HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-01-11, Page 16,Yr
Albert Homer Dtaidu
Albert4Homer• Manila., paaseu away sud-
denly at Toronto last General Hospital on
Thursday, December 29, ;IP.
A. son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Durnin, he was raised by b>: paternal
grandmother,: Mts. William Dwain and his
uncle, Orville Durnin at Crewe. He attended
'school locally and served in . the;. ' army! in
World War ii. Followan:the war he 'went to
Toronto where he has lived since.
Re is survived by his wife, Lillian,, and
children, . Donny, Jamie, Gary, Lynn, Mrs.
M. Morra, John and Pat and five grand-
children. He is also survived byfr brother,
Lindsay Durnin, andtwo s Wrirs, Bernice
Sager and Lorraine MacHardy>
The funeral was conducted from the Trull
Funeral Home on Saturday, December 31,
1983. -Cremation followed.
hurry E. Pentland
Larry E. Pentland of R.R. 1 Dungannon
died athis home as the result of°an accident
on Tuesday, December 27 at the age of 36.
He was horn in Goderich on March 22,1947
to Wilfred and Marjorie. (MacDonald)`
The late Pentland was a.tamer .and a
member .of Calvary Baptist Church in
Heis survived bylsis parents; his wife, the
former NellieBilstra; three children, Vicki,
Michael and Julie, . all at home; and four
sisters, Mrs: High .(Norman) Crockett 'of
Ingersoll, Mrs. Robert (Carol) Andrew of
Kincardine, Mrs:.-Rodene Utley of Kin-
cardine and Mrs. Gree` (Lori) facer of
Dungannon. ,
He was predeceased byan infant brother,
Donald Alexander.,
A funeral service waa,held at MMCa:llu
Funeral Home in Godericb . on Friday,
December 30 at 2- gra. The Reverend R.
Brubacher. of Calvary Baptist Church r =.
ficiated, a sssted by -the L,
ob�ofToledo, Olio... • °'„ •
Pallbearers were Ron Westlake, .` Ron •
Hallam, 'Ante Afton, 'kiln ,Mergers; Jiiri
Strong and Mike Sheppard: •
Interment was in the . Dungannon
Leona [Tal f on] Wawa)
Mrs. Leona Agnes Vassella. of Ashfield
Township diel in University Hospital,
London on Tuesday, December 27 at .the age
of 70.
She was born in Cornwall, Ontario on.
January 26, 1913 to Benjamin and Eva Marie
(Leger) Taillon. •
She was a member of St, Joseph's Parish,
Kingsbridge and a member, of .the, Catholic
Women's League of that Parish.
She is stirvived-by her husband, Frederick
Silvio Vassella; children, Maureen and
Delmar Maize of Unionville, Carl and• Joan
Vassella of Chatsowrth, Yvonne and Jrl' i
Sinnett, Betty. Lou and Mike Dalton; Eileen
and Danny Wilson, and Linda •,,d Art
Bowler, all of Kingsbridge and D :' e and
Paul Wieser of Willowdale; three sisters,
Mrs: Dennis (Nora) Hallahan of Oakville,
Alma .Tarllon of Toronto, and 'Mrs. Jack...
(Ethel)..' iltoheli Vis; 23 grand-.
Luckutow Sentinel, Wednesday, JanUa ' 1
children; and one great-grandson,
She . was 'predeceased two brothers,
Ernie atulteo 'adloir
The body of the late Mrs. Vassella rested
McCallum Funeral Home in Goderich
'where the:rosary was recited by. the C.W,L.
on Friday. afternoon, December 3 . Prayers
were'also-said at the f neral borne` en Friday
ever., : a '
A. funeral irlas, w►as held`,nir St..'4 sepb's,
Roman': Catholic Church in 'Kingsbridge. en'
Saturday,° December 31;. at' 10:30 a.m. The
Reverend ,Father. E.J., Dehtinger of St.
Joseph's'Church officiated.
Pallbearers :were grandsons Ed .Sinnett,
Tom Sinnott, Jim Maize, Michael Durnin,
Fred Durnin. and Dan Wilson: ,
Flowerbearerswere granddaughters
Bonnie Shiflett, Linda Sinnett, Susan Maize,
Shannon_ Durnin, Patti ' Mullin, Sheila
Nelson, Kimberley Wilson,' Elizabeth
Dalton; Linda Rose Bowler and Dain Marie '
Interment was in St. Joseph's Cemetery,
Ronald Percy macker
Ronald Pere ., Thacker ed away suck
on da� December 31 . 1983, at.
denly Satur y ,
University `-Hospital, London in his 65th
Year. Born in Kincardine on November 17i, 1919,
he was the son of the late•Latchford Thacker
and Cora (Guest) Thacker. He married
Kathleen Nicholson in Kincardine Township.
