The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-12-16, Page 2�7 It I 04" TV* Tho 1vot$10ft A, MW D A TOWN, 94 1 - Tma G Th�, pzasa few wvekws 1vive pre- stoxeti -a number of probtetus for tile- te of Wingh-ma ;111411 iuklo�41 4,4 peop I Throaq�4wut dDe pret,�41e4 the \,ow oa thi� Canada Tt%i1w.vaiwe Ava xbomghtiu� pekvk� on %all 'SWeS, trave a good de. -J dtv va-dowis- asjwclt� oi \\`e know lzuwt is lite 4�ase btvau-iv we heard litea0:c Jqt,7em-, %4* dws., Nvilt, ftlund tile be cont Then Dast week- The Aklvan�,e- Times 4.,,.irried a series 46� �eanvir-.� %4n the qgueslik"n 4.4 -'unda% Fk�aqiaqg an evidewe tban anwher JOT4�WeIn was under pt1,,N� ecAusi%leratiton In n ver,, This week`�*�- ic-arrie,, finrther Delwr� t-,�n the pzl4g% h% the ahal we \"�,flo -aeetIbR QQjj th6S at alhe presena tinue. dkN-isica" to J-,�.ul,4*4z fiur- ther �kziers, ahemi skaling arises emlx frq:ma thae f,�avz that we MOTHERS NEEDED acin latnticoned in thi-, C�vihmnn is ahe Srout and Cub Nlcothee-, a group vvhi�cb was &,)nned sqmw years ag�* tv� pravide, prziczic.0 tanct, for the twc) irnpowtant boys" ,,rk0UP',1-- in 1OW19D. Da -Sl Week- ihe wwh�ers heul a. social evenin,-� = .rhieh_ there was -a t2—qger tban -usnfl' zattendance. but under ontlinary oon- ,difitin. s alxxat seven or ei!,��ht ccan- s-cientions wonien carry out the en - 4 ire PrOgMni. � Peflhlapss� the ',:�L-nut �Iuxiflvn-y has been mqg��ecTed becanse there are So inan-v oth-er activitieF- iq.)T the lwdie--, of lite, c"anivnnifivr. If that Is flDe mason it is a good ane� for nqi one ferson,kould hape to) �-izjppon aBD the ft `is; oti�-. traihle opinion that this r no -wt Pa.rlicut- bMal ation. deserve, t - ter treatilnent, Tor iq Seeks ti�# nifer enconraF,eu-nent and as-.sistanlre viii) one 40 cour most vit,0 elernent_,-�. Winghant has. se far-. been sEng-�n- harib, hlessed-bv aBnzost toi-0 Back of jin-venille delinquenqr as i� is kniown ,2111d in se ManT eaheir pRace�;. 'Tliss harppy ecmdkAicim daes Mott exist lbernt-,se tre have Netter how-_,; th2n parews in Tomamlp and 1iontrext Possess, OnT yommgsters, are well banared taTiggel Y be -cause 1hey dc) not have to lfire -in ;,vreal -finws& f1hir P*)Twnlation, is stHt T�txhfficsefifllr sm;12B 147"1 -pennit the r4eir- sznau atllmtivon ta eech y n Min pster dhat he AN this, qjif v-!.,a1T:i;e is. anrvtheTi 1my of -mving thal the m10 _,-�erinns mume in� Darzer tcolrn,.�,, and cities dt# so o.,n�y beiranse fltere aYe rN11 enmg.h iweTeste4 sidahs� to,,, keep them� rq"p , , ged En nmime- wqoTah- in Tninit hfow- vwr. thal ahnnsa withomt exrejaitrm vcv in Whkg�hn= ere 'anNioons_ 1((4 Zn - crease the t�-iae q�� cmr zonumannity. We are very hcorefno ed rth-e thst nni(f.,ze lwi-olde, vTHI HTe here. 15'-q�) tbnn VMk ge,o; vziuD ri-e he llyetterr --fll z1he %,vav romnd. 