HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-01-11, Page 2•rv•e�l:J. ,�Td
Lucknow District Lions Clubconcluded a
successful year which included the erection
of a windbreaker fence at the Lucknow
Swimming Pool which cost $4,000; ; the
donation of $2,000 to` 4.e ; Liteknow Fore•
epartiilezit for them 4{{d�er sass -
nurabering of ho uses
cost $2,000; their first
Garden Shor w h was a'hugsucce
sukPartoeEstet`Seal Campaign raisi
- .
$1,200; pthase of_.a hearing. tester for tire.
-Huron Cent* Health Unit along with Other
curbs in the immediate area and 'a closed
.ca .tion ; T.W. " *Inverter °` for Huront►iew
unb ble``:but it. did i't spoil the entlius-
tic l +vis.. Happy 'Hauler, the newest
e Lucknow Falb* team, made
e Lucknow Tractor Pull. The
addition to t
its debut aat
International 1700 Load Star, a steel hauler
b`` *for the steel industry around
-12 Allison 'aircraft engine and
w e
om. builtfor pullingby Art Helm and..
cu#nnnghain of� Lucknow.
a Boyle of Kinlough was ; Wound as
slie jmarked. her 70th year as,+ rganist of the
Church`"of Ascension," Kinlough Church
organist anist since she was 11 ears.old, fishe has
brought talent and a .spun of loyalty to. her,
'* Cursing Home, service through they;
July' �.
Unofficially $ QtiFi , • " is .te came h ,, to
.•trickly", .tq . celebrat � e village's 125th
birthday, June 30, July 1, 2,• 3. A mammoth
parade, a , Tinton DruthHead service
featuring ;h fOnt"ario Legion Mass Pipe and
Drums, a• tennis tournament; the Lucknow
Pipe Baridleuniain, scottish dancifg, tug of
was' dancing, a fish fry and he 'st, Rer, a..
beer gar'den and,theCK lk Bari Dante Were
highlights" the weekend. A.- shirt tail.
Grade c► °e
provided one e
last hooralafter`ran winS`acqBaintanceat
the beer garden outlifiliweekend
Heather.owneti Queen of
mbor aw' ."" .0
the J e an a. u. cr n
a re u .cys fin.., ; ed
Jamboree princess 'returned
The popular; returned for the
:Jamboree. °arise thin` and her family`were
watching ,the ,Jamboree parade,
her late husband,_ formerly . owned
r ed a restaurant in Lucknow. Three
or 00)01 and Albert formed
.line on the ' Lucknow
„and their performance
',fame to Lucknow.
`"` �"
,„,ttua`,. Qff :ase Chin received a
a oits an earffeIt vel a from all who.
gaited here ;
Everyone will; remember the weather
Jarnboree :Weekend. • lot and humid, the
:nniggy, c ni itionst ; were at times almost
Murdoch and Evely
itow celebratedt ;err St
;, surpIlse d neer held on
cD, na . Of Luck-
anniaers at a
ci a� ded
staff �lso laces
er systezir5',
aps' ,weire mos
r but i���a
�xn'would er s
didto' pollinate. the,'
4N14•. ivi g hort, W"
4r:not come soon ome
i w .
tcotib tZaifi e
corn ands:nd oats, like / wheat,
-may have :dried ni thout the,seeds_ ;
' la � not faringco
'oat. Cann Was ow ll.
of, inches of rain in the first two weeks of
August would help everything considerably.
Kingsbridge s=eldest resident, Frank Sul-
livan celebrated his 95th birthday on July
Lucknow' .:Village Council.. paid' $500' to
Chester F• g 'of Lucknow ascan option to
purchase property lying in the Township of
`West Wawanosh for the purpose of a sewage
treatment plant. -
Rev. George Garratt of Luck_ now request-
ed approval of council to use tie basement
room of the town hall to be created following
renovationsfor a senior citizen drop in
*from page. >i = .
previided. Afters. all, the proportion of
Drits 4o's budget set aside for agriculture is
the lowest of., any agricultural province in
Canada, , and the fanners know. it,”
comments Swart in the report.
The reality is that, in two areas, farmers
are facing crisis situations, according to the
report. Red meat producers, ma class, are
in: deep trouble. Secondly, credit. 'costs,
particularly for those who are .carrying
mortgages or loans incurred ' at the high
interest rates of the 1981 and 1982 periods,
are forcing growing numbers of farmers into,
With only two exceptions, the task force
was confronted at all of their meetings with
disillusioned and angry beef and hog
producers who were about to go over the
brink, says Swart. Harsh treatment of farm
creditors is inexcusable at a time when net
farm income is at a record low and bank
profits are at a record high, about 51.85
billion for 1983.
The report also addressed eight categories
of concern which were described as longer
• term problems. They included farm income
security, farm credit need, input costs, tile
drainage, municipal' drainage projects, loss
of foodlands, cutbacks in local OMAF offices
and the spread between farm' and .consumer
The report suggests an all party legislative
committee deal with the medium and long
term agricultural problems in the province.
The committee should be composed of those
involved in agricultural portfolios from all
parties supplementedby otheir .members
who are experienced and knowledgeable in
farm matters.
The NDP task force issued their interim
report in December because they •see a need
for immediate measures and a full report
including recommendations wilt be present-
ed to the all party committee in January.
