HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-12-02, Page 7t. No. 1. Scotch Pine Christmas 41 Pt NY-- TREES 01\ BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS TREE FROM BRANCH NO. 180 CANADIAN LEGION ORDER FROM -MEMBERS OR PICK.' UP 'AT THE LEGION HOME , AFTER ' DECEMBER 10th (PROCEEDS FOR LOCAL WELFARE1 FARMER NEIGHBORS FETE TAYLOR FAMILY BELGRAVE—Mr, 'and Mrs. Or. val Tayler were pleasantly sur7. prised on Friday evening when 'about 50 'of their former neighbors, rom• the sixth line of East -Wawa- nosh gathered at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Tayler moVed from their farm in East Wawanosh to Bel. grave 'last spring, to the house 'formerly owned by Ross Robinson, A social time was spent and Simcn Hallahan gave an address.. Ivan Wightman presented Mr. and Mrs:Taylor with table- lamp and coffee percolator. Mr. Tayloi gave a fitting reply. Lunch was served, • Hear Fine Report On CGIT Collections, BELGRAVE—The regular meet- ing of'the Canadian Girls in Train- ing was held onFriday evening in the church and was opened with the •Purpose and Scripture. It was announced at this meet- ing that the group had collected $24.22 'for UNICEF and $22.75 for the Tely Milk Ship. Practice was held for th'e an- nual vesper service, after Which -games Were' enjoyed, The meet- Ing closed with Taps. • f. ea 1.00110 DEEP TWIST CARPETS Oldsmobile pampers you, right down to your toes with the beautiful clinging softness of deep carpets. 00. la•••• AIR-SCOOP BRAKES Built to last longer,- keep You safer. Oldsmobile's brakes actually draw in cool air over the drums., DATE BUNS Oldsmobile's features steal.the show...in every way. Extra value, extra luxury, extra all-round satisfac- tion...they're all part of the beautiful bargain when you make the exbiting move up to Oldsmobile, And they come to yqu wrapped up in the sleekest, most heed-turning silhouette 'you've eVer thrilled to. Why not look into Oldsmobile, very soon? You'll find it's a very satisfying experience.. Visit your Oldsmobile quality dealer right away and arrahge the details. He's waiting for your call. (DL.:CDSI\A'C)E31L—EFOR'CD The most vot1s6/Ing cap you can own I , r'sr, ; — " " • 'rho Wingkoo Ativoinee-tinvA WoihAvNi0W, Wet. VA Oga .failrers of ou rort .00141*r 'Who have been eN.e.eilling themselves "in 'eon/Petition and ..at the :same' time 'bringing good publicity to the county- referred ..especially Ron Smith, Prussels, who • WaS named top judge the livestock field • et this year's Royal Winter. Ilan. Torontei• Rodger 'Kieffer, Winghatn„ who showed the grand ,,01141nPinn Hereferd ..steer;. Kenneth Black with -the grand .charnplon in . the .Stkorthorn ,eless and Robert Al, lan, who Wakifor the third time Oared werld champion .in the Watt; class, . Melblirn •Gi'eenwoad, KR, chell.,Jrent Perth County, as direetor on, the ,Ontaria. As- soelation, hroUght greetings frorti the provincial body and Perth 00anty• Warden' Jewitt, reeve of Hullett Township, praised, the As'. s.oelation .for the . work , it is, Reeve Ivan Forsyth, of Topic, ersmith, chairman of the Huron County'.'Cotineil's agricultural corn.