HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-11-11, Page 8Pot no Best REFINIERATION 1 ELECTRICAL 'SERVICE ."". °ALL ',ACK KERR Phone 608 J 22 Wingham SPeStallSiag JD- SEALED-TINIT lirE19,A1la AND C011fgER(114.1.4 RETIVRWRA44 401.4411:1 VOJIM t tn,,t1V14.M101.1.fitt011.1101111410 iint.W1110 WHAM I; i u 4.011 Kt& 1 mom mum, • REMEMBRANCE .041 ANNUAL SERVICE ST Hial,FiNS - he community hall -waa IONA, en 'Sunday Afternoon for the ..annual. iiraneinbrance Day service .arrenged by the Women's Tristitute., Green was. in charge ,or .thg,„1pri.presw,vpservice and gave 444;0 4 'address in keep- ing With .the occasion, • The Church choir con- tributed a :number and Mrs, Claire 'Johnston of .the .1-ilicitneW Ladies' Anxillary sang "0 Valiant .flearta". Meinbers Of the titielfneW LegiOn and the Ladies Auxiliary were tn.: atten.dance, At Vie service which fellowed at the cenotaph the Institute Wreath was laid by Mrs, Torn Mageffil1, whose son, Ivan, lost his life in • the last war and. Stuart Colly-er, of the LiicitnoW Legion also placed a wreath, The. Last post and Re- veille were sounded by Bud Grp of Belgrave," iiiimimumutoOolllioulimoiwiwoutotimmootomit1410001.110iL it U U U I U • -74. LOOM ovum's — ..-ALOArmg- ---- , : i . , a fir • , . , • 1 loliiiiiiistilmilittimllimmommilisi•ligitliiiiliiiiiiSiiiiiiiiiisimiNi U I U U U it .^ • • U a U a a A ICA .G E 12' X 22' PRIMED AND AND 'SECT'IONAL $ERRY 'poopt, INSTALLED $425.00 DELIVERED • SUPER ZIP Extra power for the toughest attinp job Weighs only 18 lbs.... tells trees up to 4 ft. In diameter.. Stop This Evill • • It is well known tthat teen-agers are able to get liquor easily under the Canada Temperance Act. • PROTECT OUR YOUTH • • Bring in a law .that now provides stiff •,pehalties for selling' or supplying liquor or beer to 'minors,. REPEAL .THE CTA Give our police the power to arrest and our courts to convict those whO` for selfish gain .take ,advantage of, the .weal provisi.ons of ,thepresent law, . YOUR BALLOT IS NEEDED • Don't Fail 'to Vote on November 30 HURON CITIZENS LEGAL CONTROL COMMITTEE J. E. HOCKINS, ChairMan Huron Motors Limited. A. D. MaeWILLIAINT Your Ford,-Edsel, Monarch - Ford & Fordson Major Tractor Dealer. Wingharn ommie, 1951—Mercury 5-tan, 195-inch wheelbase Chassis and Cab Good tires, mechanically OK. Many other cheaper units. Come in and see the new Ford and Falcon 1960 models at 111M1111101.V" Phone 237 The East Wawanosh Council met November 3rd, the reeve presiding. Tim minuqes of the meeting held Oct, 6th were read and adopted on ,motion by McGowan and Hallaba.n, 'Buchanan -McGowan- That the' road and general accounts as pre- sented be passed and paid. The assessor, Roland Vincent, tendered his resignation as asses- sor for the township.' Haliahan - McGowan- That the council accept the assessor's re- signation with regret. The court of revision on the assessment roll was opened at 3 /opted on motion Of Walter Short- reed and Gordon Wilkinson, , Procter - Duncan- That the as- sessment roll for 1960 be accepted. Duncan-Procter - That the court of -revision . on the 1960 as- sessment roll be hold on Nov. 16th at 2 p.m. Wilkinson - Shortreed= That the general accounts as presented be paid. Shortreed - Duncan - That the road accounts as Presented by the road superintendent be paid. Duncan- Wilkinson-- That we start proceedings to build a new bridge on the 4th concession known as 'the 'Boclinin bridge in 1960, The meeting adjourned 'on ran:" toe of Stewart Procter. and Ross Doncan to meet again at the call of the reeve. • • AecOunts Paid Advance-Times, advertising, '2,34; Thamer Nursing Home, $88.25; Municipal World, supplies, $6,71; Bailie Parrott, selecting jurors, $4,00; George Martin, selecting ju- rors, $4.00; Addison Fraser, select- ing jurors, $4,00; Baker's ,Conval- escent Home, $185.50; Geol.ge Rad- ford, Mills Drain, $134,00; Neil Mc- Gavin, Mustard Drain, - $138.00; James Davis, ,Rintoul Drain, $12.45 Amos C. Martin, tile for Mathers 'Drain $4.35; Carl Johnston, Ma- there Drain, $9.00; Harvey Robert- son, Mathers Drain, $24.00; , Wil- liam' 'Robertson, Mathers Drain, :'$33.50; Relief adoinit, $71.01; Wingham ,postmasteir, unemploy- ment stamps; .