7h,-a� W*g p ""he cnase Ive "f1mmko he lzlkim�4 Q kng 'and keen" NfoAk :ad ahe fnalinre Ttof onir ior ff omr arezamm,-, c)f gmwah and devek-�pjmtent rnater_ Hre , -%ve zitt EnevftahtT *nQv t1e prtoldetms trbizh are inl�e:reml TAtTfi Darger �h- jeNrqnMrv. The $Srant �nd CZ,1) Mothers hpwk- a pftimizmt Turegrann Iwo d1n n1hvit. �Xhare in the SnAport rAi this Most impe mat�t &qsz' q -))r vu'�.V^,can m4e-a gm� at -AD urvore help nith their 11tVingliam.Advance-Mants 'P�� sit Vltrgbiwk� 06twu V"WeL.'r P*& emm by*. 40MOOMM RM10* — *got 1r"& ;2*, $ft Akalw #90 U *44,60* U -S, A� *04 **, x6ar %ofto %W6 *" oft. 1"01 icel there hw,� hivvu mifivient expres I km to c1pinion Poll Ille Inatter. A-11% inTalner Delter, wtnfld Avn4 mli� Ito ri.qle.-u 'Altidw hayr al rVath, laverl vxpres�;vd e�vrat limes 444 the eqjitOF. We lVIwatrko naant are ;4ways we�ctonw4l hy 71v .,Xdvance .111lies. In fa,,�I, we do aw Carry llearh- enam - gh and iwA�Ve-li Mo)'�.a 1,4vt,1081to havv ill lhi-; wv n. U. 14-f)T4 unan 44i (nir good eili,?eps Deatle ght., 044-4uglns, pqddie �dhair­, -enfirely tq.� dle lalaL.es Ito; Claim alle tad% �,MW olsinitals 4 a r,p,,!Wq. �Ap s. ­�R The tegler�z whieh have appeared in ibe jba­�t iwqi� have het -n par- awaalari% lahmlok- w coonulnunilv 11fe and ­,pirh. Tpwrre has l4fren I sivarp. (ifisa,-Tret-tnenu r,%,er ibe que,.-,aiim at hand. and, lwoiarr% on boah have ahl, anif ex It resised their vie,,V5. We ean all be hi!ghly oplimistie aro-but the falture oi Winqr_ ham as hal'- n�z it, pffq4e are reakly io think 11eep�lt- and express flaein- FREELY RENDERED SERVICE Raa�;l 'week it was 40-ar privHegge i u, .4t a s a nztnd wr t q � a newDv- io-nned tC1U1Mt11.87.nqqVt- vm and public �v�T ahr Ang�iean Diticese t4 0 innnn. Reh,,�­ a meanher of tile praiession we spa�ke ihe%newspapers Q,nT the vVhiDV 0,)ther regwesen- tatires fllk� thowghts of mdio, televis-ion anAL ci)ffier inedia where Our oin dizat accassion nzkghi wvl� Nt pas�,ed on to the ChUT-Zh , in fthiS 2TCa ITRDT lheiT C40B74AUeTZ-AF611% The Chief hIlly- 0en oi� 10)nr rhu%n� it vmn!s uhalk- as is so �Tiojpmzeney ihe �ase, aze koki. fzanlit- ir.qT. thin'!"s wre conlp�eteky over- vrNe-ni �,Vmwqhing new and :�nch Na,� tTue� t(i�j) a gmat 0eglee� v,;iqh 1,he -Zerviee Which neIV15- WM(U g6,2T1iC11kLr11'- tile, ATeek" lte�z. bave rendered to the -ksan exanlpDe l2si w-er-&-*5 is,�4ate od The Advance- T�nues; cc-aTl­hN1 14,14 inche-, of church vq%-6-4 in.rhe�, �ess than 10 An(,l nh.41L -01aTk Tan oblit t1311*.E3 ff�)� ZOTUMBt 4f)) elntutnns oi qaee� TIns, lyp.e cuf service hes hi-,�en rtnoleref& Ivilhopno charge." lfo 1he ohnTr,7hes o�I this town and iq�z 01e pla-z"_ yeklars. N re,7rels his t�-M, L