The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-01-18, Page 1bM tib } xri sites >4.'olour analysis' n new and: exciting: �realk:thr�p, gb n assisting a person to choose wardrobe ;to compliment their unique �ico„rbination of hair, eyes and skin to 'lipomon' everywhere &rte asking each ' /bur colours done'" ;.other; Have you had' .y n Colour analysis can actually say money as well as . enhance appearance according to Maxie Lucknow, a recent graduate. Rainbow:Ltd,, :a leadinf `United States company in colour analysis. Who can benefit from colour analysis?. Anyone wiho has ever bought a garment because Alt alien latest> colour and has been '" disappointe°d in how it looks on them, says' ,t h Maine But having yi iii olburs done can also °benefit the person who wants to look their' best at all times,ever on a limited .clothing budget and;anyone who wants to` have a welt co-ordinated wardrobe; she says. Colour. . analysis. determines . your : best wardrobe and; makeup colours on the basis of E ` your unique skin tone, hair and eye colour. Skin tone it considered the most tnportant for two reasons, says > Iaxine. First it doet. not change over the years; it may fade some with age .or deepen, with.la suntan, but it will always,'have pink or peach undertones.The second„reasonskin tone is .0E -Important thatit chanes to may, green or yellow ,wr en �a perms„wears the wrong colours; e - uses the:.e Son approach to colour ialysis,. Spring and. Autumn are ware seasons. ;needing warm. yellow., based colours to compliment their • mow,.., skin tone. "S nntner and Winter a .. cOoI . seasons needing'zcool blue based co compliment their skin tone. In actll each •season, ,there. are. further ea.. early, mid or',late. " Dver° thy,; Ratnliow ,differs.-' 0 Other colour analysis companies Which have. standard .loud in each season "recognize each person it nique d " s Maxine. dividual,." say ' s l��t��►of wing. the same standard 30 colours for alt individuals in a given season, we go through: approximately 100 colours of variousshades and tints to determine only the Very best colours for each :.individual." The,packet'of colours an iudividual-recav- es Is as •unique as they are. Some people may fee,;li,they can wear any colour and look terrific while others feel there .Isn't any colour that willmake them look good. "Remember it is the shade and intensity of the colour that counts,"says Maxine. The right colour will add clearness and a healthy .glow to your skin, she explains. The right colour brings gut the highlights: in your hair and accents rather than drains colour from your eyes. The Wrong colour however, will drain the natural pink or peach from your face. • "YoU .rnay be lOoling tired or washed out by wearing colours: of too }little value," says , Maxine, '1.."ItitintPOrtitittnOt only to wear the right colour but the best value of that colour." Turn to page: Z''' 9 last year. The:. the Reeve and councllrs will remain as $38,000 andsame in 184 as. they” have''beeti for the.twm centres tee- • previous $eari. The{reeve will. receive '1E000 grant contrib=-• •and the councillors will each receive S900. 6141 i ole" rica1 resile • Reeve to meetw,wi prop6, winter' village tribit Ga tp :ra .ort "tate rrenpv �e :Council' ]ant s in order .-to. prepare ilrray Moffat and: "Cliff mates for =ca en and' -h�eati g Wwor eorge Joynt said council intends-. Lucknow seniors to discuss.` drop-in centre. since the' aid. He suggested that the is..could `apply. for a r ry which CQu1d be con- s tie t'pt'Ojectw Rey. George spearheading the project, is a plication for thio, gr reit. e lobby, stairwells, upstairs aria nd : basement meeting remota of or aer<r nidi. ci, lookiisi Thi audito kr a used attniil#at half cost. ' _ Members of council will receive $30 for each ' Basement,” renovanal , his year will • special meeting they attend. i . `include, a new kitchen in washrooms as' ; ' well afth'e conversion-of'the fernier furnace • `Day Centre For The .Homebound Grant room for the seniors drop-in centre. Previous Council received a letter from theboard of renovations °att6,Town Hall also included directors of the -Wingham and Area Day new electri+ eating,removal • of the old Centre for the Homebound requesting furnace and exterior work Ito the roof and • /trim. . Appoint. By-laar Officer Council appointed. Leo Murray, Bruce County by-law .officer, as by-law officer for the village of Lucknow,. Lucknow . will pay $3,500 to the county .of. Bruce as their appointrnent for the by-law officer's servic- es. A ervices.: wil be Murray's job to enforce' the "village's by-laws. Set Honorariums Council decided the honorariums paid to Sherw Eddy,';the new °v ce'principal at Win ha adill Secondary School,. said hiw t 'few months at the school will be busy ons s . In addition to getting acquainted with the students" `and staff, he will be -making plans to start the government's*new 10 -year plata for 'education in the "province. Niru ,Eddy replaced former Madill', Vice Principal Ken `Wood. who was appointed principal at the school after the retirement last month• of former OritiCiPiit Robert Ritter. rz Whir nancial. r;sstratnt is t o large roblelti', ducatioi iso sailrt. ducatioi! Payne out' ave to fa', •la card's Unitary .9 Meeting. "Young people today face, on a day -to - ay basis, the possibility of a nuclear war, inty Roa d ugene Frayne , provide an rF lie s� o8t eniteennt on. subjects .the :boards wilt s inaugural address at the financial assistance for their program. As"20 senior citizens from Lucknow attend the" program, Lucknow's appointainent is $3,500 based on a fee of $3.50 per day. Reeve George Joynt said he has contacted clerk treasurer, Cliff Buckingham of Bruce County to learn whether Bruce County will pay part of the grant. Bruce County had previously decided not to give a grant to the centre because itis not located in the county, even though its referral area covers part of the county and Bruce • County residents Ind the. cents" 's program - e -'Day Centre is a non profit charitable organization: partially funded by the province of Ontario. The centre's board of directors is responsible for: 'raising 'SO per cent of the cent're's -budget' and 'the., seniors attending the program pay a SS. daily user fee. Forty per cent of the centre's chattel are Lucknow residents. Tax Arrears a n Tax arrears in Lucknow for the year 1983 total $21,000 which is up slightly from 1982 when arrears were $19,000. Total arrears are $30,000 which it up slightly from last year's total, $28,000. Four property owners and two businesses to qualify to be registered for sale for arrears. Appoint Deputy Clerk Linda Cranston of Lucknow has been appointed deputy clerk to replace . Susan Stevenson who has taken the position of clerk -treasurer of the village of Ripley. a canted. new Madill vice-principal • • A:fattier ]mead sof the English department at South Huron. Secondary ,School, Exeter, Mr..;Eddy said. he applid'd for the position of vice pncipal at Madill because he' was simply too -busy at Exeter with his adminis trative duties 1tnd teas ing. 'fie had been to Madill in the past with sports teams front Exeter and he had worked , .onmin ttees' With . several of its teachers. Madill is probably the largest school in the county, with 92S -students. Mr. Eddy said it will be, a challenge to help administer such a :large school;. • but ..he, is a believer in ertamty.ofa job when they;' graduate, ressure, sexual' and pornographic df tnaterial that degrades man to animal level, Movies -that depict heroes. who excel in vi rice and it ocs`' on'. and. on," stated F gyne, .. . The chairman said that after the board has ,: dealt with the continued implementation of till 82 (special education), the changes forthcoming in the secondary system, ..� xwmg_ss_+ne': one-to-one contact and -is hoping'to meet as. many students as he possibly can. He also wants to become more familiar wj h the staff at the school. • The job ofivice principal usually involves matters such as enrolment, attendance and discipline. But in addition to those things, Mr. Ed � also will be busy' implementing dc new go�rnment standards dards for high school curricula; The old creditsystem of the early 1970s is being replaced by a new, more structured system which will feature tougher academic ti requirements and discipline, Part of Mr. Eddy's job at the high schogl° will be to revise M'adill's existing curriculum under the guidelines of the ministry's plan, under which Grade 13 ' will be gradually eliminated. Born in Hagersville, near Hamilton, Mr. Eddy said he moved often during his childhood because hi$' father was a United Church minister. After completing his elementary and high school education, Mr.. Eddy, attended the Turn to page 840 spite economic restraint financial restraint and accommodation re- views in three county elementary schools, the board "should look at the system and the product it is producing". "When we as a board' consider what the student is up against, then it is imperative that we provide' an educational system that they can count on to be realistic, sympath- etic, understanding and .give a moral tone that isp ri ht and honest," said . Frayne. � Ile called for all employees of the board to "appreciate and co-operate" in carrying out their duties "so that students can have something to hang on to". r The new chairman. exp eased ho F,e that the board try to keep increases to the provincialfive per cent guidelines. "1 fail to see the need for excessive salary increases when inflation is running at a little Torn„ ,..to.page 8* *4410 ma w,gevyFdu ta v.,,,9.'<.YrW9Y. t110,14,11,,,,,,11.4610JO Oltt110,14,11,,,,,,11.4610V1.0,44.1,V1.0,44.1,,,,•• 4610 DM u .v,,, o n.•ww.w,.. ...b k.. .r... ... .••••• • • su•.ma:x:�ua:.w.svxa.,s,,ux.,...u..n .: �u«.:.w.z.