HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-02-08, Page 4A comparison
executive d eci
for the Age
some Si.
of 40011
Homes, sail
previous years' indicates
d �.
eatest ,importaance is, the
increase :nn the . unail#ers
sari . t `each of ..the'.
1'hot pson; : executive„
Bruc elea Haven has.
increased' to fo r``�seven from 36 at the end
of the 1982 while Gateway :Haven recorded:
an increase to' .twelve, from only one the
previous year-
It is worth'inthat n t all applications.
are' of an, !urgent nat S t F
1 w mpson. It
apppears as th ` wan • fg per • �' increases,
there iso ow ten �' for,persons to
make appl a'hoos,.ore as a precaution
against he'time the iy;'rigl t require admis-
sion,inde•�r.iopely to avoid .'a long
waitingpperiod , i certain .proportion -of these '
do in fact turndawn the admission when,
offered to them find that vacant eon then
offered to offers
Discharges to' the Community are also of
interest; mamel ► Brucelea. Haven 11 and`
Gateway;Haven 6.These indicate a greater
number of,.;persons, Were . able ` to' avail
tit ,
program is d S
tunity far a
ran their own
admitted to one
short term- '
,g° e” 4tnuta M
program is that the term
ma mum of four weeks- nd. is depe.
theavailability be i It di r
Fallow the. Homres` ad p feu
short: term bed aca .0i . I,t
due lb the•. use .of these beds..
Haven ncre4ased � total occupancy 'rat
from 98'3 ` per cent tar 98.7 peri•cent rani
GatewarHaven from 95.1 peer, cent 4tox96 jae
cent<;4k , .: ,M
As in. recedt ,years, 1984' is going to br
another year of string nt financial r'estraii
said Tho mpson- Ittfollowsr that this iplaces ai
ressr re 41 presents;:;
`M ,els iif Insd'itgenu
Homes are :
ha level mof etre and servic
u lic has conte V) expect in $p
years, when !funding' was more readl
available,. he Concluded
l*mew Sends W4 ri Feb
r ' "s
nt a �i
n k sedz o`i
ca nnot cxc
maintain t1
that #hep ix
erations ota !I2s
County paid out over $123,000 to
tluacillors and members of the land
and library committees in 1983.
statements' of, „. expenses ,Y was
au in f or latidn at the Feb 2 ses »
'ash warden rant Stir
earning* total~, of .,
$7,135O.bnventiofi andothet6;1 enses.';,_,
takes in costs associated with the an
warden's banquet
Other county councillors and' members of
county boardsearned the following:
James Aitchison, $1,789; Leona ; Arm-
strong, x,442 which;includes $390 for con-
vention*d other expenises; Jelin: Austin,
$2,463 which includes $41g' for convention
and other, expenses; f.
Tony Bedard, :$2,234; Robert -Bell; $4,705'
which includes $853; Jim Brttnell, $2,869
which includes ;$1353; Ernest Brown, $2,495
which includes $$69; .
William 'Camlibbell, $2,789 includes $402;
Tom Cronin, $4,078 with: $592 in convention.
and other ' expenses; Tom Cunningham,
$5,831 includes $1,835 in COE expenisY es;
Bill Elston, $5,831 ineludes.$1,334; •Lossit
Fuller, $3,472'includes $452;Marie l3ickne';
• $2,913, incudes $500; Dave Johnston $1,795;
Russell'" ernighan, $1,741; Joe .rIKe r,:
$1,115. • Harry Kt nnget,: $2,213- 213 - includes $31;.,
4,834 includes $990;' : ,r
urney, $234 BillMickle,;
Bill, YNewton, $1,344; Gerry, Prout;
litchi es $416;
Jack Stafford, .,$532; Pahl Steckle, $3,766,
includes'$636, bon Van Petter, $1,750';. Neil
Vincent, $2,410,
Mart Walper,'$2,115 Ralph Weber, $2,628
includes $354; Lionel Wilder,:$4,020 includes -
$354; :; and, Harry Worsen, $2,489 includes
Land division committee - Alan, Campbell,
$976 includes $270; Cecil. :Desjardine;','$901;
G.G. Ginn, $970 includes $318; Fred
Haberer, $978 includes $232; B. Vanstone,,
$1,066 includes $;
Library r Janis Bisback, $874; R.P. Ritter,
$858; Martina Schneiker, $1,343 includes
.$349 and W.. Morley, $1,283 includes $266.
arMencourages lobbying
• With the possibility of a federal election.
looming On the horizon, retiring OFA
president Ralph 'Barrie is urging local
federation ' inenibers to.apply pressure to
their .member of parliament.
The Lanark County beef farmer has been
covering the province in the past week
spreading the samemessage to the 25,000
plus Ontario Federation of Agriculture
members. Barrie spoke to Huron federation
members on February 2 in Clinton.
The current political situation - the federal,
Conservatives leading in the opinion polls
and an election in the offing - make an ideal
time for federation members to actively
lobby said Bathe.
The provincial organization has, through
research, prepared briefs, which Barrie said
are available for use by the local federations.
Three particular. issues he emphasized.
were capital gains, changes in the Income
Tax Act and' Major improvements, to dr
Farm Credit Corporation.
Bathe defended the provincial organiza-
tion against criticism that it isn't aggressive
enough in its . lobbying strategy. The
suggestion . that farmers withhold their
products for a day is not favored by the
retiring president.
A picture in last week's issue of The
Sentinel identified the trophy winner for the
Lucknow 4-H dairy club. as Murray Ward
when in fact the winner was Murray de Boer.
The Sentinel apologizes for any inconven-
ience the' error may have caused.
"We don't have the clout 'to withhold our
products. Not in reality. We only 'make up
four per cent of the population," said Barrie.
Besides encouraging farmers . to lobby
MPs, Barrieapologized to the federation
members for "jumping ship" between OFA
elections. Barrie was recently appointed to a
three man beef commission established by
Minister of Agriculture and Food Dennis
"I'll feel good if we do something to' make
beef farming better," Barrie' said of the
He assured • federation members that the
commission is not going into its task with
any pre -conceived ideas of how to improve
beef farming in the province.
Barrie said the commission will be
travelling around the ' .province getting
feedback from beef producers and visiting
other provinces to see how they market beef.
•from page 1
The video will be used for teaching
purposes at the university, he said, adding it
already has had a great emotional impact
upon students who had no idea the problems
faced by seniors today.
It also will be available to church and
service groups in and around the city of
Rita Rice, director of the Wingham day
centre, said her group has been given a copy
of the video to keep and it is available for any
local groups that want to view it.
The Heart-to-HeartTM Bouquet 'from your FTD Florist..
Valentine's Day is Tuesday. February 14.
Valentine's Week is February 8-14.
Flowers ..GiJth
LUCKNOW '(pen. Monday, February 13th
For Your Convenience
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