flar lzhunches-4mt lie dliyxt, z;.,i �et� that the recip- mkr a, &ol 6�nrggranned. One J1,rer J�-Le Vear-S, dezidedl it zom'P,4 r1k,) N-,jn, T affc,"TA? the pzlii-e reqq4tilre,4 *,) du a, yro)ytr pTh=n;,, om it,-- annnal to.,) a nihneo- e ap;h. 1V nrse�_SIHD ex- rp;eaef� to) �Czlrry ewtry k-4,sl iftetul (Of t5e V1ntnrh "am'd Ba's o)r­ ntn te,,niT, news coInmnNs-. tchlnn�he, cont ir�)f nhe a:- �f.or -�(,) romr, eTve cam, affizol even a 43-njaH no�fize alo-ont ibeir t`&�q it 6-� lquile a Cant- In(fd1l 1hf,-mnyL- fl-m-nD expem free fo)l- 1heir &')10 �.4mp- are nci a c4mqlenz- nafic'),nn 4j).1, the _U,04k� '70m) finithf"U'r sen -Te ttfte�ir T�I;e 'hz,- a!iSfi:n taraelr BXTanse tttt snzh 'p(ttiv hklmiruei5 �iici) tw s�k vrela 6I)T fthe relafinns, wbid-& ehnridn(k� ;,n -;;i in,�; hm4,ne 5es. shotild I=, inna�n .0� ihnes. There L-,� cer- m6n0% nrq otmher 161nce in the enailre the ZhInnthes re- tand 1�6q"n 1he �K�Mejrh of tnan- kl3ir.'Av rg��tmem, The timHke Ta,,,Ibe�) atr�1 anv atbte .Vo W:14 46 work". along. %-iih dne (t,'hnv+e�5. D'ofir the h�,+e;i ar(tafl,,,D �,o- a gmeal I*f ar ,n -ere appm-Fit-i td 16ir ain: er (,Nittizt. 18*er 1", %, �#Ith AQ O*Cell Of bilr1jeane and jht' eVArjQy"$ QL1 the 1,141IOP 140torY h4vefle"gd UP .At this uoiji4a- clety 4,ircctora are boldt",% a *V 0.4 Thurway afterr-'an to epean,01.1 m0l"I"'S it - Mr. C.1t, hAS WIM 40, ', on� k", MOM' NT, _, po next to thit -of Xavor Gurney - +,1EA":-, q su, VW,0'r 0. zr4wlow xEWM,&W 2 5 the 'rains of the W101, 1;%$. 7%0 :rjnU, ot"ed by Ur �",Inted official R"Pa"Woto b4,v001dj0rV0VJ1 He-establiOrnert 0 those who, an to praise 004 for that gorkridein from the U, nion factor), Wa.% jifte, hio, into the air and landed on the %Jr. J. i(Nirrit; I W100am Wightman-'arx) I I "i ggbigm $00kton Army ICO*4 % W,,SA!�SW rojnj�fl �b"V for WIturbin) NA . Y. 18*er 1", %, �#Ith AQ O*Cell Of bilr1jeane and jht' eVArjQy"$ QL1 the 1,141IOP 140torY h4vefle"gd UP .At this uoiji4a- srolerao*t. fir The incre#silnx potoose the semains, o� the ro9f frQw, 1114 ,bey recently puwhaswd. Th!, bo. season of C OM III of Feace *40 Qpodwj runtkbq _, po next to thit -of Xavor Gurney - that Is highest and zkobleAt What- g"r the tests of our earthly wall" radesbip A -0th OtOugh the years- X`et us be, ready may they In- borne uritit a Cbn-;.-, Unn %alth wbich wo t"ol can dis. I 0 those who, an to praise 004 for that gorkridein from the U, nion factor), Wa.% jifte, hio, into the air and landed on the %Jr. J. i(Nirrit; I W100am Wightman-'arx) I I near.and happy, how that -the 30or, of Ow ongel* Iscer(tary, Wj W am 11-'Ok4t- memories' of on that first �Chrlitmas long ago life, Lie t vs tra Wift taft to M131; those Who are re-eebo Mough al anta CIN 6 far away, let�n!� I �he earth. AWVe 0. 