HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-01-11, Page 12TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Huron passed By- law 70-83 on the 19th day of December 1983 under section 34 of the Planning Act. 1983. e, • AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the by-law by filing with the Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Huron not later than the 24th day of January 1984 a notice of appeal setting out the ob- jection to the by-law and the reasons in support ofthe objedtion. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the by-law is attached. The Complete by-law is available -for inspection in The Township Municipal Office, Ripley, during regular of- fice hours. • Dated at the Township of Huron this 21st day of December 1983. Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Huron PURPOSE AND EFFECT The By-law is an amendinent of By-law 11-82 of the Corporation of the Township of Huron, which is the Township's comprehensive zoning by4aw. The amendments are in to resolve objections raised during the original circulation of By-law 11-82. Since the amendments affect several areas of the Township, a key map is not provided. The complete By-law is available for inspection in the Township Municipal Offices during regular office hours. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HURON BV -LAW NO. 70-03 BEING a by-law to amend By-law No. 11-82 as amended, known as the Zoning By-law of the Corporation of the Township of Huron. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Huron deems it advisable to amend By-law 11-82, pursuant to Section 34 of The Planning Act, 1983. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Huron enacts as follows: 1. Schedule A. Part 1 of By-law 11-82 is hereby amended by changing the zoning of part of Lot 18 and part of Lot 28, Concession 8 from Commercial Zone 5 (Resort Commercial) to Industrial Zone 1 (Rural Industrial) as shown on Schedule A, Part 1 attached hereto. 2. Section 24.3 and Schedule A, Part 1,,of By-law 11-82 are hereby amended by ad- ding the following new Section 24.3.4 : "24.3.4 Special Open Space (0S-4) Zone Notwithstanding the requirements of this By-law, on those lands zoned 05-4, described as part of Lots 36 and 37. Concession 12, as shown ,on Schedule A, attached hereto the permitted uses shall in- clude all the perinitted uses of the Open Space (OS) Zone and a golf course, driving range, tennis courts, lounge, restaurant, pro shop and accessory uses including change areas, maintenance and storage facilities, and a dwelling unit occupied by the owner or operator of the facility." 3, Schedule A, Part 1 of By-law 11-82 is hereby, amended by changing the zoning of lands consisting of part of Lot 72, Concession 1 from Commercial Zone 5 (Resort Commercial) to Industrial Zone 1 (Rural Industrial) as shown on Schedule A, artl,,attached hereto. ,• - 4: Schediile A, Part 1 of By-law 11-82 is hereby amended by changing the zoning of • lands consisting of part of Lot 36, Concession 8 from Agriculture Zone 1 (General Agriculture) to a Commercial Zone 1, (Rural Commercial) as shown on Schedule A, Part 1, attached hereto. 4. Schedule A, Part 1 of By-law 11-82 is hereby amended by,changing the zoning of 5. lands consisting of part of Lots 13 to 18 inclusive on Concessions VI to IX in- clusive from Agriculture Zone 2 (Special Agriculture) to Agriculture Zone 1 (General Agriculture), by changing an Industrial Zone 2 (Extractive In- dustrial) zone from part of Lot 18, Concession 7...to part of Lot 7 and by adding lands consisting of part of Lot 17, Concession VII and VIII and part of Lot 14, Concessions VII and VIII to the Agriculture Zone 2 (Special Agriculture) zone as shown on Schedule A, Part 1, attached hereto. 6 Schedule A, Part 1 of By-law 11-82 ihjereby amended' by changing the zoning of land§ consisting of part of Lot 26 and 27, Concession IV from Agriculture Zone 1 (General Agriculture), to Industrial Zone 1 ( Rural Industrial) as shown on Schedule A, Part 1, attached hereto. 7. Schedule A, Part 1 of By-law 11-82 is hereby amended by changing the zoning Of lands consisting of part of,Lots 65 and 66, Concession 1 from Agriculture Zone 1 (General Agriculture) to Industrial Zone 1 (Rural Industrial) as shown on Schedule A, Part 1, attached hereto. Schedule A, Part 2 of By-law 11-82 is hereby amended by designating Birch Place, Spruce Crescent and Cedar Close as improved streets. 8. 