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TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Huron paSsed Bye
law 70-83 on the 19th day of December 1983 under section 34 of the Planning Act. 1983.
AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal
Board in respect of the by-law by filing with the Clerkof the Corporation of the Township
of Huronnot later than the 24th day of January 1984 a notice of appeal setting out the ob-
jection to the by-law and the reasons in support of the objection.
An explanation of the purpose and effect of the by-law is attached. The complete by-law
is available for inspection in The Township Municipal Office, Ripley, during regular of-
fice hours.
Dated at the Township of Huron this 21st day of December 1983.
Clerk of the Corporation of the
Township of Huron
The By-law is an amendment of 11-82 of the Corporation of the Township of
• Huron, which is the Township's comprehensive zoning by-law. The amendments are in-
• tended to .resolve objections raised during the original circulation of By-law 11-82. Since
• the amendments affect several areas of the Township, a key map is not provided. The
complete By-law is available for inspection in the Township Municipal Offices during
regular office hours. • -
BY-LAW NO. 70-831
BEING a by-law to amend By-law No. 11-82 as amended, known as the Zoning By-law of "
the Corporation of the. Township of Huron. ,
WHEREAgice Council of the Corporation of the Township of Huron deems it advisable
to amend By-law 11-82, pursuant to Section 34 of The Planning Act, 1983.
NOW. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Huron enacts as
Schedule A. Part 1 of By-law 11-82 is hereby amended by changing the zoning of
part of Lot 18 and part of Lot 28, Concession 8 from Commercial Zone 5 (Resort
Commercial) to Industrial Zone 1 (Rural Industrial) as shown on Schedule A,
Part 1 attached hereto.
2. Section 24.3 and Schedule A, Part •1, of By-law 11-82 are hereby amended by ad-
ding the following new Section 24.3.4:
"24.3.4 Special Open Space (OS -4) Zone
Notwithstanding the requirements of this By-law, on those lands
zoned 08-4, described as part of Lots 36 and 37. Concession -12, as
shown on Schedule A, attached hereto the permitted uses shall in-
clude,all the permitted uses of the Open Space (0S) Zone and a golf
• course, driving range, tennis courts, lounge, restaurant, pro shop
and accessory' uses including change areas, maintenance and
storage facilities, and a dwelling unit occupied by the owner or
operator of the facility."
3. . Schedule A, Part 1 of By-law 11782 is hereby amended by changing the zoning of
lands consisting of part of Lot 72, Concession 1 from Commercial Zone 5 ( rt
Commercial) to Industrial Zone' 1 (Rural Industrial) as shown on Schedule A,
P attached hereto.
4. l'edule A, Part 1 of,By-liii41-82 is hereby amended by changing the zoning of
• consisting of part of Lot 36; Concession 8 from Agriculture Zone 1
(General Agriculture) to a Commercial Zone 1 (Rural Commercial) as shown
on Schedule A, Part 1, attached hereto. 11
• 1 •
5. Schedule A, Part 1 of By-law 11-82\ is hereby amended by changing the zoning of
• lands consisting of part of Lots 13 to 18.inclusive on Concessions VI to IX in-
clusive from Agriculture one 2 (Special Agriculture) to Agriculture Zone 1
(General Agriculture), by changing an Industrial Zone 2 (Extractive In-
dustrial) zone from part of Lot 18, Concession 7 to part of Lot 7 and by adding
lands consisting of part. of Lot 17, Concession VII and VIII an 4 part of Lot 14,
Concessions VII and VIII to the Agriculture Zone 2 (Special Agriculture) zone
as shown on Schedule A, Part 1, attached hereto.
6. Schedule A, Part 1 of By-law 11-82 is hereby'amended by changing the zoning of
lands consisting of part of Lot 26 an427, Concession IV from Agriculture Zone 1
(General Agriculture) to Industrial Zone 1 ( Rural Industrial ) as shown on
Schedule A, Part 1, attached hereto.
7. Schedule A, Part 1 of By-law 11-82 is hereby amended by changing the zoning of
lands consisting of part of Lots 65 and 66, Cohcession 1 from Agriculture Zone 1
• (General Agriculture) to Industrial Zone 1 ( Rural Industrial) as shown on
Schedule A, Part 1, attached hereto.
8Schedule A, Part 2 of By-law 11-82 is hereby amended by, designating Birch
Place, Spruce Crescent and Cedar Close as improved streets. %.1)
9. Schedule A, Part 3 of By-law 11-82 is hereby amended by changing the zoning of
part of Lot 58, Concession A from Agriculture Zone 2 (Special Agriculture) to a
Future Development zone, as shown on Schedule A, Part 3, attached hereto.
