The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-12-02, Page 2/tag, Two 00 Whighaul AdValle0411-MeS,),-Yednessuf, me4,1, .4.00.1949
rzt In ease you missed -it, we would
ke to draw your attention to the
afety content, which was 'announced
t1 last week's paper. Sponsored by
the attorney-general of the province r, •
and being handled through the diS-
trict offiees of the Provincial Police,
thepurpose of the contest is tohring
forth new ideas for safety measures
OD Our highways. - •
The contest is; of 'course, promPt-
ed by the increasing concern over.
Mounting, highway fatalities. Ideas '•
fOr newer and better meth ods of
preventing them are to be presented
in written articles of not more than
150 words, There is one drawback,
and, that is the very early deadline,
for entries will have to be mailed to
the district. Provincial Police office
at Mount Forest not later than next
Wednesday, Dec. 9th.
The Wingham Advance.Times
Published at Wingham, Ontario
Wenger Brothers, Publishers,
W. Barry Wenger, Editor .
Member Audit Bureau of Circulation
Authorized as Second Class Mail,
Post Office Dept.
subscription Rate - One Year $3.00, Six Months
$1.50 in advance
U. S. A. $4.00 per year
Foreign Rate $4,00 per year
Advertising Rates on application
A chedkAap White something
happens re* SOVii you plififty of
trouble and money., Weill
sped EiVerytilibig, from spark
plugs 1* dotting wheel and
Make needled miliustmeds. See
us before
Wingbam. Motors
Photo, kat .Witighom
rifOry YEAlitS- ADO
Mr, Charles 3, 'Manta' of East
Wawanosh has PurehaSed the
chopping mill at the.north end of
Josephine St,, from Mr. Charles
Vast Week at GC/dell-eh What is to
be known as- the Oncietielt Aural
'teiepherte Company was organized,
•The company eXpects to operate
;lines- in 'Colborne, AShfield, East
and Weal; WaWarinsli, .Mullet and
rich: CT odd -toWrishipa, 1-111ten
• tse wilt have her full share of tural
•telaphene lines With eons:pante-a
Operating out of GOderiela. Wing-
ham, Clinten t Seafertha Zurich,
Bribistela, Wreketet- and 'Gattley.
Mr. zanies, Ansleton of this town
has this week piitelittied Mt„
Sttinitel TrWin's. .1-64 acre faun, let 6,
con, -flr iliftitritr, IrWitt is taking
Mr, Andersort'S house In town arid'
purposes .taking a. trip to' the West,
inthe spring
Messrs, 13tOWii and Wilford of
`the Winghain -apple evaporator,
have ,been reread to quit buying
apples. Tor this season, The supply
Let oar men fit% your car
a Oily slatted gaiiiipaver.
Sugar and Spice „
By Bill Smiley ' •
for fun, for Chdsinurs
for PI-1010GRAP-14Y fANS
Make This. A
"Cave and Take" Christmas
Give Kodak gifts for
a happy Christmas.
Take pictures to save
and share the fun. We
can help you choose
from our wide selec-,
Lion of pled° equipment. We can supply you, with Moyle
Cameras, Projectors and all other needs for faking and
showing Home Movies.
A THURS., FRI,, SAT. — DEC. 3, 4, 5 g
RUSH Ready4o7 Wear
eeeee 111,1411.11 ttttttttt 1
Etit ngbam earl%
tt tt A tttt t 111S111111./111011111 ttt i tt 111.1,11 11111111i1111ffili/1111111111 tttt 11 /11111111i111i111111111i1 tt I t H1111111'1111 tt I 1111111111/,11 _
t I ttttt lie' ttt I tttt tt tttttttttttttt ttttttttttt 10111110011111illliii tt I tt jli t thmil tt tttttttttt ' tt
11.00 a.m.—Tioliness Mdeting
2,30 p.m.—Sunday School
7.00 .p.i it—Salvation M eeti ng
Rev. Donald Sinclair will be the speaker
Tuesday, 8.00 p.m.—Prayer and Praise Service
•.` Friday, 7.30 p.m. — Youth Group
All Teen-Apra Welcome
There's a welcome for YOU at the "Army''
t. Vatirg . elittrib
Windom '
Rev, C. v. Johnson, T.,.Th. - Rector ' '
Mrs. Gordon Davidson - Organist
2nd Sunday in Advent
9.45 a.m.—Sunday School P.'
