HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-12-16, Page 7Unending Fight Saved,Freddie. Dozens of .children go . heMe. from the HeSnital . for Sick' .0114", „fen each day—Most are coMPletelY cure. d.. But there are always, a few who are ;just "improved". That was the case with 14-year- old "Freddy., Freddy was :sufferingfrom chronic liver diaease„He was also, short of breath and` found it ficult to walk upstairs. • Tliat was the puzzling factor ip his case since be 'has a normal ilttht:Eilbrtvete'dtn.hteu, a..ellyircuiltatlowna:s discovered Freddy's lungs were groSsly did-' After radiation treatment at the, Princes Margaret Hospital, his hlood vessels were shrunk, Freddy is now able to go to school again and ride a bicycle. • Although Freddy's case, is rare, a lot has beea.learned from the study of his condition. Cost is never considered at the Sick Children's when a child's life is InyolVed. But eventually there has to be a financial reckoning. That is why each year at ChriSt- mas-time the Hospital asks you to 'remember. Contributions should be address- ed to: The Hospital for Sick Chil- dren, 555 University ave., Toronto 2, Ont. ST linFINS---,The pupils of the St, Helens Seitool, under the dim- Won of their teacher, Mrs, Jack Fisher and music supervisor, Mrs. Dodgers, ,presented a fine Christ- mas. emiecrt in the community hall on Tuesday evening, Wallace Miller was •chairman for, the program which consisted 'of- Christmas . songs by the ,.PtInils,• .recitations by JacqUeline Cooper„ Allan' McDonald, Verna Aitchesen. and Corrine 'Cranston, Douglas Aitebblon," Lynda Lyons, Loree Gammie, Hughie Todd, Donald Me- Donald, 'Vera' McDonald, Veronica Lippert, Judy Dorsett and Melvin Lyons; duets by Sheila MeQuillin and - Susan Dorscht, and JOY •Dorseht, • and- Hughi solos by -Patricia Lippert; Sheila MeQuillin and Pamela Cooper; an. accordion solo by Bryan Gam- Playa well Presented were 'The Concert Rehearsal", "Christmas All the Year'! and "TV Comes to St, Helens", ,Santa Claus appeared in clue season, A treat .of ice ()ream. and lunch concluded a fine evening's entertainment. ST. HELENS White Gift Sunday, will he ob- served 'In the United Church next Sunday' morning. Donation of money or other gifts will be grate- fully received. Mr. and Mrs, Clarence MacLen- nan and Betty of Glarnis were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, George Stuart. ,PORDWICH—St, Anne's,Quild of Trinity Church liejti Its December meeting at the home of Mrs, Pill Sothern aviilcb was also a Christ- mast party., The• opening hymn was "(D Little Town of Bethiehern"„ Mrs. Bruce Sothern gave the Scrip- ture reading. Roll call was an- swered by a verse from a Christ- mas carol, Financial report was given and showed a very Successful year. Mrs, 'Peter' Brown, Mrs, Lyle Sim- mons and. Mrs, George Holland gave Christmas readings. Members decided to save bpx tops again this coming year. 'It was decided' to give a donation to the general fund of the •church and also to .the, -Sunday ,,Sohool:' mire,' Jack Douglas• presided for the election of officers which are: President, Mrs. W, Hargrave; ist vice, -Mrs. Bill Sothern; 2nd vice, Mrs, Jack King; secretary, Mrs. William Kato; treasurer, Mrs. Lyle Simmons; pianist, MISS Elva FoSter; auditors, Mrs. Peter Browne and Mrs, Jack King, 'Mrs: E. C, Attwell closed the meeting with prayer, Mrs, Roy Simmons and Mrs. ,Bruce Arm- strong were in charge of the Chrfstmas program, Several con- tests and games were, held. Christmas gifts were exchanged and each member was given a secret Pal for the coming year. Mrs. Wellington. Hargrave assisted the hostess in serving lunch. GUESTS ATTEND W.A. MEETING ST, RELUNS---MrH, Angus Me- Donald was hostess for the month- ly Meetings of the W.M.S, and the WA, of the United Church on ThursdaYliOPP, when 2$ ladies Were 5n attendance, B, F. Green