HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-02-01, Page 14th .U...0:31,=43.1.4i,g411eaut 4. • • • ..414114•,X0, t 441••••,44.11•111;44.10:04',A4 ArAtt,494i: $*•••3.1. • . • • 4.1,4*. :(4:,41,.4,44 • ' ' • 9 t • .4€P2'4,44" • ..4st:fV44 • a.9 2.4 VC.'. ... . Ao: 44.41. t*;ftl. :11.;..3,F '4 1P.1.$ , i0454. tad 4146.3.xi fr4 0430 '. 44*140:1444., • .01J3T'el •`,"•::,1;4;.•voc,' V44., ,3 *It fger .440 : ... '••• ,;••rA, c-4MAY Attl..00AA,,f,;0,,i0t.kAmoA,b: -ir•••1•1•1'?1,kvi.4ttOif.CAPOSinii•PALPF4 (04.4,.44,4:44 ko,) tt:A4C,, 04, I tv.tr.th. • .4•440 r•v49•44.10,0 CF ii 454*t:.44 ft5'4*f44+.1•,.:444•••••iV11.., Ut4.1 •••4 rf44,,V4{94e. WA I '441,0b,e .04r1,r3••••,1411460,1 •,:s 4.,)14111, ••,11 t.4:0 :a:AGO 44:4: 4.4,.0, • 4. t •4*45..44r040 t$1 •A4. 1 I " „ 440.. 0:2. nPH1 4 '244 MkvfOre,460,..froo. a 1.4„Ott .04* 1.04.%11111.r..40044.4t. 4411.,r411.44•14* • pr4, tYAK.4 A our.. ) 000. 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(414.,!, 4.44,t„;04.4..,,A r Of•;,..444•1114 • - • A111 r ,,.. • . • :A rt. , int.A•g•Atm:..1,A, A ,sA' .014.. 0... AisepimAp440mmuma* immate141144.4a4,100mme44.144ft.M1P* • ArticleS49r : our#41r1;1610304.....1,4imitwt ...... NEW AND USED SKATES All new skates 20% off. Excellent selection of used skates. LESS FETTER SHOES, Lucknow, 528-2011. -Sar Zit Reel estate for sale. a014140 * milmrorrirmr/0011°0°TR 9. Accommodatlim. to rent 1.8. Services available' , No, HOUSE FOR SALE - 4 bedroom home TWO BEDROOM. ,APARTMENT in Tees - ideally located close to downtown, one block wafer,: frig and ;Steveincluded, laundry from main Istreet. Apply in writing to Box faqhftes available, references required. Call 367-2391 or 364-4327--.3-6 517, Lucknow. USED STORE ISLAND' and wall Shelving, '- glass ,abelvingf ,showeases, counters, wire - racks, fluorescent lights, calculators; Lovers New and Used, 254 Adelaide Street South, 1 London, 681-2254, Monday Friday, 9 - 5,' Saturday 9 12. -05 CRIB WITH MATTRESS; change table and other baby articles. Phone 528-36077--5,6 OSTOMY SUPPLIES and appliances: Rieck IDA Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, God- erich, 524-7241. -7tfeow ° IN HOME Mastecotomy services now avail- able. Contact Mrs. Adams or Mrs. Stringer at Rieck I.D.AL Pharmacy, Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524;1241. -7tfeow LAWN AND GARDEN DEALERS - complete product line for both consumer and indust- rial riding mowers, flail mowers, string rimmers, etc. Excellent booking program, exclusive sales territories, reply to P.O. Box F 343, Ontario, L7R 3Y3. -04 NEWMAC OIL FURNACE, used 3 years; Cascade 40 water heater;/ bathtub, toilet and Joe Leuthard Real Estate Ltd. REALTOR WEST "WAVVANOSH TOWNSHIP - 190 acres, 52 workable, priced to sell. WEST 'WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP - 100 acres, 90 workable, two family home, large: barn, F.C.C. mortgage With good interest rate. KINLOSS TOWNSHIP, 100 acres, 68 workable including 25 acres licensed - gravel pit. KINLOSS TOWNSHIP - 145 acres, -11-0 workable, priced reasonable., HURON TOWNSHIP - 98 acres, good cash, crop land,, systematically tiled. KINCARDINE TOWNSHIP- - 156 acres beef, cash crop, one storey. house, 2 barns," new. driveshed. Vendor anxious to sell! Werner Ritgen 7 Lucknow 529-7783 basin; built in kitchen cupboards. Contact Andy Yoder, R. 1, Lucknow. -4,5x HUMANE LIVE TRAPS, ETC. snowshoes, wooden clothes hampers and pack -baskets., Phone Clinton 482-3842. -3eow RIPLEY Panint & Wallpaper ALL Boogs 20%off STEAM CLEANER FOR RENT ASK FOR FREE ESTIMATES ON LABOUR FOR *PAINTING •WALLPAPERING *STEAM CLEANING Ripley Paint & Wallpaper Huron Street 'Ripley 395-2614 MAGNETIC SIGNS, rubber stamps. busi- • nesi cards, stag tickets, ;decals, complete line office, supplies and imprinted advertis- ing, promotional ideas - buy 150 pens imprinted you get another 150 free. Larry Cowan, Luelmow, 528-2730. --3tf PERSONALIZED WEDDING and anniver- sary invitations. Call Marilyn Murray, 528- 3635. -42tfar TRY C & E FURNITURE, new and used. Dial 'Goderich, 524-7231. -40tf akenmaisolimbeavitM -a. 3. Articles for rent 1 01.6! -MM. ea ma.. masa oes410004404 04 ft FLOOR SANDERS for rent. B & M Rentals and Sales, Wingham, 357-1666. =450 rimea*Wer, HUTTON CHARMING TWO STOREY Lucknow home in' excellent condition throughout. Property consists of four lots. Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, garage. Shown by appointment. First time offered. ******** THREE ' BEDROOM Lucknow home, beautifully updated with new insulation', new wiring, 12 x 21' liVing room, good kitchen, attached double garage with breezeway, electric heating. Low asking price. • ******** ONE STOREY 2 bedroom Lucknow home, on a choice lot with paved drive. ,House in excellent condition with good living room with fireplace, kitchen with cupboards. The renovations include new fireplace chimney, new, deck, new insulation and new wiring. Immediate possession. ******** WELL - MAINTAINED 2 bedroom Luck - now, one storey home, two blocks from downtown. Living room, kitchen with cupboards, new aluminum siding. Low asking price. ******** 18 ACRES close to town • on paved road. Attractive 8 yr. old bungalow with, attached garage. Three bedrooms, living room, kitchen with Heritage cupboards,* basement has rec room, games room, one bedroom. 7 yrold hip -roof barn, 20x40'. ******** RESTAURANT gas bar and craft shop, corner of two highways, two apartments up, large paved lot. Business .increasing in this well equipped restaurant, books to prove. MEL MATH ERS Wingham, Phone 357-3208 Rep. L. W. Hutton Real Estate Ltd. Broker, Kincardine PERK UP OUR PROFITS with the items you sell in the Classifieds. THREE BEDROOM apartment for rent; fully carpeted, air conditioner, fridge; stove, dishwasher. Heat included in rent Apply in writing to Box 9, do Lucknow Sentinel, Box 400, Lucknow NOG 2H0. -2ar TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT, all modern conveniences, private entrance, private sun porch and basement Phone 357-2335 or 357-1666. -47tf ONE AND TWO BEDROOM apartments in Lucknow, with fridge and stove, available iminediately. Glennhaven Apartments, 529- 7030,. after 6-p.. -39tf - 12. Help wanted ..., TRUCKING CAREER. Contact Mery Orr's. Kingston .(613) 549-3914; Toronto (416) 251-9073; Ottawa (613) 523:3489; London (519) 432-1726; North Bay '(705) 472-2910; Thunder 'Bay (807) 623-8686; Sault Ste. Marie (705) 759-0177; Cambridge (519) 623-2430; Sudbury (705) 560335 4441ember BBB. -04 WANTED: OU S E SALESMAN for a pro- gressive feed and farm supply business in North Simcoe tounty. Ambitious self starter with an agricultural background. Reply to Steve Goldie, 7 Dickens- Drive,' Barrie, Ontario L4N 5C4. -OS AGENTS WANTED full or part time for new automotive product. Be your own boss. E.M.S. Distributions, 7040 Torbram Road, Unit 5, Mississauga, Ontario, LAT -05 NEED EXTRA MONEY? Why not become a' craft representative? For further information write: 'Carft Creations Limited, P.O. Box 2075, Darmouth, Nova Scotia, B2W 3X8. Phone (902) 463-6095. -05 EXTRA INCOME. Local person required to. sell Canadian made water distillers for - manufacturer retailing $239.50. Excellent • profit. No investment necessary. Full or part time. LBH Industries, .116 Viceroy Road, C-9, Concord, (Toronto) Ontario- .L4K 2M3. 416-661-1142. Res. 4.16-494-9849. -05 , NEED EXTRA MONEY? , Excellent money for doing telephone work from your home. Aquafine Water Refiners. Phone 395-5808. -5 WANTED REGISTERED DENTAL HYGIENIST to work at the Huron , County Health Unit ons half- time basis. Work will be mainly With elementary school • and some geriatric patients. APPLY IN WRITING, by February lEth to: DR. W.C.P. WRIGHT Huron County HeolthiUnit The Court NOUS! God/brick °motto 0.17A 1M2 14. Employment wanted 04.04.10 .... 00 foloom . 414 . moms= . isnemlimisage . siodaismovis000mmed I WOULD LIKE TO BABYSIT in my home, lunches provided, any hours. Phone 528- 3233,. -5 HORSE DRAWN sleigh rides. Phone Cletus Dalton, 5394/40° PIANO TUNING and repairs; used pianos bought and sold Call Michael Lipnicki (W41Wha,41) 357-1049. -344 DON THOMPSON TV AND APPLIANCES Sales and Service, , tower and antenna installation; Satellite Systems by Channel Master; refrigeration. service; Atari cartrid- ges for rent. Ripley 395-3466. -42tf *AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Bidtagh,Teeswatei Licensed Auctioneers - I • Sales of All types , Phone Ripley 395-5353 Toes*ateg392-61-70, CATERINGSERVICE-- The Ladies Auxiliary of Lucknow • and Christian School'canmeet the needs of your dinner and banquet. Por more information call 395-5006 or 357:2983. -5,10,14,18x KEITH METZGER INCOME TAX:SERVICE Farm, business and personal; reasonable rates. Call Wendy Gerster, R. R. 5, Luck- ' now, 392-8119. -5-17 Nothing Frightening About The Prices In The WANT, ADS Goiderieh Energy Seal Inc. AIR SEALING SPECIALISTS UFFI CONTRACTOR PHONE COLLECT 524-2311 Evenings 524-4894 CUSTOM BUTCHERING •BEEF •PORK *LAMB Mondays & Thursdays RIPLEY ABATTOIR 395-2905 EVENINGS 395-2979 Cal BURKE ELECTRIC td • Electrical Contractors " Appliance Sales *itt Service to all makes Refrigeration Service 37 yearsvbuilt by quality & service, Open 6 Days A Week 3574450 \ HOT DEALS FOR COLD DAYS "FREE" , Sipa° Guatt [V*iued at i69,00] With complete paintjob for rest of January to February 29' STEVE OWEN AUTO BODY 528-2170