4•4•11.! CHURCH • SUNDAY, irEeRumnr 12 :Worship Service andiStmdsty School •°' • REV. ALUSONJ. RAMSAY, MINISTER Nursery Dowustairs For Little Ones Odder Four EVERYONE WELtOME. MOM UNITED cHUROI SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12 Stmday School 9:45 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 cm. Rev. Warren McDougall B.A.M.Div. Nursery and Junior congregation provided EVERYONE WELCOME Lucknow F- Mony More WhiteVVestinghouse IN-STORE SPECIALS.....COME IN AND SEE Greer T. V. and Electric