11.00 aun.—t-Toly Communion i I
4.15 nsn.—Quiet :Rvening Prayer i a
Weil., Dee, 2—Senior W.A,, in Parish Room 1
?. • •
Tues., Dec, 8---T,4'vening Guild hi Parish Room, F. ....
8.00 p,m. . a 2
iasoaaritaaaoaosousenso ttttt onsoossessavossooseosa tt asoflooes ttt misname's, tt Hos% E
ii• 3.00 p,in.
Nifli.!$004F4141•WWW*054104fS1Sifillrallt.80 1agalaiiafgratsg
sell, ry on , ossified Ad
° T AiT el ,,,,,,, oo ,„„...„.„„„„„.,,„,„......,............,,„„„,„.„„,„„„,„4,,,,..‘„,. ' ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"...",.......,,,,,."...",..”.",",,,,,---,,,,,.....u.1,,
:Have to .Something ,
„ Voltea 'March, WinghaM
ready to reeelVe them. .t4 come among men-,
When the time was ripe God
Friday eVe111110. nomination
4neeting must have been a sincere
pleasure for the public officials who
took to the platform, During the
nine years we have been writing
this column there has never been a.
Artmicival year-end when the spirit
of progress and optimism Was, more
enlplla tically Prevalent ,
All the department heads 011.
town council were able to tell the
same story---a year of activity, with
real acc•omplishment in every field,
and the prospect of •ending the
twelve-month period within the
:budgeted allotment for financing:
‘7.VIost....notable• •• naturally.-
Was the speech of •Councillor Gordon
Buchanan, who has just recently
completed successful negotiations
With Modern: Sleep Limited, for the
establishinent of a new manufactur-
ing plant in Wingham. This is the
sort of news which is most welcome
of all, and Mr. Buchanan as chair-
man of the town's industrial com-
mission, has worked tirelessly, even
before his election to council, , to
bring new industry to town.
Though he is unwilling to take
the major portion of the credit there
, is no. doubt that his efforts have
been largely responsible for -the es-
tablishment .of two Major industries
here. In the most recent of these
efforts the alertness of M.P.P. John
Hanna started the ball rolling and
went a long way- toward •getting
negotiations off on the proper foot-
Tiowever;: the . reports of other
..municipal activity, though 'less spec-
tacular are equally encouraging.
• Topping the list are 'the improve-
ments Which have been made to 'the
main :street, New pavement, and
new street lighting will go .a long
way toward indicating the type of
community we. know is ours.
addition, other streets in the town
have been paved, a good start has
been made on .a rive'rside park t. etc.
• just two years ago 'now a group
of citizens met one •evening to dis-.
cuss a problem which they felt was
of. growing concern to those who
were Willing to loOk ahead. - The.
problem was the rather poor -state-
of business generally ih . the 'town,
and more particularly, the despon-
dent attitude ,of a large number of
No single factor has been respon-
sible :for the change . . but change
there certainly has been •since•that
November evening in 1957., Money
was "tight" at that time and may
have contributed to the pessimism ,7
but money is just about as tight to-
day. Now, however, we are con-
vinced that• credit is hard to get be-
cause there. is a tremendous demand,
for it. And that is'a good sign, not
a bad czne. Business men in Wing-
hatr. arid many of their townsfolk
have a new air of confidence in the
future, which is infectious.
Certainly our town councilors
are optimistic about Wingham and
its future.