10t Am be t*rmlne to trav-0 140 10IMer %*ill'- *hk*b ?W"g e*member th at humbly grateful for that KinakN W.7thout uabt which. leads us. for that Won - life. May -we dmIffle, bv Wls;grace, ,life W,0jjj4 in. _4 ne%vr forgets 'Tender Fire- Poofyour P deed be tparron 4% -and for that 34em� and ho"poles: which heals our hurts� ond litts'W ev,ell jj, wo when We fall. U4J �it�g Glar WOWAieSt so",g$ 0 Ila thfS �azost ;glao seasop, let Us F-ratitude and PrAtse—fOlr 140MIE �ttwor� to put a4my �d� unkindness, and friends, for hte it$etf. for pow, 1 710 at 8 , bat , . biding jo,,, ,Pr to think, and SUM tQ wofl�, 1*1 or penna "ent profit may -be pur- nS t* th-JAkfUl too, for all tho$A Qha!�'d at the e)Me;j�* of Other& 'j_' tempom, Mess4ngs which supl:4, somftintes we dDink ourselves ill- eur nmis--for that disvipline of treated by some person or es In '"te _itnnk-e� %nay Wp re,.,er becom'. zes�e eNTer- tQ and serrow. for ti, I tval or Vindictive. If _,R0nxet3=e;,;1 iences which U�wh us to be mw* iz-e are eaq8ed to traWZ t%Mugh 18*er 1", %, �#Ith AQ O*Cell Of bilr1jeane and jht' eVArjQy"$ QL1 the 1,141IOP 140torY h4vefle"gd UP Wood isirs. Alvin P.- f os movea Into. the residenc, WWR IAQ014,00r gleam of stars. woy wr the semains, o� the ro9f frQw, 1114 ,bey recently puwhaswd. Th!, bo. ,never Iforsake our obedience to all buW.11din _, po next to thit -of Xavor Gurney - that Is highest and zkobleAt What- g"r the tests of our earthly wall" The sait works and thC1 We$terrl damaged, b,, It0bert (�Oultes �v" el"" Pre, siderot of tbe F,'aA Mktvanmb For. may they In- borne uritit a Cbn-;.-, Unn %alth wbich wo t"ol can dis. I FOU)mdrY Were also the burricane. Halt of M, Tool mer:�, Oub. The viee-Presi4lrit j4 %aarage, Nle�vr lot us forget L'h li3o, from the U, nion factor), Wa.% jifte, hio, into the air and landed on the %Jr. J. i(Nirrit; I W100am Wightman-'arx) I I fie Nyho does pot Allowa, sparrov�ll each, of�us �of, new s1k ating rinu, completely de- Iscer(tary, Wj W am 11-'Ok4t- fall unbeeded counts �More val"e".04ko �Ffths, VhroVgb all the varied Way$ cfi 4 life, Lie t vs tra Wift taft to M131; Who earae to "ttli �� Ahat fir. -Ft, 4MOSOn*A to �oe *Ae anta CIN 6 Us de-, -4 , , t*rmlne to trav-0 140 10IMer %*ill'- *hk*b ?W"g V Have, A. Merry out, that TAght, WIR no%, meanibg, new riebes *0 thh, Clirlsbijw; A life. May -we dmIffle, bv Wls;grace, atta e our )iVes 'to Ole tvUtlis] He reveds'as we eatch tbc Vision of, that AbundarAt IJfiP'%Vhi4V' Fire- Poofyour P C hr4st tattle to beqng� Aftll ly - 7b ting -in E;JL S n, A, F a1­L6tt­-­-".,-1----� -S, telow He &SHOR of Sunday 3 , Ing—fte you will find several le rs am the, qu hat, 4fesf -which will' app*ar ob this subject. The editor feel's firat both sides of