The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-11-18, Page 7ill a .7 . Si 0 WROUTER iSPORTSMEN4 AMINO- M0-0- 'METRES OF EUROPE SEEN fiT GATHERING .14 1il'11i11C,r14 A111[, ONtffltio, monallex, soVNIvtogn ON FORDWIGH ST. ANNE'S fiUlin Hold Meeting at Pithlk School AuxiliarY Members Play Birthday Dinner AT BORAS HOME , ligLIVIORn—Over $0- Women's institute members and. friends ,ga, there'd at the community hall on family night, held On Thursday. Rev, Pace was chairman fez...the evening. li'rank Howson; of Wingham, introduced Dr, ;Semple of Vgnielld' Ville.' who spoke briefly' on the snWeet of the forthcoming vote on the Canada Temperance Act. 40hert Aitken then introduced Mayor R, 'H. Meniiitv of Wing- tramp.. who, gave, a very interesting talk on his trip to Europe this past summer, • Re showed pictures of places hi the British Prance, • West Germany, Russia, Mrs, Earl Moore were -Mr, and . Switzerland, Venice, Rome, Athena, . Mrs. Frank Bonin and family ;of • greatly enjoyed 'and 1%/frs, -Welter 474lee and Monaco, These were (Bricker and family of Baden, The sympathy of the cOmmintitY wriQopwiga — The November goes to. Mr. and. Mrs, John Reich, meeting of the Litdies' Auxiliary and and to 'Mrs. 3, A, Reitchsird in 'to HoWielt Legion Met in the the passing of a fath0 and buss legion rooms with the president, hand, the late Mr, Jacob Relebard,, WS." Jack Wilson, in the chair. miss Anne Stoles returned jliMe Money froth, the ha4aar and rum- Saturday after spendin the past Mago sale and Hallowe'en dance two months in <;,,9toil with role=Was turned in, Tuna , were completed for the Mr. and. Mrs Carl Johnson were terne •mbrance Day service in ,Ford- Stratford visitors one day last wick United 'Church, A (lona, week, tion was made to the branch Sunday- visitors with. Mr, and and , plans for a social with the branch on the eleventh birthday of the Auxiliary were made, A committee was chosen to look after this. The mystery prize was wolf by Mrs; -William 'Austin; sclenated.by Mrs, William McCann, A social half hour was spent with Mrs, Ross Doig and Mrs. Mel Allan as hostesses for a delicious lunch. FPRPWXIOff—The fifth 'meeting of the Pordwielt OlOsaetta was held, in the public school on 'Satin's f lay aftern,QPII. The Scripture was read by Truce 'Winkel followed by the Lard's Prayer. The minutes of the last meeting' were read, followed by the roll :call, After the discussion led by Mrs, James 'Robinson, Jean Poster demonstrated how to make a laundry hag, The Meeting closed with the 4-H Pledge, NEWLYWEDS IREINIISTOWEL' Formwmf,k,s't, Anne's. :Guild of the Anglican ;Church net for the November meeting at the home of Mrs, 'Jack Douglas, M. W, Hargrave, president,: was in :the OW., Ws, Bill Spthern read: the Scripture !lesson, Miss ;Bona. Van'Velsor, a'ssisted' by Miss Beatrice Wade, gave' the study book, Roll call was answer- ed by 18 members with a verse on Advent.: • - - Final plans were -made to eater to the Masonic banquet in Fords with, the latter part of November. &Queen •Elizabeth teaspoons were le'p'ers' tinstbe. Snlesnhers's to- be'". sold, The group sliscuSeed purchasing a vacuum cleaner for the church with final arrangements left till the December Meeting, which will be at the home pf Mrs. Bill Sothern.• • The travelling basket was paSsed around, Rev, Ps C. Attwell spoke for a few minutes to the groins, The meeting closed with prayer. HOLD BENEFIT DANCE FOR HAROLD GIBSON' 'Kitchener and Mr, and Mrs. lift0c woods on behalf of the Institute, thanked Mr. McKinney for his ed- ucational and entertaining lecture, "" The' Seida 'Of the cti making Club sang two chorus num- hers with Mrs, Carl Douglas at the piano, Peter John Pace delighted the .audience with one of his hu- morous readings. Mrs, Wilfred Johann led in com- mueity singing and the meeting closed with a bountiful lunch Serv- ed by the hostesses, Mrs. W. Jo- hann, Mrs. Ivan Haskins, Mrs. Hunkin and Mrs. Farrell, Safeal)riyint Week Helps Guth Accidents At one time, December was Can-, 0404 most dangerous Month,. trW 'Ober the years, Van-'y adian motorists and pedestrians have vow to realise Its dangers, and December Is now seventh fin the list of the year's highway, dangerous months, The .canaclian Highway ,gefety Council believes part of this provement is dim to the nation-wide • Safe Driving Week which it spon- sors between Deo. I and 7 