The key to all
success is know-
ing When the
time is ripe fen`
achieving what
is in Our :hearts
to do. Front the
experiettee of
ladies cann ing
toed to the sicii-
led flinger* of
surgeons holding life and death in
their hands, this fact is true, a:ro
be partially prepared means f a il-
ure, To wa it teo• long means an
opportunity gone forever. The his-
tory of the advancement of Men•
is the ,history of great men who
came at the right time and accept-
ed their duties and respensliniltieS
and provided leadership when it
Was most needed, Why did they
MAO,. Wilen- they,, flit-Mall-Other,
Wesley, -Sir Francis J-,-)rahe,
Nelson, St, Francis,
Churchill?: St;en,-I to 11s now
they,earne When: the dine was
, BOX' 473
Editor, Advance-Times,
Dear Sir:
Von of Jesus Christ. Why did be
enter into • the world scene just
when he did? St. Paul says that
it was in the rainless of time,
When the time was ripe, when
everything was in readiness that
,Cad sent OS 5411 Mtn the world.
1,90k into the tittle in which he
came; a great War'had been fought
and won by the Romans,. There
;was an aftermath of poverty and
'starVatien, fields laid waste and
cities destroyed, There was high
t iaxatioit and rising casts of living
with fall prisons and a tragic
a pathy among, the people.. Every
one was tiredof Far, tired of the
old gods, tired of entertainment,
tired even of their immorality, a
.burnt out age believing in nothing.
Tile Emperor Tiberias was a
drink. :sodden itutteent, Them WAS-
restless ferment among the poor
And a il Were' ready for some new
idea to catch them up, The
.world was waiting, for a Saviour
in Ape evenin g paper. I do this
once in a while, just to see -if any-
hbdy wants a used editor,' for a
forty-hour week, at $10,000 a year.
Th e re A ren't many openings.
* *
As I read down the columns,
We see here -a remarkable par-
51101 with our own age. People aro
tired of• war and increasingly .be,
coming tired of entertainment.
Poverty -is with as in the fact-that -
over half the people in tiro world
go to sleep hungry, Many have
become tired even of their religion - , -and have lost faith in their ,ehuren
an d in Cody, People are looking
for, a -new enthusiasm, a new cause
for which they can give them-
selves.... The time Is ripe for God
again to come into His world, But
now Re must reveal Christ through
us. •God seeks theq'eliirtn, of JP,9118
Christ into this age ; through you
and me as we enter into this Ad-
upside downy squeakin g,.
My eyes started to :slide-'down
the list with something akin to
.panic, until T was seeing ,was a
blur of Aggressive Young Man,
Bricklayer, Codin g Clerk, Me chan-
ics, Middle-Aged equine, Station-
ary Engineer, Junior Comptometer
Operato r, Female Receptionist
Good Appearance, and, a lot of
other things am definitely not.
* *
I got hold of myself, slowed
down, alui read every ad carefully.
Do you knew the only job, on three
pages, for • which I was nualified?
'It read: "100 MEN WANTED,
Highest wa ges paid In distribute
advertisin g matter. Paid same
day, Phone so-and-so." That's a
job stuffin g handbills under doors.
Anyway, it' was quite a jolts to
realize that bete I am, nearing
middle age, and the only job I'm
qualified for, if I lost, the one I'm
in, is peddling tills with a bunch
.of rummies. Now all this doesn't
necessarily mean you don't have to
know anything to be an editor.
Nor does it, mean -that all- editors
would be useless in any other job.
I know .some editors who would
,make excellent bartenders. And
vice versa. * *
Of course,. it's MO eflAtetr5',,011r:
that I never had" another job,'
did work at several, things, for
short periods, in• heti-Veen, sort of.