The . mood reflected. in each of the seven
area meetings held by , the NDP task force
was one of quiet, often impassioned, desprer-
ation, writes Swart in the report. More' and
more fanners are unable to survive on their
income from the farm and must either
supplement it froth outside or liquidate their
The Lucy swim team held. its. frst
MildmayIteam and
came away with 265.5 pointswih` the
meet. • r
.The Lucknow Mites were runnersu the
�, P In
WOAA playoff tournament held in Mitchell
August 27 -. 28. In their second . year the
existence.the team almost ;pulled an 'upset• t+S
the final game losing 10- 8 after oat hto
their opponents..8 - 5. • '
The Lucknow Arena Board tap roved ' ..
principle the proposal'to'build an addition to,
thearena for mu �needed dresalrig
space. _ i . '
Ada Webster c ` . ed =her 88 birthday
l� t>•'t , tit
u t �9: e la 's
A, ..,.f a vi# ge best
kt own turd most, respected citizens, Ada
resides ii ,a 'a ailment ;'Sepoy, Apart-
ments�and retiitdias a:tive is the Horticultur-
al Society' andinteestedn geneaology.
Lucknow Bank mann er "ed Collyret was
tr sferred.
an , ta��he Wen Sound Commercial
bankin" =Unit to a Amotion oto a• miter -senior'
$.. Pr_
le ding position.
iorne:R.ei , who. had been '.o er` '
� ri a a opera S�k
n*r0Pair. business -on the main street of
c w: since 5� w r
lcno ,.19 �ct�r�•to a; o kstop at';
hjs home, east of the -village, .where it would
'• tie More ceavenientr for hint tai continue
serving his customers. '
The :!Lucknow fire Departnnent sand• the
staff of'-Pinecrest Manor ; Nursing Home .
simulated an evacuation of one wingat '.
Pinecrest to assess safety procedures.
Luckttow Iawyer.RobertCampbell pleaded
guilty to charges of ' theft and forgery_
September 12 He will be, -sentenced
January 9"follewing. the judge's::considera-
tion . of a joint pler sentence report . to be
prepared by. the crown and defence attorn
res. '.
, ,Diane.McLean of Wingham was crowned
Miss Mid -western. Ontario at . the Lucknow
Fall Fair: by, lastyear's title holder, Judy ,
Ward, a" farmer Miss Lucknow Fill : Fair.
Exhibits and attendance were consistent
is convinced th
operations. . For a growing,' proportion,
farmingas a way of life is being destroyed..
The bland expression of the agriculture
minister that only very small percentage of
farms' is in trouble was belied bythe
statements and the temper of the farmers inti
every community the task, force visited: The
task:forte. is •convinced, the government -and
members of the legislature must deal with '
the deep seated agricultural difficulties in a
serious; ' sympathetic and . comprehensive .
The report concludes, ' as a • prime.
•generator of prosperity, , agriculture must
again become a viable and thriving industry.
Hear complaint...
*from page 1,
McArthur said he has planted 21,000 trees
on his property including white pine, spruce
and birch and he intended to reforest the
three acres with 200 white pine following the
development of the site for trailer camping.
Campers don't want to camp in a desert,
he observed. '
McArthur said he plans, to co-operate ;fully'
with the .county to seek 'a solution to the
problem. '
Acting, principal.,.
*from page 1
An avid curler, Don is impressed 'by the
excellent iintranurral sports schedule, organ-
ized for the students' participation at recess
and noon hours. It is hr portant to provide
children with an interesting way to use their
leisure time and like adults, not all children
want to go outside to. play. 4\
Don lives in Clinton where his wife, Wen-
dy works for the Clinton office of the Canad-
ian Cancer , Society and , his . daughter,.
Jennifer, 11 is a student at Clinton Public
School. `
at the LUeanw Agricultural 1
a. e s -o
we th w ._ c tt e
,e i�,a�' a
rattta beld off for^the main day tl Vie`"fa •o
S.atury., ^r.•.,
L ck row Village Council passed b
`r guiatr nthe keeping of animals within th
limits of the. village'.•'r . ' .
e a , tri e I# e.
at x
C. „R" :. �'• � Ay. . P �w ': Mai•;
Lucknow-1 icreaso s r car„,t. Bais+ed ori a
assessment Iof t ,pubic "' ,
s o: 7
u ' rtex ou c�.; A`S 2,
w ;o
:P �.
se^ o:
his `tax bill hiss''w i?
A new emergency and outpatient wing
Win am and District HosStat hh s th
�! a,
potential to be'more:than just arei4cerrien
for cram .ed: carter xistint build
ing.ft also
ot :..' O. PQp, �O
�e on
card in t1ehoita1 sattcnpt�attat tnor
visiting speciists, expansion of the taidiol
ogy department enabling ,it t�pg de i
This year's area .corn yield, will ;b y.a littl
cerall�des _ite the. s dn:
„...1? which wo. uid 4usually r�esul
nvbelfw: average yields, according ,tc and
Liddle -of -Anderson Fh
visept w :o
Unities fir SarahF� �;�
anddau ter .of Ji art Bo le: 0
;Lucknow• Sarah whwho. Synd>om
i one of the' Aral"Cana an : children:; .t
undergo the controversial'surgery toy ;alte
the facial : features _ cotriMoii in Down's
children.Sarah's life .•will he be difficult enough
b ,cause of the limited intelligence w,,. ich is
also. a characteristics of Drowns," and the
surgery makes her life any easier, tt:;will
have been worthwhile her parents believe.
H. D. Bud Thompson andrrvine dy
received Meritorious Service Medals, :.the
highest award that can'be ,grantedto regular
or life members of the Royal ^„lana#lisn
Legion. The medals -were: present
James Montgomery at the
brance Banquet heldby the Luc
all Panels 4' 8'
Per Panel
-Coloured Nails and Matching Vinyl Moe
PHONE (519) 528-3118
Mon: - Fri. 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. • AMPLE PARKING
Sat. 8 a.m. Noon