HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-01-18, Page 1916 • • lis pianos ,pcki SCES'- lnfenna iiaiu el. cairid- f•: MB lice J ALL PF„ r k having" claims;, ,against ;1',, Esta0-o th (above inentioiiedp4fe' of the Villa e'o 1 u ` S f k ctciia�w, in. the f�'ouIIty. �f Bruce, Retired leer, ,ho died on November 10th? 1983,; w qu`ied to file'pproof of same' with the'ti>idetgned'oix.or before the 14th day • of_Jailua�r, A.D. 1904. • mimgamramts Ott sawP�va ,70,7 omoi01.,0TI moon# mm, 21. ,P,r'ao:ai ,jjom®mm?1.ctumw■aw am.m pmo4iwrw simpm 74p'ilpl.wgmn-wPgm , ° DATES GALORE We are "ft• professional •introduction lervi desigped to introduce compatible -M ople to eaeh othor� For all ages. ?rests ,A'equamtances call .toll free Noon• - 23, Ill iscpllane s :' �. snww}.pew.awe•wrPwv.ri.lirwwm�i�Pww�.iww4 .-,9.�my. r+REE 120 PAGE CAREER GUIDE shows' how to :train at hots a for 20$'toppaying. full• and Part time ,lobs: `;Grantor! Institute 267A Adelaide Street Wet, Toronto, Ca11. 416 977-. 392 oday.. 02 s Aftsh tae date; the E ee tors will proceed.to !ate aviig regard only to the...claina of the shall then have had notice. .. . • DATEDat Wingbam, Ontario, this. -23rd day of Deeember, ASD: 1983: CR i .4 ES dC ELSTON,. 7,1,0000thie Street tido' NOG 280 "Solicitors for the E`xecutaors SIR SANDFORD FLEMING COLLEGE.: iin. Lindsay is offering a 12 week :'urban Tree: Maintenance Program.....' This,' courses l designed to 'teach skills' requited in` t fe maintenance • of urban: trees., These include' tree i en ca ion, equip `ant operation and: maiinte �nce,tree elimbing, ,tree= removal and'miiait►tenance, These skillswill help:.you obtain employment -in this growing field. If interested, please contact yourlocal".Canada• Employment Center. • or .soli S.S. F.C., ,-. .Lindsay. at (705) 3249144. —03 unum•00010010sw.1"ro iii mrruiirM issUmermwwma‘m a • 24. Business OO aportunitles NOTICE TO OIBBITORtAND.. S 1N THE MAITER OF THE ESTATE OF ALEXANDER MacKENZIE late , of the village of Lucknow-'tire County of Bruce, Retired/Farmer, ,.and, Province of Ontario, Deceased. NOTICE,:IS HEREBY 91Vgli pursuant to Trustee: Act that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Alexander MacKKenzie are required to send particulars of their clans, duly verified to Mr. John T. Goodall, Barrister and Solicitor, P.O: Box 730, 261 . ,Josephine Street, 10101010101000..100.Mi.mYi`i0�7Pmf�mrmPmm10rm�maimwmPrwrN • IT'S NOT 1.00 LATE! Learn Income Tax preparation n4e'w. Write U & R Schaois, 1345 Pembina Hwy., • Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2B6, for free brochure. ;---03 DEALERS: WANTED for energy 'and money saving Magnetic Window Systems. 'Oppor- tunity to Oppor-tunity'to reap rewards helping businessmen and home ownersdramatically reduce heating bills. No franchise fees, lust a :small start up investment for materials and tools to start you making" money immediately. We provide sales leads and train for sucdess. To join . our . gi"rowing team of successful dealers call :Goffii, Wintite Energy Systems (416) ' Wingham, • (Warm, NOG 2WO, on: or before . '669.6800.- --03 the 27th day of January, 190, •and that after .• such date the 'Executors will proceed ' to EXTRA INCOME, "local person required to sell Canadian made water distillers for. manufacturer " retailing $239.50. :Excellent profit, -no investment ,necessary, full or part time. L.11.11.- Industries, 116 Viceroy Road, C-9, ` Concord, (Toronto), ••Ont., L4K 2M3. (416). 