For instance, I worked on a pass-
enger steamer on the Great Lakes.
in summer holidays. There
learned to sort dirty linen, polish
brass., wipe up after the. seasick,
and 'shoot crap. But , there does-
n't' seem;; M be 'Much call for this
sort of thin g 'in the Help Wanteds. *
Another summer, I worked in
factory, where I learned several
trades. Like welder's helper, for
example, Fused to pull the weld-
61's . dirty great ,tanks around .for
hint on a sort of cart affair. Then
I had to sit' and watch them, while
he went off into building to weld,
There had to. be a Man wat chin g
the tanks, in ease theY blew up. or,
something. Company rule. But
I don't see any ads lookin g for ft
Welder's ,Tank ;Watcher;
Later than- summer, they put me
to running th'e freight elevator. I
enjoyed that, until the day I fell
asleep_at the bottom of the eleva-
tor shaft and.--everybody went home
and I was locked in the plant and
had to wait- until the night watch
--tan came around, about 11 p.m.
Rca red the daylights opt of hiM.
* *
Oh, I have a few other ;shills,
too, that are k not to be sneezed at.
In prison camp I picked up 'some
fancy culinary tricks, and can still
turn out as nice a betel, of turnip
jam or prune punch as you'll come
across, During a year in hOspital,
I learned enough crafts to set my-
self up in a souvenir shop anytime.
To mention only a couple; T learn-
ed to knit, and ground out baby's
soakers like a machine for a few
Weeks; I learned 4eatlierwork, and
my wife still has a vast five-Sided'
reeeptacie..which T. told her was a
purse, and in which she keeps old
golfballia to prove it.. * * 11:
Tile more' T think of it, by
George, Die cheerier I -get. 'Why
there are .1 in of things I can t haven't even 'begun to tenet)
on some Of the more delicate MOUS
I've aequire& Like hearing Ape,•
ling lessons, shooting a. fair game
Of pool, 'pulling on kids' rubber
boots, Making, t good pot of tulle,
and reading a bookt. While shaving. *
I'm t,ettainlv glad I had this
little chat with myself tonight', T
Was a little depressed there for a
while, hut never again will I worry
about being out of a job. It
shouldn't be any trick at all to
pick up a position where they want
a man Who is not just.One a those
harrow 'specialists, but who is
pretty darn expert. at Several'
hundred things. Row many men
are there aratirid, ekample,
Who can nanse the wiVeS ,of flenty
'till,;play`a ketticdruM; and fire
four fifty-millimeter' Minton with
their eyes Ant?
Ifir, IT 47NF,IF,,,...r.,p,r."TOTVIP.P1CWAWFAINFOWOCiirAT4Z`rerINIMW V.‘
Timely and sound is the view ex-
pressed by Bank of Canada Gover-•
nor J. E. Coyne before the Canadian
Club in Montreal, that the, central
tank should exercise its responsibil-
ity for money supply, that the char-
tered banks should exercise their
responsibility for allocating loans
among borrowers and that the Fed-.
eral- Government should exercise its
responsibility over. fiscal policy artd...,:
public debt policy,
• Consequences for the whole coun-
try would be disastrous if, as some
have ' suggpsted, the Government
should- tell the chartered banks how
tol-un their business and how to al-
locate their loans. •
• To the point, too, is Mr. Coyne's
warning that -people would not take
too literally "the more extreme re-
ports that sometimes circulate about .
hanks ceasing to make loans
Crux of Mr. Coyne's comments
Ties in his assertion that "we. cannot
achieve substantial and stea.dy..em--
- plOyment and growth -without price
stability and public confidence. that
price stability will" be maintained
One essential requirement for price
stability is restraint in expanding'
the stock of money."
If Government,. by excessive
spending, incurs deficits that can be
financed only by expanding the
•money supply, inflation ensues. The
same thing happens. When various.
groups in the country make • exces-
sive salary and wage demands, un-
matched by any comparable increase
in productive output.
• —
tee time; tnere' are' Various a ge.
groups in minor, lioCkey, •Whieh,•for
tibilous reasons,: cannot be integ-
rated-and therefore.need iadivid-
• ual time periods. All •in all, that
IS; a:,very heavy -demand, ',with the
result that no' oae group.:reeeiyes
too much. Wile. ' • ,
Insofar as' Sunday enureh aetivi-
ties are •cnneerried-I am naturally.
