HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-11-11, Page 10s
To :1%04)114 the house Of 14 o4c4
of ccchica vetetahlec put e,(,iittii
vinegar in an open saucepan ca
Ai -4 i• ;•i'i
If You'rellIRED
Now In4:11hen .....7114 Esti s,. "tired.out" feeling! and may- hw ;
bothered by beeheehee, Perbtpy'rtet6
ine seriously wrong, est e teary
condition reused by unniry lailehon or
bladder discomfort. Tbat'i take Dodd's Kidney Pills Dt40161P stimulate the kidneys to retie° this
condition which lair olfton ctlwe bi.k.
ache end tired feeling, eTlien yois feel
better,. mot better. work bottar,
Dodd's KidneY Pah new, ILtii* far the
blue bus with the red bind it an drug
counters. You can 61414 " Psdft" r
: CEUM Theatre
Wingham, -Ontario
On; shows Each. Night Cettnitenc-
i WV: 7.15 patt„ •
November 12 - 12 - 14
Susan Hayward, Jeff Chandler
The dangers and rigoars of the
lawleas, west around 1840.
We Come to Your Aid
Fast, Anytime,
Our tow-ear is at your service at all hours
of the day or night. Just tell us when and
where and we'll be there .... with prompt-
ness and dispatch,
Wingham Body Shop
Phone 746 Wingham
Secretary Claims.
Best Law..
Some years ago my .business
assignments took me. into Huron
Comity, I ;wired forward with '
pleasure to my checking in at one
of the best hotels in wostern On,
tario, legated On the "rim of the
wheel" in the town of Goderieb,
The rooms were spotless; and the
Meals Served in. one • Of the best
appointed dining rooms, were of
the highest quality, rphere Were
no noisy or :Melly beverage rooms;
and one could retire after a. busy
day without the annoyance of
noisy brawls in the corridors.' This
Was one reason why I, became
completely -saki on -the Canada
Totneera*oce Act in Ituron County,
Now -that I have recently become
the, General Secretary of The On,
lario Temperance Federation, be-
ing the first layman to be appoint-
ed tq this _ positron,. T can spent as
a laYman, and eXpress my views as
one who has had. a wide business.
experience and who has covered
business assignments in 'many
areas of our country,
One would get the impression
from the "smear caMpaign" that is
being conducted by the liquor in-
terests against the C.T.A.„ that'
Huron County was the only County
with juvenile delinquency, drunken-
ness, "drinking on the steps of
town-halls", impaired driving, boot-
legging, and so many other mis-
demeanours thht there was simply
no alternative than to get rid of
the C,T.A, So many Huron people,
have been told, that black is white
for so long that they are now be-
lieving it, and the sorry part of it
is that too many of our good
church people are numbered
amongst them.
This letter is one of warning.
BeWare of the "Wolf in sheep's
SAVE 17c
Regular or Chubby
6 fc.4. $1:00
SAYE .17c
20 oz.
6 'for $1.00
• ,F
4 lbs. $100, `! 1
ASTER COFFEE (ground fresh) .... lb. 59c
.4 •
What do we get in Huron
If we lose the CTA?
1. In any municipality which .did NOT prior to 1915 shut
out licenses by local vote, the Liquor License Board can put in
. a beer warehouse, a liquor store, a wine store—any or all—with-
out...further recourse. (Section 67, License Act), These muni-
eipkilities are :Goderich; Wingham, Seaforth, Exeter, Blyth,
-Brussels, Hensel' and the townships of Goderich, Hay, Me-
'Stephen And 'Weit Wawanosh. Hotels can be licensed
only after a vote.
- • 2.- In municipalities "dry". by local option prior to the
C.T.A. (or 0.T.A.) ne licenses can be issued until 0, 60% vote
isobtained in favor of the type of outlet or, outlets named on.
the ; ballot. These are the towns of Clinton and -townships of
-Ashfield, Colborne, Grey,. Howlett, Hullett, Morris, Stanley,
Turnberry, Tirekersmith, Ilsborne and East Wow:most'.