I" :Problew have- 60011' WMPIY ,dealt with during The past two -weeks and that nothing is #a -h* gained by 1prolongbkq fka argum*af further. Some Jeffers *a ve iwoa *miffed beco US& of jgte -#rrivai vmr.d vfhers be- cause fhe writers did not sigii their names. Editor. Adraipce-Tin�,es. December 9, ISM Wingham Aftalwc-Times Dear Siz- Editor of AdvaneL-Tirnes. Gentlemen: The training of Children has'.been ruy 15fe work both as a school ten- War Sir- I waslet 1*ally surprised to no - cher and as a Sunday School tewh_ i lice se4eral k-fters Vublished I% er. Therefore I feel it my da4ty to I read voth compIete dismay the Winghajn Adraac*�MmM tmrv, vciee lz�v -Gst earnest disapproval your ree I ent tollection of rxplies to jW �thumj,5, dowe, on the L -ons, of the r2ons club's, action in $ee�r- the LIons C2ub Standay Skadr�g Club snggestfon that the Incal areLns fln-- to have the arens, open for I find it ilmost hnpos- be opvned an Sam f1orsupervis- Z sunda,y sktin,,,� naing taught, proposdi.' day siMe to br-Heve that Son- of the ed sImEng. sehool M=37 yeam I know wlercor I sWak when I say th-at ehu"dren thinlin- raen who signed those, The unfortunate part of the en- -,+jo are allowed to use Sulzday knir letters in the lasl Lssue could hare tire situation is that this tiny mn- %PWft kmrne to school so tired that done am or5ty can and will influenee the k Is alma�st to teach Is Sundg� the el;ild- entire eommunIty unless the majt)r- Nr skating -for them anything an 3fenday, the ren in the arema, worse than &-m ity of vnmghsmu�s day kbev shwaM be rested and akatIng on a frozen pond? jqP., And they must Vo it Ioudly aterL child who _­).-ates on a pond to bi� -and in e2rne�& *Ibev Must Mot be One of the most, aejPorable Un- Coademr .ed for it? A�s & boy in afraid to Make thE`17 -WW= Op5niOITIS denc!es of bur roodern civilization this o,,nt,,y. 1, W P_ rMe falmily 'Publim b; the Increasing ssecuBarization of tradition for the .FbrAe �paug. "Mon36, Certainly time set aside for Sun sy. The Lord's Day is tosim_- Diad and the kids to Za skating On Its 01"Aracter -and each year sees dean reeres7zdaia is a whdksSme it more and tnore de-t4terated, 1,41 Sunday 3teraoon. Can you tell nze Ideq� =d !SL-;o01an*t be Confw§ed them are sbM imanT who seeU to th"Mt 'doing this vk3s "'BEgious? -with Ibmaking the Sabb2th". AnO rets3n its sanctity- amd h0b7 P=- -Amd s-h-nfln­--T0 'he =em who sl2re,4, irs =Mtally and -oramy Wzse. The Ward, of God is sfffi true s3gned those letlez-4, I wetfld Eke bealthier to skate an Sunday -for in all its vmreangs, 2dmonitBonS to see in pent, their dermition of and pra=Hsm The per-sron Vhn hou. _,:�w�fttg on Sunday differs, `% few bo'�rs than to staS findoors =akess S=dNF a daF of wGrIE Or -0 