was in charge of the,. W.M.S, meeting and follow-ing the reading of the Christmas story from Luke, by Mrs. W. I. Rutherford, concluded a candle iighting service, Mrs, Lorne Woods lit candles for light, love, joy hope, courage, peace and the graces to ease heavy 'burdens, while appropriate readings were given by Miss Rutherford, Mrs. G. MacPherson, Mrs. W, Miller, W, A. Miller, Mrs, W. 0, umPhrey, Mrs. C, MePonal0 and I`ffrs:-X -Carrieroli: " " • - The ,treasurer reported the au- tumn thankoffering as $40.10 and that $192 had hpen forwarded to the Presbyterial treasurer, Rev, B, F. Groen conducted the re- eleetipp of the officers from the following slate presented iby' Mrs. W. A, Miller: President, Mrs, Green; vice presi- dent, MisS W. D. Rutherford; secretary, Mrs, L. Woods; treasur- er, Mrs. Frank McQuillin, Conven- ers, Christion stewardship, Mrs. G. Stuart; Chirstian citizenship, Mr's, Cameron; Associate Helpers, Mrs. W. A, Humphrey;, supply, Mrs. D. C. McDonald; literature 'and Missionary Monthly, Mrs. W. T. Miller; press, Mrs. W. A, Miller; community friendship, Miss Ruth- erford; Baby Band, Mrs, C, Mc- Donald; pianist, Mrs. E, W, Rice. Mrs, Stuart presented the inter- esting chapter from the study book, Africa Disturbed, On Door- step hearth and home. Mrs. T. Todd• presided for the meeting of. the W,M.S, which open- ed with the theme hymn, prayer and creed. The theme of the wor- ship service was °By this shall all men know—perfect harmony. Mrs. McQuillin read the Scripture les- son and Mrs, McDonald the lesson thoughts. The treasurer reported $44.98 in • the treasury, Mrs. C. McDonald presented the slate of officers and these were re-elected and installed by Rev, Mr, Green They arc; resident, Mrs. T. J, Todd; vice sident, Mrs. Frank McQuillin; sec,-treas„ Mrs. MacPherson; card sec., Miss Rutherford; pianist, Mrs. Rice. At the conclusion. a pleasant Social hour was enjoyed with after- noon tea served by Mrs. Stuart and Mrh. Todd. ' MAIL DELIVERY LATE Some of the gorresponcienee this week arrived at the Advance- Times office' as we were making up the pages to go to press and We apologize to those faithful wo- men and hope everything will get back qn an even keel when the Christmas rush subsides; EVENING' AUXILIARY HOLDS ANNUAL MEET BELGRAVE—Mrs. Lewis Cook welporned tha members, of the Eve- ning' Auxiliary of Knox United Church to her .home on Tuesday evening for the. regular and annual meeting, which was opened by a hymn and the Lord's prayer. The minutes' were read, by Mrs. C. W. Hanna and the treasurer's report by Mrs. Robert Grasby.' Mrs. Ted Fear, leader of the C.G.I.T. 'group, made the sugges-. tion that the Evening Auxiliary members be adopted by the C.G.I.T. members as their mystery mothers and for. the mothers to. try to guess who adopted, them.. Attendants Attend AnniverSary GORRIFJ—Mr. and Mrs. Leonard home afternodn and evening. Rattan, Highway 87, celebrated the Pouting tea were Mrs: MacDonald, 50th anniversary 'of their wedding Miss Gibson, Mrs. Higgins and on Saturday, rortY-three guests Mra, •Scott, The entire family of sat down to a hot' turkey dinner five sons and one daughter, sixteen served In the Ciotrie United Church grandchildren and one great- hall by the ladies of the Eastern grandchild were present, Willing Workers group of WA, Mt', and Mrs, Rattan were mar- The head table 'was attractively sled by the late Rev, L, Perrin of centre d with the ,wedding cake, Wroxeter Presbyterian Church at flanked by gold dandles :in crystal the home of the bride's parents, holders arid. an artangeMent of Mr. and Mrs. SaMtiel Snell, 'Grey White snapdragons and Pink 'ear.' Township, on, Decd./libel. 