HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-01-11, Page 181 ,J P• j.. rn • 1 • 6 ;e. .1 • ff li%A°kl Y -it' sul. for msi+7 . •!Np 'A1i' te4n • •- SSP•Hn•t+7k hx»!Y'iY< *'?X'Yt 'I:i{Yq•40: •44'\4l aacn. 3 Y"4i.dK qqt VA00t .Y'rnr ! :e.'c,; ! :! *4. to a 1. Artict • �x(r:`St ., ' N •. '. ."[,;• , ! �.. h M. rNr/M ir.11.r� �i oar/ MrrrllMi'��rrsiAirrrr i�l�Yr�rr�1 *rC 'i�MY.""i! l�r"1". rrlA!j!lir ..�;..�• t CRAFT SUPPLIES Doll parts,; Fri EWLY RENOVATED a e bedroom I ` wires, floral and other craft supplies. 'W ment on Main Street, • ground. for illustrated;.pri fists. Fine Rtd .: AAvaila`ble• immediately •.' Phone . 528-203 Enterprises,", Box; :00';'; West Hill; Scarbor. 23ar • • 'ough); Ontario, M1E 4IR4. -2,3.1 • 'ONE. , USED PING . PONG` TABLE "and accessories,.,excellent ' condition, , $95.00. Phone 395-5286 -2ar PULL :TYPE SNOWBLOWER vv. bearing on, power shaft, Apply to' GratitFarrta ,.R.; 395-2892 -2 • RREE BEDROI lullycarpeted, air en dishwasher .Heat i nc] writing;`to,Box 9, c/` Lu 400, :Lucknow NOG 2 r' On41L1gn •TV v .:,israu}c�,n,,naa �u.�s3r,anti tt � d., acknow, Lucknow Apply a ox 4; rtac/o -The Lwckhow ° • ' ` • "Sentinel, Box >+400",,,-LUCKNOW NOG ° 2H0. WOOD SPLITTERS 3,ph, 24 inch. bpe gas . power,ed, •24: inch opening,. 25'.: on pressure; gas powered -18 `inch opening, :9 . ton. pressure,• also electric, Dealers y anted4 r. Phone 519-699 4328 2 / F 11 ;A 1ND TWO BEDROOM a •Lucknow, -with fridge • and 'stove mmediately lenrihaven Apartmer 10$0;.,after 6„p',m, ' { 9If ; • '. Apphcatic IiinderS" day,•* a, SUBSCRIBE. Canada's• only publication for Spinners, • -Weavers '. "Heddie", four issues in 1984. Send name, 'addres• s* paynxei t ,.to rHed lie, R Box 220, .t3oderich, `y r: 0ntato N7A 4B6. 02'0 • • lee ioderie aervemr a Btee ttie or•rsprole t'in 1984 e .:to , help compiler • Atlas,1.19984, , • . ` /VK"M. Sinl ''ClerrE•,.':. -h.. a ; ,; "°rk x•Vi''u S . r ow l�� p of'Asbfeld• J aqr. r . ' :R. it,:. iF,;'3,, , x • >>AGoderich NIA 3X9. , • 1,2,3,ar r ENT stip;, I��f" O'B` OM r:3 i •.� 2•PidvaAI � n�reniences, rch an4:base euui �irrirgri!rwi�ilNlrnrif�i�j waflted AN4 e A 'A - ' AG income tax business in Lucknow a conip1ete resume to Bog .Luckfow Sentinel, Box . , ,UI ''NOGr �2HO.; =-2a i�i!.�Mrmiri�iir�lriirr •� • �iii�rMiY>•lrrmr� � r.�rr Yr rrri" 'r. rrr��.i�r�rAr! ' IES atient aids; P connv, lesceltt pro • ducts," ft4 .Shoppers Square, ow DUCKS. 528.22! • • Phone ANNUAL_ Great sayings i . cola s, aminUnitic , -,c , '1lir' le na•es� suppl s,. gu s i of r 3 ,,EOR x C' r�rnnnntrrh.�vn a *num rrr.rri�tiYS IeQd mw. r�j,;a rr•.('',a.!.rii�!.rwid.riirrrrrrrrioisi.rwr.:.;-WY HORSE Ill sleigh rides. Phone°Cletus;; Dalton;,5 -742 , .1448tf • EARN : TOP COM ION SELLING fine 1. a u lie l e. bea •f h•o � e e as n yv v tom. 1 rYb� SA• LE � ,bino_ y kit to work with, -:No investments rr ioaditig . needed. Work 2,ntghts a weekand .receive a .; bFo% o, n t Ott U' Ntxis: : 4WiI • andrrepai r s ; h ; aused >rl pianos inantc oks paycheque. No de1iveries Some 'manage ' tiage,Marltet Gnsi T1 T�QrMP 3'68 ?182��--�9.t4. PP ,j {y a }� • er.-=G`,�,..st'slta•`l4 3 Winghant,' 357-1856, District Manag t, MOW e Mas PERSON. I2P:D Bt'E�DiNG 4' .•.. .... - .... r.. ,t -1. sary°invitahcins' 4.. •.�.,�,'.,,...:,.:_.�,�,�,,,�;...';...:,, �:•- .•.,,,,,s,,,,, 3635. --42�lfar.. :.,,. o e ero F or x• 'PP -01'S m s' rd �e c d n P t .fir rwoo Pl�ion� .� � . d 'e' Un ii �,.. -S ri e ;a�n r S a� r' ▪ a ointment call . Sharon ` Wiechenthal, .N in , ' s: 1' anti anni Peri: allarilyn. Murray, 5* TRY., C & E' FURNITURE, new and use• Dial ',Goderich,:524-7231., -40tf HOT TUB .SALE:; save 3Q.%t, tiff list prtce1 January'31,1984 Phanis (51%348-8703.