f r=, skadng on Sunday� Watch and watch te!evislon or read comie play Violates 3, lawthat God aim Ims your rePlBes, gentlem— 1 take My books. _66t Wisft= desigred for IMMS 1119teSt farnfly swimuning on Sunday and aplow ame gmup of bezerlL NO one can beib-r smmud the I have ween Toz; them "'Ple Who are,�naloriavgY aga-5ne- -think--- T_,czd7s day than by homorin-- FR= TO have c=Retitive sport �wlth any Chaa&� dietmite to free wha =ad,, U% keepg us ama,su�5;_ a, r_,�ing audience an Sunday is jng dumens and to our Chuaren. tafts, mz, 'Never has tkds -daY of anether issue -In no va-F 00MneCt--d rest and glRdneSg' been =8re­ne`- Ito this harrrmless p3stime. ?Ihe rmen, ces:--r-T !to the s=Vs oo-fort, tEo' who connect the two in argunlent: N. XroteheM the mzgne-s samity and for the are -mdeed graspLmg at suavm if he,-Ats ease than it isat tIds tlwe� we ar, to b&ieve the stated con-� ujhen. thts prec!ous heritsV-- in SED asidc,� 'rictions In. the mast collection of Editor. Advan(n.-Times, =am.v quaders is b -:n-- cast , VrjLT1 the of leisure ietters, jet's; haire wrTaen jedar- Dem SiXt the (rjry ft f = a .=aav of ple-sure, atZons ft— the writer---, that thes ,&td imere recre2fivn. The result is; wffi not. we their TV or radio sefts 'Resaran_- f%e Csontroyeass, abmft I th3t Iffie 01114 san"dons =0 re- an like In ,Un&gT _%kV I Sunda. skarK47 'Id pt to watch 'or: 7 31 woui ;jaraints ar_�- be�ngbtckmdowm and zjeen r':,giou� braadca.�t; that I Wrong vath the; th8i lorrs nkv Es �_�g law t1haz they Vdu m-st M_'m- their autss idw1­070TEded tbat it., �s met audmg smday 8tbnoa h=rs, wlaeh 11 3= amy other dA, the s&T dsLvs ef thL, pleasure and recreation Par, vreerx� Rest I body arA MR— Of sinre-vramm m6t be the (twase- the sm-rit are tor-6ttem as tws poses, 172st. for At the preaent Ume there is ne- I age rushes an in ;its =d Pursuit MM rewgazus assxenriafs. t. fting lor young Ttqple, who ba,-, 1 ef Pleastre, wiln mn-, swim with m :Sdmdar rMbnol in the Morniug� to! if this mgmas aid-fashw-anea ka an o vrarrn or 6,D Bm fli-_ aftermoom and TL.da mm -11 you pleaszt- b-ar in =-hmi that it, has skafD_�, with. them cr,= a crisp vftter begere that Iho:y wculd -graw UP] the anthwlly-4b- anth- s,�,,Mday afte�=07=. -Ihafz they wM! to be wW worse fAtImms for beingi cri*� of Gad ADmfthly. � I .snp-pless the Makm7z and , Lrm�y � amzwed to _-Qati� tmdez- superrWan'. wmgs and Lord of Lord_:�. who Ipm.