Those interested will lose no time in bringing on votes:
Middlesex now has 69 beverage rooms and 51, lounges, Lambton
35* and 23,..
When ,government control was-turned into government Sale,
says the Toronto Star, "bars, lounge's, taverns and beverage
rooms were opened in ever=inereasing . number. Liquor con-
siimption skyrocketed, doubling in 10 years. So did alcoholism,
arrests' for -drunkenness, traffic accidents and crime."
The Star is describing conditions under the Liquor Control
:l et. • 'On Nov. 30, vote to hold the Canada Temperance Act.
Published by Huron C.T.A. Committee
1111111111,01111111•11111111 * 1 tttt {1•1111/1"11iltillif lllllllllll 01{111,14 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii IM1411411%11.1tIllt ttt I tttl asst Wit
t .‘
t. 'VW -VIE 11,11, le:WM!
IMISIUM *004 t41111611
Npv,11, 1959
clothing",, There is a Petentlal
revenue of over $2,000,000 annually
in Huron County for the brewers
and distillers, More than 51 dry
centres Were attacked in 1288
This Year So far 48 dry areas have
been attacked and confronted with
1-40.041 Option, votes, Thy winnin'
of this vote represents a Potential
of literally thousands of extra dol-
lars for the liquor interests. In
one small community alone the
liquor side of the vote paid out
more than $10,009 to win, My
warning to the good people of
Huron County IS listen to :some,
body else for a while and to take
cognizance of the total Provincial
picture of the limier traffic—daily
newspaper reporting of tech-age
drinking, bootlegging, impaired
driving,' and so on, Liquor is
liquor under any law, and Huron 1'
Supper Dish
Ueres the perfect supper ashler
cold evening. Potato cheese
puffs are the answer to al'ausy vvo
Mr'S, prayers 'too, since they can
ta-• made and. refrigerated, Or pop,
ing or deep frying before ,serving,
Combine 2' cups of mashed potato
((cook extra 'tho clay before), with
one beaten egg, Form inty..8 ,patties
or balls, and insert a' 34 !inch
wedge of Canadian Cheddar cheese
Into each patty, Anil in bread
crumbs and refrigerate if not to be
cooked immediately, Fry in deep
fat at 875. F, until light brown, or
bake in moderate oven (375) for
80 minutes. Servo with green peas .
and sliced tomatoes, Serves
—Mr, and Mrs, Herbert Fuller
and Mr: and Xra, Alton Adams
spent the weekreed in Detreit.
—Mrs. George Ross is spending'
tins week with her daughters in
—Mr, and Mrs, J. Hildebrand
and family will move into the
Walker home in Lower Wingharn
at the end of the week, Mr. Hilde-
brand teaches at the VVDIIS and
has been hying In Tee,SWater, Mr.
and Mrs, Allan Walker- moved to
Owen Sound on Monday,
—Mr. and Mrs. Ronald. Wareing
and Kevin of 'London spent the
week-end with her parents, Mn
and Mrs. Parker Campbell.*
—Mr. and Mrs, John Mason and
Miss Julia of London and Mr, and
Mrs, john Rea and baby Ronald of LOCATEII
Take Niagara's
has a law now that has and will o
do much more for the good of Our
county than the so-called "out-
frf(5de'e "Liirior' Central Wet: —
The following are the munici-
palities operating under the Liquor
Control. Act that have voted down
further liquor outlets this year—the
large majority of which have been
for cocktail bars and liquor dining
lounges, which are licensed to op'
crate until 1 ann.