Mains, ive, and:. has 'decided again in sPotiSer the campaign. Co operation has been assured from governments, ,polite, safety .groilPS' ',on federal, proVincial and commun.,: ity levels, as. Well • as public sm.., Vice groups, the pliblic information ,Insurance companies,' the oil, rubber and automotive* indu,s- tries, the .clergy, women's orgeniza., tions and many More, The attack this year will he on the apathetic driver and walker,' -the. person„whos refuses, to .,roeogt, rise that he, .as. an individual, can kill other human beings and be, killed by others in traffic, Through a campaign concentrated qn- a, single week of the year, the Coun- cil, hopes to eliminate much of the Indifference, the lack of cornpres hensiori of so many'who drive and walk on the nation's streets and roads, to the danger of death, in- jury and serious economic loss on the highway, - When 'Qua Ayder hrhigs winner or when "Boom-00W . Geoffrion :pt 'the Canadian; *WS in 'a goal from 'way out on the ice,' the applause Can he beard 11.0t, across Canada. Tat even. more rewarding to these two :sportsMen than this tribute is the :satisfaction they loth get from helPing, 'Ganr, ada's 'muscular dY,StrOPhY victims. Neither of these Men, are aglow tists, They will never ;handle' the :microscope or teSt ttilie that shstlda. the clue to the Cure'!Of; 114140014.0 dystrophy. Both Gus and Boom" are honorary chairmen of this year's campaign' lox 'f4.04,„ scheduled for November : 4,28, They believe their job 'Is to • keep reminding the' rest of us that }4(D is a ctough opponent and that 'the will to win must be backed, up by money—money to boy eggipmeo ,and su lies moue to a ill an resea'reb, workel, In the case of muscular dYSe trophy, the finishing line .or the whistle that stops the game may be a long way" off. Gus and "R004142eern" are two good sports who are on the same team as thousands .pf firemen and voluntary workers—a, team that le determined to win for 'the cake of our children, helplessly facing an adversary tee big for their little bodies to handle. Contests were concluded by Mrs. Everitt Armstrong and lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs, Bruce Arnistrong, Miss Margaret Jardine. Sunday visitors at the same home were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Evans and children of Palgrave, They also visited Mrs, Evans mother,. Mrs, E. Walker, who, we are sorry to report, is a patient in the Wing- ham Hospital. We hope 'for an improvement soon. Mr, and Mrs, James Robertson, Jimmy and Scott of Goderiels spent Sunday at the home of Mr. John Hupfer. We ill e sorry to. report .144:!. George Weatlaife i a patient in the Listowel Hospital, having suf- fered a severe heart attack last Thursday night. Mr. I.-Award Me- Callum, is :a patient in a Toronto Iiospital and we wish both a speedy recovery. gr, Lloyd Runt spent the week. end with Mr, and Mrs, -George. Runt at RramptOn. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gowdy, Gorrie, were Sunday visitors of Mr. :and. Mrs. James Doig, Mr, .and Mrs, Waiter Eaton, Ail.; eon and Brenda, of Beaforth, spent unday with. Mrs, Alonzo Spading:. The latter returned lime after• spending the past two weeks in• seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Campbell,: Moorefield, were Bitnday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ingram, Friends of Mrs, Harvey Brad-; show and Miss .Gertie Rush will be Pleased to learn they !both return- -berne-l.ast -week frem-London• Mr, and Mrs, Ross Coates spent Sunday with Miss Amy Spillit and. Miss Laura Thompson of Atwood and also visited Mr, and Mrs, Jack Lucas, The November meeting of the Tuesday Starlight Group will he held on the 24th at the home of Mrs. William Wright. Mrs. G. L. Dobeon and- Mrs, William Wright Will be in charge, Members are asked to bring articles for a penny auction. All articles for the bale are to be brought to this meeting. We are sorry to learn Mrs, Wil- liam , Montgomery and Mr, Bob Bennett are patients in Wingham Hospital, but hope for a quick re- turn to good health. Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Gibson ac- companied Mr, and Mrs. Dick Car- son, Mr, and Mrs. Norman Carson and Mrs. Reta Carson of Gorrie to Toronto on Friday to attend the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Robbins. The re- ception was held at the Territories Room of the Royal York Hotel. Mr.. and Mrs, Ed Wightman and daughters, Whitechurch, spent Sat- urday with Mrs, D, W. Rae and Mr. and Mrs. John Fraser spent Sunday with Mr. and. Uri!, Glen Fraser, Jamestown. To Cancel' Meetings BELlVfORE— The girls of the Tidy Teens 4-H Club met for their fifth meeting in the Belmore In- stitute rooms on November 11th. After the business was dispens- ed with Mrs. Kieffer showed the girls shoe packs, of the type which are to be made at the next meet- ing. This was followed by a de- monstration on the making of laundry bags, which' are to be ex- hibited at Achievement Day, It was ,deelded to cancel all meetings until after the Christmas examinations; The club intends to meet on Nov, 30th with plans, for record book covers and to assemble their shoe packs. 'Attend Convention BELMORE--Early this month Mrs, David Eadie, Mrs. R. T. Apple- by, Mrs, William Merkley and Mrs. Fred Doubledee attended the con- vention of the new Grey-Bruce dis- ' tries' of the Women's Institute at Owen Sound. Over 500 were present the first clay of the convention and about 600 on the second day. Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Baylor and-four, ehildram,...who -have, been, In Cernerbroolse, Newfoundland, for the past 1$ months, 'returned to their home over the week-end, Mr. and Mrs, Donald Doig of, Gait spent the week-end with Mr. arid Mrs. Ross Doig. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bride visited over the week-end ,at the home of Mr, Morley Bride in Elora. Mr, and Mrs, George Wipp and two sons of Thamesforcl spent the week-end at the• home of Mrs. 'Pearl Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. James Vittie 'and Mr. and Mre.,Donald Bridge spent, one day last week' in "St; Thomas. Mr, and Mrs. Ssyie Simmons and Kenneth and Mr. Roy Simmons visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. _Douglas Wildfang in Toro.nto, .Mrs, Simmons and Anne returned home after visiting a few 'days there, Mr.e.anci Mrs, William McCann spent the week-end in Toronto and attended the Royal Winter Fair. Mr, and Mrs,. Carl. SteWart and Douglas of Listowel Visited Sun- day with Mr, .and Mrs. Jim Stew- art.. Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Jones 'of Gueph visited over the week-end with Mn and .Mrs, Bill Sothern. Miss Nancy Sothern of'Kitchener also spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Pates Chimney and Janey of Port Colborne are spend- Mg a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Keith, FORDWICH — The community hall was filled to capacity on Wed- nesday night when friends and neighbours sponsored a laeriefit dance for Harold Gibson, who was' severely injured hi a farm •accident on July 7th and -was hospitalized for three months. He was present- ed with a billfold containing about $260.00, for which Harold thanked eVeryorie for their kindness. A -draw was made on a turkey, which was won by Mrs. Carroll Johnson, The editor of the Harris- ton paper very generously donated ail • the tickets which were sold for the draw and dance.. Timm's orchestra supplied music for dancing, Harold returned to undergo further' surgery, which we all hope will restore him to good health again. FORDWICH—A double-ring wed- ding ceremony took plaCeinn Sat- urday afternoon at Listowel Unit- ed Church, when Rev. Lloyd Sta- pleton officiated and united in marriage Barbara Merle Park, datighter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Park of Listowel, and Stewart Fra- ser MeGlernent, sins of Mr, and Mrs, Tom McClement of' R.R. 2, -Gerrie. Mies Joan Park, of Stratford, cousin of the bride, was organist and, Mrs. Randoif Nesbitt, Liptowel, sang "0 Perfect Love" and "The ,Wedding Prayer". The church was decorated with white mums, fern and candelabra. The bride's floor-length gown of' whites slipper satin was, fashioned on Elizabethan lines with a 'petal collar and V neckline. A snug Basque was caught with tiny cov- ered buttons to the Waist, falling gracefully into !a chapel train, The dress also had' lilyspoint sleeves and a pointed peplum. Her fin-. ger-tip veil was held by a crown, of lace and seed pearls and she carried a bouquet of red roses. She was given in marriage by her father. Miss Mary Park of , Winnipeg, was the maid of •honor. The brides- maids were Miss Betty l'sfeClement of Gerrie, sister of the 'groom, and Miss' Patsy Potts of