- Mature el. inmoee�t 2gzft" -he -M are small fit X,q ,4 W ;M vloleak Ris EnflnMe 74sda'al- has or smimplL. to skv, I -Wkm�, yen Caet dZ -P.Zme,mber S'abbath an, a impme--s �Im them ims� uz that:* bmnneteek_ L-eev it bcl�- �Sft days; sahn t awm byprocrfsy. mggers tke am�tweas aremvl s,�� �zm'bl na7so-sr a=d dv an thy %mrk:* Let As a father I am fed up with f -1 aet sp,, amy dIfferr_mM US e wimter =-d ,��ard &e (nitstlam, Sab- 1his, ezent*mt that Wa=t-S to SUPPreSs beweem s1aftg in th bltIL emmiRelh a an that is mc=!a and natural to swft=B=g im the srmmmer. nafthm %'at Si5m is a 17tprWitb to any 3, ke'suffis hu=nn ba -Ing, To the -AS a par=t wbe has Lded tm PMP:k1_ MA ex yea who agree Willa tbis 'b=ng Up her fa=Ay w5fthim #be szmeay skseug aecs 1 r,� Verna, MC-Laughnm "I � �- �M-m have the CZ, -V!. DT _Ee IL yenir QQ4Vie4=S to sav Inve M. l' -was wtugbaum, ont. Disvw,� -.rvojrs� Del% 7ftt�, n4u,, F�&-Jmr Aammeeinn%es '*7=gb3=. 'OwL ID*ar S --Ir: A-nMghS=, Ontwism Reminiscing A -AS jar&_�js a we _A1nZQf.,4 zgjj t��kc_ a gmd tam&- zd crmmehles.* D-Mee%nbrr 2ih. U Z-- t2ne day CT, lmtt Em tLne veek. Tle Adwanuic-Mm*s FWrF TEAMS ACTO Zo -W!hEXLh D=�Vv Urze to _Vema mm -= qr��C-Uy vduh cmr ffa=MET, we new mm. x W. Ist-_Wees -11=p a, tz take c= Z113kftem VrDr-91ha= Omts�_�ucL ns beem stettkr i=Pr­-Vd nv*--w arr C-,,�2r hqMds by ID=Odumg Ime'k, .F iffie a4diff-mon a� 3 121h=rIM s5nwr�g Smnlay oflernv=_ \WBICT& =W. 1rings the 5lbsp up to Coad w-adang and V.1_t;1TEMg 30- Irm My ognir,__ jbEs p7tPasa S=- ffibe ss&-� Of ftbe, Tay shvl& t4u-,,; =,& r1n*=1s M*0,2 nat N- % daF aratfit�g i9ses nni Vhriemften the Hzt ama mad tmflas om I* b2d aq azm_- pm& Mram stmuls CZ amr 0==Mr:6tF am MMY fti=e dMTir_& Me day Or PaL4sW_-M cl'a amig2em, =or sbar* ump az estbzjr 5mg azit the cb=v� WM RX.- =Zd- tr ir 11 ivzm or bedea, tban ne gaff a=1 exabel- 71ft is a 0=7EMUMW fthBt z&j�,ndry ?n, bf* ctlher ra=as e ga=bz%tn_- mmmx�v cT tur Df4r Mr.* in the -"=a and ftmav *= vrb:a ce watttm_g far. 7W_- is at, fk$t U-fter I ILYAV"" the esgalEfishei S=day fare,,fam= wr� jm-aT _11-nWdL wt :4� Con. 1Z. VZfft- *-VrfiU*-= !L�) UMF bZ1, ApxU, tbry4zlh aetob.-r. East WAWjjMV&15� �Wm h2aa am wvz- as OT dtp a"rv_�-Zn I&Vvvorter%, F.&vber U It W=ps, It WM be a tfian _-02e am FZidIly alurmom AM - MT tit, sata-,4T saftunl-g. 5:­SZe 1 WO "ZiL, Y, of nzl ML.caww" jwst a!ne mare &jb�z S*Oe, VPM be hod al akit brP=V tami mews"raper U -4i not bp cgm & -Ir to Tut C=r rzp, Z. P.64 k12:25i, evm- Im. Em U -1i, md we are rem. wastca ff a zam V"uv M a, fow X==er szkedute an a -,"r rvmd, sa=v tu7ms�g, ftll� ade ncmg bmgir, Mt% ama ati-_ Agzewri4inmmed mirsnT� Z�F lhxt fs em to the We atm�v have a, tem weew hc� CM mx!ldlul r-,We1-`aMg 8fl*T bemg Iwjw for aeveza� weels C'm ZzAtsl amb ft± 9a1rVM,,r-9 -'I�u; Churl*­V� &Y snr4tm� sAAt&v__, a Z&Z- fimg dm=ftg 1*bizh the �Wa WA&Z fttt =I&ISIarja Wkv tb#� it so�v Iketlets Wn Wt PyhV*1r frot-t "Mir 4:Q3Z1@L2PrV 1!