HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-11-11, Page 4' ELECTROLUX sales and service. R. E. Ruttan, Goderich, phone Goderich 1154 or Wingham !! 553W. rrb SEVERAL used milking machines for sale. Uet us install one of these or a knew Woods in your home on a trial basis. Distance is no barrier. Irving Keyes, Glamis, Phone Paisley 114r4. ' 20Alt-Nov. • MOBILE HOMES and travel teed- ors. General, Glendale Pyramid. ,Highest trade,,-in allowance for furniture,. etc. Agent for Dur- ;barn Teener Sales. Call Wing- 008J3 for 'prices and esti- !Mead, . 28-4-1148* • HARD OF HEARING? join the 'growing list of satisfied custom- ers fitted witheZENITH Hearing Aids. Complete sales and ser- vice. Satisfaction guaranteed, Phone 53 for full information. McKibbone Drug Store, Wing- ham. lib Ni.."1".111.541.1suir FOR C APITAL GROWTH Investors Growth Fund combines., the advantages of commons tock. investment and full-time proInia:. ional raanagelnent. Assets of the fund are invested a wide range of Canadian comp.° mon stocks selectectforrong-tassa growth potential. FEATURES:. • Automatic, free re-inveatmial: of dividends • Cumulative investment plans • Variable indoine plans " • Income tax credits For complete informable contact . . . Thomas A. Jardin Phone 147, Wingham, Ont. Emerson Ivel Phone 334W, Harrittou Investors. cToweitilii found 0 P CAM AAP* ;99 11,11,., Head office; WinitiPet aka' 4riwilpd, 1I alts011.°61..."1111111111.111146. WINGHAM ARMITAGE'S Dsy et. Call For and Deliver 1111111111111111111111111.111KIIIIIKIMINIMinititilillitiimillonn1111111111111111111111111/L U U U i .GROUND BEEF PORK SAUSAGE LARD-7-we will fill your pail for 10c per lb. FI li E • or packaged in seal-tight containers 2 .1bs. for 25c a • 14 Loekridge's .Butcher Shop f. GAWK MCINTOSH & WARD CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Bell Telephone Building WALKERTON D. A. HUNTLEY; C.A. -- Resident %thaw Telephones: Business 633; Residence 100 U U U U a a U U a 3 lbs. $1.25 3 lbs. $1.25 BEEF BY THE QUARTER SPRING LAMB CUT AND WRAPPED TO YOUR LIKING! a;,; 4"VC WT."; '3; s.i VT;'T:1 inganon Adva.nea-OVIele ilkVedneetlan NoY. 110 T tt4- L-1.m t LAY * H Fa * TRADe. ult. FIND IT IN THE WANT 'OR SALE loNA`lik TAXT. SERVICE and, used FUeeiitnre, We buy and sell. Pkiopie 185, rrb WINGHAMcoek stove for sale, In goedeenditioe, Phone 831, 11h Mit-4 FILTERS for sale--''Rapid 'lo", 6-inch, 85c; .614.-inch, 89c. Alexander's..HardwarP, 1rib VIGURE SKATING costumes for Praetical wear or carnival. See, Irene Saint, or phone 276R, W liRANT ANNEX for sale, White enamel, 'Glee -3-piece blue Winter outfit, like new Phone Wrox- ' • " DRESSED C'HICKENS for sale. Jelin Berchill, phone 762w12. 28-4-11-184e TWO-PIECE Chesterfield suite for. sale, in good condition. Reason- able. Phone 262, 11b OAT ROLLER for sale. Apply to Lloyd Montgomery, phone 74331,. Wingham, 11* TV ANTENNA and rotor for sale. 'White kitchen china cabinet. Grey baby carriage; lift-off bed style. Phone 456. 11b GIRL'S WINE COAT with grey "fur collar for sale, size 8. Like new, Also light blue cloth jump- er, size 2. Phone 600W4. 111e CHOOSE A DUO-THERM oil home heater. Styled for the finest liv- ing room, heats 3 to 5 rooms, Circulates, humidifies, radiates, gives more heat per BTU. Am- azingly low prices. Pattison Electric, Wingham. llb SNOW, SPY and Delicious apples in yciur own container, $2.00 per bus. Free delivery. Harry Erydges, phone 618w2. 21rrb CARPETS, RUGS—See N, J, 'VVel- wood for a complete range of BARRYMORE and HARDING broadloom. All wool Wilton hardtwists and tone on tones. Rug sizes or wall ,to wall. Have an estimate this week for 'your room. N. .1. Welwood, phone 86, siiimilaummimmonmommmnammnis TRADE WANTED at R. A:CURRIE & SONS FURNITURE ON A 2: PEE, SKLAR SUITE with air-foam SKLAR SUITES FROM A LOW $168.00 *rot AIRAPOAilat ;Up to 2 years to pay.. 01116000 the 'ffillynktrit Wait you orator. E E 1 Floor Lamp. with Each• Suite. OimillamMAMIKOWIRIMiar 4-- VON "SAXE BOTS REP snow suit for sale, Size .3,, Phone 5613. 