- mittedi -,,,intreditee.d•,hia-cominittea4 the reeve of West WaW41-10S11., Diirniii; the deputy reeVe of How. ick,, Harvey MeNtichbel .and the reeve of Exeter; William UdIcerigie,1 'who is a .rnemher .of the. Ontario .Agrictiltural 'Connell as -well. .,Kingsbury of , Guelph, field-- man with the crops,' .seeds and weeds branch, reviewed - 'the pro.; vineial - pasture pompetition- . and • suggested -that more Huron_ County- farmers participate in the 'minty Competition next fall,- Bruce coon- • ty had 64 entries. while Haron had Only,16, he stated._ Other slant speeches were given. by Charleg MaeNaughton,•• Exeter, Bailie •Par'rot, reeVe of Morris, and Clarence Hanna, reee Of Beat. Wawanosh., - Robert Allan express- ed thanks to 'the members of' the '.13elgrave- Institute far the splendid • dinner they served,-.and Mrs, Rich- ard Procter, president of .the WI., replied._ At the close of the meeting Mrs. Walter Scott, past president of the, Belgrave . WI., requested permis- sion to introduce a resolution re- garding Daylight Saving time, The resolution which was unaniniously supported by the 175 men, request- ed the Dominion Government -to declare Standard'''Time - for 1960. apd 1961 on a trifi'l basis. It alio requested that at the next Domin, . . ion election a vote be .held on .abol- ishing Daylight Savihg time. iromoomfogookommogoisoorookootwooatiorig**wwormextoomorogasoissoosommom Soil,:crop.improvemeitAssus Names Officers at Annual' Extra..cash far shop in, 01164 e his 100 arable acres in PaStarer and had a carrying capacity of 44 gni- ma's. Ills score was 206 paints, With a 'close 263. peintS, RoPQrt )3racetield, a new VOMptiti-ter in the pastern eernpetitiOn, placcd second; Donald Buchanan, BELGRA.VE-m-ApproXiniately 175 members'of the Huron County Sou • and crop Improvement 'Asso0,14-, tion attended the annual banquet and Meeting held in the Foresters' Hall on Wednesday evening, eat, ered to by the Belgeave ..Wornert'a dry . ODIUM 0 Shop now, pay later—with.cash from 'HFC. Convenience is yours-'spend; and cOUrtesy, too—when you make an Instalment cash loan at Household, Drop in or phone for a loan up`to $2,500. Life Insurance. available on all Loans • HOUSEHOLD FINANC M. R. Jenkins, Manager 35A West Street Telephone 1501 GODERICH rot ...gifts of love, from our exquisite selection of jewelry! Choose, for exarriple, from our precision watahes, sparkling-diamond rings ... or sterling silver! 'field' husbandry department of,the 04.C. lit Guelph, Dr, 'Huntley quoted 'statistics of the Ontario crop report for 1.303, comparing them with previous years The only poor repOrt this year was for winter wheat, of which one-third was winter killed, At the end of the harvest the net was 10,000,000 bushels less, but he added that the 1058—Wlicart —e-rop- 'wins' 1fOrilidefed. the best on record. In the spring grain class this• year 142,000,000 bushels were - harvested, 10,000,000 less than in 1958. Hay and silage were'hetter this year. , This year saw' 27 ,bushels , an acre" yield of Soya beans, 2,000,000 bushels more than in 1958, TM corn crop was 1,000,000 bushels higher, resulting in the second highest crop of corn Ontario 1JTa$ ever produced, and with a yield of 64 bushels to the acre. Dr. Huntley, in summarizing these figures, stated, "In 1959, af- ter all the complaining we did' be- cause 'of 'the hot, dry weather, we had one :of the 'best years in the history of Ontario and' with some luck it will go further; Our .crop-, ping praetiees are far better than they were- 20 years' ago and .we are doing things that our forefathers did not dd." The Ontario Soil and Crop Im- provement Association, in its 20 years of existence, has been work- ing with oats, wheat and barley 'to produce more yields per acre, stat- ed Dr. Huntley, and it is unfortun- ate that when one looks at forage crops one does hot get the same story. Dr, .Huntley 'said that the farmer should use zone averages of acre yields as guides—that-.so far there is no specific reconimen, dation for 'any specific farm. Institute. It was stated, at thia -:benc,lesboro, was third with 201 meeting that 'the Ontario crop re. - parts .for 195.9 showed this year' DauK 7Viilps introdneed the, gitest. had been one of the. .hest in that•I.SPea4ef,. Dr. D, N, I-Itintley, of the • respect in the history of the pro, vinee, • . The following efficers were elect- ed. for the coming year; Pres., 'WU- 114M Clarke, R.R,. 