&M.Uns ana sm�y 5h p�.Cp��e Vb-j UV It,,= .4�=JjLV skjqJ4 T*d a .Z16g sttlknca-, into ame buitZmg cr-ze a 7tmm coerk 2*06 bet�wy. tr the tmw-�A2Amm &*-own on 1whe", n* tmnon was zk="eg at, zdmle ama sveer tl"St ftem *X*u _4=�[Mw Qmmg tat, in WMa Itn' tnt*dng, 74M-_% im =V1 vj�e lmv�e tht W -ruck szIscals!" yml*m Vregglad 9L IWMEnamts,! ft ZMAC' SL toket'n is, ore a tI* rximtw ZhBngsl at'+Mdanor %t tintrnh sk-1 szba4v z=Ont ed lr-� a �*n6vv tzzb e -60M ab ft�t lbtl' sytbbBa ta;-ws aft. �szd tmws vp tb.e. ejedrnn te, a zmpblbt A velwrft ftt�F b%d Mg&�C6 Abnat an thaftls Deft ftz bdltitg� ==Ided 'h 4�%t=a ame Me. fW thL, C vmtb 0&t now fis "the P�toa *'M '-t='Wj)S zV-*5Vtd *n Mon - Witt, A fttle& aty *r1t=Me=,g ftbe sivaizzT, ffiness; we a�_l kmov tm�r lroetfAnmetw _-&­=,� sir-ttzted 3--d frer- ptolt- at fteagv Ut PrAlEem e X.Vmb ,-I- =-& tb--.s V P- , , , low E�ro� a rome± rell&ni tr WL---- ,Z-t� . - 14KIA to Uktl a ur"De :0: . _0 *3 tt, W,61 %XP �m 956= Own bv"Mtv�,� rsip st jPTV&AZ5;=5 relaglb&r. S�um-r 4 _3151 0 rta��t4 as 40, RtY IW -495 A60 a*1 ut r eltr W*a tr 1�9,k 14ht p,"mU, _4ho," A q V -r rz a Wtt�_- 1-14ft- *VM 501"arfired run WeditdIsa sswwoalls pftvfi& qs6le * 5�1� SM par"Wge� Ijft�,Ior. tm Wedn"ft, W ft]v) ftl V Wi*ft this, **N 11*A 1Z �Itn�t v* _g_%VdLXg ga�3t, � , " k7el SM*-, C'I 10- 'r I vbi= 3, tt 'e;. ewx Uft hit& 711t S6,10t;9 xb-*6 *Z-1 M- 0, W- TA"b- W a -W ust 46C tree or i Y.A.MCE'S L-D.A. DRUG, STORE, thd giff celpfre for 4onveweitt, One-wStop Shopping. App Suggestions for MILADY are: COLOGNES and PERFUMES &y Itevlan-, by -Diiloery and by Dona. STyLISH DRESstit SETS and 7 VELICATELY SCENTED SOAPS. - For the men an your list we have SHAVING SETS by Shulton and Yardley: RAZOR SETS1 PEN SETS, PIPESand BILLFOLDS. For the phof*graphy fan, the latest in CAM- ERAS and PHOTO ACCESSORIES. Of course,many more appropriate giffs,at a wide range of peices ore available, Sko�p early . . .'let V,#NCE'S I.D.A. DRUG STORE help you. solve those difficult giff selections. 0 Extra cash for shop kingl Shop nau,% pay iater—x0th casb from -4.. HFG. Co�venience is yours—speed I& 1 11 and courtesy, teo—when AMEWAP S;._ you, make an instalment cash loan at Household. Dmp in or phone for a loan up to $2,500� tife Insurante available an all Loons �.HOUSEHOLD FINANCE i6l. R. Jenkins, Manager WA West Siteel Telephant 1301, GODERICH &WK THE SALVATION ARMY i 111 f) a i i i VC, or vll,,e* SUNDAY SERVICES' 11J60a.m.—I-Ioliness "Aleetin�,r I )31 )) P.m.--Sun(h-'tV School 7.0,gh P.11I.—Salvatioll Nfeefing Tuesday, 8.00 pam — Christtnas Serenading Friday, 7.30 p.m., — Youth:Grotip. All Teen-.,Xrera NVeimille 7texea!%, wel,(-OnI6 rar'ro'o at the 04%rmy- I (ANGLICAN) Rei7 L.Th, - Rector M r s Gor(lon Davidson Pvganist 4th 8iinday 10 Advtut 83'0 aam—1 lolv lm%:—Carol Service 4,11A of Nfanmvenient Meel illA - Ree I tw%-. ' St.� . 01� I