Very sincere When I 'say that these
are -moat Further-%
more, I have -great: for
those who so:, Unselfishly donatt'
;their time•and..talent to this„work.
However, activities iri 'rile aren a
need ' not: interfere with • church.
Progranithing. • -
Da parents Wish" to supervise all
the remaining leisure time 'of their,
children?' Would they miss, for
example, .an -hour? ,
What do parents have to say
about this? ;
Yours truly,
was far larger than- they cook'.
Mr, AIM/ Davidson has returned
home from the West, where he
spent several weeks.
Miss V. •Davidson of Wingham
has 'been en gaged as prinelnal of
the Fertiwic'n school for 1910,
Mr, Robert knox is• this week
-movin g his stock of jewellery,
stationery, etc., to his new location
in the Beaver block.
0- - 0 - 0
Mr. 13urgman has received word
that owin g to the critical condition
of the coal supply it may he pos-
sibte that reductions- will be Mack-
la the train service.
Mr, mid Mrs. A', Davis celebrated
their golden wedding anniversary
at their home on Wednesday evert.
An enthusiastic hockey meeting
,was held In the counci l elminbei
on Friday evenin g, when the fol-
lowing officers were elected; Hon.
1. 3, Cunningham; Ares„
W, H. Gurney; vice-pres„ W, Van-
Wyck; sec,-areas,, W. Paul Pugh;
asst. see,, Ifowatd Gray; Corantittee,
It, D, Bloomfield, It, 81, William;;,
W, A, Miller, L, C. 'Young, Dr.
Ross, D. Somers A. Tipling and
H, Meitay.
Among the ;Meat gentlemen
ing Winghant is Mr. P. /Avila,
k.t1Ward St, 'This oidgentleman
ha,; resided in 'Wingham for they
Past 87 Yeare acid last week Mc-
The other day, a fellow from the
Concerning my letter about Sun- ;Toronto' Star, Ften Rose, was in-
dafe use o f our. arena, ' tat:viewing-me: At least, .1 think
I:am afraid that the importary ea' :that's what lie was doi ng. That's
of, my statements about,' "breaking Who he said he was, anyway, and
no.- laws" has., been overestintated.. ;he dame clown to,thehouse, and we-
It. was riot niy' intention to justify had a beer, and he borrowed some
Sunday-use of the:arena, by siti n g.- bOOks from rue,
ly arguing that there could be no
contravened- no. laws, . - •
,4t ne ,aSiCea. some q uestions about
!tow got started Ill the news wrens; or harm In it because.
I wish to question the ',idea that
paper business, White
Children would he encouraged thy PaStied over his :facet' lie said:
precept and' example) to disregard f.eiteally, then, you've never hadany .
the Fourth Commandment, becatigie .a lher. job?" I floundered mental-
of SulidaY use of the areas..." In ly hack through the :past twenty
what way Would playing,hockey toll ''Years and had to admit, som ewhat
Sunday he any different:. than .en- sheepishly: "By Me gollies,I
joyin g on e or another of theAnanY 'guess you're ri ght." I never
Popularfaraily -garnets. euthe 'Mar, thought of it that way.
lot that appear in so many, homes''? "
I 'offer as examples:- . •`Scittir", :It was rath e r a sobering
"Monopoly" > and' thelike: So • fat :thought, but I didn't let it bother
as I' am concerned, and T think it 'me at the time. Tonight, however,
is generally agreed, there -(,was r eading the Help Wanted ads
harm in these, games.„ They, are
simply a means of enjoying.leisure
time. 'And: •I think the same
thought should be
ey practice .or 'skating Such
tivities ' as r have 'mentioned .. (he
they at keine; cir in. an arena) cer-
the', thought- in mind of deliberate,..
wait whiekpleaded for real estate sales-
ate- not entered into -religionsnurses,- pressmea, upholster-
ly defying any., moral or ,ers, production experts, commercial
arfrrtr~• stnograplrers and short`-
• 1 rder ';nooks; .drat remark made by.