'• • • • A
... .............. .. tttttt 11111 ttttt If/1tttit11tttltfl ttttt ttttttt tttttt tt tttttt tttt
ront G 1.9Cert"
Our Prices Are Lower Free
We Keep Down the Upkeep
St, Themes, Grimsby, Norwich,
Victoria Harbour, Erin, Palmer-
ston and the Car-rant° Townships,
Murray Township, Timmins, Gan.
anoque, Drury, Denison and Gra-
ham Townships, Gosfield South
Township, "Kingsvilld, Wheatley,
the CorpOratlon of Burleigh-An-
struther, Leamington, Bowman-
vale, Pittsburgh Township, Tisdale
Toivnship, Floshterton„Dundas and
Royal. F. Moulton,
General Secretary,
The Ontario Temperance
Secretary, •
• • .
port Credit spent the week-end at
the home of Mrs. May. Smith of
Lambertville, Chin,
--Mrs, Edwin Anderson, Mrs,
Hen Wood, Mrs. Bob.Ronson and
MrS. 'Russell 'Smith &tient last
Thursday in Kitehener,
and Mrs. Kel Dethericige
and family of Brantford were Sun-
day visitors with Mrs. W. C, Mur-
—Mr. and Mrs, Joe King and
family of *Teeswater and Mr, and
Mrs. Percy Harris visited at *the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Don Del-,
triage at London on Sunday,
--Mr, and Mrs. Harold. Crump
and Rodney of Hespeler spent Sun-
day with his mother, Mrs. Jean
—Mr. James Newby -and Miss
Debbie Graham of London, were
Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Lott.
1,cag,1).011- Oshawa
spent: :the past 'week With -lint
grandmother, Mrs. Roy-MacDonald.
Miss Mary I-Ielen MacDonald re:
turned home with Kathy to spend
a week.
—Mrs, H. P. Carmichael is a
'guest fot a feW days this week
with her son-in-law and daughter,
Mr, and Mrs, 'Don Hawthorne in
Toronto. • '
, -7-11frs„73.., 0. Wenger and' Lorna
*spent a day last Week. with friends
jn Stratford. .
—Mr. Elgin Coutts and son Den-
ny of Leaside, were nveck-end vis,
itors' with his Aarents,•; Mr., and
Mrs. B.. A. Coutts..
—Visitors with Mr.-and Mrs.
Lloyd Carter and family-over the
week-end were' her parenta, 'Mr.
and Mrs. J. Bailey and Mr. arid
Mrs. Gordon ,Grey and. Michael; all
of London, 4
—Mr. and Mrs. Ray Field and
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lane of
Beamsville were week-end .guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burke,
—Mr. Arthur; Rogers, 'who lives
with his daughter, ` Mts. Lloyd
COok, had to' return ' to Victoria
Hospital late Saturday 'evening. He
had been home for. almost two
—Mr. and Mrs, 'Jack ,Hopper of
Port Credit are spendirie'
a few
days with ,their. parents, Mr, and
Mrs, W. J. Brown and Mr. ,and
Mrs. Charles Hopper. '
—Mr, and Mrs, PiGriffiths and
Karen of Flint, Midi., were -Week-
end guests' with Mr, 'and Mrs. "Ken
Corson and family. .• • '
--Mr. and Mrs: C. R. Kincaid of
'Bloomfield Hills,. Mich.,. visited •at
the home of Mrs. J. F.' Bond, Min-
nie St.
Huron, 'Perth Two
Remaining Counties •
MOO .41,9re than two weeks
the •elePtOrs. Of HilirMi Will have
their first .OPkeortenitY in O. YearS.
to. eXpress their •opinion at, the Vella
on the much debated 01.4 issue,
Voting day is Monday, Novem-
ber 80„and the polls will be .,epoen.
from S till 6 p.m, There are
146 polling subdivisions in the,
Minty. .Regulations governing the
vote will be *Mier to those in a
Federal by-election.
For 'the convenience of travellers
and ;railroaders, an .advanc4 poll
wili .be held in Goderich on Thura
day, Friday and Saturday, 'Novem-
ber 26, 27 and 28.
Huron and Perth, which is also
voting on- the same 'issueNovern-
ber BO, are the only two bounties.
in Ontario which still remain under.