$6.50; ' Addison Fia- ser, mailing' account, $27.78. Bailie 'Parrott, Reeve -George C. Martin, Clerk $400.OrantVoted' To centeriniai pates: 'The regular Meeting.of the Howe 'ink Township ..Couneil was held . the clerk's °Mee with all members present and the reeve, Arthur Gib- son, in ;the eheir, The minutes .of the last regular meeting :and the court of .revision on the 1900 Ela- segment roll were read and on Motion of MeMiehael and R. Gibe .on were adopted as read. lieskins- Anew- • That we do not concur with the resolution passed' by the Township of Crowland at th1414.stIZ-MeMiellne) - That we renew the Fidelity Bond re the treasurer and the robbery .insur- ance policy. Allan - Haskins- That we give RoSS Hanna $50,00 for extra MA,. vation on Branch. 16 of Drain 10 • as approved by the engineer. Haskins - Allan-- That By-law No, 19, 1959, of the Township of Howick for the year 1959, a by-law .establishing, a garbage duinp area, as read the third time be finally passed.' give the Wroxeter Cemetery Board a grant of $100, McMichael - Allan - That we give the Gorrie Cemetery Board a grant of $200. Haskins. -MeMichael•- That we give a grant of $400 to the Howick Agricultural Society towards the cost of the centennial gates. R., -Gibson -- McMichael- That the road accounts as approved be. Paid. Allan-Haskins- That the lowing accounts be paid: - Tax rapids, re 1959 tax roll, $1'41.20; office 'supPlies, , $91.02; Parrish Extension. Drain, repairs, $10,40;. Drain 10, Branch E, anoes; superintending and fees,. $607.00; Ross Hanna, drain con- tracts and. deposits, $1400.00; Wer- ner Drain, alkoWances, superintend- ing and fee S, $279,00; Fordv(ich rink, grant, $200.00; Wroxeter hall, rent, $10,00; N. Wade, insurance premiums, $55.00; Baker Nursing Home, indigent acct„ $139.50; Art . Forster, sheep killed, $100.00; re, lief .accounts, $381.70; G. L. Deb- 'son, supplies, $30.65; J. W. Strong, care of cairn, park, 2 years, $30.00; Wroxeter Cemetery, grant, $100.00; Gorrie Cemetery; grant, $200.00; Howick 'Agricultural., Society, grant re gates, $400.00; Road Account, transfer, $2305.23, -Moved by McMichael and Gibson that we do now adjdurn to meet . again December 5th or at the call of the reeve. Arthur Gibson, Reeve, t* J. H. Pollock, Clerk ST. NOM MA. and 11/I s, •Porgion Miller :i.knd Larry' of :1400iion• spent the viteelt, end with relatives here, Mr" CP.111M ciiMeron _Of Detroit spent a .few days With, his 4,?rothor, john and 10,s, Miss Penne Weeds .of Niraterloe and. Mr, Roy Ha.wiey- of Oshawa were weeit,end. -ViSitora with Mr, and Mrs. Lorne. Woods. Miss Jean Matto of -1,4149Wei will be the 'Pea Speaker at the Mittman Timakeftering of the W.1Vf,S. to be held in the Pnted, Church next .§nntlay •evening-, at 7,30. Miss Austin has: returied from a trip around the world 'and spent three months with her niece, Miss Margaret Leash, a Maslen, ary at Jhansi, India, The latter is a grand-.niece of 'Rev, Robert 'Leask one of the earlY ministers of St. Helens Church, 'She will show ,moving pictures .451, her trip which included visits. to Hong.lcOng end Japan "A .cordial invitation 1.4• extended to everypne to attend this meeting which promises to be moat interesting, Members of the Women's Blatt- tut e-cate red • te-the -.4 inner- fors, .