5., Goderich; first •.Clarence Shaw, Wing ham..... second vice-pres,„ 'George Wheatley', R.R. 11 ;Dublin; .see,- treari„ H, Miles, Huron Colnitry'. agricultural representative, laireetors,,,East,Wawanosh,-,Jacit, Taylor, ,n. R. a, Wingharn; Hay, Tan MeAlliater, Zurich; Stanley, Anson McKinley, RR, 1, Zurich; Stephen, ,Elmer Towel R.R, 2, Cen- tralia; :11sborrie, Harry .Dougall, Exeter;. •Tuckersraith, Rob.. ert Broadfoot, Brucefield; Norman Alexander, Londesboro;' GreY, -James Knight, R,R. 2, -Bras.' sels; liowick, Ron McMichael, 1' Wroxeter; Turnberry, Clarence Shaw, Wingliam; Ashfielci, .Ralph Foster, RR, 3, Ooderich; Morris, Robert Grasby, R.R, 4, Brussels; Wawanosh, Tom Webster, R.R. 2, Auburn; McKillop, George Wheatley, R,R. 1, Dublin; Colborne William Clarke, R.R. 5, Ooderigh; Ooderieh, Walter Parbes, R,R, 3, Clinton; Atiditors, Dick Procter, R,R. • 5, .Brussels and Ruashl Bol- ton, RR. 1, Dublin, - Robert Allan of .Brucefield pre,' sented the retiring president, Del- bert Geiger,' RR, 2, Zuriqh, with a past president's pin. Mr. Geiger was the association's eighth pre- sident since the organization .was started 134 years ago, ,• Wins, Competition • - A highlight of the evening .was when Alvin Betties, RM. 2, bay'- fiold, was plesented with a mantel chime clock by Charlei MacNatigh.' ton, Exeter, M.P.P. for. Huron, Mr. Battles had topped . 16, contestants in - county pasture competition. this fall. He later placed second in Winners at Royal • . the zone finals,- had' 22:aeres- of • Doug -Miles' paid -tribute_ to the • FLATU R E • .. , THAT DON'T APPEAR ON THE BILL! 11AFrRivirtil 4 54. ..,t, ' WIDE-STANCE CHASSIS ve' The solid basis for your driving satisfaction. Oldsmobile Is built to grip the ground firmly! EW_ELLERY Lay-aWay' 'Plan Free' Gift- , ..... WrapPirig 'Service knomolom*ImmovmvAnnwonzlno.v.vrAvm,Tomg,m,inzuvv*vv*mito,.. Bridge- Club ' There Were .11ye',tables in play at the Bridge ORM ;on ',Thursday • . , North and, •Sonth:. First,. I; H. Crawford, ,William . LaidiaW; see- 0/1d, H: Sivift,..,p, MacKay ; third, Mrs. J. H. OtakyfOrd., Martin, . . . East and,V,i(Wt. First, Mrs. D. B. Porter, A,' k.,./ricrhes:; second, Mrs. F P.arkerz Mrs.',D; C, Nasmith; third, Mrs. Ai,' DaVai, 0, Hasel- PHONE 250 , WINGHAM, ONTARIO 00B• woo mose donssno.. ••••••••••• ons ono um.smo on• •••••• TWIN COVE INSTRUMENT PANEL Now all the instruments are right up there where you can se. them, quickly, easily. AM. 11•11, •••• era ••••, . VIBRA-TUNED BODY MOUNTS OldsMobile places the body mounts at points of minimum vibration for new smoothness, new silence. — ••••• ••• • •••• ••• ront Grocery • Phone: 'Our Prices Are Lower Free F. 590 We Keep Down the Upkeep Delivery 1 •••• •••• NAY till11.1,011B1910•10 06111 O00 CEO 0M MO ......••••••••••••••••••...........•••••••••=0.0•01.1••••••• m..