HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-01-11, Page 7b r iai sulci w se ,lie lug r *as vould filo mon, the one tin g tippy ottil 'liar . nth"er acne. e air the aft' tae a •in w► o' hed. ec1a. 1 }" 44u 'Int% Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday., January 11, 1984—Page 7 _ Thur ho.iloe+j:l Atsokta1 the, lies Winnifrec the. guest, visitors and Roll caltiwas Womenis, lnstitu fred •Given. wa representative ani vice-preside/1t; �i��i+yk4.n otoil sident, welcomed erich, 1: z ie a districtaofcer of the Among other's, . Winni K S 4 ti red au federation ' a Black as •second Fere appointed", tit' the emu pct "annual `in M,ay ' se a McNeer+ ai he' iniinuteswand gave Gx ... a ly3 s ,� " ensurer s report. Correspondence you lettier'frozn the��Huron, xis Ce and iron the dor .� oin 0:luno-- dude c d ow times have changed r �a;Obiy given,by DpririaYYoung a triol get. f, fickle: Olive" Chisholm, r est speaker, Shirley Keller, w Io is �Editerial Co Ordinator;�for s ;seven weekly°newspapers. m gazines'< Her:topic`was:on - l.liow the skills sof coni - m r nicating Arte, dy"iixg, with less and :`less t. par lents,' i lir„hostesses, Mrs Allister Hughes•: and Mrs. Gilberto `the preside�`t "Mrs. Joh`ii Muwb ay welcomed me/fibs and viattors and opened . the. meeting with aw' New:•'Year's poem and prayer • �. Kinlo`ss wa s het Jana tie Luckiiow Mrs. Bruce Hairliltoni ``very capably Fes:- enteT the Bible Study, Coping with Lifes' PressnreL After outlining some of life's pressures,, members read Bible passages with answers oi) .how to cope. The study f sox closet-1744tt ' by °d' :fox You, read eIipo and prayer by Unit # ►°I1 Thesdayi r J ary Glen Wald en w► Mrs. Hd>i were ' in Bolt- pres actino ..axon< • 4 , Bo Yea,.,. l .Harvey` Cambe Hop uston some tri enter tli should i Mrs. Year, which.wasfollowedby the„introduction 1 . or the study hook, Jesus Means Life. She commented on an article, Christianity Must Return to Its ,,Roots, the roots being Jesus Himself : and, "His . teaching. She .asked . that t�+ VV..met ,011 • home of M'rs.: 2 , members present s. Hjmiltoii° ran -MacKenzie- gave it reading ng Isar' Ile New Year, Recipe for Peace.: Those taking part- in the Prayer Circle were Mrs.' Herb Buckton, Mrs., Fraser MacKinnon.and Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall ='The offertory prayer was given; by Mrs. Ted Collyer. • The roll. -call' was answered by sixteen. members:.. Mrs. Leonard. Clarkb introduced this years' Mission. Study on Central Africa. A ,map showed the countries, to be• studied. and: a True/Falfse list o questions tested --i embers generalxtinowlt dge of .Africa. : Years ago. II Africa was divided into” personal news in the paper. People are .changing, becoming ,bored with themselves, is.affecting marriages, family life and business "life, We get out: of our newspaper - .what w+eput into it. Institute members were encouraged to .support .the local ',correspond- ent pf the weekly .;paper, by contributing news -items. After an open discussion on our, local newspapers, Mrs, ,Keller showed slides of the printing of the newspaper from earliest times . to now. Peg Pardon thanked Mrs. Keller fora very, informative insight into I her job with the Signal -Star Publishing Com- pany. • The collection of Pennies for Friendship was 'taken, based on one cent for every window. in your house. entrctl Africa different countries and colonized by Europ- ean-, countries:. England; France, Belgium, The African people were encouraged to raise cash crops to pay taxes to the. Colonial rulers. Much of the good arable land is -still • used to grow export products such as tea, coffee, cotton, and cocoa rather than food for the people.': The study -concluded with all repeating the African Creed: Courtesies were given by ' Mrs. Leonard :Clarke and replied to by Mrs. Hughes. A social half hour was enjoyed with lunch being served by directors Mrs. Leonard Clarke and Mrs. Bruce Hamilton. roduce stud book, Jsus in Life eth 'rneditat on: listed ewe s old;leave behibd as, we�- reId_ sore things we with. us. �w •, gave a .reading, A Happy.