11b. WOODEN' CRIB for sale. Large size, Phone 651M. • 11* STUDIO COUCH for sale, Good condition. phone low, 11* SUNSHINE CARRIAGE for sale. In good condition. Phone 13$R. llb FIRE EXTINGUISHER. for sale, 350 lb. pressure. Perfect con- dition, Phone 565w. lib OIL FLOOR FURNACE for sale, suitable for store or cottage. BALLERINA-length formal dress for sale, Size 12-14, worn only once. Reasonable, Telephone 14853, . 11e STORM WINDOWS for sale: One 30x68; one 30e49; one 24x68; one 24x64; three 20x55, George Guest, phone 702. 1111 YOU CAN TAKE COLORFUL, ac- tion-packed movies , with new Brownie Movie Cameras. Stop in, look over the brilliant new mod- els at our store. Prices start as low as just $a8.25. Msyk Studio, Wingliana. ills TIME TO REFILL THE FAMILY- Vitamin bottle! Get the new, fresh Plenaniihs, the complete vitamin and mineral tablet. One a day helps to keep you well. McKibbon Drug Store, Wing- ham. llb DELIGHT HER WITH A NEW ELNA Sewing Machine that lets you select and sew all the popu- lar stitches! Available in cabinet or portable case. Priced reason- ably. Elna Sewing Centre Wing- ham, fib DO YOU HAVE COLD FEET, high fuel bills? A Duo-Therm, oil home heater with Power-Air puts lazy ceiling heat to work— gives greater comfort and save's on fuel! Come in for details. Pat- tison Electric, Wingham. llb A 50% SAVING!—You can now save over 50 per cent of the cost of a. factory-built boat with the new SEA KING BOAT KITS. All parts are pre-cut and num- bered, ready to assemble. Boats already assembled are also aVall- able at, substantial savings, b or more information contact Bruce Lott or Jim Campbell, phone Wingham 615 or 340 M. fib OFFICE EQUIPMENT, sales and service. Complete line of Olym- pia Typewriters, Olivett i calcu- lators, adding machines, office supplies. For prompt and ef- ficient service on your present equipment contact Owen Sound Typewriter •Company, 274 7th St. East, Owen Sound. Phone 2927. 11.18:25* DEADSTOCK WANTED DEADSTOCK removed promptly for sanitary disposal. FREE pick up on larger animals, reasonable collection charge for small ani- mals. Phone collect Wingham 378; Pairderston 123w, or Dur- ham 398, Gordon Young (Elmira) Limited, 6rrb DEADSTOCK — FARMERS! We have the fastest service and the highest prices for dead, disabled cows and horses, $4.00 each and 31 he lb. for good mink horses. 24 hour service. Call ,for long distance OPERATOR and ask for ZENITH 43900, no toll charge, Lorenz Stock Removal, Durham. rrb REM., ESTATE FOR sox ONE and A HALF storey red brick house for sale, Good location, Eight rooms. New oil furnace, Hardwood floors, Toilet down- stairs. Good garden, Phone 1187M, lib 209 ACRE FARM for. sale; lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 •Concession A, Turn- berry, on Highway 86, Spring creek, gravel pit, ,baro 64x50 ft., delving shed, hydro throughout. Two storey brick house, .6 rooms, pressure system, new bathroom and furnace, Chas. McCutbaeen, RR, 2, Bluevale, phone Wrox- eter 3r2, ' llb "NEW IVIODERNatila lt, ranallaStyle' home for sale, with garage at- tacbed, 3 bedrooms, dining room, large, living room, modern kitch- en, 4-piece bath, . tile and oak floors, full basement, oil furnace, 4 BEDROOM HOME situated near school and .hospital, with cup- boards and bathroom, for sale or rent, Full price $6,500.00. 