various' groups •demandirig,,propor 7: 'aunt! l ace a, bat, and
Our arena is` a' busy 15f1:°."11 '
laws or cprinciPles.: , • • '. •
throu gh Friday the arena is • "
.hun g, there,
tioaately equal ice. Moaday
able from 4-6 „and:810-10.30;
'crated his 90th birthday- He has
tirday. of cours
e :
'greater; ice lived' under four sovereigns, Wit,'
tiine, But, there Must -be time fcir cram' IV, Victoria, Edward VII and
-public Skating, „-the• intermediate 'TO V.
.hockey' team- takes Certain, nights, r
far-gar/tea; the figUre skaters -need" ‘ourchaSed -Mrs, A. Young's proper-
-t • ; cInyie,usman, has :- J. A, M
certainly deserve) on' Centre Street.
.• John Duckett has sold his 80
acreS. pf prairie to George Day,
41.r. Gavin Wilson has been re-
appointed fuel controller for the
-Township of Turnberry.
0 - 0 - 0 ,
'7 On Wednesday night of last week
the ;gentlemen members of the
"Alps Gold Club held a party at the
kerne of C. H, McAvoy in honor of
TyIra He rbert, Campbell. In appreci-
ati c:ar:Ok:- the „great,' iitterC*,Mt,-
bainnhell h:.-` taken in the Club he
was presented with a beautiful
golf bag-and gold balls.
•- A surprise patty was. tender ed
Ha rvey Burgess, Popular young
Doininion Bank Clerk, Friday ni ght
of .last week at the home of Mr.
and- M rs. H. J. Fryfogle, Mr. Bur-
gess, who is a Winghamboy,. left
oft Sunday to take a position with
the same hank at Dresden. He re-
places Wilfred all-pp...on, who is
com ing to Wingham,
The, weather, has been: so mild
'that a large Minthei- uC dandelions
ar e blooming en 1,1t lawn at the
home of Mrs, W. WilIatinson.
• . 0 - 0 - 0
Mr„Tbomas Fells, tivai ha-s been
ill with pneumonia for the past
two Weeks, is Mitch iinprOved
Mr. C, R„ Wilkinson received
word 'that his' grandson, Lieut.
Charles i i. Baslerville, has been
wounded in action, He is in hos-
pital in Belgium, .
Mr, and Mrs, Roy Huffman of
"Whitechurch have received word
that their son, Aappek Elmer Ern-
est Huainan, is missing in action
i n Italy.
The coffee shop, Which has been
operating in the Queens Hotel for
the past nine years, )1£1.4 moved to
tr new location is 'the fernier
llama restaurant,
The home of Miss Isabella Simp-
son, Diagonal road, was damaged
by arnake and wetter when a fire,
caused by an electric heater, was
brought under control,
Rev, P. Streeter, rector' of
'the Afigaeast Churches of tolgrave,
Olytli and Auburn, has accepted -a
Call to the Chinch of the bpiphany
Ih Ain'ooltihdeot Win ha boy has- .arriv-
;ed home, in the person of Elmer
son or Mt. arid Mrs, Sack
beyell of *Wit, Plc arrived in
Canada oil a hospital ship, having
.beerit wounded early this spring.
We might same (..M 0 H-"` 'USed it and' Sent His Son Jews
.Chrigt into th e Mirld to he the.
Saviou r of men,
Cc•••-traer-te- VETERINARY SlUPPLiET
70-17-0,cif kez-••-c-_ • 18
Pre-Christmas s'at
SYLVANIA Superflash
$right, clear colour or black and white pictures of in-
N, door Christnias festivities are ensured with Sylvania
Flashbulbs. Give cartons of 12.
and en. the• shoulder awl say
is -the time, now is the
ink 'thaw The perfect gift for ,every
be Christ's witnesses in the cern-
!lash:camera fan!
day of grace,. come follow me and
infinity in which you live,"