- See our display model. Faust 'Home Hardware, • Mitaheli. -52-3' • DRY AIR, Try an • Electrohome I umidifier; from .Greer T.V. and Elect*, phone 528.3112 Lucknow. We also have filters and Sanitaire for ! your Electrohomn. I iiimldif ier.--'-SUtfeowar - 'RUBBER STA'MPS., business cards, stag tickets, magnetic signs, personal address labels. All your printing requirements. Cowan . Printing & Advertising Service, Lucknow, 528-2730. -21 tf amammmaammmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmexrmmommmmamma®mmmma 3. Articles for rent pammmmammasamammmm FLOOR SANDERS for rent. B & M Rentals and Sales, Wingham, 357-1666. -45tf - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmammmmmmommmmmmmmammmmommm 4. Articles wanted - mmmmomniammmammmmmmmammmmmmmrmmmmmmmmammmmmmmama' PIANO WANTED. Not necessarily in good condition. Phone collect 519-669-2198 or 519-669-2280. -.02 9. Accommodation to rent telaale Wamaaamtwamm THREE BEDROOM Lucknow dwelling for rent, 'A block from Main Street. February 1st accommodation. Phone 528-2031. -51tf NOW RENTING modern 2 bedroom apart- ment in Teesvvater. Fridge and' stove included, laundry facilities available. Avail- able immediately. Moving now? Get 50% rebate ort first months rent. Phone 367-2391 or 3644327. -48tf *cranial* positiOn FFICER A ministration Bo This po4itigi MI/elves, mainly the prepar, ation of information for a computerized payroll system which eaeh montkpreces. ads apprbrinuttely 1000 cheques,' the majority of whieh require numerous complex deductions. Applicants should apply in vvriting by January 20, 1984, to: The Superintendent Of Personnel, The Bruce County Boatd of Education, Box 190, Chesley, Ontario NOG 11.0 -2ar 13. Wanted [general] • WANTED - room -mate te share Forest Hill, Toronto, apartment with working' girl from Lueknow. Apartment is attractively tree shaded, well equipped and comfortably furnished except for available bedroom; non smoker preferred. Rent, $250 per month plus share of utilities; immediate moo, evening or 416-783-9329 Toronto (homefat 8 ' SerVices available B01 Haldenby 395-5142 Allan R. Miller, 528.2299 Joe Metzger, 395.5482 Licensed Auctioneers LET VS CONDUCT' YOUR SALE z` 34 :m W11lW'�1 5oligit i .1oi%he Exec NA�tors • • 1110.11 .10; D�ITDB 4 !4 T1HE IVIA' d f) rlVf oK villa'"`e of � uc no v, in d d c �rrt Din • ed s , m Z ruee, rlo, NOTICE IS HEREBY r•G1VEN° `pursuant 'tb ..._,. , ,s :. �, w. • a Tru tee cid" �f all' r i nd� s � AY a ers' ` 4 " tower aid .Melia `°` a . , • �a'vtig claims"gaBist-tiie'Estat��f tl�; lute S. stems Cf annel e _ nl kr�: :Y...,..... .•. :••'.Y .,...;,._•:...,.,.:Alexander:llk[acKen���.a ..re. uuedP� ,.;�e service; Atari Carel i4- • ' particular"s �of thea�a�Clalahs', � dq :veriftecI•>to' '66.:.-42tf,: : , Nfr. Iohn all ;Baoirr ster!and S+ licito 'Bo* 730. 261 . Jq eP�; Street,. .o n or before and'.that after 11- proceed to sand Es ate. reit NERIVOifivicE Phone Ripley 395S353 Wirikham, Ontario, the 27th day oflatwary, .sitch date the laecutori diatiibute the assets • of ''"" they' sha" lt then have had 'notice- 44: Cal Ltd. Electrical Contractors Appliance Sales & Service Wall makes Refrigeration Service 37 years built by quality & service Open 6 days a week 357.2450 ',Ooderich Energy Seal Inc, AIR SEALING SPECLUISTS PHONE COLLECT 524.-2311 524-4894 erteriseal 'DATED at Wingliain, Ontario,:this St.h lay of January, 1984. ; • ALEXANDER MacKENZ1E • IC Public notices- • NOTICE - • Agnew JewelleTYA Owln.g The Whiter Months - NOTICE soreZPersonal Zan.8G..._:1:nilieralita:lare"eh 1st - iroi l$ ALCOHOL A PROBLEM in your'family? AhAiten can help families and friends of alcoholics; Phnne Walkerton 881-3113, God- eriph 524. Z, Ask for an Al -Anon nuUtber. 881-.3655. --40tfar PREGNANT and need help? free positive confidential support. Birthright. Cali 357- - 1066, 357-2392, 357-1769 or London 432- 9179 collect.