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, living room and kitchen, Insul brick siding, la acre of land. Full price $3,000.00, Immediate possession. For hoMes, businesses and farms, contact—. WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate Broker Phone 392111, Wingham 11b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE RED ROAN Durham cow for sale. Milking good. Rising 4 years. Due March 21. Also steer calf rising 6 months, weighing about 450 lbs. Phone 628J2 Wingham, STOCKER CATTLE—Good supply of choice far west calves arriving daily. Also feeder cattle. Sold by the pound privately Monday to Friday. See them at Bauman Bros., •Kitchener Stock Yards. Phone Sherwood 3-9262, Kitch- ener. rrb POULTRY FOR SALE 300 RED x SUSSEX pullets for sale, 6 months, laying. • Arnold Alton, R.R. 7, Lucknow. Phone 67r1, Dungannon. 11* FOR RENT HOUSE FOR -RENT, available Dec. 1st. Apply Box 84, Advance.: Times. lib FOR, RENT in Whitechurch, 4 :bedroom insul brick siding house, modern conveniences, partly fur- nished; garage and garden. Vic Emerson, phone 758J1 Wingham. lirrb SALES HELP WANTED, ARE YOU INTERESTED in a full or spare time Sales Plan by which you can earn $10 to $20 a day? Take orders from beau- tiful Display Book featuring over 170 Household Products. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. K453RR 4005 Richelieu; Montreal, 11b LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE REQUIRED • Prominent company serving farm- ers and rural dwellers reciaires energetic man with dependable car as Sales Representative in this area. This •is a real oppor- tunity for either a young man or semi-retired farmer or business man to establish 'himself in a good -paying business with life- long security and freedom for working nights and weekends. Write today giving details of age and business experience, ad- dress and phone number to Personnel Director, Box 817, London. You will be interviewed in your locality within the next two weeks so please reply at once as preference will be given first applicants, ' 4-11b -EMPLOYMENT WANTED EXPERIENCED MALE CLERK wants -store work. Good all round qualificationee Box 83, Advance-Timea. rrh WANTED TO RENT HOUSE in Wingham. Approxi- mately three bedrooms. Apply to Box 79 Advance-Times. rrb WANTED CATTLE TO FEED for the winter. Apply Jack Stone, Baievale, 1lb LOST LOST, grey cat answering to the name Smoky. A child's pet, Re- ward, Phone 65631, 11h • •----- STRAYED CATTLE BEAST strayed to the farm of Lloyd Walker, Owner may have same by litoVing property and paying expenses, Phone 101W4, Whighant, fib FINANCING A CAR? Before you buy ask about out Low Cost Financing - Service with conipiete inauranee Coverage. STEVVART A. SCOTT Phone 2a Wingbant COMING EVEN'TS. . = THE W,I. MEETING will be held in the Council Chamber - on Thursday, Nov. 19th, Program conveners, Mrs. L, Fortune, Mrs,. 0, Day, Roll, call, a picture or Clipping with a written story of a local event which took place not less than 25 years- ago. Pan, el- discussion, "Mrs, 1885 Meets Mrs, 1959", Mrs. W, Lapp, Mrs. L. Fortune. Hostess convener, Mrs. N. McLaughlin, CE1Ib CARDS OF THANKS .„, . Mr and Mrs Rohert Baro•ess wish to thank their frienda and neighbors for flowers, gifts and cards received in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary, I wish to thank my friends and neighbors who sent cards, flowers and treats while I was a patient in the hospital. Special thanks •to Dr, W. A. McKibbon, Mrs. Morrey and her staff .of nurses,—Sam Bondi. I wish to thank my friends and neighbors for eards, visits • and kindness shown me at the hospi- tal and in my home, Also thanks to Dr. W, A. McKibbon, nurses and aides at the hospital. —Mrs, H. V. Fyne, llb To Dr, W. A. Crawford, the nurs- ing staff and management of -the Wingham General Hospital, also those who visited me, sent cards and treats while I was a patient in the hospital and since I came home, "thanks a million",—Lewis Cook, lib I wish to sincerely thank all those who visited me, also those who remembered me with cards, flowers and gifts while I was a pa- tient in the Wingham General Hos- ,pital. Special thanks to Dr, Mc- Kibbon, Rev. Johnson and the nurses and staff. Mrs. Leslie Cunningham, I would like to thank all those who visited me, brought me treats and sent cards when I was in the Wingham General Hospital. I would like to thank those who helpecaout at home. Special thanks to Dr. W. A. McKibbon, Dr. L. M. Gibson of London and Dr. Leahy Mrs. Morrey and Mrs. Currie and staff of nurses on second floor.