Schedule A, Part 3 of By-law 11-82 is hereby,amended by changing the zoning -of
part Of Lot 31, Concession A from Open Space Zone to Future Development zone
as shown on Schedule A, Part 3, attached hereto.
11. Schedule A, Part 3 of By-law 11-82 is hereby amended by changing the zoning of
part of Lot 41, Concession A from Residential Zone 2 (Seasonal Residential) to
Commercial Zone 5 ( Resort Commercial) as shown on Schedule A, Part 3, at-
12. Schedule A, Part 3 of By-law 11-82 is hereby amended by changing the zoning of
part of Lot 59, Concession A from Hazard Land Zone to Residential Zone 1
(Detached Residential) as shown on Schedule A, Part 3, attached hereto.
13. Schedule A, Part 3 of By-law 11-82 is hereby amended by changing the zoning of
part of Lot 39, Concession A, from Open Space Zone to Residential Zone 2
(Seasonal Residential) as shown on Schedule A attached hereto; and the lands
are hereby exempted from the requirements of Section 4.5 of By-law 11-82 and
deemed to conform with the definition of lot contained in Section 3.68 of By-law
14. Schedule A, Part 3 of By-law 11-82 is.hereby amended by changing the zoning
for parts of Lots 61 to 67 inclusive, Concession A as shown on Schedule A, Part 3,
attached hereto and as follows:
a) part of Lot 62, from Future Development zone to Residential Zone 2
(Seasonal Residential)
b) part of Lots 61 to 64 • hisive from Industrial Zone 2 (Extrrve In-
dustrial) to Environmen " tection Zone.
c) part of Lots 63 and 64 from nvirorunental Protection Zone to Industrial
Zone 2 (Extractive Industrial)
d) part of lots 61 to 64 inclusive from Agriculture Zone 2 (Special
Agriculture) to Industrial Zone 2 (Extractive Industrial) •
part of Lots 65 and 66 from Residential Zone 2 (Seasonal Residential) to
Residential Zone 3 (Suburban Residential)
part of Lots 65 and 66 from Future Development zone to Residential Zone
1 (Detached Residential).
g) part of Lots 65 and 66 from Future Development zone to Open Space Zone.
h) part of Lots 65 and 66 from Industrial Zone 2 (Extractive Industrial) to,
Open Space Zone. V-
i) part of Lots 66 and 67 from Industrial Zone 2 (Extractive Industrial) to
Conunercial Zone 4 (Travel Trailer and Commercial Campground)
j) part of Lots 65, 66 and 67 from Industrial Zone 2 (Extractive Industrial) tO
Future Development zone.
,k) part of Lots 65,66 and 67 from Environmental Protection Zone to Com-
mearial Zone 4 (Travel Trailer and Commercial Campground).
15. Notwithstanding any other provisions of By-law 11-$2 the lands consisting of
part of Lot 24, Concession A, being Part 7 of Reference Plan 3R-2785, are hereby
exempted from the requirements of Section 4.5 of By-law 11-82 and deemed to
conform with the definition of Lot contained in Section 3.68 of By-law 11-82.
16. Notwithstanding any other provisions of By-law 11-82, the lands consisting of
part of Lot 19, Concession A being Lot 9, Plan 2A located on the west side of Vic-
toria Street, are hereby exempted from the requirements of Section 4.5 and Sec-
• tion 4.25 of By-law 11-82 and deemed to conform with the definiticin of lot con-
taiad in Section 3.68 of By-law 11-82. ,
17 Section 4.22 of By-law 11-82 is hereby amended by deleting Section 4.22(f) and
renumbering existing Sections 4.22(g) to (i) inclusive as Section 4.22(f) to (h)
18. , Section 9.3 of By-law 11-82 is hereby amended by adding a new Section 9.3.3 as
follows: •
• "9.3.3
Nothing contained in Section 9.3 of this By-law shall be deemed to
exempt any person from compliance with the requirements of any
other municipal by-law."
19. Section 10.4.4 of By-law 11-82 is hereby amended by deleting the words "describ-
, ed as part of Lots and 67," and replacing them with the words "described as
part of Lots 65, 66, and 67."
29. Section 10.4.5 of By-law 11-82 is hereby amended by adding the following to the
• end of the Section:
"The location of, mobile homes or travel trailers, either permanently or tem-
porarily on the lands herein described is prohibited."- , tree
i -
This By-law shall come into effect -on the final passing thereof by the Council of the Cor-
poration of the Township of Huron subject to compliance with the provisions of The Plan-
ning Act, 1983.
READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 19th day of December 1983.
READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 19th day of December 1983.