15th,• 1,000. rations, On the other tables were They, lived tor three years in Moe- ow tapers with whilte baby mums rie Township then moved to their end yellow snapdragons. present home don. 0, Howick. „ At the head table were the bride Both have been active workers e nd groom of fifty years; brides- in the Gerrie United Church. Mrs. aid, Mrs. William MacDonald; 'Rattan was a former president of wer girl, Miss Heleft Gibson; the W,M.S, and also a worker in ronto, groomsman, Anson Rut. the W,A, Mr. Ruttan has been on organist, Mra, Cloyfte Higgins, the board since Union. and is an evale arid Rosa &filth, elder of the church, He has been i n the place of his late eampaign .ehalrman for the Red lArS, Milton Smith, who Cross' for two, years, soloist, The RaV, old Mrs, Mn. and Mrs. ktiltan received , Rird, Rev, S. dark° and Many lovely gifts, among them b'e- Joai were also gueits lag wrist watches from their , O n Was held at the family,. to va BLUEVALE 111 41111 abb4ntr= Variety Program at Christmas Concert ,and Mrs,. J. McTavish and children of tontiOrli anent sun. tilt4 tr Mr, and Mra. 1Y1e. Mrs. George fletherington visit* ed in, Galt at the Wrait^^eIld. .rotrn. ta.9indweNtrors;etzt guests eret. d.oefr. of ,;r. and Mrs. Joseph Horton, MOSS Smith Was. home from West 0111 for the weekrentl. Mrs, 1404Garniss, MO, Charles EQ4 /140,P; And'. Mrs. ,Charles Johns- ton spent Saturday in -Kitchener. Mr, and Mrs, Clare Hoffman, and Robby and Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Welsh of Barriq }Were visitors with Mr.•'.and Mrs, Charles Hoffman. On Thursday evening, Mr. nay- mond Schmidt of •the Eluevale Milling Corapany, organized a Chain saw demonstration which had a good attendance, Refresh- ments were served at the close. RIATICVAIA--.A 14400 *Moo g reeted .the pupils. of Pluevale. School for their concert on Friday evening, 'Parents and Mends were well repaid for braving 4tOrnl$' evening. gr.. A. 0, Nee10fit chairman, Every pupil hail a.:place on the program was of great variety, •ceneisting. of l cruses, dl alogues, drills and recitations; an well given., It would 'be ..Impos, sible to 'mention each number, The tiny tag performed without fear, The singing was delightful. The dialogue "The 'Five-Fifteen" showed .a railway waiting :roam and travellers of .1slifferent typel and. all amusing, Little .girta dress,- ed to represent dolla • made ",ft Pretty show. A rain MO; aid drill with 'gay umbrellas was. much enjoyed, as was a candid drill, The •manger scene at 13ohleliero,. with animals. represented 'as• well as people, .was the background, tor; some beautiful Christmas".song.' The "surprise ..drill' was really 'a surprise, the performers being ea. closed within huge boxes - Which . «.„ ,••••••-• The Scenery and costumes Must have required a great deal of effort 'to „complete:. The teacher,, Miss Berva Gallaher and the music: supervisor, Mrs. Nora Moffatt, received • much appreciation for a fine program, F wormait4 0Nrknio, wvDNESDA11, .11aPagivIBAIR 10, 1$H SCHOOL PUPILS HOLD ANNUAL 'CONCERT 'EXCHANGE GIFTS AT ST, ANNE'S GUILD SANTA AGREED that these two youngsters had been good all year and were deserving of a Christmas gift, The two were part of a group, that packed the Grorrie =Community Ifall last Saturday afternoon when ° St. Nick arrived to distribute treats to the children of the village. -DRUo ST(1 HOURS FOR HOLIDAY WEEK-END BECAUSE OF TILE EXTRA LONG HOLIDAY WEEK-END VANCE'S DRUG STORE WILL BE OPEN SATURDAY, BOXING DAY, FROM 2 TO. 5 P.M. L. E. Vance J. P. McKibbon Greetings Sung for Three 13LUEVALE—The Mission Band met in the schdolroom of the Unit-' ed Church during the morning service on Sunday. The president, Grace Mathers, presided, There was an attendance pf 30, Bill Hetherington read the min- utes, Calvin McLennan present- ed the offering,• The roll was, "What do you like best about Christmas?" There were also suggestions fin a name for 'the Mission Band, Birthday greetings were sung to Grace Mathers, Jim Hetherington and Lloyd Peacock. Mrs., Jim, Johnston gave a reading. A film, "The Story of the Three Wise Men", was shown. Leaders Mrs. Joseph Horton, Mrs, T. E, present were Mrs, Neil Craig and Kennedy, and Miss Ruby Duff. Mrs. Alan'll. Neelon, 111/ 1 . 