— Mrs. Herman „Metcalfe, lib MISCELLANEOUS FOR PIANO TUNING, musical in- struments, accessories and re- pairs at reasonable rates phone Ross Mann, 73514 Wingham. rrb SEWAGE DISPOSAL — Septic . tanks, cesspools, etc., pumped and cleaned with modern equipment. All work guhranteed. Write to Louis Blake, R.R. 2, Brussels. Phone 42r6, Brussels. A26-N25° WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used". Artificial breeding service; All breeds of cattle; Member owned and controlled; cost low,, efficiency high; Use of the best of bulls; Disease con- trolled, safety. For service or more informationphone for long distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 or collect Teeswater 126 between: 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. week days; 6.00 and 8.00 p.m. Saturday evenings. Calls received on Saturday even- ing will be serviced on Sunday morning. For cows in heat on Sunday morning, DO NOT call until Monday morning. "Better Cattle For Better Living," rrb COURT OF REVISION The Court of Revision on the 1960 Assessment Roll for Morris Township will 'be held in the Town- ship Hall on November 16, 1959 at 2 p,m. Gee, C, Martin, Clerk. 11b NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY, COUNTY OF HURON VOTERS' LIST, 1969 Notice is hereby given that I •have complied with section 9 of the Voters' List Act, 1951, and that I have posted up at my office at Bluevale, on the 31st day of Oc- tober, 1959, the lists of all persons entitled to vote in the said muni- cipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. , And I hereby call tenon all Vo- ters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law. JOHN V. FISCHER. Clerk, .11-18b Nonce TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK. COUNTY OP HURON VOTERS' LIST, 1959 Notice is hereby given. that I have complied with section 9 of the Voters' List Act, 1951, and that I have posted up at my ,office at Gerrie, on the 0th day of Novem- ber, 1059, tha.lista of all persons entitled to vote in the said muni- cipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inapeetion. And I hereby-tall upon all voters to take inithediate proceedings 'to have ,any eriene or ornissiona corrected according to laW, The last day of appeal being the lath day of goVetriber, 1959, lib i7. 144 Rota:, ror,z,om. Clerk, NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN lam. 4$TATk7 or SARAH FRANCES COSENS ALL. PERSONS having claims against the estate -of the .above mentioned, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Widow, .who -died on the 16th -day 'of Oetober, 1959, are required to file proof of same with the undersign- ed on or before .the 28th day of November, A,D, 1959. After that date the executers will proceed to distribute the es, tate baying, regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. • DATED at Wingham this Tenth day of November,. AD, 1959, CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario, ••.- --Scailtera..for -the- l:rxects tars; • .- 11-18-25b. PERSONAL RHEUMATIC PAIN, SCIATICA, Lumbago? Try RUMACAPS for prompt relief, Start them today, All druggists. 