•-tha Lions Club held in the Legion hell On Monday evening, Congratulations- go to Mrs. john - Miller, whose 80th birthday ware celebrated at' the home of her. daughter, _Mrs, Fred MaQuillin, Best wishes for many, more, Lt Brian Staples of"Camp Bar- den was the weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs, John Cameron. TRYING TO CEMENT AFRICA, OLD AND NEW. At the meeting, of the Woman's lVfigionary Society or Wingham United Church, which was held on Tuesday,. Miss Effie Bowers had charge of the program. She read the Scripture which embraced the theme, "He had appointed unto you, a kingdom". The several Bible readings told of the coming of this kingdom and prayers were offered for its realization. , • Miss Bowers then, presented' the second chapter of the. study bOok, "Africa Disturber,' demonstrating the fact that the African people are as on a bridge between the old and the new. There Is much good in old Africa and these ideas are being carried forward and put with the new. The church is try- ling to cement the old and the new; assisted by modern science and, medicine, This , is resulting in a decrease in superstition; ,in finding the African women in all lines of activity, profession and business, and in a swelling tide of business and commercial life. Africa is surely and' slowly being pushed over the bridge *into a new world; Mrs. T, Jardin, with Mrs. W.' W. Currie at the piano, sang the pleas- ing solo, "Near to 'the Heart of God," Mrs. James Henry gave a very -.informative and convincing talk with 'reference to the ap- proaching vote regarding the re- peal of the C.T.A. - Reports were 'received from the delegates to the Sectional meeting in Gorrie. Mrs, Gowans told of the activities of the different aux- iliaries in 'the section, which had been- p'res'ented there. Mrs. 0. Struthers explained the proposed amalgamation of all the women's societies in the United Church under one ;organization. She said that this could not be accomplish- ed without much thought and sac- rifice and prayer on the 'Part of. each woman. Articles for the bale,, shortly go- ing forward to- Korea, were dis- played by the supply secretary, Mrs. N. MeLaughlin. She also read the requirements from the Presbyterial for the spring sup- plies, The president, Mrs. C, Fing- land, closed the meeting with prayer. JUNIORS PLAN COUNTY FORMAL GORRIE-The regular meeting of the Howick Junior Institute was held in the Gorrie commmunity hall last Wednesday, Reports on. the Family 'Night banquet were givenN513.anpdass,eti.a donation for the, d Following the business, a most enjoyable and informative demon- stration was given by Mrs. Norman Carson, Gorrie, on "Gift Wrap- ping". Irrrs, Carson had ManyL original and decorative ideas for wrappings for all occasions, With' the Ohristmas season coming, this gave a great opportunity fol. possi- bilities of lift wrapping, After the adjeurnment of the meeting, the girls 'met With the junior Farniera.. Alexander Gra-. ham, manager, 'Toronto-Dominion' Bank, Gorrie, was their guest, speaking on "Farm JmproVenaent Loans". Repolayi on the Tiovrielr Fair booth and flotteWere given by Wayne ling, treasurer, The HOW- irk Junior Farmers are responsible for the lunch for the County Junior Farmers' formal on November 27 in the Wingitain District, High School, Covert Hyndnian, Dorothy Toner, Gordon Scott And JIM Rentvick are on the colnirifttee for the December theetIng, winch will take the torrn Of a ChrialinaS patty, After, „.a sing-song, the Meeting' adjenttied for • O'Clock. The Connell subscribed; to the oath :for the court, .The . Vierit announced there wereTio ;an,' • - .