-1New ' j)NUARY OS &ENDS ° : Farm Kingeiectric rollers ONLY $875. with Tfreemagnet 5 horssepower Viking electric mill reg. $1750. ((�� FOR $2250. New scales to fit New Holland .nrix mills FOR $2OOO e ' 1 -used 04" double ''jja(/u��ger snowblower FOR $900. WE NEED USED SNOWBLOWER TRADES Special prices On New Sn+ wbi wierg XO S.IS, • eCOUNT ON ALL !ARTS OR ARS,. OVER Witt. Ron Si:anley Farni.SupjIy at Bervie 395-2434 each .member fien8he entire book of Mark during ..the, month of January. The closing prayer.was: given by.Mrs. Bolt, who presided for the election of unit officers. ' Mrs. Walden, ,the' new leader, took the' chair for the ,busiiies The collection was taken and dedicated. ,,I4L Mrs,. Walden.:: The tieeting closed with: the benediction -and the. grace was sung. The committee served a . lovely lunch and a social time was enjoyed. • Unit:#3 The January Meeting" of Unit 3 of the 'Lucknow UCW met ,at 'the home of Mrs. Verne=ITunterwho presided for the election of officers. and : opened the meeting with a New Year's poem. Mrs. Hunter read verses of .scripture followed by prayer. Mrs. Harvey Webster gave the first chapter, Can We Know _the Real Jesus? from the new study book, Jesus is Life. The writers are a . husband and wife team, of returned missionaries frem Lesotta.. The first chapter deals with the four Gospel _writers, Matthew, Mark, Luke. and John, who wrote the way they each perceived Jesus, and to preserve the stories the early Christians told of his words. and deeds. Mrs. Allan Gibson read a poem, A Prayer for the 'New 'Var. - ,The roll call was answered by 14 members sand the payment of fees. Lunch was served following the meeting. Unit #4 Unit four of Lucknow' UCW held their January meeting in the church parlour with thirteen membersin attendance. • Mrs. Clarence Ritchie opened with a reading, Whither Are Ye Bound. Scripture was read by Mrs. Bill Bogues and a reading by Mrs. Lloyd Whitock. A skit, The'Laundry Room meeting,' 'taken from the , Mission Turn to page 20* mit; "' $014 i'Ipllp i UT, tiffI(glll 1 Cory *pp INV I' ig[iti i Ippl► I 1111111 ►p[►l► ► Il4►II ► ►Hifi► 1 1111111 1111111 I .,Asti 1 Your CHO dY Be GONe !! an it dust be Sold -Wall to Wall ! NOTE: Some Diamonds, Precious Gems, Wedding Bands and Chains will remain at 60°. Off Most of the balance of stock will be sold during these last 5 days of this sale as designated below . Whll. Quantifies Lost. FIraf contw` First Serviiief Store Hours:• . 1,-�datly ¢, ,� 1 ' JEWELLERS IA OXOUI%V MALL (Oxford & Hs hbury) London, Ont. — 455-8100 I+iti?i$I ► ►tIt[ 'Mitt I Olt' r 'WON MIf Iti 4441 1 ititit ► It titi t 441i ititte r ilititi i I If j�11 16 11ttiti LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, JANUARY 15 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 a.m. ' Rem. Warren McDougall B.A°M°Div. Nursery and Junior congregation provided. EVERYONE WELCOME LUCKNOW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY, JANUARY 15 Worship Service and Sunday School 11:30 a.m. REV. ALLISON. J. RAMSAY, MINISTER Nursery Downstairs , 'For. Little Ones Under Four EVERYONE WELCOME Finlay Decorating WILL BE OPEN Foru Monday,Januory' 16th BOB AND MARG MILAN ShERNI1L7L, TRANSPORTATION PROUDLY PRESENTS: SUNSHINE AT YOUR LEISURE 1.9 DAY – FLORIDA DELUXE DEPARTS FEB. 6, 4984 TOUR INCLUDES: 'Deluxe motorcoach transportation `Deluxe accommodations -18 -nights •Admissiotf to Busch Gardens *Everting Buffet and entertainment at "ShoWboat Dinner Theatre" *Jungle Queen Boat Cruise including dinner 'Transportation to Tarpon Springs, .Disney World, Epcot.Centre, Cypress Gardens, Kennedy Space Centre; Volusia Mall, Flea Market, etc. *Baggage Handling - one piece per person ' °All Hotel and service charges °Driver/Escort, throughout. FROM ` QUAD p4" tom i� S Tag MOP OP" IF Ar OPP/I1/ FOR MORE INFORMATION OR RESERVATIONS CONTACT: Nall1/44f 0 GOD ERIC H . - 524.454017622 MITCHELL 348.8741 CLINTON SEAFORTH LUCKNOW KINCARDINE 524-4540 527-1237 528-3335 396-3303 * * ,st yya