11b YOU ARE NOT TREATING your- a„eelf fairly if you do not treat yourself to regular, professional beauty care. Make an appoint- ment now with our expert stylist , Band-Box Beauty Salon. fib MOKAY'S REST HOME has ac- commodatiori, for patients. Ex- cellent nursing care with regis- tered nurse in charge, Licensed. Pleasant surroundings, home- cooked meals, tray service. Phone Wingham 103, 16Nv,18* IN MEMORIAM FINLAY—In loving memory, of Mrs. Charles Finlay, who passed away two years ago, November 9th, 1957. We little knew when we woke that morn The sorrow the day would bring, The call was sudden, the shock severe, To part with one we loved so dear. Sometimes it's hard to understand Why some things have to be. In His wisdom God has planned Beyond our power to see. Cherished memories of wife and mother, Charlie and Irene, • 11'1' DRVIS—In loving memory of my dear wife, Ethel Orvis, who pass- ed away November 11th, 1958. Peacefully sleeping, resting at last; The world's weary troubles and trials are past; In, silenca she suffered, in patience ' she bore, Till God called her home to suffer no more. —Lovingly .remembered by hus- band, Alvin Orvis, and sister, Mabel and family and friends, 114' WELLS—In: loving memory ofa clear father and grandfather, Harry Wells, who passed away November 13, 1956. He suffered patiently and long, His hope 'was bright, his faith was strong, Thepeace of Jesus filled"his breast, And in His arms he sank to rest. —Ever remembered and sadly inissed by Dorothy and Jack BroOks, Jeanette and Harry. 11° BIRTHS HENDERSON—At the Wingham General Hospital, on Wednesday, Nov. 4, 1959, -to Mr. and Mrs, James, Henderson, Wingham, a daughter. BOLT—At. Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, On Thureday, Nov, 5, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bole London, a daughter, a sister for Brian and David. McCOMB—At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, 'on Friday, Nov. 6, 1059, to Mr, and Mrs. Terry McComb; Wingharn, a (laughter. BEDARD—At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, 'on Friday, Nov, 6, 1959, to Mr, and Mrs, Henry Bedard, Wingham, ,a son, SKINN—At the Wingham, General Hospital on Friday, Nov. 6, 1959, to Mr, and Mrs, Alex Skinn, of Wingham, a daughter, FOXTON—At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Saturday, Nov. 7, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Foxton, twin daughters. (One of the Infants expired- on the day folloVving their birth), ANDREWS—At the Wingham Gen- Oral Hospital, on SaturdaY, Nov, 7, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy And- rews, RR, 8, Wingham, a son, BRADSHAW—In Victoria Hospi- tal, London, on Saturday, Nov, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs, Harvey BradshaW, of Wreiteter, a daugh- ter,. Vial Anti, HAMILTON— At the Wingham General Hospital, on. Sunday, Nov, 8, 1959, to 11/r. and Mrs, Lorne j. Hamilton, RR, 3, Lack= now, a daughter. • LEE---M the Wingham General Hospital, •on. Tuesday, Nov, 10, 1.969,,,to and Mra, Vrederiek Lee, Winghant, a tell, ...COWS MEMO .SAME TODAY SAYS SPEAKER BLUEVALE- -.The WKS, of the Presbyterian Church held tts fall Thankoffering meeting on Wed- nesday of last week in. the Sunday Scheel room With the Members of Brussels, Wingham and CranbroOk auxiliaries as guests. The president, Mrs, 'Thomas, gave the call to worship and after singing of a hymn, prayer was offered followed by a Thankeffer- lag thought stressing the paint that We should be thankful for each ilay that we are alive and in 'this world so full of opportunities, but how can we expect strength for today if our thonghtsare full of yesterday and its fallurfs. Mrs. Engel, of Cranbrook, read the Scripture and Mrs. Pay of Wingham -led in prayer, a 'beautiful duet "Take the Name of Jesus with You" was sung by Rev, and is -Gteeti- Of 'BrU3S-ela. with Mrs: Moffatt accompanying them at the piano. The offering was taken and dedicated by the president, The special speaker for the -da.v Was Rev, Green of Brussels. and in a very -interesting way compar- ed the difference years had •macle on some things. He remarked ean the hardships of our missionaries in long ago days with no means of travel except on foot and -no safe roads to travel, but they never thought anything too hard to do if they •could