HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-01-04, Page 21A •• - • • LudeanwSenthael, 'Wedneod*yoi Jon04-Vi1944age 14 ..•••• • • ••.<, :";.• SMARTPLAY 11' ET INTcJ Oil 111! al • • # 4 v<1.e.<0.•••os ti, v..,;(6440,Nr410,441,1,4401)11,6. 31.at• • kr.,1.3,•.?"-r40•*-14.4.1i< • . teo. ,44$ .4 • I.N*111:',..<43•3•90^ <14. <itk•C: • .1t{t: 11.3.41.ItaT'' ; A • t?i ,. • 1 e '4*.....;r•.04•4 !, 41,,trlioce<, I M--4,"*. ...-.41k•I'D'A;4. • ..,,ii•kt.&.t,i44.a9,.<.,k. .. . 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ArtiCle's- for .014: •• . pREsa EGOS silt SALE,phone 528-2540... • 74: • 1 9111010.40 ONE PAIR OF BOY'S BAUER, SKATES, size 12, worn once; bath change table, good condition. Phone 528-2112. —1 •••4100.1,.....•••101 HOT TUB SALE: say00% off list prices till January 31, 19842 Phone (519) 348-4703. See our &splay model. F4'. ust Home Hardware, Mitchell. —52-3 OSTOMY SUPPLIES and appliance. Rieck IDA Pharinaey•: 14 Shoppers Square, God- - • • erich, 524-7241. —7tfeow . 18, Services available HORSE DRAWN sleigh rides. Phone Cletus Dalton, -529-7420. PIANO TUNING and repairs; used pianos bought and sold. Call Michael Lipnicki (Wingham) 357-1049. —34tf •DON THOMPSON TV AND APPLIANCES - Sales and Service; • tower and • antenna install tion Satellite S stems b Channel Master; refrigeration service; Atari cartrid- ges for rent Ripley 395-3466. —42tf IN HOME Mastectomy.services now avail- ahle. Contact Mrs. Adams or Mrs. Stringer at Rieck I.D.A. Pharmacy, Shoppers Square, • Goderich, 524-7241. --7tfeoir DUCKS AND GEESE FOR SALE Phone • 528-2299. ---,48tfar ANNUAL PRE INVENTORY GUN SALE, Great savings on all guns, scopes, bino- culars, ammunition, clothing, reloading supplies, gun' cases, Village Market Guns, • Underwood. Phone 368-7182. —49-4 PERSONALIZED 'WEDDING and anniver- I say invitations:' Call Marilyn Murray, 528- 363& ---42tfar TRY C & E FURNITURE, new and used. Goderich, 524-7231. —40tf RUBBER STAMPS, business cards, stag tickets, magnetic signs,t personal address labels. • All your printing requirements. Cowan Printing & Advertising Service, Lucknow, 528-2730. --21tf tomin 3. Articles for rent FLOOR SANDERS for rent. B & M Rentals and Sales, Wingham, 357-1666,, —45tf 5. Cars, trucks for sale 1974 NOVA, excellent condition. lair mile- age. Asking price $1500. Phone 395-5038. —52,1 • . 9. Accommodation to rent THREE BEDROOM Lucknow dwelling for rent, Va block from Main :Street. February 1st accommodation. Phone 528-2031. ---51tf HOUSE FOR RENT 11/2 miles south west of Ripley on concession 6, 1,680 feet with attached garage and six electrical applianc- es, $300.00 monthly. Call 395-5181 or 396- 2907. --51,52, 1 AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballaih, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of All Types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 CUSTOM BUTCHERING •BEEF • *PORK *LAMB Mondays & Thursdays RIPLEY ABATTOIR 395-2905 EVENINGS 39S-2979 Cal BURKE ELECTRIC Ltd." Electrical .Contractors Appliance Sales -& Service' to all makes Refrigeration Service 37 years built by quality & service •Open 6 days a week • 19, *Oka to creditors, NOTICE TO- CREDITORS In The Estate Of • GEORGE EARL COLWEL1, ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, Retired Farmer, who died on November 10th, 1983, are required to file proof'of same with the undersigned on or before the, 14th day of Jany, A.D. 1984., After that date the Executors will .proceed to •distribute .the Estate having -regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. • •' DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 23rd day of December, A.D. 1983. 31* rds of thanks t McALLISTER I would like to express my appreciation for all the kindnesses shown me recently during my surgery in Victoria Hospital, London, Dr. - Dyson and staff on third North. Special • thanks to G. & E sales and -Service ,and fellow workers there. Robert McAllister CRAWFORD, MILL DAVIES & ELSTON, 217 Josephine Street WINGHAM, Ontario NOG 2H0 6' Solicitors for the Executors ---1,2,3,ar 20. Public notices • KINIOSS TOWNSHIP, NOTICE The township waste disposal -site will be open on the following Saturdays from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. until further notice. January 14, 28; February 11, 25 and Mardi 10, 24. Township of Kinloss NOTICE Agnew Jewellery & Gifts will be closed MONDAYS During The Winter Months 357-2450 Qoderich »Energy Seal Inc. AIR SEALING SPECIALISTS • • UFFI CONTRACTOR • PHONE COLLECT 524-2311 Evenings 524-4894 .141141141401•1••• sal fhossa inthe Classifieds. • 528-2822 NOW RENTING modern 2 bedroom apart- 19. ment in Teeswater. Fridge and stove included, laundry facilities available. Avail- able