HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-02-01, Page 11toe 10
I; the,
Of fun
L.Pi'Oy we
By Valetta Memo*
ongratirlallenawk:aasieMowbray �n the
val of her great granddaughter, Sara, at
rnia on Fiday:,- January 27, a.danghterfor
. and Mrs. Paul Falconer.
r. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin of Wingham
ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs 4 WOO
rs. Bevin Tiffin and Mrs. Bill Gibson
re in Kitchener.- Friday when Mrs–Tiffin
pped on ice as shetot ort the. careand
ke a bone,, in; herc:,left,fwrist. The •
immunity wishes her speedy recoivery.
Mrs. Ed Carey Of 'Kitchener spent the
ekenid with herparents, Mr. and Mrs-,- Bill
Jim Ross had:the misfortune to sprain his
kie but with of a cane, was able to
end the -Soil and trop Convention in
lento this week,
Dave Gibb and Mr, and Mrs. feed Tiffin
re at University HesPital; London- 'on
esday where Mrs. Tiffin had a check up.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw and Kimberley
re at University Hospital, London on
esday where Mrs. Laidlaw. also had a
eck up.:
Mr.. and ' Mrs. Bill Tuldrilts were in
Ichener On Saturday attend the wedding
their grandson, Randy tiddriko, solid
. and Mrs. John. Uuldriks.. .
On Friday Mr. and Mr,S. John de Boer
sited with their. brether4n4aw;,:D. Winon-
a of Clinton. • ,
Lueliiaow. Sentinel, Wednesday, February 1, 1984—Pa1i 11
omes great-granddughter Sara
• Mrs.. Archie Purdon and. Wks. Walter
Elliott attended the 4-H Workshop held at
Ripley on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Qberholtzer, Jeffery.
and Julie 'of Waterloo: spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rintoul,
The annual' meeting Aaf: Chalmers Pres-
byterian Church was held Friday afternoon
• in the Sunday School room.
The trustees are Donald Ross, John Gaunt
and William R. Purdon. The slate of officers
include, the session, Interim Moderator,
Rev. Paul Mills; student minister, Roderick
• Lamb; clerk, Walter Elliott; board of
managers chairman, Elroy Laidlaw; secret-
ary, Fred de Boer; treasurer, Agnes Gaunt '
and William Young, Arehie Purdon ancl Alex
• Craig.
Rev. Paul M' ills presided and opened' the
meeting with prayer: There are 94 members
• as of December .31,' 1983. •
Family gatherings, through . the year'
included the picnic at the manse and family
• night'at the community hall where the .
talents of members were exhibited.
The Sunday School had an enrolment of 14
with superintendent Mrs. Don Reis, treasur-
er Mrs. Alex. Craig, teachers. Cora Blom,
Kendra Purdon, Mrs. Kevin Falconer and
The death o'ccurred on Thursday, January
, 1984 at Wingharti and District Hospital,.
Mary Ethel Cook at Brookhaven Nursing
orne, formerly ofticknoW.,$he was in her
th year
Mrs Cook Was thetort*Ethel Ford and
as born in Whitechurch . June 8, 1896.
r parents were the late Thomas Ford and
nnje Taylor. Her firt husband, David
nley, passed away in 1948 and she was
edeceas0 in 19$145.4eksidend husband,
0/401 Qk
Mrs. Cook was a member of the United
arch, aU Winghain and-' Blyth when she
ed in thesetowns and; at the time of her
ssing, intuclenow,In her activeiyears, she
d also belonged: to the Women's Mis-
nary Society.
Surviving, are two sons, Harold Finley of
ingham and Bob Finlay, Lucknow; seven
ughters, Mrs. ' Lee (Edith) Wardlaw,
antford, Mrs. -David (Gertrude) Hynes,
Ingham, ivIrs.'Leonard (Nora) Schroeter,
inton, Mrs. Jack (Margaret) Farrow,
mbridge (G), Mrs. John ,(Doris) Phillips,
ornhill, Mrs. Ken (Betty) Easterbrook,
adon; and Mrs. George (Mary), Prue of
ingham: There are .19 grandchildren, 10
eat grandchildren and three great great
Mrs. Cook ,is also survived by two step-
ughters, Gladys 'Johnston and Mabel
ey, both of Blyth; three step sons, Mansel
ok, Harold Cook and Russell Cook, all of
yth; a step daughter-in-law, Velma Cook
Mitchell; and several step grandchildren,
eat grandchildren and great great grand-
ildren. She was predeceased by two
andchildren, four sisters and two brothers.
ere is one surviving brother, Melvin Ford
The late Mrs. Cook rested at the
rrie-Walker Funeral. Home, Wingham,
ere Rev. Warren. McDougall Of Lucknow
ited Church conducted the funeral service
two o'clock on Sunday, January 22. Jim
wrie of Blyth sang "The Old Rugged
oss" • Cominittlif service followed at the
neral home, with spring interment to take
ace in Wingham, Cemetery.