convert someone, To- day there is considerable money spent for missionaries and to' help to fit them :for their work hut the first essential for a. missionary is the love of Christ in their hearts and the greatest need of •any hu- man heart is God. The second essential need is the love of God. The greatest missionary of all time was Jesus .Christ and He has left an example for all to follow. , In all business 'transactions to- day we have experienced :sales- then, Why 'can't we have salesmen for God's work as well? We find in all Christian Churehes dowr( through the ages there has been the good and the bad, but the Chris- tian ,message has always stood as, powerful as When it was nest: procaimed by Jesus Christ. ' His disciples and His message is the same today "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel", • Mrs. Roy Turvey expressed the thanks to ,the special speaker and -to all those who helped with the meeting. The meeting was closed with prayer, and a social time was held. BLUEVALE Mrs. •George Hetherington spent a few days in Galt. Mr. and Mrs. Jim• Darling of Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Darling and Jackie of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs, 'Howard Lints arid children of Mildmay, were week- end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Darling. Mr. • and Mrs. "Charles Johnston and family, of Woodstock, Were visitors with friends at the 'week- end. Miss Ethel Beattie, of Seaforth, visited her cousin, Mrs. B. F. Garniss on Saturday, Thomas Parker, recently of Elliott Lake, has taken over Ar- nold Lillow's, former garage and is prepared to do welding. Mr. and Mrs. Parker have a cabin trailer which will be their home. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Hall visit- ed Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Scott and family at Newtoh on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Donald Street„ Linda, Julie and Stephen ,were Sunday visitOrie at the home of Miss Mary Duff, visiting at the same home on Friday were: Mrs. Grant McDiarmiel. Miss Kate Mc- Gregor and MrS. Neil McKenzie all of Lucknow. VELVETEEN HANGERS AS ACCESSORIES BELMORE—The fourth meeting of ,the Tidy Teens 4-H club was held Saturday evening in the In- stitute rooms in Belrnore with 13 members :present, After President Norma Harper opened the meeting with the 4-H pledge and roll call, "My Plans for Rods and Shelves'", the secretary Lorna Woods, read the minutes of the last meeting. Plans for Achievement Day, which is "to be early in January, were discussed. The making of laundry bags and materials for them were talked over, Mrs. Kieffer showed the girls a curtain suitable for an-improvised• closet. Mrs, Renwick demonstrated the assembly of as velveteen covered hanger, and the girls began work- ing on their hangers. . After Preparing the home assign- ment the ..girls planned to meet again on Remembrance Day in order to take .advantage of the school holiday. This brought, the meeting to a close. CEMENT GRAVEL Crushed, 1:7icellent Quality. deliVered, WATSON ARMSTRONG Phone 45 ir 12 TEESWATER MRS. A. McCRACKIN PRESIDES AT MEETING Bl-MEVALIT.,---The W.M.S. of. Hiacivale l/pited Oinireh met in the ohnrch on Thursday afternoon 'with Misr, Alex were A x IeCr7ivke.inn blyn- ep the secretary, Mee, Gorden Hall, , and the treasurer, Mrs, Sporling. 