• peals. Hallalrarr 13tichenart- That the . court of revision on the assess- ment roll ho closed and the figures be apt:opted. "..fer 1900, •taxatign. • 13y-ilaw • No, x2., setting a special. • rate for Or0l,O,440 worit On lot 41, eeneesSien. 5 in the township was 'read the first and second time, McGoWAll'-gacharkan---- That law $9.. 12 be read the third time and finally passed,. ' -Wad .Acennats Stuart 4v.int3Arriey, salary and bills paid, ill60,44; Alexp.ncier's Ware, belts, saw blade, 2,53; mar-. irars Machine Shop, ,welding- gra- der, $1:1,*();. "ffarry Williams,' fife.i. and tax, 0.79.00; Dominion .13oad' Machinery Co„ grader repairs,. $26.01, - cieneM1 Aroannts C, W. Hanna, selecting jurors, $4,00; R. H, Thompson, selecting jurors, $5.00;' Roland Vincent, sal- pry, equalizing schcicil section, se- lecting jiirors, • $449,00; McKenzie Rest Home, maintenance of petient,. $92.75; Municipal World, 'suPPlieS.' $10.23, -MeGownn ..Buckanan..-- That tire council adjoinn to meet Dee, 3rd at one o'clock at the Belgrave community centre, C. W.' Hanna, Reeve R. H. Thompson, Clerk Reductions-Reductions The following fords are being sold at large 14. reductions due to the arrival of the new 1960 Fords. e d ii — New Units • I 1959—V8 Custom 300 Sedan , ----- .3.' - - - ' Tani" dine' bite, atitainatid tranSMISSiOn. ' ' ' '" - - ` - ' " ii 1959—Ford 6-cyl. Pickup Blue 1x calor. OFF E t.: 1959—Ford V8 Fairlane Sedan This beauty is a demonstrator in Red arid Black, with automatic transmission, windshield washer, full hub ' I.. caps and sold with a new car guarantee. Used Units 1956--Ford Sedan Blue, a one owner car in spotless shape inside and out, ;:. 1956—Plymouth Sedan Two tone Blue, this car has to be-aesn to be appreciated, 1955—Plymouth Coach A real buy. 1952---CIVIC 1/z-ton Pick-Up Congilete. with stock racks. /' P 1.• New Bodmin Bridge 'Ig Piirtned tdir 1960' The Morris Township council Met on Nov. 'grid with all the merry-' bera present, The minutes of the last meeting were read and ad- R. VINCENT RESIGNS AS TNT. ASSESSOR Canada Packers Limited WINGIRAM lammormingiamoiNimmomme IS SAVING ,MONEY FOR DAIRYMEN, EVERYWHERE The saving offered to calf feeders throug Mut Canada by SHUR-GA1N MILK RE- PLACER has done much toward establishing it as the leading feed for calves up to 5 weeks old. This product, developed and proven by SHUR-GAIN Nutritionists, in Canada, has now proven itself time and again on countless farms throughout the country. SHUR=GAIN MILK REPLACER = = Costs Less to Buy Costs Less to Use Virtually Eliminates Scours Is Easy to Feed AND NOW -- FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE IT'S ALSO AVAILABLE IN 50 LB. BAGS. Only $3.95 25-1b. bag or $7.65 50-1b. bag NO More Than Ever SHUI1 GAIN Milk Replacer • !Whether you want a chain 'saw for occasional wood cutting chores or every use, 'Homelite has a model just right for the purpose. Lighlweight, rugged 'and dependable, Homelite chain saws consistently deliver quality,,,, performance at low cost. With full power. in any cutting position, easy *tarts in any type of weather and the flush-cut handle for gFound-level cutting, you can't beat the value of a Ilarnalite Chain Saw. Try one test one today! , Manufactund in Canada by RKTICIVArArONT.) ITO. 37' Densisy Ave.; Torentoo Ont. YOU CAN7-BEAT,THE VALUE OF HOMELITE CHAIN SAWS! Nerved nerellets ter extra money... titre and prune trios... door lend. Cut !rewired. fence posts, buildios lumber faster, iidstW.. eel dies* GET A FREE DEMONSTRATION PROM R. iCHMIDT Illuevale, Ontario