Honorary pallbearers were John A.
rrie, Ken 'Currie, • Russell , Zurbrigg,
ssell• Cook, Ray Griffiths and Ken Jea-
'Richard tDickj Stewart
At Extendicare on Sunday, January 22,
84, Arthur Richard (Dick) Stewart, former -
of 1871 Dumont Street. Predeceased by
s wife Dorothy Evelyn (Metcalfe) Stewart.
ear father of Cheryl, Keithr Lynne (Mrs.
ary Polci) and Kim, all -of London and
avid, of Toronto. Dear rother of Cyril,
abet Schofield, Constance (Connie), Mrs.
Iris Shelton, and Elizabeth (Betty) Wolli-
on, all of London. Loving grandfather of
ght grandchildren. Friends received at, the
Mrs. Rod Lamb in charge. They had a
Christmas concert and ended the year with a
balance on hand.
The W.M.S. had a membership of nine
active members and 16 home helpers. The
group took aprt in World Day of Prayer.
Cards were sent out. Money is raised by
offerings, teas, members fees and dona-
tions. The allocation was reached, W.M.S.
$227.50, plus home helpers $159.50. The
Ladies Aid closed with a balance . of
The Youth Group disbanded as most
members by this• time "had interests else-
where and their funds were turned over to
• the congregation. A new younger group
meet on alternate Sundays at the manse.
The After -Four is a program open to
children age 6 - 13 with an hour of singing,
• Etibie stories, and crafts. Average attend-
ance 'is 12. It' operates' with financial
assistance from the Ladies . Aid, Annie
Laidlaw, Whitechurch U.C.W., weekly col-
lectionsfrom parents and envelopes, in
The current account closed with a balance
of $125.74. Rev. Mr. Mills closedwith
prayer. All are thankful to Mrs. Lamb for
typing the annual reports with the church
gestetner.. '
The United Church held their annual
meeting on Wednsday evening, January 25.
Rev. George Ball presided and openediNvith
a scripture reading followed by prayer. Mrs.
Logan Chapel, Furtney Funeral Homes, 371'
Dundas Street on Tuesday, 7 - 9 p.m.
Funeral service was held in the chapel on
Wednesday, January 25, 1984 at 11.00 a.m.
with 'Rev. Keith Stokes, ofSt. Andrew's
Memorial Church officiating. Interment .
Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens.
D. Denonsme los. $244327
Memorial Couns•Iler Res. $24-46211
• This is a project to commemorate
Bicentennial Year in Ontario and to
• update the original 1879 Huron County
All businesses, organizations; groups
and individuals within the county of
Huron are invited to submit articles for
the 1984 Ada&
Fermi and guidelines may be obtained
at your local library or municipal office.
For further information call:
CathyVanderberg 524-2950
or if no answer call the County Clerk's
Office 524-8394.
Steering Committee
1984 Huron County Atlas
Dave Gibb, secretary -treasurer, read the
minutes of the last -meeting.
All reports were given, discussed and
approved. Dave Gibb was appointed to be
delegate .,to'Presbytery for 1984 and Elmer
Sleightholm is the alternate.
It was decided that the church would pay
for the subscription to the Observer for the
Every Family Plan. .
Appreciation, was expressed by the Rev.
Bell to the various officers and to people who
worked in the church the past year.
The slate of officers includes, session
clerk, C. J. Laidlaw; members of session,
Russel Chapman, Carman"Whytock, Dave
Gibb and Elmer Sleightholm; committee of
stewards, Mrs. L. Durnin, Hugh $innamon,
Elmer Sleightholm, Elizabeth Tiffin, Dave
Gibb, Albert Coultes, C. Laidlaw,, Agnes
Farrier, Carman Whytock, and Mrs. Dave
Gibb. Secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Dave Gibb;
auditors, Ivan Laidlaw and. Laidlaw;
organists, Janet Laidlaw and Agnes Farrier; .
communications co-ordinator, Mrs. Millan
Moore; Observer, Agnes Farrier; ushers,
Russel Chapman, C. Laidlaw, Carman
Whytock and Dave Gibb.
Ventures in Missions were presented by
Rev. Ball. A letter was read by Rev. G. Ball'
from the 'joint meetings held between
Presbyterian and United Church congrega-
Rev. G. Ball was asked to remain their
preacher for another year.
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