'tailed 'report Ripoeis;t cOifill*•tt.P..hlle :ga4Nitenrs'nodee ; sesaion. of the sectional meeting of 'W KS. held -at Carrie on October 22nd.' .Mrs. James Johnston, Mrs, °forge Hetherington ...arid Mrs. Stanley Darling were appointed a :nominating committee for the Wo, man's Association :and the W.11,S, Mrs. Mearackie conducted a de- vetional service in which several took part, Scripture readings were given by Mrs. W. J., Peacock and Mrs, Snarling Johnston and pray- ers by Mrs, McCrackin, Mrs, W, J. Johnston, Mrs. M. )1.4, Aitken and -Mra,...jee, -Johnston, —.1)/fra,...Ediearii. Barnard- gave a reading, . "Great Hymns about the Cross", At the conclusion Mrs, McCrack- in read a Remembrance Day poem *pd all joined . in singing, "0 Valiant Hearts, Who to Your •Glei'y Came". Reception•Held* For Newlyweds • BLUEVALE—A. large crowd at- tended the shower for Mr, and Mrs, Jim . Darling, formerly. Joan Brociks, in 'the community hall on 'Friday might pcib Thompson read 'an address and Sharon Thompson presented them' with .a purse of money on. .behalf of. friends' in the com.mun- it:. Dancing was enjoyed during the -evening. First 'tine Group Purchases Desk BLUEVALE—The Woman's 'As- sociation met in the',United Charch on Thursday, Mrs. John Wickstead presiding and conducting devotions, 'The treasurer, Mrs. Alex Mc - Ctatkin showed a good balance in her report, A donation of $25 was voted to CKNX-TV Story Time, Mrs, Bert Garniss' reported the purchase of a desk for use in- the parsonage, arranged by the First Line Morris. Group. Some arrange- merits for the bazaar to be held this week were made. Special Service A t'United Church , BLUES 'Day' was fittingly observed in the, Unit- ed Church on Sunday, with appro- priate decorations. Mr. Alan H. Neelon gave a :tribute to all those who had sacrificed their lives in two great wars, The choir sang, "0 Valiant Hearts" with Mr, Neelon taking the solo.' A two-minute silence wes observed in honor of the heoic dead. Mrs. Athol Bruce Pr-sides 13ELO1hAVE. The November Meeting .of the 'MKS, of IcliPX. Presbyterian 'Church was .iheld on Wednesday afternoon . with. Mrs, Athol Bruce presiding: The meet, ing opened With a hymn and the Scripture WPR read by Mrs,. Victer Yolingblut, Mn. Young gave 'tile Clad Tidings Prayer, Mrs. Joe 'Dunbar gave the ..sebre,. tarps report for September and October and the financial state, rent was given by the treasurer, Mrs. V, Youngblut, Twenty-six visits were reported to•the sick and the offering received,. The roll call was answered by naming one apostle, Mrs, Dunbar presided -for the business. It was :decided to send for church calendars and • alse tidies of good clean clothing and laYettes are to be gathered 'for sending a. bale, Used greeting cards are to be left at church to 'he sent on to Clinton, to the Old reopies'-.1-Tome;! •-"•••-•. A letter from Rey. James Pick, son of Formosa was read by -M* Dunbar, which told of the suffer,. ing and hardships , encountered during the hurricanes. • The topiet "Mothers 'of the Bible" was given by Mrs. 'Garne'r Nicholson and Mrs. Edgar Wight- man including Rebecca, .Hannah, Naomi, Bathseba and Deborah. - A report of -the executive meet- ing held in Clinton' :reeently was given by Mrs. T. Malurney, Mrs, Bruce .:closed the meeting- with prayer. • ,APPLES for sale. Spys by the bushel or on the tree. Bring containers and pick your own, 75e bushel. J. B. Nesbit, R,R. 2, Blyth, phone 53r5. 4-11.* • CORN FOR SALE. Kiln-dried. Nat- ural cob. By the ton. Phone Chatham, Elgin 4-3614 or write J. Baker, Dresden, liana, RR. 5. 11:18:25:2* FILTER QUEEN Sales and Ser- . vice.- Repairs to all makes vacuum cleaners. Phone 640J3. b THREE-QUARTER length, full back, dark brown mouton coat for sale; size 16-18. In excellent condition, very reasonable. Phone Wroxeter 16r5. llrrb ACHESON'S Dead Stock Service Highest cash prices paid in sur- rounding district for dead, old, sick or disabled horses and cattle. For the fastest and proper removal of all animals, day or night, use our automatic exchange (at no cost to you.) 'Call Long Distance and ask for ATWOOD ZENITH 34900 OR GEORGE IJISLOP WROXETER 2E15 DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash Prices For Old, Sick and Disabled Cows and Horses DEAD STOCK AT HIGHEST, CASH VALUE Please Phone Promptly Call Collect - '133 " Bruce Marlatt Brussels, Ont. 24 HOUR SERVICE 9