'CTA.-.MOSt'ibtintliiii.eil it be".
fore 'the turn of the century after
a brief trial, The last two coun-
ties to repeal the Act were Mani-
toulin in 1919, and Peel in 19510
The Huron Citizens Legal Con-
trol Committee, headed by John
E. ,Iluekine, Goderich councillor
and former mayor, look upon the
campaign as a crusade to estab-
lish an onforcable liquor law ,in
Huron county. They contend that
the strong ptovisions of the -On-
0-tie Liquor Control' and Liquot
Licence Acts will enable the -police
to crack down 'on teen-age drink-.
Mg. The CTA provides no penalty
for Supplying liquor or beer to
minors, whereas under Ontario
law, which would apply after the
repeal of the CTA, any person
found guilty of this offense incurs
a jail term - of from. one to three
If Huron rejects the CTA, on
November 30,. , LCBO stores and
brewers' retail, stores could be
established in .. the, major county
towns where no -local option - .by-
law. was passed prior to the intro
duetion of, the CTA. However, no.
hotel, tavern. Or public house
licenses could go into operation
anywhere in the county unless a
further 'vote' were, taken and pass-,
ed by .three-fifth . of the electors
of the individual Municipality con- .
cerned.--o-Huron Citizens Legal Con-'
trot Committee: •
Excellent Attendance to
Hear Expert on Cancer
Seeded Muscat RAISINS
SHELLED BRAZILS ttttttt • 3 oz. 25c
SHELLED PECANS . ttt t 3 oz: 35c
Sweet ,Pickled COTTAGE ROLL lb.
Lean Sliced
PEAMEAL BACK BACON ...... 1/2 1b. 39c 4:
APPLES—McIntosh,' Spys or , 4
Talman Sweets 6 qt. basket 49c
ocimmomempumma1I Imalmoommo1I Iil1I Iomo1IIommifisimmTi1IIi60111mI
15 oz. 33'c
15 oz.
2 lbs. 53c
• 2 lbs. 29c The council- chamber,was crowd-,
ed last Wednesday evening to hear
Dr. .7, 0, 1,i1.• Fetterly, of the On-
tario -Cancer Foundation, Victoria
Hospital, London, The' meeting
was under the , direction' of Mrs.
D. S. 1/IticNaughton,' president of
the- Wingbam and Distribt Branch
of the Cancer • Society, With:: the
forepart of the meeting •taking the
form of a business and musical
• -
Maple Leaf
0 with style and warmth
• combined
What a lovely selection we have . . and with
to mas drawing near, they make a wonderful practical
ill gift.
U •
U = PI They're cosy and warm because they're made froth such' a iiibe
heavy weight, 'flaenelette. Beside the extra fine quality you'll
w agree they are styled to perfeetion. 'The trim has
been added with eat-ant. rittortioir to
them a charming
feminine touch. The patterns trot are lovely; combined with
coloors of extreme good laste„
• Price . „ . Gowns $2.98 to $3.98 '•
prpograni..- -• • -
Mrs. MacNaughton ..welcomed the
gathering 'ancL.said how ...Pleased
she ,was at the -,tUrnout,and. how
much`, this responsehad' ,enceur-
aged , the lOcal ,branCh. .S,he indi-
cated that from time to, time dur-
ing the, coming months similar
programs • would be' held. • These
meetings would be, held with the
express purpose of better acquaint-
ing the people of the town and•die-
trkt with the work being done lo-
cally. In this respect she thanked
Barry Wenger, the :publicity con-,
vener, forthe-exeellent- coverage in
the local paper. • • —
During, the business part of the
meeting Mrs. Horace Aitchison,
secretary; read the minutes of the.
last meeting. -Mrs. Jim Carr .re-
ported on behalf of Mrs. Walter
Pocock, service 'convener, and
Mrs, George Ft; Scott -reported •on
the educational ,aspect: Later 'in
the meeting DeWitt -Miller, con-
vener of the Cancer 'Society .cam-
paign, outlined the financial pro.