9. <5, Schedule A, Part 3 of By-law 11-82 is hereby amended by changing the zoning of part of Lot 58, Concession A from Agriculture Zone 2 (Special Agriculture) to a Future Development zone, as shown on Schedule A, Part 3, attached hereto. 10. Schedule A, Part 3 of By-law 11-82 is hereby amended by changing the zoning of part of Lot 31, Concession A from Open Space Zone to Future Development zone asishown on Schedule A, Part 3, attached hereto. Schedule A, Part 3 of By-law 11-82 is hereby amended by changing the zoning of part of Lot 41, Concession A from Residential Zone 2 (Seasonal Residential) to Commercial Zone 5 (Resort Commercial) as shown on Schedule A, Part 3, at- tached hereto. 11. 12. Schedule A, Part 3 of By-law 11-82 is hereby,amended by changing the zoning of part of Lot 59, Concession. A from Hazard Land Zone to Residential Zone 1 (Detached Residential) a's shown on Schedule A, Part 3, attached hereto. Schedule A, Part 3 of By-law 11-82 is hereby amended by changing the zoning of part of Lot 39, Concession A, from Open Space Zone to Residential Zone 2 (Seasonal Residential) as shown on Schedule A attached hereto; and the lands are hereby exempted from the requirements of Section 4.5 of By-law 11-82 and deemed to conform with the definition of lot contained in Section 3.68 of By-law 11-82. 13. 14. Schedule A, Part 3 of By-law 11-82 is hereby amended by changing the zoning for parts of Lots 61 to 67 inclusive, Concession A as shown on Schedule A, Part 3, attached hereto and as follows : a)• part of Lot 62, from Future Development zone to Residential Zone 2 (Seasonal Residential) part of Lots 61 to 64 inclusive from Industrial Zone 2 (Extractive In- dustrial) to Environmental Protection Zone. c) part of Lots 63 and 64 frotn Environmental Protection Zone to Industrial Zone 2 (Extractive Industrial) d) part of lots 61 to° 64 inclusive from Agriculture Zone 2 (Special Agriculture) to Industrial Zone 2 (Extractive Industrial) e) part of Lots 65 and 66 from Residential Zone 2 (Seasonal Residential) to Residential Zone 3 (Suburban Residential) f) part of Lots 65 and 66 from Future Development zone to Residential Zone 1 (Detached Residential). g) part of Lots 65 and 66 from Future Development zone to Open Space Zone. h) part of Lots 65 and 66 from Industrial Zone 2 (Extractive Industrial) to Open Space Zone. part of Lots 66 and 67 from, Industrial Zone 2 (Extractive Industrial) to Commercial Zone 4 (Travel Trailer and Commercial Campground) part of Lots 65, 66 and 67 from Industrial Zone 2 (Extractive Industrial) to Future Development zone. part of Lots 65, 66 and 67 from Environmental Protection Zone to Com- mial Zone 4 (Travel Trailer and Commercial Campground). b) i) P k) .•,.,41ist,•o4r.1.`" • 15. Notwithstanding any` other provisions of By-law 11-82 the lands consisting of part of Lot 24, Concession A, being Part 7 Of Reference Plan 3R-2785, are hereby exempted from the requirements of Section 4.5 of By-law 11-82 and deemed to conform with the definition of Lot contained in Section 3.68 of By-law 11-82. 16. Notwithstanding any :other provisions of By-law 11-82, the lands consisting of part of Lot 19, Concession A being Lot 9, Plan 2A located on the west side of Vic- toria Street, are hereby exempted from the requirements of Section 4.5 and Sec- tion 4.25 of By-law 11-82 and deemed to conforni with the definition of lot con- tained in Section 3.68 of By-law 11-82. 17 Section 4.22 of By-law 11-82 is hereby amended by deleting Section 4.22( f ) and renumbering existing Sections 4.22(g) to (i) inclusive as Section 4.22(f) to (h) inclusive. 18. Section 9.3 of By-law 11-82 is hereby amended tiy adding a new Section 9.3.3 as follows: Nothing contained in Section 9.3 of this By-law shall be deemed to exempt any person from compliance with the requirements of any other/nun icipal by-law." 19. Section 10.4.4 of By-law 11-82 is hereby amended by deleting the words "describ- ed as part of Lots 66 and 67," and replacing them with the words "described as part of Lots 65, 66, and 67." 20. Section 10.4.5 of By-laW 11-82 is hereby amended by adding the following to the ,tt end of the Section: "The location of mobile homes or travel trailers, either permanently or tem- porarily on the lands herein described is prohibited." •,4 This By-law shall come into effect on the final passing thereof by the Council of the Cor- poration of the Township of Huron subject to compliance with the provisions of The Plan- ning Act, 1983. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 19th day of December 1983. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 19th day of December 1983. Seal Reeve Clerk