on October 4,1941.' A veteran of World War
II, he enlisted in the Canadian Army and
served in Canada the United Kingdom and
Continental Europe from 1941 1945. Having
retresided 1ur edm to " he took ip ling
March 1own§p. where
Noels y� ! Ka
one daughter
Donald of Kiri
r d
and I.ofa, a ,
Wa rloo,Haroed-
B* of. Kichen , of ,
Hamel .r
Gl%r;of to � ��
ri "
S grandchildren 'a so survive ; Ai%
Shawn and Jod `Kay'MacDonald'of Kinc
dine and Tara" -Kay; Lucas and Pic
Thacker o# Kinloss ' T,op. ` He w
predeceased by his parents:and ones sist
The Lucknow. Brainel 110 ~309 antler
dine Branch No::183 of''theyal Cana
Legion held a service on Monday/January
198,, wiRev : Garratt of
The funeralservice wGeorge'hetd thecKe
tie McCreath Funeral Home, K:incardi
with Rev PhilipRuch officiating qr
Intennent was at Kincardine Cemetery:
Tie 'pallbearers were h'isephews Ga
Gurzi of :'Burlington, 'Edward, Ivry,
Gregory Thacker, and Peter Hoffman all, of
Kitchener and Bob Blowes of Waterloo.,
•Honourary Pallbearers were members: of
Branch No. 309 of • • the Royal Canadian
Legion;.• Eldon Bradley, Irvine Eedy, James
Montgomery,.and George Anderson.
Flowerbearers were nephews tan Mac -
Naughton of Breslau and Rodney Thacker of
• Turn to pase 19'
Schedule of Open Houses
• y' 1• • ..
r 1984 Municipal and School Taxes
TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD .":::)Jan. 17 &'18,1:00 pm to 7:00 pm, Township Hail; Cort 1i'
Regio # Offices i icated throughout Ontario are responsible
for`assessing, all real property for the .purposes of municipal
and school taxation.
The resulting. Assessment ..,Rolls are .:delivered to munic-
ipalities whichuse them. to set; their 'milt rates and. cornpute .,
municipal property tax bills.
The amount of property tax you pay) on your home . or
business depends on the assessed value and the mill rate set
by your municipality. The assessed value multiplied: by the
mill rate will determine your 1984 property taxes.
Open House Sessions
Open Houses are your oppor-
tunity to fully understand your
assessment and to evaluate its
support designation, -the amount
of your messed value, or,,pther
recorded information on last
year's Notice. :
equity . Appeal Procedure
Open Houses are held in every If, after attending your local Open
municipality at convenient times House,you are still dissatis
and locations, to provide you with fied With your assessment, you
the opportunity to discuss your. have a right . to appeal it to the
assessment with staff of the Assessment Review Board. The -
Regional Assessment Office. Assessment Review Board con -
An assessor •*ill be pleased to ducts informer hearings and is
explain the basis of your property responsible for determining •
assessment and is authorized to whether the assessment under
amend any information as may appeal is fair and -equitable with
be necessary prior to the delivery the assessments of similar prop_
of the Assessment Roll to your erties in the vicinity 6r neigh -
municipality. bourhood, and may alter, your
If you have any questions but are assessment accordingly.
unable to attend the Open House, Appeal Deadline
please contact your Regional The final date for appealing your
Assessment Office at the address assessment is March 7, 1984.
or telephone number shown
below. Your appeal must be forwarded,
either on a Notice of Appeal Form
Assessment Notice or as a letter, to the Regional
Property owners and tenants will Registrar of the Assessment
receive an Assessment Notice -Review Board on or before March
only if information regarding 7, 1984, .noting your property
their property or assessment address, Roll Number and. the
-N. r s changed during the past reason for the appeal.
year, if the assessment was To ` assist you in this regard,
appealed last year; or if the prop- Notice of Appeal forms and the
erty has been reassessed under address of the Regional Registrar
section 63 of the Assessment of the Assessment Review Board'
Act. if you receive an Assessmentare available at 'Open , Houses,
Notice; it may. .reflect changes your Regional. Assessment Office,
you have requested in your school or .your municipal office.
WEST WAWANOSH Jan. 24 & 25, 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm, Municipal Office -8i arage Con.
TOWNSI ll OF ALBEMARLE, . Jan. 23,1:00 pm to 8:00 pm; Wiarton Town Hall _ ' .
,• ,TOWNSHIP QF-ELDERSLIE . . Jan.23,1:00 pm to 8:00 pm Chesley Town Halla: • -, •
TOWNSHIP OF LINDSAY Jan 23, 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm, Township Building ,.„z ,, ,. L:
CHESLEY Jan. 23, 1:00 pm to 8:60 pm,,Town Hall ry,• 5.,,_, "
TOWN OF KINCARDINE:. Jan. -23, 26,• 1:00 pm to 8 0.00r,"f indardirie,"Towivn'Halt ' -
WlART.ON ( • - .. Jan 23,1.:Ob pni to B: 00•pmt Town Hait s;. -;•;.j.-4-1 --Jo
PAISLEY Jan. 23, 1:00pin to 8:06 pm, Villag,d Hall • •
TIVERTON. Jan. 23, 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm Municipal,Mee.
HANOVER Jan. 23 & 24, t:00•pm°to 8:' 0.pm, own Hall
• side entrance -downstairs• ' �; :