Ustowel. Their dresses were Identical royal blue satin, harem style. The cellars were shoulder-wide, dipped to a V at the hack, dramatically set off with. a large bow,` and streamers. They wore matching gloves7 and carried bouqueta of White, carna- tiOns, '•• TOWN OF WINGHAM AS SEEN FROM THE AIR Ann Park,nieet of the bride; was flower girl and wore a, white nylon party dress, 'She carried :pink and white 'mums in an umbreliA, con- tainer. Darrell' Park', 'nephew 'of the bride, as ring-bearer', wore, a whits jacket and blue trousers...He had a white carnation boutonniere. The ushers we're Bruce MeCle- nent, Listowel, brother a of the greona,and the brides`brother, Das yid Park, of. Stratford.. Glenn Mc- Clement, alSo a hrother of the groom, was best Man, Guests from Winnipeg, camp Borden, Ottawa, Stratford and'BO1- ton, as well as • froin the -`distriet, attended the reception. , in the church parlors following the 'sere- many, 'They' were received by the bride's mother; who wore a rayon ticatina crepe dress of 'avocado green, gieedaceesSories and a ecir- sage of yellow; mums, She was as- sisted by the groom's mother, wearing. bluO figured silk with black and white accessories. Her corsage Was white Mums. Mr., and Mrs. ,Medement, . who Will live in Listowel, left on a wed- ding trip to' the Southern States. The bride wore winter white sheath dress of embossed benga- line, a black and white Checked coat and a corsage of yellow, mums, FORDWICO Mr. and Mrs.. 'George Pitten- dreigh and Ian visited friends in Galt one day last week, Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Johnston Mary and Helen attended the Roy- al Winter Fair for two days last week, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Galbraith of Guelph visited Wednesday of last week with Mr. and Mrs, Lind- say Galbraith. Mr. Glen F, Johnston won first place in the wagon-express class with this team, Kathy and Kerry, at the Royal Winter Fair on Fri- day,* These horses have been coo- \nstent winnere at all fall fairs in Western Ontario this fall, Glen has sold this fine team to the Campbellford area. Mrs, Robert McMichael of Wrox- eter spent two weeks at the home of Mrs. Elsie Strong. Mr, W, D'Areey is confined to Listowel Hospital, where he was taken by ambulance last 'Thurs-' day. The LOBA members of Forclwielr catered to a fowl .dinner for the sEntitt042SlaeliiS;KritgritS' arid their' wives in Trinity. Anglican Church basenient last ',Thursday rsighh. Mr. and Mrs. jaCk 'Holt Slient last week in tolidon'at the home' of Mr. William RosS, Mrs. John Inglis and Tommy spent a couple of datits last week with relatives at Whitechurch. Mr. and Mrs, T. J, Schaefer were Kitchener visitors one day last week. , 'Mr. Alexander Wray of Toronto pent a few lirelatives in the community, clays last week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham of, St. Marys Visited friends in town one day last week, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin MeDowe'l and Gary of Galt snent. SnturdaV ' at the home of Mrs, Marshall Armstrong, who returned to her borne after spe.nding two weeks in Gait. Mrs David Dinsmore received her Registered Nurse's degree fast week. She is a daughter of Mrs. Mary Sanderson end a gradu- ate of the K -W Hospital in Kitchener, ' Corporal and Mrs. Wilfred Quinn and three children, returned from a thrne-year stay in , Germany, visited last week at the home of Mr. • and, Mrs; Wally Gibson and Mr, and Mrs. Rainy Darcey. Mrs. Elmer 'Giles of Arkona spent three days last week with her mother, Mrs. George Baker, "I.!NON .c o o WINGHAM ,, II".ki) 14C011PORATED Retarded Children's Week NOVEIVIBER 15 to 26, 1959 WHEREAS, it ha's been establiihed that Mentally retard- ed children can be helped through, special schooling and recreatioial. Social and workshop programs and that there it a great need for research into the etudes of mental: rittaltdatiea; a AND. WHEREAS public understanding will 4reatly con- tribute to eissleg the plight Of some 3% of %plop'', Latium 'who Ore in sOme degree mentally retarded,; NOW. THEREFORE. as.Mayor of the; Town of Ning- hams support tha Wingham and District Retarded Children% Association in its efforts to help oil' com- munity's mentally retarded by declaring the period of November '15 id 16. 1959. as' "Retarded Chiidrin% Week" id 11inigliei+hii~ R. E. MCKINNEY. Mayer. ‘A=orl.r II •