***... SAFETY-SPECTRUM ' SPEEDOMETER Now your speed ,is 'colour- keyed to provide ,you with a constant safety reminder._ Typical Olds thoughtfulness. .0. SAFETY-VEE STEERING WHEEL 'Another Wonderful way that Oldsmobile cares for your safety. The wide wheel makes for better feel orthe road, easy handling, too., , SAVE lie Green Giant NIBLETS 14 oz. 6 for $1..00 SAVE 9e Green Giant FANCY PEAS 15 oz. 7 for $1.00 • • , MAGIC-MIRROR FINISH With just normal washing, your Oldsmobile will set other cars a shining, example even three years from now. GOod Attendance At W.A. Bazaar BELGRAVE—The Woman's As- sociation of Knox United Church held a vory successful bazaar 'and afternoon tea in the Church base- ment on Friday afternoon. There was .a good displaY „home baking, sewing, produce and Miseellaneous artieles from which to choose. The 'group Made approximately $160,00 from the annual projeet, .00 600 woo MD Ms .11M iein• MS. MO SAVE 17c KLEENEX uegithtv ,;e ()hubby 6 for $1.00 Small Aqtendance At Euchre Party BELO-RAVE—Owing to the fact that the Crop Improvement ban-, quet .was held mi Wednesday eve- hinethere.was a Milan turnout to play euchre at the regular weekly party. There were Tour tables in play and high prizes were won by Mrs. jack McCallum aad George Grigg. Consolation prize winters were Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Cook. SAVE 4c PAY ONLY 29c SAVE Ge•-•. BENUE Maple Leaf PURE LARD . , , • „ 2 lbs. 29c Chase & Sanborn INSTANT COFFEE, 6 oz. 99c Salada TEA BAGS (Yellow Label) 90's . , 79c TIDE powdered detergent, 12c off Giant „ . 73c I Society DOG FOOD, 20 oz. .. , 2 for 29c Peanuts lb. 31c Walnuts — ..... lb. 49c Mixed Nuts , lb. 47c Brazils , lb. 59,c CHRISTMAS CANDY . ........ . Mrs. Alvin Fitch Hostess to WMS W,M.S, meet- ing of the *United Church was held on Wednesday at the home of IVIrs. Newnan Newans with 15 ladies present. Mrs, Alvin Pitch was lea- der and the theme was "The Corn- ing of the Kingdom", followed by prayer. " A hymn 'Was sung and Bible readings were giVen by Mrs, Sim- mons,, Mrs. W. Johann, Mra, Alva. ham and Mrs; Dotildetlee, Peter Nomtans sang a solo, "Oh Soul without a Saviour", whiCh Much enjoyed. NUTS IN THE SHELL . . , ...,,,i.,N. ..,,,von•lkittr',.,,,',... ' - . . . , .. , • ' ••-:. ... . I..Z. • •'••••• • . A GENBRAL MOTORS VALUE Cocoanut 130N BONS ... , lb. 59c 1 CHOCOLATE liROPS — lb. 39c CHRISTMAS MIX 1 1/2 lb. 49c i CREAMS and JELLIES , „ , lb, 40e Devon lithulless Sliced Breakfast BACON „ — ..... lb 5k I Coleman's RING BOLOGNA — lb. 35c I Pure Pork COUNTRY SAUSAtE .... lb. 35c • lbs. — $1.00 10 box — $3.00 13isiees ICE CREAM pint bricks' 250 Mr, and Mm. Les Shaw and ,fturi!, of Donlon spent the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs: ,tehri Anderson. QM% and Mrs, Lloyd Taylor and fordlY of Sarnia, ViSited overjhe Week-end With his -Parents, Mr. and Mit, Orval Taylor, Mrs. 3arnes Lamont and Mit. Alan Dunbar visited with Mrs. Kay Honking in the Clinton Hospital on S6inrd-ay evening, ' • Dr, Ernest Pediey of WingbeIn was in. charge ot the service at Knok United' Church oh Sunday, Me. „and Mo. Ralph McCrea, r0.44.oe Maureen and Douglas ViSited day eVenitig. With Mr, and Mrs. F,j111, Manning, Keith and Gar4 itt Kathy Dnitbar spent the Week. end with Mt; and .MYs koith Nth bat and faMilY,In Winghani, , Mt. tind Mrs, .1,Ohri Nikon and family ViSited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. utio and tandly Ootiakich, , BOOR 111.1110LIDAV SPORTIEDAM , Iftilogiiismummusaimaimsfamogre WIG MOO. ASOTIOIRMCI) 001113-1#1/ OuDIIMOD9.11 °OMAR TorSAYI•gon'Tho•IP-" 0000.6.*000., 111 4111 WI Phone 139 Wingham Mrs, John Rtitherford read the third chapter in the study beok, "Attica /Disturbed" and the roll call was a verse on qpeace The odeasiOn being the annual meeting, Mrs. Pace took charge"of the electioa of offie.ers for 1900. A hymn Wag sting and Mrs, Alvip Pitch eioSed the meoutlig, with a A Illikr4r of Thanksgiving. • liArrOtiat: /