gram as it haS been in the past
two years. He Said' he -found the
citizens very 'sympathetic to' the
appeal, and that two years ago
$900 had been raiSeci. This 'year's
final was about $1500-and Mr, Mil-
ler in closing, .asked, all to ,IteeP
in mind next April, When he be-
lieved the objective 'should not. be,
less than $2,000, • „ •
Mayor R, E, McKinney ,address.,
ed the audience and • said' how,
pleased he 'was to see such a•spien-i
did turnout at the Meeting,. esi
Pecially the .aikenciance of the'
nurses froin the hospital, He
vied rip his remarks ;by:saying, "tt
is our responsibility," in referring,
Pajamas $2,98: to $4.95
They're a real IiiVourite With niest women,: and here, too, the
fry attractive styling and beautiful -shades add Math th their POOP-
la, ity, i,4 SMIggledOW.10 is cuddly arid warns, .,,they, /tribe 111e
peeled gift.
Pajamas .. , , $3.95 and. $4.95
Gowns , . „ '$4.95. ,
to the necessity ofibringing before
the public the :urgency of early di-'
agnosis. '
The musical program was ex-
cellent. Garnet Farrier and son
gave saxophone selections, with
Mrs:Farrier at the piano. Mrs.
Beryl Davidson and Mrs, Betty
Faegan, with Mrs., Currie at the
piano, sang two duets, Young Da-
vid Ad'ains, of near: Listowel, thrill-
ed the audience with a number of
violin selections. He was accom-
panied by Mrs Peach, of Listowel
Dr, W. A, Crawford Introduced
the gueit speaker to the audience
and in a few•words outlined some
of the experiences and the recent
studies the speaker had, taken to
equip himself lor the positiOn he
now holds in the Ontario Cancer
Foundation, D. Fetterly had had
a busy day in Wingham, taking
charge of the cancer clinic tha,
morning at the Wingham Gener-
al Hospital.' During the afternoon
he showed a 'film and spoke to the
high school students, and then in
the evening addressed the open
meeting of the local 15ranch of the
Cancer Society.
The speaker outlined the course
of studies he undertook in Man-
chester, England, as a recipient of
the Dr, Gordon E. Richards Mem-
orial Fellowship, He said Man-
chester is the foremost centre in
the world for cancer research, He
spent. eighteen months at that
centre as well as a period of time
in London and Stockholm, Dr.
Fetterly went on to say that the
cause of cancer is a complex: one,
and that heredity and environment
factors •are passed on, He said
that virus could cause 'cancer in
experimental animals but not in
humans. The big factor is to
bring before the public the matter
of early diagnosis, And said there
bad been thousands of cures when,
the disease• had been detected in
the early stages,
Following early detection the re
sultant cute fot skin cancer
amounted to neatly 100 per dent
and that of breast cancer '76 -per
cent. But the percentage dropped,
to 10 pet cent for king candor and
less thafa.15 per cent in the case
of stomach cancer as they are no
recognized early enough.
Dr,'Petterly went over the seven
danger signals and concluded his
address by saying "Cancer is S
,dread disease, but etin be eure,d,"
The film "From. Orr Cell" war
then shoWn,
'Mrs, George Scott thanked Pr,
retterly for his ritidtbe,'S and Mrs
Cann Vingland thanked the
once, on behalf of the local branch,
foe their splendid turnoilt.
. „
SCIR)LARSHIP WINNEItSaTire three pictures above show
The minuets of the Or, A, a, Irwin scholarships SOratic XII) as they
were presented by Gordon Stebo. they lire top to bottoM, Irene Saint,
Christine iftnistedtler and Marie aeokiltit.
i _ _ ,
EDIGHOFTE- ▪ . • - • .11
• I • (Wingham) Limited ,,,tut FRIENDLY STORE" • • 44tHowincomiclocriniciimptimiwrinithiiiiitmoommolumonia
Alan D. Bennett
WINOHA11-1 UNITED certratut
Teacher, of Theory;
Piano,- and Organ.
Todephoile 879
, m;4,,,. ' OratanaMarrirailitairianatinialiArinailartaritillithiatitatta nlYlMO1011010 irraitionlarfarailaa
• 1:r>1 r. ' r • i •