494-9849. —03 distribute the assets of . - the ' said Estate, having regard only to the claims of: which they shall then4• have had notice. - DATED at Wingha;n„Ontario:this 5th "day of January, ' 1984. —2,3,4 MR, JOHN T. GOODALL 30. In .memoriam Solicitor for the Estate of ... ALEXANDER MacKENZIE 20. Public nott+r:es NOTICE MacNay's General:;Store AMBERI:EY Store $ours Jan._ 15th to' Marat lot 9:00 AM'TO 6:00 P.M. DAILY -2,3ar. . . • HURON COUNTY ,LIBRARY is,pleased to announce the opening of a branch ' at Kingsbridge • in the St. Joseph's School. Library opens Mondays 3 - -8" pm. —3 MART LOU'S BEAUTY LOUNGE witi be closed January 27 to February 13, inclusive. —3,4 KINLOSS TOWNSHIP NOTICE The township waste disposal site will be open on the following. Saturdays' from 9 a. m. - 5 -p.m. until further notice: January 14, 28; February 11, 25 and March 10, 24: Township of Kinloss —2ar ;Maas rwmwrremmrrmrrrmr®rrrrrrrmrrrwwmrcammmr 21. Personal IS ,ALCOHOL A PROBLEM in your family? Al -Anon can help, families and friends of alcoholics. Phone Walkerton 1-3113, 'God- erich 524.6001. Ask for an Al -Anon number. —45tfnx . HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524.6001 or Walkerton 881-3655.—40tfar PREGNANT . and heed help? Free positive. confidential support. Birthright. Call 357- 1066, 357.2392, 357.1769 or London 432- 9179 collect. —tf • HALDENBY I'n loving remembrance of Lillian, 'Kenneth, Howard and Kathleen, till ' we meet again. -IN OUR .FATHER'S HOUSE Moses gave us the password Jesus forgiveness and love, The Holy Spirit the Guidance God our lodging above. Arthur,. Marjorie, Shirley and Howard and families —3 • 31. Cards of thanks GARRATT My thanks to Dr. Jolly and the nurses at the clinic and ICU Wingham Hospital. Thanks also for the many calls and best wishes, especially to those who provided transporta- tion to the hospital for my wife. George McPHERSON °The family of the late Gordon McPherson wish to express heartfelt thanks to relatives, neighbours and friends for their kind expres- - signsof sympathy, , for floral tributes, donations to the St. Helens United Church, Heart Foundation and for food brought to the house during our recent bereavement. Special appreciation to Rev: Arthur Scott for. his message, UCW ladies of Lucknow United Church for providing lunch after the funeral service. A special thanks to Mrs. Charles Davies. Your thoughtful kindness was greatly appreciated and will not be forgot- ten. Janet McPherson, MargaretBlack • and family, Bill MacPherson and family, Isabelle Thompson and family THOMPSON Ed and Violet would like to thank everyone for their visits, calls, cards and rides to the hospital during Ed's illness. Thanks to the Lucknow Doctors and nurses of the second floor. All was appreciated. —3x • Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, January 18, 1984—Page 17 Cards •of thanks • •�P aIEIRPPIMoARa..R1Pl�!w:iA.lwpoa;qu®wr®®®rmesw®mmm®womanswce® McPHERS.ON A sincere that* `you to neighbours. and f irieii-ds for expressions of sympathy at the tune of, airy brother_ Gordon's passing. Ethel Rutherford, , Hugh, Grant and John 3x' RIDER II would llike to thank Doctors Corrin and Jol- ly; also staff at Winghatn Hospital, 2nd floor; .also neighbours, friends and family for their visits. Special thanks to Ab Murray and Gord . Kemp. Sandy Rider -=-3x .MeCLINCHEY The family . of the late Sydney McClinchey wish to express their gratitude and appre- ciaton to their many relatives, friends; and neighbours- .for,expressions of synip thy, floral tributes and donations. Special thanks to.: Dr. Street, Ourspig staff of Clinton- . -Hospital, Tasker Funeral Home, , to , the pallbearers, Mr Gary -Shuttlevi Orth for his kind'words ' of comfort and prayers; the, UCW of Auburn United Church for providing lunch and support during our time' of need: witk our sincere thanks, The McClinchey (airily , �3a..•" We .would like' to thank . all our friends, relatives'and neighbours for flowers,cards, calls, visits and food sent into our home. It has been ' very much appreciated. Clara and Stewart --3 • My. thanks to " all for boxes of :fruit, candy, baking, . , flowers, cards and ' those who visited; 'also- to •neighbours - and Holyrood Institute for the presentation of a clock. Best wishes for a New Year full of happiness and ' prosperity. Marion Harris mPmPrormPr*mmm�10P�mmmmP*wr�mPm10wmwwm�.0w 32. 'Coming events ANNUAL MEETING Lucknow Agricultural Society -will hold their annual supper meeting on Thursday, January 26 at 7 p.m. in the Lucknow Presbyterian Church. Contact any director or.. phone 528-2184: -4,3 - AUXILIARY MEETING The regular meeting of the auxiliary to Wingham and District Hospital will be held Monday, January 23, in the Boardroom at'2 p.m. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Sandra Schantz and Miss Jean Hall. Everyone welcome. —3 A ' ANNUAL MEETING/BANQUET Notice- is hereby given that the annual meeting and banquet of the Lucknow District Co-operative Incorporated will be held Friday, January 27, 1984 in the Lucknow Community Centre. Banquet at 7:00 p.m. Business meeting at 8:00 p.m. Dance follows the meeting. Banquet tickets available from directors or at Co-op office. PURPOSE OF MEETING 1. To receive financial report for the year ending October 31st, 1983. 2. To appoint auditors for the year 1984. 3. To elect three directors for a three year term. . - ---3,4ar ' • 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY TEA The family of Gilbert and Jane Hamilton invite friends, neighbours and relatives to a tea in honour of their parents 50th wedding anniversary, on, Saturday, January 21:, 2 - 4 p.m., at Pinecrest. Manor Nursing Home. Best wishes only please. —3 ANNUAL MEETING AND POT LUCK DINNER Of Dungannon Agricultural Society will be held Tuesday, January 24, 7 p.m. Guest speaker 'is Bill Thompson, from CKNX. Everyone welcome. —3 EUCHRE TOURNAMENT At Dungannon Hall, Saturday, January 28. Registration 1 - 2 p.m. Entry fee ° $3.00 person. Prizes $50, $40 and 530. Lunch. For information call 529.7956 or 529.7432. —3,4 ®®®mmmmmm.0 W=.mom®aim. Wmomm®aw®®0333.®mQ®svmmmmoGawas 32. Coming events; aummmmommmmmmw®mm®mmmrmtmmom.m Rmesoo®mmmm®®mommas.mmm ICE CAPADES The Smurfs are back with a new show for the Ice Capades at Kitchener from February 14 through February 19. Buy your tickets early from Holiday World, Wingham, 357-2701. Exclusive booking agent for the Kitchener Auditorium in this areae-2,3,4ar JANUARY LEGION DANCE Saturday, January 2i Lucknow Legion SIDDON BROS. Smorgasbord —3ar - Attention Farmers • w..:w..mww:w.r.,a.emT.mm.ir.mwmm.wmwwwmww.wm.w A. For sale • wPmwrm.w.w.w.,...www.mm'mmrmwr mmomeria..mwmmm Different varieties of • seed grain. ' Early orders and pickup discounted. Grass seed and flax seed. Will contract flax if ' required. Phone Harold Courtney 395=2972 or 3%- 2861 (home). ''-3 mr mmmmwmwm_Ns E. Farmservices mOaammwmwrmwr.wmmliwmomilmmrmmmwawwwwww10• DRAIN' STORAGE available in Lucknow. Phone 528-3500. '=33tfnx BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Cleaners. Bunk Feeders,. Silo' Unloaders, Farrowing Crates, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls and. Hog Panelling. Contact Clod Johnston, R. R. 34, Holyrood, phone 395.5390. BUTLER Ring Drive Silo Unloaders, Big': Jim Silo. Unloaders, Volume Belt Feeders, Convey -n -Feed Cattle Feeders, Single Chain Conveyors, Barn Cleaners, Oswalt Ensil- mixers - FARMATIC - Blender Hammer. Mills, Blender : Roller Mills, Blender Mills for Ground Hi -Moisture corn, Augers, Leg Elevators ACORN - Cable Barn Cleaners WESTEEL=ROSCO • - Grain Bins - 1350 to 250,000 bu., Bulk Feed Tanks ACME - Fan -Jet Ventilation 'Systems HOULE - Liquid Manure Pumps, Cleaners,. steel Trusses W& L -. Complete Hog Confinement Systems - SLURRY=SLINGER. - Liquid Manure Spread- ers . u CLAY - . Parts and . Service for Clay Equipment ALSO - Electric Feed Carts, Straw 'Chop- pers, fibre -Funnels, Ritchie. Heated Bowls, Hurst Equipment • We Handle Everydng Almost LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD. At Amberley R. R. 1, Kincardine Phone 395-5286 • The Man To See Is r. cc, ,..••+rry .RIALTOR MO® LOOKING for cash crop, beef, hog, dairy farms or town and country homes in Huron or Bruce Counties. We would be pleased to discuss what you are looking for. We have :arms from So acres to 600 acres available, some with excellent„ financing available. THINKING of selling property we would be pleased to discus . multiple listing service available. For further information please call • WARREN ZINN, 529-7350 CLETE DALTON, 529-7420 TERRY ZINN, 529-7350 COFFEE BREAK A critic is one who .cell tall you how you should not have dons what he can't do. 11,