immediately. Moving now? Get 50% rebate on first months rent. Phone 367-2391 or 364-4327. ---48tf TWO BEDROOM HOUSE for rent in Lucknow. Apply to Box 4, c/o The Lucknow Sentinel, Box 400, LUCKNOW. NOG 2HO. —4Itf ONE AND TWO BEDROOM apartments in Lucknow, with fridge and sta0e, available , immediately. Glennhaven Apartments, 529- 7030, after 6 p.m. —39tf 10* TVVO BEDROOM4PARTMENT, all modern conveniences, private entrance, private sun porch and basement. Phone 357-2335 or 357- 1666. —47tf Notice to creditors —5 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the estate of °ROSS WILLIAM McPHERSON • late of the Village of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, Bachelor, deceased, who died on or about the 28th day of November, 1983, must be filed with the undersigned- on or before January 4, 1984; thereafter the • undersigned will distribute the assets dila said estate having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned then has notice. Dated December 14, 1983. , William McPherson, c/o GEORGE J. BROPHY, Barrister and Solicitor, Box 610, Lucknow, Ontario NOG 2H0. —51,52,53 21. Personal IS ALCOHOL A PROBLEM in your family? Al -Anon can help families and friends of • alcoholics. Phone Walkerton 881-3113, God- erich 524-6001. Ask for an Al -Anon number. —45tfnx HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3655. --40tfar PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Call 357- 1066, 357-2392, 357.1769 or -London 432- 9179 collect. —tf 30. In memoriam WALL In loving memory of a dear father, Thomas Wall. •who passed away on Tuesday, December 31, 1963. Loving kind in all his ways, - Upright and just to the end of his days, Sincere and kind in heart and mind. What a beautiful memory he left behind. Lovingly remembered and always missed by Harry Wall and family. • —1 nx nbelmattlf .. 41. ..... 4•000M401040.4s 31. Cards of thanks tiMfelo MacICENZIE The family of the late Alexander MacKenzie wish to express their sincere appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbours for » the cards, flowers, memorial donations, food, and other acts of kindness during our recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. Paul Mills, Currie -Walker Funeral Home, the 'pallbearers, flower bearers and the Ladies Auxiliary to St- Andrew's Presqterian Church, Winghani. Kathleen and Farish Moffat Gordon and Margiry Moffat • Julie Ann, Ke dra and Alex —1x . THANKS - The folks on R. R. 2 and their snowplow men are the greatest. Have a blessed 1984. Mail Box Mama —lx ' - , 32. Coming events ASSOCIATION FOR BRIGIIT CHILDREN MEETING The North Huron Chapter of the Association for Bright Children will meet on January 10, 1984 at 8 p.m. at Wingharn Public School.. Robert Allan, Director of Education for Huron County, will speak about the imple- meiltation of Bill 82 and services to gifted. •children in Huron County: Everyone Wel- come. For further information contact Holly or Bill Keil at 357-2894 or. 357-2636. —1 • • • • • ANNUAL MEETING Lucknow Agricultural Society will hold their annual supper meeting on Thursday, 1 January 26 at 7 p.m. in the • Lucknow Presbyterian Church. Contact any director or phone 528-2184. —1,3 IMMUNIZATION CLINIC Bruce County, Health ,Unit, infants, pre- • schoolers, adults, 2nd Wednesday of each • • month. Next Clinic Wednesday, January 11, 1984, Bruce County Health Unit Office, 3 - 4:30 p.m. —1 Attention Farmers mai A. For sale iii51110:000- TRACTOR CHAINS. X Type cross links. Will fit 13.6 x. 28 tires and 14.9 x 24- tires. Brand new. • Dealer cost $280.60– Sell for $175.00. Phone 395-5286. —52,1ar E. Farm services —5 BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Cleaners. Bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders, Farrowing Crates, Watei Bowls, Cow Stalls and Hog Panelling. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R. R. 3, Holyrood, phone 395-5390. BUTLER - Ring Drive Silo Unloaders, Big Mtn Silo Unloaders, Volume Belt Feeders, Convey -n -Feed Cattle Feeders, Single Chain Conveyors. Barn Cleanery Oswalt Ensil- mixers • FARMATIC - Blender Hammer Mills, Blender Roller Mils, Biender Mills for Ground , Hi -Moisture corn, Augers, Elevatorti ACORN - Cable Barn Cleaners , WESTEEL-ROSCO - Grain Bins 1350 to 250,000 bu., Bulk Feed Tanks I ACME - Fan -Jet Ventilation Systems HOULE - Liquid Manure Pumps, Cleaners, Steel Trusses L. Complete Hog Confinement Systems " SLURRY -SLINGER - Liquid Manure Spread- ers CLAY - Parts and Service » for Clay Equipment. ALSO - Electric Feed Carts, Straw Chop- pers, Fibre -Funnels, Ritchie Heated Bowls, Hurst Equipment We Handle Everyting - Almost LOVVIIY FARM SYSTEMS LTD. At Amberley R. # 1, Kincardine Phone 395-5286 '