111#11111,411 1 SPE SAKi iT-INSTITUTE BLUEVALE 'the Christmas meeting of the Bluevale Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Harry Elliott on Thursday afternoon, Mrs. T. E. Kennedy be- ing convener of the program. Mrs. Sparling Johnston presided. The secretary-treasurer, Mrs. W. J. Peacock, reported a satisfactory balance. in the, treasury, Rev. T. B. Kennedy gave the Christmas message. He deplored the commercializing of Christmas and said we should emphasize Christ in Christmas activities. He stated that Christ came 'to earth to reveal the Father, to seek and to save the lost,and Co destroy' the works of the devil. Christmas carols were sung with Mrs. Alexander Corrigan in charge and Mrs. Carl Johnston accom- panying. Donations were received for the Children's Aid at Goderich and for 'the shut-ins in the neighborhood. Refreshments with a Christmas flavor were much enjoyed: They were served by 'the hostess and Vesper Service Sunday Evening FORDWICH—The C,G,I,T. held their annual Vesper Service in the United Church on Sunday evening. There was carol singing preceding the service. Glenna Hibberd and Audrey Ruttan were the leaders. The candlelighting service was taken by Patsy Harris,.. Phyllis Wilson, and Doris Carswell,-,' The Story was portrayed by these five girls and Margaret Ann Wilson, The choir sang two numbers. -jean Siefert and 'Sharon Pollock were the ushers. This Christmas . • 1 give modern electric appliances FORDWICH----tTrinity W.A, of the Anglican Church held its annual meeting in the baSement of the church with the president, Mrs.• Ruby roster, presiding and had as guests members of St.' Anne's Guild. Mrs. Roy Simmons gave the Scripture and Mrs, Emmers,on Fer- guson led in the Litany. Reports were given from the W.A., ,Senior Guild and Little Helpers, Election of officers took place and are as followa: Honorary pres., Mrs, E. C. Attwell; .pres., Mrs, Ruby Foster; 1st vice, Mrs. E. Ferguson; 2nd vice, Mrs., R. Sim- mons; secretary, Mrs. L.^ Jacques; treas., Mrs,- E.• .Hargrave; Guild treas., Mrs, E, Strong; press sec., 'Mrs. Bill Sothern! .'Dorcas sec., Mrs: Bruce '.othern; 'quilt com- mittee, Mrs. E. Strong, Mrs. M. Armstrong and• Mrs. IS: Foster. Donations were Made to General Fund Sunday School And Budget, Yarn and 'flaanelette ia• to be pus= chased for layettes and the ladieS o- hawk Institute early in 'the :new year. • The meeting, closed .with prayer. A short Christnias Program was held and lunch was periled. • Euchre Winners FORDWICH—Eleven tables of progressive euchre were in play at the Fordwich community, hall, sponsored 'by the hall board, Winners were high lady; ,Mrs. Harvey McDermitt; high gent, J. Winaton; -aMrSr Schaefer. Thoge in charge were, Mr. and Mrs. Frarik •Leppington, Mr. and Mrs. William Clyne, Modern electric appliances give lasting WHITE. .GIFT SERVICE 41N4UNDAYAORNINfr FORDWICH—White Gift service was observed in the •Fordwich United Church on Sunday morn- ing. The children gathered in 'the auditorium of the church, and as the : superintendent, Mr. Glenn Johnston called out the names of thc teachers, each class came for- ward and dropped • their white gifts in a 'Christmas stocking 'held by 'the teacher. It was then hung on. a decorated tree at the side of the altar. •. This money will be used for some needy cause. Rev.- A. F. .Gardner took as his theme "The Way. to Christmas". The:choir rendered a. yeti, beauti- ful. anthem. " service and pleasure because they're so. easy to use, so inexpensive Lo operate. There's.such. a wonderful variety" that be,. able to please everyone on.your dhristmas list. You'll always be remembered fOr giftkof modern electric appliances that help your -family and friends' "liVe better electrically" the safe, clean, modern way. MINIM • • Mr. and Mrs. Glenn boig of St. Catharines spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Ross Doig. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stewart and Douglas of Listowel visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sothern. • Mr. and Mrs. T. I.'Schaefer spent Saturday in Kitchener: Mr. and Mrs. Aitchesdn, Wallace, Mrs. Jean Massey. and children Spent one day last week in Kitch- ener. , Mrs. Ruby Forester of Toronto spent the week-end' At her home here. Miss Donna Siefert •oa Galt visit- ed over the week-end at her home here. Mr. arid Mrs. Cecil 'Galbraith of Guelph visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay 'Galbraith, Mrs. Ruth Corbett of Gorrie visited all last week at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. George Pitten- dreigh and Tan, Miss Minnie Mc- Elwain, 'Messrs. John and William McElwain spent one day last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Trimble in Orangeville. Mr. and Mrs. Wally 'Gibson, Gar- field and Harold were in London, Friday. Harold remained in Vic- toria Hospital, where he will un- dergo more surgery this week. His many friends hope he'Will have a speedy return to home and' good health, Mrs. Maurice Wallace and chil- dren of Dundas spent a few days last week with , Mr, and Mrs. Aitcheson Wallace. ' Mr, and Mrs. Mervin Wallace of Guelph spent two days, last week with Mr. and Mrs. Harper Wood. The sympathy of the community goes to Mrs. Albert Johnston in the loss of her sister, the 'late Mrs. Ernest Albrecht, Who Vas buried 'at Harriston last week, Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Nyle Soohner Of Kitchener; nee Margaret Allan, formerly of Ford- wieh, on the birth an a son. Mr. and Mrs. *Taal( "Montgomery of Milton, spent the •week-end with Mr. and 'Mrs. Harvey ' HYDRO is yours 4vx: • "WV.r.a/es.c3 LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY Euchre Party'. The Afternoon group expressed thanks for lunch given for the Missiarr Band exercises, and they also 'donated eight dollars to held pay the expense8 of the delegates who attended AlMa College last summer. Mrs, Ross Anderson, convener of the' nominating committee, read the report as follows: past pros., Mrs. GOrdee Bosnian; •pres., MTh. Clif- ford Logan; first vibe, Mrs. Ted rear; second vice, Mrs, Eldon Cook; Sec., Mrs. Clarence Hanna; asst. sec., Mrs, Kenneth Barbour; press,' Mrs. Ralph McCrea.; treas., Mrs. James, Colinas; aaSsodiate help- ers, Mrs. Cordon Bosnian'; ate-ward- ship, Mrs. Albert Bleman; citiZen- ship, Mrs,'Normen Cook; eommun- ity friendShip, Mrs. George. Johns- ton; literature, Mrs. Sam Plettli; supply, Mrs. Robert Grasby; pian- ist, "Mrs. George 'Johnston; audi- tors, -Mrs, Alan 'Dunbar, Mrs, Sam Vetch; group leaders, Mrs. Eldon COok, Mrs, Kenneth Barbour and Mrs, lohn. Nixon. Mrs.', John Nixon'a group was in charge of the meeting and opened it with a hymn, after Which Mrs. James Coultes led In prayer, Mrs. Sans ,Pietch read the Scripture les- son. Mrs. Nixon read the origin of the hymn,"0 Littit Town of R ethlehem", Mrs, Ted Fear read a Christmas story and. Mrs, ,Nixon read, a poets and blond the .Mtiet- 'overiingT in the United Chtirch, ing with prayer, Mrs: Robert cohninencing 'at 816, i,Alfie the Sun.° by led, In reereation and lunch was day School conet4t on. ben, 23rd, served. BELGRAVE—The lest euchre party of the year Was held in the community centre on Wednesday evening, High prizes were won by Mrs, C: it 'Coultes And Chris Ne- thery, Consolation prizes went to Mrs. Fred' Coelf and Carl"Protter. Novelty, prize Winner Was ,Stanley Cook, The next„party Will be 'held in January, BELMAR 110.1.947•%•!, Everyone Is invitect tti attend the Vesper ,SerVlbe 'on Sunday vapa-xv••• *-. • • aaamawaRn'''m